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 Répertoire Internet

Acoustics and Vibration Unit, University of New South Wales (2005 07)
The Acoustics and Vibration Unit was established in 1988 by the University of New South Wales. It is within the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University College located at the Australian Defence Force Academy. The mission of the Unit is to pursue excellence in teaching and research in the areas of acoustics and vibration and to provide community service in ways that are consistent with the mission and goals of the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The members of the Unit have undertaken consultancy work, for both the public and private sector, via Unisearch Ltd, a company wholly owned by the University of New South Wales.

Adaptive Model of Thermal Comfort (1998 03)
Macquarie University's ASHRAE RP-884 Project. This is a world database of thermal comfort field experiments.

Aerobiological Engineering - Airborne Pathogen Control Systems (1998 05)
Provided courtesy of the Graduate School of Architectural Engineering and the Department of Biology at Penn State University, this content-rich site provides information about numerous aerobiological engineering research topics, such as: airborne pathogens; fungi and bacteria in ventilation systems; legionnaires disease; the spread of disease in office buildings; etc.

Agricultural Safety (2005 06)
This page, part of the Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System, provides access to a number of documents, information about training materials and links to relevant legislation.

Alberta Centre for Active Living (2003 12)
The Centre promotes the benefits of physical activity. The web site includes "resources on workplace active living in Alberta, including a needs assessment report and a program standard and audit tool."

Applications of Phase-contrast Microscopy to NIOSH Method 7400 and OSHA ID-160 (1998 07)
This is an online Professional Development Course. When last visited, it had been awarded one Certification Maintenance point by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.

Association of Educational Safety & Health Professionals, Inc. (2000 06)
AESHP "provides information, training, professional development and networking to safety and health professionals who primarily serve educational institutions." The site provides information about the organization, membership, upcoming meetings, etc.

Australasian University Safety Association (1999 07)
Information is provided about the Association itself, the UNIOHS discussion group, the Association's conference, etc. There is also a list of links to many Australasian universities' web sites.

Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (2005 07)
ACIRRT, based at the University of Sydney (Australia), is a multi-disciplinary, research and training organisation. They monitor and analyse the changing nature of work.

Biotech - Indiana University Life Sciences Resources and Reference Tools (1999 05)

Boston University School of Public Health - Photo Gallery (2000 06)
"The mission of the Department of Environmental Health Gallery is to provide a human dimension to the various problems we face with respect to both environmental and occupational health hazards." This powerful site presents a number of photo-essays related to asbestos, pesticide poisoning, child labour, uranium and coal mining, etc.

California State Polytechnic University Pomona Environmental Health and Safety (1998 12)
This page included information concerning the department staff references to laws and regulations and a few safety manuals. In the future the department hopes to add copies of all safety manuals and information related to safety at the University.

California State University Chico Emergency Medical Services Courses (2005 07)
The Department of Health and Community Services at California State University Chico is developing a certificate in Emergency Medical Services Administration. Information about the certificate requirements and registration is available.

Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Association (CSHEMA) (2001 01)
CSHEMA addresses the unique health and safety challenges found in college and university settings. CSHEMA was formerly known as the Campus Safety Association (CSA). The Campus Safety Division is the newest division of the NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL.

Canadian Network of Toxicology Centres (CNTC) (1996 07)
Provides information about the organization online newsletters and documents and links to other toxicology-related sites.

Center for Ergonomics, University of Michigan (1996 10)
"The University of Michigan Center for Ergonomics is a multi-disciplinary organization devoted to education and research in ergonomics, the study of work and the efficiency and safety of human-machine systems." The site contains information about their programs, publications, projects, software products, etc.

Center for Industrial Ergonomics, University of Louisville (Kentucky USA) (1999 03)
"The Center's research and educational activities focus on integrating people, organization and technology at work, and improving quality and productivity through ergonomics, safety and health management." The site provides information about the center, its areas of research, educational programs, plus links to a few human factors sites.

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, University of California (2003 09)
Information about this research center, its academic programs, continuing education courses, research projects, etc.

Center for Prevention of Violence and Control, University of Minnesota (2000 06)
The Center for Violence Prevention and Control was developed to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in research and graduate education that can ultimately affect the prevention and control of violence. Read about the Center's research, funding opportunities, educational programs, etc.

Center for Sustainable Systems (formerly National Pollution Center for Higher Education) (2005 07)
Pollution prevention (P2) is still not widely taught in colleges. To meet this need, the National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education (NPPC) developed P2 educational materials (compendia) for university instructional faculty. These materials help faculty incorporate the principles of P2 into existing or new courses; they contain resources for professors as well as assignments for students. In 1999 the Center for Sustainable Systems was launched as an evolution of NPPC.

Certificate in Health, Safety and Environmental Processes (2004 07)
Information about web-based certificate program offered by the University of New Brunswick. "The program will equip participants with the intellectual and practical skills needed to contribute widely to their organizations' goals, including identifying, prioritizing, and managing workplace risks."

Certificate Program in Environmental & Occupational Health
Information about the Certificate Program by distance education offered by the University of Victoria, Division of Continuing Studies, Health Sciences Programs.Ê The Certificate Program in Environmental and Occupational Health provides knowledge, skills, and practicalinformation in an integrated approach.Ê Graduates have the necessary knowledge and skills to identify, evaluate, and communicateinformation about environmental conditions that may have an adverse impact on human health, and to plan or implement environmental strategies to control and manage potential problems.

Chemical Toxicology - an introduction to chemical hazards in the workplace (2001 01)
This is an introductory teaching module, presented by Dr. Raymond Agius.

Claire Austin, PhD (1999 02)
Claire is a professor of Industrial Hygiene in the Faculty of Engineering at the Université du Québec à Trois Rivières. She provides numerous links related to Industrial Hygiene and related subjects.

Clemson University, Pesticide Information Program (2000 05)
This site, offered by Clemson University's Department of Entomology, provides abroad range of pesticide information for all users--although its focus is South Carolina. For basic information needs, see their "Just what is aPesticide?" section or find out what are some of the major pesticide issuestoday. Information is also available on general pesticide education, pesticideapplicator certification training, labeling, as well as on homeowner pesticideuse, with information and links for safe use in and around your home.

College and University EH&S; Units (2003 10)
This is a directory of hundreds of North American university and college environmental health and safety web sites.

Colorado Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder (1999 02)
The center is a "national and international clearinghouse for information on natural hazards and human adjustments to hazards and disasters." Information available includes: the text of their electronic newsletter Disaster Research and their paper-based newsletter Natural Hazards Observer, research reports, workshop session summaries, bibliographies, etc.

Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injury (2000 06)
The author, Paul Marxhausen, says "I am not a health care professional, but I hope on this page to provide a very brief introduction to RSI for the benefit of students who may not be aware of the potential for a life-altering injury. It includes book references and links to Internet resources that have been helpful in educating me about this."

Cornell Ergonomics Web (1996 10)
This site contains the full text of a number of studies related to ergonomics and human factors: keyboard systems; cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs); low back injuries; lighting; indoor air quality (IAQ); and carpet and IAQ. There are also links to other ergonomics and human factors sites.

Cornell Planning Design & Construction, Material Safety Data Sheets (1998 05)
This is a large MSDS database, containing approximately 325,000 MSDS from the US Dept. of Defense MSDS database, the Vermont SIRI MSDS collection, and data sheets maintained by Cornell's Environmental Health and Safety Department.

Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations (1996 10)
"The purpose of this WWW Server is to provide information about the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University and its library, and to disseminate information on all aspects of employer-employee relations and workplace issues." Many useful documents are provided in their "electronic bookshelf". Their "Industrial and Labor Relations Virtual Library" provides well organized and extensive links to related sites.

DAIN Metadatabase of Internet Resources for Environmental Chemicals (2001 09)
This resource is designed to help you finding relevant databases for environmental chemicals worldwide. You can search the database by name or by subject. The subject search provides several structured search formats.

Denison University Safety (1997 04)
The university's chemical hygiene plan, MSDS links and information, training information, etc. are provided. Check out Madame Curie in protective clothing.

Disability Prevention Research and Training Centre (2003 12)
Information about their research and training initiatives including the PRƒVICAP work rehabilitation program.

Disaster and Waste Management Independent Study Courses (2003 11)
"This is a listing of courses in engineering, disaster management, and computer science developed and administered by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Engineering Professional Development (EPD)."

Eco-Research Chair in Environmental Risk Assessment (2005 07)

ECU Diving & Water Safety (2003 11)
"The purpose of this office is to ensure safe and effective diving practices and to provide support for the research, educational, and recreational diving programs on campus." The site provides information about the university's diving safety courses, links to other diving sites, etc.

Education Safety Association of Ontario (1998 01)
The Education Safety Association of Ontario Inc., is a not-for-profit Ontario "Safe Workplace Association". The site has links to documents, facts and figures, information about the organization itself, and a health and safety discussion group for the educational sector.

EnviroDx (1999 10)
"EnviroDx is a multimedia, case-focused, computer-based learning program on environmental-related diseases. The organizing metaphor for EnviroDx is an exploratory 'virtual clinic' affiliated with a busy medical school. The program user takes the part of a practicing physician faced with a patient with an unknown disease or condition that is possibly caused by exposure to environmental factors."

Environmental Health and Safety Office, Concordia University (Montreal Canada) (2003 09)
The purpose of this website is to provide a wide variety of health and safety information to the University community. This includes University policies, procedures, guidelines and programmes; etc. The full text of the university's Laboratory Safety Manual is also available.

Environmental Technology Program (2000 06)
The Environmental Technology program is designed for both new students interested in environmental careers and to those already employed in the Environmental Technology/Management profession. Students have the opportunity to earn certificates in Hazardous Materials/Waste Management or Occupational Health and Safety. An Associate of Science degree in Environmental Technology is awarded when students have completed the Certificate requirements and the General Education requirements.

Ergonomics Information Analysis Centre, University of Birmingham (UK) (2003 10)
Read about the Group's graduate and undergraduate programmes, publications, areas of research, etc.

Ergonomics Initiative in Injury Prevention (2000 06)
Based at the University of Waterloo, this is a "joint project with a multi-year time frame in which the business sectors can interact to reduce occupational injuries.

Ergonomics Task Force - Online Ergonomics Resources (1997 03)
This site is sponsored by the Ergonomics Task Force at the General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin. Documents and links are available in the following categories: Ergonomics Programs at Other Universities; Helpful tips on workstation setup; Software to make you take breaks from your workstation; Web Sites, Gophers, FTP Archives and Electronic Publications on Ergonomics Information; RSI Newsletter; Some Articles on Ergonomics Issues; Computers and Eyestrain; Pointing Devices; Taking Care of Your Back; Disability Software.

Extoxnet - The EXtention TOXicology NETwork (2001 04)
The EXtension TOXicology NETwork (EXTOXNET) web page is designed to answer someof the frequently asked questions about exposure to toxicants in ourenvironment. Extension toxicologists from the Cornell University, University ofCalifornia at Davis, University of Idaho, Oregon State University, and MichiganState University have collaborated in addressing these issues for the pubic.The EXTOXNET InfoBase provides a variety of information about pesticides. Forinformation on specific pesticides, look at the Pesticide Information Profiles.The page also offers Toxicology Information Briefs, which contain a discussionof certain concepts in environmental chemistry and toxicology. Other topic areasinclude: Toxicology Issues of Concern, Factsheets, News about ToxicologyIssues, and the Environmental Toxicology Newsletter.

FAQs: Health, Environment & Work (2001 04)
This is a series of questions and answers, maintained by Dr. Raymond Agius, Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of Manchester Medical School. Excellent resource!

Fire Training Systems Ltd. (2003 12)
FTS was established in 1997 by a group of former fire training directors, engineers and technologists experienced in the design, manufacture, assembly, installation, testing and commissioning of fire simulators and smoke generation systems. Offering engineering solutions and fire training consultation.

Firenet Information Network (1996 10)
The information at this site "concerns all aspects of fire science and management - including fire behaviour, fire weather, fire prevention, mitigation and suppression, plant and animal responses to fire and all aspects of fire effects." Available information includes: the Firenet mailing list archive; a bibliography of Australian fire research; and the Firenet Virtual Library.

Flinders University Research Centre for Injury Studies (2001 04)
RCIS is a research centre of Flinders University in Adelaide Australia. Staff of the Centre undertake research, surveillance, analysis, consultation, and teaching, and disseminate information on injury control and related matters to public health and other practitioners, academics, government and the community. Where convenient, these activities are undertaken in collaboration with other individuals and organisations. The Research Centre is an Academic Organisational Unit within the School of Medicine which, in turn, is part of the Flinders University Faculty of Health Sciences.

Griffith University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences (1997 05)
Information about the Faculty itself, plus links to other Australian and international environmental sites.

Hardin Meta Directory - Preventative Medicine and Public Health (2003 11)
This is a "list of lists", providing links to a variety of health-related directories.

Hardin Meta Directory - Toxicology & Poisoning (2003 11)
This is a "list of lists" of toxicology resources on the Internet.

Harvard Environmental Resources On-Line (2003 11)
The site provides information about environmental resources at Harvard University (USA), an international environmental policy resource guide, plus archives for the ENVC0NFS-L and ENVREFLIB-L mailing lists.

Hazardous Materials and Safety: Guide to Reference Sources (1996 04)
This is mainly a guide to reference resources at the Louisiana State University libraries but will be a useful resource for others as well.

Health Promotion Center, University of California Irvine (2005 07)
"UCIHPC is a research and consulting unit operating within the School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine. We are interested in all aspects of health promotion. Our research focuses on comprehensive, integrated approaches to health promotion, especially on workplace-based health promotion." Read about their research, publications, Top-10 list of corporate health strategies, etc. They also provide a directory of several hundred health promotion web sites.

Health, Environment and Work (Dr. Raymond Agius) (2001 04)
Educational resources and information about Environmental and Occupational Health are accessible through this Home Page. This extensive collection of resouces is maintained by Dr. Raymond Agius, University of Manchester (UK).

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Safety & Environmental Protection Office (2003 11)
The site contains the University's health and safety manual, various guidance documents, etc.

Human Computer Interaction Laboratory (1996 07)
Information about this University of Maryland research lab plus the full text of many of its publications and technical reports are available.

Human Heat Balance (1998 03)
This JavaScript program allows you to enter both environmental and personal parameters to calculate human reaction to heat. Results generated include skin temperature, metabolic rate, core temperature, total evaporative heat loss at skin surface, etc.

Human Interface Technology Laboratory (HITL) (1996 07)
This University of Washington centre is a research and development lab in virtual interface technology. HITL research strengths include interface hardware virtual environments software and human factors. Information about their research is presented. Many of their publications are available online from this site.

Illinois CES Disaster Resources (2005 07)
This web site provides information on current disasters and conditions in Illinois USA plus a number of documents on disaster preparedness and recovery. Links are provided to emergency management disaster relief and disaster research organizations.

Indiana University Environmental Health and Safety (1999 05)
The site provides information about and from the various divisions of the department - environmental management, occupational safety and health, and research safety. View documents such as their Emergency Procedures Handbook and Safety Handbook.

Injury Prevention Research Unit, University of Otago (2003 12)
The goal of the Injury Prevention Research Unit is to contribute to reducing the incidence, severity and consequences of injury in New Zealand. The IPRU is based in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine in the Dunedin School of Medicine within the Health Sciences Division of the University of Otago.

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Biosafety Web Pages (1998 06)
ICGEB's site provides the full text of numerous biosafety documents, a bibliographic database of biosafety papers, European and US biosafety regulations, a biosafety mailing list, links to other biosafety resources, etc.

International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy at the Technical University of Denmark (2005 07)
International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy was established in January of 1998 by a grant from the Danish Technical Research Council and is part of the Technical University of Denmark. Most of the Centre's researchcenters on the health effects on humans of the indoor environment. The Centre endeavors to find new ways of designing and building buildings to maximize the health and comfort of the inhabitants, while minimizing the energy output.

Introduction to Applied Toxicology (1997 08)
This is an online course, covering basic aspects of chemistry, health effects of chemicals, and and is intended as a primer for those needing a grounding in chemical hazard and risk assessment.

Louisiana State University, Office of Occupational and Environmental Safety (2001 04)
View the department's newsletter, policy documents, etc.

Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (2003 09)
"The Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation is a research unit in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. MCHPE conducts research on the way health care services are used by Manitobans. It examines patterns of illness in the population, and studies how people use health care services. It also researches the factors that affect health".

McGill University Environmental Safety Office (2003 11)
This site provides information about staff and services provided by the office, plus links to McGill's Occupational Health Programme, and various McGill policy documents including their Laboratory Safety manual.

McGill University, Occupational Health (2003 09)
The site represents McGill's departments of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine. It provides information about their academic programmes, activities/news/seminars, research groups/labs, publications, etc.

McMaster University Health Sciences, Program in Occupational Health & Environmental Medicine (2003 10)
Read about the Program's Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS), primary research and services.

McMaster University, Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory (1998 05)
This AIHA accredited laboratory in Hamilton Canada provides occupational hygiene services to industry, labour and the general public. Read about the lab's research projects, services, etc.

Medical Aspects of Disability

MedWeb (1999 11)
This is a large and well organized web directory. Browse by subject, then choose Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health, etc.

Michigan State University, Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2004 07)
View reports, training materials, newsletters, etc.

Michigan State University, Office of Radiation Chemical & Biological Safety

Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) (2001 04)
The Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research is a national center of excellence in advanced technology applications. It seeks the reduction of earthquake damage and losses through research, development and application of new knowledge and advanced technologies.

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (2003 11)
"CASA's mission is to inform the American people of the cost of abuse of all substances (legal and illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco) throughout society and its impact on their lives, to determine what works for whom in prevention and treatment, and to encourage each individual and institution to take responsibility to combat substance abuse." Information at the site includes details about CASA, the text of its news releases and publications, etc.

National Drought Mitigation Center
"Helps people and institutions develop and implement measures to reduce societal vulnerability to drought."

National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering at University of California Berkeley (1996 07)
Provides educational and technical resources and support services. The Earthquake Engineering Abstracts database allows public access to world literature in earthquake engineering since 1971. Multiple earthquake image databases also accessible.

NIOSH Educational Research Centers (ERCs) (1997 03)
This page, provided by the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, provides links to all 14 US NIOSH ERCs.

Noise Exposures in the Construction Industry (1999 03)
Rick Neitzel writes: "This page was started to make available the results of my Masters thesis research in the University of Washington Department of Environmental Health (DEH)." Rick also states: " I would post my entire thesis on this site, except that it could put even the most highly-caffeinated insomniac to sleep, and my intent here is to disseminate information, not induce narcosis."

North Carolina Occupational Safety & Health Education & Research Center (1998 05)
"A partnership of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Duke University Medical C Center, NC OSHERC was established in 1977 through funding from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)." Read about the Center's graduate and continuing education programs, including an Internet-based Master of Science Degree in Industrial Hygiene.

Occupational Asthma (2001 04)
This is a detailed paper on the subject, including aspects of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

Occupational Overuse Syndrome (1996 07)
Links to articles and other information about Occupational Overuse Syndrome, or Repetitive Strain Injuries.

Oklahoma State University Environmental Health and Safety (1996 02)
Compliance manuals programs safety training safety related info sheets and checklists.

Oklahoma State University, Environmental Health & Safety, Online Training Modules (1997 08)
The site provides online training on a growing number of EHS topics, including: asbestos awareness; bloodborne pathogens; compressed gas cylinders; fire extinguishers; hazard communications; office ergonomics; personal protective equipment in laboratories; etc.

OncoLink (1999 02)
OncoLink is a service provided by the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center. Its mission is "to help cancer patients, families, health care professionals and the general public get accurate cancer-related information at no charge." It is one of the premier sites for cancer related information on the Internet.

Oxford University, MSDS (1997 09)
The site provides access to a collection of publicly accessible MSDS. It appears to be derived from the University of Utah collection.

Paramedic Program, SUNY Stony Brook (2000 06)
The EMT-Paramedic education program at Stony Brook is committed to preparing high quality individuals to be effective and compassionate paramedics in accordance with the standards established by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Upon successful completion of this program, all students will be eligible to take examinations for certification as: New York State AEMT-4 Paramedic, Nationally Registered EMT-Paramedic, New York City MAC-EMS Paramedic.

Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University (2001 09)
A directory that explains information, contents, and safety procedures of various chemicals. The site also explains other safety procedures.

Pointing Device Summary (1997 01)
This is an online document about keyboard injuries related to pointing devices (mice, trackballs, etc.). It was produced by the University of California San Francisco/University of California Berkeley Ergonomics Program. As of January 1997, the date on the document was July 1994.

Projet Regetox - Programme "Protection du travailleur en matière de santé" (1998 09)
"L'objectif de l'étude est de développer et d'installer un serveur, équipé d'une base de données physico-chimiques et toxicologiques et d'un logiciel interactif d'aide à l'évaluation du risque. Ce centre serveur constamment remis à jour et basé sur l'expertise d'une équipe pluridisciplinaire constituée de médecins du travail, d'hygiénistes, de toxicologues et de biochimistes permettra de mieux cibler les situations prioritaires sur base de concepts éprouvés et de données validées."

Queen's University Environmental Health and Safety (2000 06)
The site provides access to a number of policy documents and guidelines, plus links to MSDS sites, other sites of interest, etc.

Radiation and Health Physics Home Page (1998 12)
"This WWW HomePage contains information and links related to Radiation. It has been written for three distinct groups: the General Public, Students and the Health Physics community at large." The well organized site contains a large number of documents and links to related information.

Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (1997 03)
Located on the campus of the University of Utah, the Rocky Mountain Center is one of 14 NIOSH Educational Research Centers. The site provides information about the Center's various educational programs.

Safe Use of Common Laser Pointers (2003 11)
This document, extracted in part from a US Dept. of Energy Safety & Health Note, outlines the hazards associated with laser pointers. It is provided by the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong.

San Diego State University Environmental Health and Safety (2001 04)
This site provides contact information, policy documents, links to MSDS, etc.

Security on Campus (2003 09)
This is a US non-profit organization geared specifically and exclusively to the prevention of college and university campus violence and other crimes. The site contains information for prospective college students, their parents, current college students and other community members about campus crime and what each of us can do to prevent it.

Software Safety Research at MIT (1999 11)
The goal of the MIT Safety Project is to develop a theoretical foundation for safety and a methodology for building safety-critical systems built upon that foundation.

Sonoma State University, EHS (2001 04)
This site is maintained by the university's environmental health and safety department. It includes the full text of many of their health and safety programs, including asbestos, confined space, hazardous materials management, etc.

South Bank University, MSc/PgDip Occupational Health and Safety (2003 09)
The page describes South Bank University's (London UK) Postgraduate courses in Building Services Engineering and Environmental & Architectural Acoustics

Southern Alberta Occupational Medicine (1998 05)
This website provides a variety of learning resources in occupational medicine to assist undergraduate students, medical residents, and practicing physicians in Alberta.

Southern Illinois University Center for Environmental Health and Safety (1997 01)
The site contains a description of the center, a virtual tour, staff directory, etc. Access is also provided to numerous documents, such as biological and radiological safety training modules, their chemical hygiene plan, etc.

Southwest Rural and Agricultural Safety (1997 04)
This site, an extension of University of Arizona, provides numerous links and documents related to a variety of aspects of agricultural safety.

Target Risk (2003 11)
"Target Risk - Dealing with the danger of death, disease and damage in everyday decisions" by Gerald J. S. Wilde. The full text of this risk management book is presented here.

Toxikon: Medical Toxicology On-line (1998 03)
Developed by U. of Illinois at Chicago Program in Emergency Medicine. Resources include "Virtual Toxicology" (images toxin descriptions and references for cases encountered by emergency medicine staff) Poison Review Toxin of the Week etc.

TraumAID (1999 05)
TraumAID is a program developed physicians with the diagnosis and treatment of penetrating trauma (gunshot and stab wounds) to the chest and abdomen. The project has subsequently expanded to encompass other emergency medicine related endeavors.

Trench Safety (1999 11)
This is an online tutorial for constructors, provided by Auburn University.

Tufts University - Environmental Health & Safety (2003 10)
The site contains a number of policy and guideline documents.

Tulane University, Center for Applied Environmental Public Health (2003 11)
Read about this university's masters level programs in OSH, including a 2 yr. Internet-based MPH degree program in OSH Management.

UC Davis Agricultural Health & Safety Center (1999 10)
The Center is one of nine agricultural health and safety centers established in the United States by the Centers for Disease Control for the purpose of protecting and improving the health and safety of the nation's farmers, farmworkers, and consumers. Read about the center, its current research, publications, agricultural health & safety links, etc.

UK Maximum Exposure Limits (1998 06)
This site provides maximum exposure limits in the UK for a number of chemicals, based on Schedule 1 of the COSHH regulations.

Université catholique de Louvan, Unité de Toxicologie et de Médecine du Travail (2001 04)
Le site contient une déscription de l'unité, les membres, les programmes d'enseignement, une liste des publications scientifiques, etc.

Universities Water Information Network (UWIN)

University and College Emergency Planning Mailing List (1998 03)
This page describes the e-mail-based discussion group, emerg-univ.

University of Adelaide, Occupational Health and Safety Unit (2003 09)
Detailed information is provided about the Unit. Read the University's guidelines, hazard alerts, etc.

University of Arkansas, Environmental Health and Safety Page (1997 07)
The site contains a number of policy and guideline documents - radiation safety, chemical information, etc.

University of Birmingham (UK), Institute of Occupational Health (2003 10)
Read about the Institute's postgraduate programs, upcoming local, national and international conference and meetings, etc.

University of British Columbia, School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (2001 04)
The School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene is a teaching and research unit whose mandate is to study exposures, health effects, and control strategies in the work and community environments. The School of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene offers interdisciplinary graduate studies in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, at the University of British Columbia. This program is the only graduate-level program west of Toronto in Canada, and addresses the growing demand for hygiene professionals in this region of the country, as well as elsewhere.

University of Calgary, Safety Office (1997 07)
View policy and procedure documents, training course information, etc.

University of California Berkeley, Ergonomics Program (2001 04)
Read about Berkeley's Ergonomics program, research, case studies, etc.

University of California Davis, Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine (2003 10)
Information about the department, its programs, research, etc.

University of California Davis, Environmental Health and Safety (1998 07)
This site provides information on a variety of health and safety related subjects - biosafety, chemical/lab safety, environmental protection, hazardous waste, radiation safety, etc.

University of California Irvine, Environmental Health and Safety Department (2003 09)
View the university's EHS policies and procedures documents, emergency procedures, safety news, etc.

University of California, DavisCampus Security Report (2001 04)
This outlines procedures to be followed in case of threats.

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Risk Mgmt. & Environmental Safety (1996 07)
Documents describing health and safety policies and procedures at UCCS.

University of Edinburgh, Health and Safety Services (2003 11)
This site contains a mission statement contact information about the various health and safety services at the university and "health and safety news flashes" - short documents on various health and safety subjects. Links to other sites are also provided.

University of Illinois (Urbana), Division of Environmental Health and Safety (2001 04)
This site provides links to a number of documents and other resources from the Division's chemical safety and waste management, occupational safety and health, and radiation safety sections.

University of Illinois, Agricultural Safety and Health (2000 09)
Check out this web site for links to other sites dealing with Agriculture Safety and Health, publications, services, etc.

University of Manitoba Transport Institute (2005 07)
The University of Manitoba Transport Institute provides logistics education and research activities for the public and business communities. Institute staff is comprised of academic and graduate students specializing in various facets of the transport industry. Additional expertise is drawn from professional associates and consultants from both within the university and industry. The Transport Institute main areas of activity are logistics, engineering, economics, policy, trade, tourism and telecommunications.

University of Maryland at College Park, Environmental Safety (2004 10)
Information at this site includes their Chemical Hygiene Plan, Laboratory Safety Guide, search forms for various MSDS collections, etc.

University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Emergency Health Services (1999 11)
Read about the various educational opportunities provided by UMBC - undergraduate, graduate, distance education and continuing education.

University of Melbourne, Centre for Actuarial Studies (2005 07)

University of Memphis, Environmental Health and Safety (1997 07)
Information is provided about the department's services. The full text of their policy documents is available. There are also links to US regulatory sites, MSDS, etc.

University of Minnesota Duluth, Environmental Health and Safety Office (2005 07)
Provides comprehensive services designed to protect the health and safety of faculty, staff, and students as well as minimize the impact of their activities on the surrounding environment and the community in accordance with state and federal regulations.

University of Minnesota, Department of Environmental Health and Safety

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Pesticide Education Resources (2001 04)
This award-winning site provides information about educational and training programs that address health, the environment, and pesticide safety. Such programs include pesticide applicator training (PAT), as well as pesticide education for the general public.

University of New Haven, Occupational Safety and Health (1999 02)
The site describes the University of New Haven's degree programs (A.S., B.S., M.S.) in occupational safety and health and industrial hygiene.

University of New South Wales, School of Safety Science (1999 02)
The School undertakes research and provides courses in areas related to Occupational Health and Safety, Ergonomics and Environmental Studies. BSc, MSc and PhD programs are available.

University of Rochester, Facilities

University of South Carolina, Environmental Health and Safety (2001 04)
The site provides a variety of resources, including information about safety training, USC's Safety Program Guide and Radiation Safety Manual.

University of Southern California, Department of Public Safety (2001 04)
According to the department's web page, USC has one of the largest university law enforcement and crime prevention education agencies in the United States. Read about the program.

University of Sydney, Occupational Health and Safety Manual (2000 11)
University of Sydney Risk Management Office Contains an extensive Occupational Health and Safety Manual, which lists in alphabetical subject order policies, procedures, guidelines on a wide range of subjects from AIDS, asbestos, carcinogenic substances, hazardous substances, laboratory safety, manual handling, radiation safety, risk management, sharps disposal and links to other sources of information.

University of Technology Sydney, Environment Health & Safety (1998 05)
View the university's policies and procedures for: Finding and fixing hazards; making your workplace safe; accidents reacting and reporting; disposal of hazardous waste; emergencies; etc.

University of Toronto, Office of Environmental Health and Safety (200310)
The site provides access to U of T's Health and Safety manual, emergency procedures documents, MSDS sites, etc.

University of Utah, Environmental Health and Safety (1997 03)
The site provides information about the department, the full text of numerous policy and procedure documents, waste minimization documentation, pollution prevention information, links to other sites, etc.

University of Vienna (Austria), Department of Occupational Medicine (1999 11)
Information is provided about the department, its research, personnel, etc. Most information is in German. Summary information is in English.

University of Virginia, Office of Environmental Health and Safety (2003 10)
This is an extensive site, containing policy documents, guidelines, publications, etc. related to a variety of health and safety issues - ergonomics, laboratory safety, radiation safety, etc.

University of Washington, Department of Environmental Health Library (2003 09)
Access the library's catalog, documents, links to other resources, etc.

University of Washington, Department of Radiology (1999 05)
Information is provided about UW's Radiology Residency Program, there are teaching modules, an online musculoskeletal radiology book, etc.

University of Waterloo, Safety Office (1998 10)
The site provides access to information about the safety office, plus documents such as their Health and Safety Program Manual, Radiation Manual and Laser Safety Manual.

University of Western Ontario, Emergency Planning (1998 05)
Read about the university's emergency plans: University Policy on Emergency Planning and Response; and the Master Emergency Plan.

University of Winnipeg Safety Office (2000 05)
Read the university's health and safety policies, etc.

University of Wisconsin System Administration, Office of Safety and Loss Prevention (1999 05)
Information and training materials, policy manuals, campus reporting forms, etc. related to environmental health and safety, loss prevention, workers compensation, etc.

University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management (1996 06)
Information about the department the university's health and safety policies and guidelines and links to other organizations including CCOHS.

University System of Georgia, Environmental Safety Division (1999 05)
The site provides information about USG's Environmental Safety Services and Hazardous Materials Transfer Facility. Content includes various safety manuals, standard operating procedures, etc.

Visible Human Project (2003 09)
This site, based at the National University of Singapore, provides information about plant, snake and animal toxins, directories of antivenoms, toxinologists and poison control centres around the world, etc.

Where to Find MSDS on the Internet (1999 02)
This site, maintained by Rob Toreki, contains descriptive information about MSDS themselves, as well as links to MSDS collections.

Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (2004 07)
This organization provides clinical, environmental and industrial analytical services, specialized public health procedures, reference testing, training, technical assistance and consultation for private and public health agencies.

Work Environment Program, University of Massachusetts Lowell (1996 07)
The Work Environment Program (WEP) is an academic and research graduate program whose main role is to educate scientists to study and evaluate workplace factors that affect the health status of workers. The WEP awards both master's and doctoral degrees. Read about the program, the faculty, and the program's journal "New Solutions".

Your Health is Your Business (1996 12)
This is a directory of health related resources on the Internet. This Health Promotion home page is a joint cooperation of the Southern Illinois University Health Education Program, the Center for Injury Control and Worksite Health Promotion (CICWHP), and the SIU Pontikes Center for Management of Information.

Dernière mise à jour - le juillet 25, 2005
Nombre de serveurs listés - 162

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