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Absolute Kinetics Consultancy Pte Ltd (2004 07)
This Singapore-based company provides consultancy services on Environmental, Health and Safety: ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001.

Adaptive Model of Thermal Comfort (1998 03)
Macquarie University's ASHRAE RP-884 Project. This is a world database of thermal comfort field experiments.

Aerobiological Engineering - Airborne Pathogen Control Systems (1998 05)
Provided courtesy of the Graduate School of Architectural Engineering and the Department of Biology at Penn State University, this content-rich site provides information about numerous aerobiological engineering research topics, such as: airborne pathogens; fungi and bacteria in ventilation systems; legionnaires disease; the spread of disease in office buildings; etc.

Aerotech Laboratories (2001 04)
Aerotech Laboratories is an independent analytical laboratory, consulting firm and medical device manufacturer. Its web site contains a sampling guide, an "IAQ library", etc.

Air & Waste Management Association (1996 01)
AWMA provides information about the association its publications (e.g. A&WMA; Journal) membership etc.

Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) (1998 07)
"The role of the centre is to provide technical support to those involved in the research and development of ventilation technology as well as to ensure the widest dissemination of information on related energy and air quality issues." View the full text of the centre's publications, read about upcoming conferences, search the centre's bibliographic database of articles related to ventilation and related issues, etc.

Air Quality Lesson Plans and Data (1998 02)
Presented by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) Office, of Air Quality, Monitoring Operations Division, the site provides "lesson plans to provide educators who teach kindergarten through 12th grade students with the background, activities and resources to teach the subject of air quality in the classroom."

Allergy & Clinical Immunology International - Journal of the World Allergy Organization (2003 11)
Information about jourmal which, is published six times per year in English print and online formats. A Japanese print edition is available. "The journal draws physicians from a variety of fields, including many interested in environmental and occupational health.">issues.

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (1996 09)
Categories of information to become available include: information about ACOEM, membership information, courses/conferences, statement papers/guidelines, publications, press releases, a self-assessment exam, employment service, and other OEM links.

American Indoor Air Quality Council (2001 04)
A non-profit association for IAQ professionals and technicians, the American Indoor Air Quality Council promotes awareness, education, and certification in the field of Indoor Air Quality through sharing, learning, and networking.

American Lung Association Air Quality (1999 12)
The American Lung Association (ALA), fighting lung disease through education, community service, advocacy and research, offers an Air Quality web page that discusses the variety of particles carried in the air we breathe. Find numerous resources on general, indoor, and outdoor air quality. These resources include factsheets on specific particles and health hazards; links to other ALA sites like the National Health House Web Site, a project to raise the standards of residential air quality and energy efficiency; and prevention tips to improve the air quality in your home or office.

American Petroleum Institute, Environment, Health and Safety (2002 12)
The American Petroleum Institute is committed to protecting the environment and the health and safety of the people who share it. The Institute's environment, health, and safety (EH&S;) activities and programs site is just a portion of an extensive organizational web site providing consumer information, educational materials, energy facts, and electronic commerce and information technology resources.

American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (1996 09)
The site contains information about ASHRAE, its meetings and conferences, publications, research and standards. Their online journal is also accessible from the site.

Apex Environmental Inc. (1997 05)
Information about this environmental and health & safety consulting company is provided. Read about their services, staff, employment opportunities and HAZcad, their hazardous materials management database. Download a demo of HAZcad.

ATC Associates Inc. (1998 12)
Consulting Professionals in the Earth, Materials & Environmental Sciences. Information is provided about the company, plus links to environmental sites, access to documents and software.

Australia Government, Department of the Environment and Heritage (2003 11)
An extensive collection of environmental information much of which reflects the Australian governmental structure but contains information applicable worldwide.

Beyond Pesticides (2001 04)
Beyond Pesticides began in 1981 as the National Coalition Against the Misuse ofPesticides, to serve as a national network committed to pesticide safety and theadoption of alternative pest management strategies which reduce or eliminate adependency on toxic chemicals. Beyond Pesticides provides the public with usefulinformation on pesticides and their alternatives. With this information, peoplecan and do protect themselves and the environment from the potential adversepublic health and environmental effects associated with the use and misuse ofpesticides. Their site offers detailed information on what to do in case of anemergency involving pesticides and alerts about pesticide problems. Otherprograms showcased are Pesticides in Schools, Poison Poles (poisonous use ofwood preservatives in utility poles) and Genetically Engineered Organisms.

Biosafety Information Network and Advisory Service (BINAS) (1997 09)
BINAS, a service of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, monitors global developments in regulatory issues in biotechnology. Site highlights include links to regulations in many countries, UNIDO publications, the BINAS newsletter, OECD Environment Monographs, etc.

Boston University School of Public Health - Photo Gallery (2000 06)
"The mission of the Department of Environmental Health Gallery is to provide a human dimension to the various problems we face with respect to both environmental and occupational health hazards." This powerful site presents a number of photo-essays related to asbestos, pesticide poisoning, child labour, uranium and coal mining, etc.

BSI Management Systems (2005 07)
BSI Management Systems offers seminars, workshops, conferences, and publications on a wide range of specialty management topics, including ISO 14000 environmental management system standards, ISO 9000 and QS-9000 quality management system standards. Their site offers information about their on-site and public training courses, their available products and services, as well as FAQs about environmental management system standards.

California Environmental Resource Evaluation System (CERES) (1997 04)
CERES provides access to information about physical environments living creatures and their habitats and environmental impact reports and studies. The system facilitates access to text photos satellite images statistical databases and Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses. It comes from many sources including local State and Federal government agencies academic institutions and community groups.

Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (2003 11)
Read about this industry association, its safety record, best practices in the industry, environmental stewardship, etc.

Canadian Council for Human Resources in the Environment Industry (1999 02)
CCHREI is a not-for-profit corporation that assists the Canadian environment sectors in implementing sound human resource development policies. Read about the Council's activities, publications, certification requirements, environment sector directory, etc.

Canadian Environmental Law Association (2005 06)
The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) is a non-profit, public interest organization established in 1970 to use existing laws to protect the environment and to advocate environmental law reforms. Read about CELA, their cases and campaigns, their resource library, and their publications.

Canadian Environmental.com (2003 11)
"A free resource for environmental professionals with environmental news, legislation and information, and environmental job board, calendar of events, bulletin board, and more."

Center for Safety and Environmental Management (2003 11)
The site contains descriptions of the company's environmental safety training, on-site staffing, consulting and field services

Center for Sustainable Systems (formerly National Pollution Center for Higher Education) (2005 07)
Pollution prevention (P2) is still not widely taught in colleges. To meet this need, the National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education (NPPC) developed P2 educational materials (compendia) for university instructional faculty. These materials help faculty incorporate the principles of P2 into existing or new courses; they contain resources for professors as well as assignments for students. In 1999 the Center for Sustainable Systems was launched as an evolution of NPPC.

Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment (2003 09)
The Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment (CSR) is a department of The Netherlands' National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). RIVM is a research institute providing scientific support and expertise for government policies on public health, nature and the environment. Read about the CSR's methodology projects and access abstracts, in English and Dutch, of their risk assessment methodology reports and publications.

Centro Panamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente (CEPIS) (2005 07)
The Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences, CEPIS, is the specialized center for environmental technology of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO). CEPIS is based in Lima Peru. Read about the organization's services and publications. Information is provided in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Certificate Program in Environmental & Occupational Health
Information about the Certificate Program by distance education offered by the University of Victoria, Division of Continuing Studies, Health Sciences Programs.Ê The Certificate Program in Environmental and Occupational Health provides knowledge, skills, and practicalinformation in an integrated approach.Ê Graduates have the necessary knowledge and skills to identify, evaluate, and communicateinformation about environmental conditions that may have an adverse impact on human health, and to plan or implement environmental strategies to control and manage potential problems.

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (UK) (2003 11)
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the promotion of environmental health and the dissemination of knowledge about environmental health issues for the benefit of the public. It is also responsible for the training and professional development of environmental health officers and provides educational services to the profession. Read about membership in the Institute, CIEH's publications, training programs, etc.

Child Health Programs, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (1999 11)
"This site was created by the ATSDR Office of Children's Health to share information on a variety of programs that emphasize the vulnerabilities of infants and children in communities faced with the contamination of their water, soil, air, or food. Find out about upcoming national and international conferences, read news releases and book reviews, or access online publications".

Clayton Group Services Inc. (2003 12)
Offers information about company's cccupational health & safety, laboratory and environmental services.

Clean Air Strategic Alliance (2003 11)
The Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) is an incorporated entity responsible for strategic management of air quality in Alberta. The Alliance has senior representation from government, industry, and non-government organizations. To resolve air quality problems, the Alliance uses a comprehensive air quality management system to link environmental, economic, and health factors. The Alliance operates by consensus and is accountable directly to the Ministers of Environment, Department of Resource Development, and Health and Wellness. It is equally accountable to its stakeholders for developing practical and innovative responses to air quality issues.

Coastal Training Technologies Corp., Safety and Environmental (2001 04)
Coastal offers hundreds of videos, plus CD-ROM and web-based safety and environment courses.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (2005 06)
Lots of contact information, frequently asked questions (FAQ), plus downloadable copies of Colorado public health and environment regulations.

Cygnus Group (1996 10)
This site "is designed to provide individuals and organizations with information regarding the most efficient and effective ways to reduce waste and conserve resources." Information available includes: the Group's environmental newsletter, the ULS Report; packaging and waste reduction studies; US EPA data on waste reduction; etc.

DAIN Metadatabase of Internet Resources for Environmental Chemicals (2001 09)
This resource is designed to help you finding relevant databases for environmental chemicals worldwide. You can search the database by name or by subject. The subject search provides several structured search formats.

Department of Environmental Protection, State of Florida (USA) (2005 06)
The site provides access to information about the department, fact sheets and reports commonly requested by the public, news, regulatory and educational information, etc.

Det-Tronics (2002 12)
Detector Electronics Corporation provides flame and gas detection plus fire and gas detection systems.

Dioxin and Related Compounds (US EPA, National Center for Environmental Assessment) (2001 04)
EPA's National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) is the nationalresource center for human health and ecological risk assessments.TheirDioxin and Related Compounds website includes an extensive FAQ, draftdioxin reassessment documents, the Dioxin Exposure Initiative, and EPAmethods and regulations. The FAQ, prepared by the Interagency Working Groupon Dioxin, provides answers to general questions about dioxin, the EPAdioxin report, food safety, and risk assessment.

Earth Land and Integrated ResourcesInformation System (ELIRIS) (2003 09)
Offers geological consulting services and training.

Eco Solutions Ltd. (2000 08)
Eco-Solutions is dedicated to promoting the safe alternative to hazardous solvents used within the coatings removal and cleaning marketplace.

Eco-Research Chair in Environmental Risk Assessment (2005 07)

EH&S; Products - Stevens Publishing (2000 06)
A trade publication featuring articles on safety, environmental, occupational health, training, emergency services and industrial hygiene for the manufacturing/industrial industries. Each online edition includes employment resources, calendar of events, and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (EPPR) (2000 11)
Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) is a program of the Arctic Council, which provides a mechanism to address the common concerns and challenges faced by the Arctic governments and the people of the Arctic. EPPR was organized to provide a network of cooperation in responding to environmental emergencies in the Arctic Region. On the site is an Arctic Guide, whichincludes various risks in the region, the roles of indigenous peoples, nations and organizations, as well as international and multilateral agreements. There is a Field Guide for Oil Spill Response in Arctic Waters, which includes response strategies and methods and a spill response decision process.

Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) from US EPA (2005 07)
Information on the releases of oil and hazardous substances.

Endocrine Disrupting Substances in the Environment (2003 09)
A summary about EDS, how it is affecting the growth of Canadian wildlife.

EnviroDx (1999 10)
"EnviroDx is a multimedia, case-focused, computer-based learning program on environmental-related diseases. The organizing metaphor for EnviroDx is an exploratory 'virtual clinic' affiliated with a busy medical school. The program user takes the part of a practicing physician faced with a patient with an unknown disease or condition that is possibly caused by exposure to environmental factors."

Envirolink (2001 04)
The site describes itself as "the largest online environmental information resource on the planet." Information in the Envirolink library includes documents, document summaries and links to other resources. Envirolink News provides current news items from news wire services. Other services include a list of environmental events, Envirolink news releases, a list of environmental mailing lists, etc.

Environment Canada (1998 12)
Information about this Canadian federal government department, its initiatives, structure, legislation, etc.

Environment Daily (2003 09)
This service is provided by the UK's Environmental Data Services Ltd (ENDS). Environmental news information is sent to you directly by e-mail.

Environment, Health and Safety Publications, Chemical Safety, OECD (2003 12)
This Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) website focuses on Environmental Health and Safety issues. The website includes a News and a Publications section , information on the OECD Chemicals Programme, Chemical Accidents Programme, Pesticides, Lead in Gasoline, a Biotechnology regulatory section, etc.

Environment, Safety and Health Information Portal (1999 12)
The U.S. Department of Energy's Environment, Safety & Health (ES&H;) Information Portal was designed to enhance the Department's continuing goal to provide timely information to the public through a new DOE & Community Web Site. For DOE and registered users, the Portal also uses information "push" and "brokering" technologies to deliver current ES&H; information, data and news to subscribers across the DOE complex. Subscribers may select information of interest to them, and their workstations are updated daily with new information from those sources. However, for non-subscribers, the DOE & Community page is the major public resource within the Portal.

Environmental Data Services (1997 04)
This UK company provides access to their daily online environmental news service, ENDS Environment Daily, and their environmental consultancy database and listings of jobs, links and events.

Environmental Health Perspectives (2003 09)
This is "a full-service site that produces, maintains, and disseminates information on the environment in the form of a searchable directory." Contents include the monthly journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, and the National Toxicology Program's 8th Report on Carcinogens.

Environmental Professional's Homepage (1996 07)
"This is a quick-load, no-nonsense work platform for rapid information retrieval designed specifically for environmental consultants and remediation professionals."

Environmental Protection Agency (USA) (1999 05)
EPA's web site contains US environmental legislation, information about programs, numerous publications, etc.

Environmental Protection Online - Stevens Publishing (1999 09)
A trade publication featuring articles on air, waste, and water pollution and prevention issues for the environmental professionals and lawyers. Each online edition includes employment resources, calendar of events, an online buyer's guide and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (1996 12)
"ERIM is a private, nonprofit, high-technology organization that performs research and development and related services for its sponsors." Information about the organization and its research are provided.

Environmental Safety Services (1999 11)
Find out about this company's consulting services.

Environmental Safety Services (1998 12)
Read about the company's environmental and health & safety services.

Environmental Sensitivites Research Institute (1998 10)
"The mission of the Environmental Sensitivities Research Institute is to support sound scientific and medical research into environmental intolerance issues, and to compile and disseminate information on those issues." Read about research in progress, view documents from various sources, etc. ESRI is a non-profit scientific and educational organization.

Environmental Services Association of Alberta (2003 11)
Information is provided about the organization itself, membership, upcoming events, announcements, etc.

Environmental Support Solutions (1997 07)
This company provides a number of services, including a number of indoor air quality (IAQ) courses, a Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) mall, etc.

Environmental Technology Program (2000 06)
The Environmental Technology program is designed for both new students interested in environmental careers and to those already employed in the Environmental Technology/Management profession. Students have the opportunity to earn certificates in Hazardous Materials/Waste Management or Occupational Health and Safety. An Associate of Science degree in Environmental Technology is awarded when students have completed the Certificate requirements and the General Education requirements.

EnviroWin Software Inc. (1996 06)
EnviroWin produces Windows-based environmental health and safety software. This site contains their software product catalog.

EPA - International Affairs (2003 12)
This page contains a description of the EPA's International Affairs program. Aimed at the international community, the website focuses on key environmental and public health issues.

EPA Analytical Methods (2005 07)
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes laboratory analytical methods that are used by industries and municipalities to analyze the chemical and biological components of wastewater, drinking water, sediment, and other environmental samples that are required by EPA regulations under the authority of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. Almost all of these methods are published by EPA as regulations at Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

EPA Office of Transportation & Air Quality (2000 06)
The Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is responsible for controlling air pollution from mobile sources. OTAQ develops national standards for emissions, evaluates emission control technology, tests vehicles, engines, and fuels, and determines compliance with federal emission and fuel economy standards.

EPA's Indoor Air Quality Home Page (1997 04)
This is a very content-rich site provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It contains documents on common indoor air pollutants (radon, environmental tobacco smoke, biologicals, formaldehyde, etc.), information about sources of indoor air pollution, problems in different types of buildings, indoor air and health, etc. A web version of "The Inside Story, A Guide to Indoor Air Quality" produced by EPA and the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission Office of Radiation and Indoor Air is also provided.

European Environment Agency (2001 04)
The aim of the European Environment Agency is to establish a seamless environmental information system. This is done to assist the Community in its attempts to improve the environment and move towards sustainability, including the EU's efforts to integrate environmental aspects into economic policies. Its site contains various collections of data, information about the agency, etc.

Federal Department of the Environment (Belgium) (1999 11)
Read about this Belgian government agency, view a selection of its publications, legislation, etc. Information is available in Dutch, French and English.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Pesticide Management Unit (2001 04)
The pesticide management activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) aim at managing the risks associated with the use of pesticides. The FAOproposes maximum residue levels for individual pesticide in different feed itemsand foods, and provides advice on the acceptable levels of pesticide residues infood moving in international trade. The FAO works towards strengthening foodcontrol by training in residue analysis, manuals for pesticide analysis,publication of pesticide specifications as well as quality assurance in foodcontrol chemical laboratories. Their web site offers the full text of suchdocuments as the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use ofPesticides, Pesticide Specifications and Quality Control Standards as well asdetailed evaluations of a huge number of pesticide residues.

Franz Environmental Inc. (2003 12)
"An environmental and engineering consulting firm specializing in Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and remediation of contaminant impacts."

Global Information Network for Chemicals (GINC) (2000 06)
"The GINC, Global Information Network on Chemicals, is a world wide information network for safe use of chemicals. From this homepage you can explore large amounts of useful information sources provided by both international organizations and national institutions collaborating for safe control of chemicals." The site is maintained by The National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) of Japan.

Government Institutes, Inc. (1998 02)
This company provides over 200 books on topics in the environmental, health, safety, telecommunications and Internet fields. They also provide training courses, videotapes, computer based training, etc.

GreenWare Environmental Systems Inc. (2003 11)
GreenWare is an environmental software development firm with knowledge in the areas of environmental management systems and auditing, environmental science and technology, business management and environmental law and policy.

Griffith University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences (1997 05)
Information about the Faculty itself, plus links to other Australian and international environmental sites.

Guide to Ontario's Workplace Smoking Law (1999 02)
This guide, provided by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, is presented in its entirety.

Harvard Environmental Resources On-Line (2003 11)
The site provides information about environmental resources at Harvard University (USA), an international environmental policy resource guide, plus archives for the ENVC0NFS-L and ENVREFLIB-L mailing lists.

Hazard Alert Training Supplies Canada Inc. (HATSCAN) (1998 10)
HATSCAN is an Occupational Health, Safety and Environment training and consulting firm, providing consulting and training in WHMIS, TDG, OH & S, due diligence, WCB, environmental compliance, hazardous waste and more. Find out about the company's courses, publications, computer assisted training, etc.

Hazard Prevention and Control in the Work Environment: Airborne Dust (2003 10)
The aim of this document is to help educate and train people in the prevention and control of dust in the workplace.

Health Canada, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety (2003 09)
The Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch is organized into five programmes: Drug Strategy and Controlled Substances, Workplace Health and Safety, Product Safety, Tobacco Control and Safe Environments. The site provides access to numerous technical reports and publications, general interest fact sheets, etc.

Health Effects Institute (HEI) (1999 05)
HEI is an independent, nonprofit organization that is supported by the US Environmental Protection Agency and industry. It studies effects of pollutants and other sources in the environment. Its web site includes access to HEI's Quarterly Newsletter, announcements, background information about HEI, research reports, requests for applications, program summaries, publications, and a directory of HEI's staff and board of directors.

Health, Environment and Work (Dr. Raymond Agius) (2001 04)
Educational resources and information about Environmental and Occupational Health are accessible through this Home Page. This extensive collection of resouces is maintained by Dr. Raymond Agius, University of Manchester (UK).

Healthy Indoors - Achieving HealthyIndoor Environments in Canada (2000 11)
Healthy Indoors is a cross-Canada, multi-stakeholder consultation, strategy development and alliance building process for achieving healthy indoor environments in Canada. Healthy Indoors is collaboratively sponsored by a wide range of government, industry, and non-government (NGO) organizations.

Healthy Schools Network, Inc. (2000 06)
Healthy Schools Network, Inc. is a not for profit education and research organization dedicated to securing policies and actions that will create schools that are environmentally responsible to children, personnel, and to their communities. Centered on children's environmental health, Healthy Schools Network activities include information, education, and coalition building.

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Indoor Air Diagnostics, Inc. (1997 09)
This primarily non-commercial site provides links to a variety of indoor air quality documents, government information, consultants, manufacturers, etc.

Indoor Air Pollution in Museums and Archives (2005 07)
Degradation of museum objects or archival documents due to pollutants present in the air is a risk factor the importance of which is often neglected. This web-site contains information about this subject. It's mainly meant as a source of reference.

Indoor Air Quality Association, Inc. (2000 11)
The Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) was established in 1995 to promote uniform standards, procedures and protocols in the Indoor Air Quality industry. Committed to education and research, the association serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas within the emerging IAQ industry.

Indoor Air Quality Resource Center (2003 11)
Offers general information about IAQ, bioaeresols, chemicals and household cleaners.

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program (2003 09)
This publication, produced by the US Environmental Protection Agency, examines the causes and effects of poor indoor air quality and provides information for reducing exposure to indoor contaminants in schools. It discusses the various indoor pollutants found in schools, including dust, chemical agents, gases, and volatile organic compounds; where they are found in schools; and their health effects on school occupants. Pollution control measures are detailed in the areas of building design, product specifications, renovation procedures, operations and maintenance, and ventilation system management.

Indoor Environment Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2003 09)
The Indoor Environment Department at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory conducts research toward improving the health, comfort and energy efficiency of the indoor environment. Find information on the activities of their various research groups covering topics such as the energy performance in buildings, commercial building ventilation, and pollutant sources. Their Research Highlights sections offer overviews of their recent research findings. A useful research tool on this site is the searchable Indoor Environment Department's Publication Database which can be used to find information about available books and periodicals on indoor air topics.

Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (2005 07)
"The Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), prepared and maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), is an electronic data base containing information on human health effects that may result from exposure to various chemicals in the environment. IRIS was initially developed for EPA staff in response to a growing demand for consistent information on chemical substances for use in risk assessments, decision-making and regulatory activities. The information in IRIS is intended for those without extensive training in toxicology, but with some knowledge of health sciences."

International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy at the Technical University of Denmark (2005 07)
International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy was established in January of 1998 by a grant from the Danish Technical Research Council and is part of the Technical University of Denmark. Most of the Centre's researchcenters on the health effects on humans of the indoor environment. The Centre endeavors to find new ways of designing and building buildings to maximize the health and comfort of the inhabitants, while minimizing the energy output.

International Environmental Information Network

International Society of Indoor Air Quality And Climate (ISIAQ) (1998 07)
ISIAQ "is an international, independent, multi-disciplinary, scientific, non-profit organization whose purpose is to support the creation of healthy, comfortable and productivity-encouraging indoor environments". Read about the organization, membership, publications, conferences and symposia, etc.

Inventory of European Research on the Indoor Environment (2003 11)
The IERIE lets you can access up-to-date information on research activities throughout Europe relating to the indoor Environment of domestic and public buildings, together with details of research workers and their organisations.

ISO 14000 Information Center (2000 03)
The Information Center provides information on what to expect during the ISO 14000 audit process and how to successfully plan and strategize to become registered to ISO14001. Find related journals, newsletters, publications, and discussion lists, plus links to other ISO 14000 organizations.

Jacques Whitford Environmental, Geotechnical and Risk Management Consultants (2001 04)
Read about this Canadian company's services: environmental, geotechnical/materials engineering, risk management and sector solutions.

Jenner & Block Environmental Law Department (2001 04)
Read about this Chicago-based law company's environmental legal services.

Kemika XXI (2001 09)
Provides added knowledge, complementary information and expert tips on chemistry, chemicals, the international laws, regulations and standards governing them.

Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) (2001 04)
The Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission is a seven member advisory board created under state law with a mission to: facilitate public discussion and resolution of environmental issues;monitor environmental trends and conditions; promote partnerships to improve and protect the environment for future generations, and serve as an advisory board to state officials on environmental matters; and increase public awareness, responsibility, and positive action toward a clean healthy environment. View the Commission's publications, find out about its meetings, etc.

Logical Technology Inc., MSDS & Environmental Management Systems (2002 12)
LOGICAL provides MSDS and Environmental Management Software and OnLine Solutions. LOGICAL has customizable solutions for managing MSDS sheets, providing Right-to-Know MSDS access, tracking chemical inventory, insuring permit compliance, and generating environmental regulatory reports.

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)

Maerix Inc. (2000 03)
M¾rix est une entreprise de développement de logiciels de management en santé- sécurité et environnement voués aux entreprises et organismes de toutes les tailles. Lire les descriptions de ses logiciels : AEmissions ˆ l'atmosphre, Symmdut, et leur système ISO 14 001.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection (2005 07)

Massachussetts Department of Environmental Protection

MC Survivors - A Resource Web Site for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Environmental Illness (2005 07)
This is a comprehensive directory containing links to many full text articles, libraries, referral services, treatments, etc.

MediBel-Net - the Belgian Information Kiosk for Health and Environment (1998 09)
Voir des coordonés des compétences de la Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé et de l'Environnement. La plupart des renseignements est en français et hollandais.

MGMT Alliances Inc. (1997 01)
"MGMT Alliances develops and presents public and in-house training courses on Environmental Management Systems, ISO 14000, ISO 9000 and Integrated Management Systems." As well as describing their services, the site provides a number of descriptive documents about ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and ISO 1400. Both a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document, and an INfrequently asked questions document are provided.

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (2005 07)

National Britannica (1999 11)
This UK-based company provides environmental risk management services to organizations worldwide. Read about its services.

National Environmental Health Association (1998 12)
NEHA is a (US) national professional society for environmental health practitioners. Read about NEHA's annual conference, requirements for NEHA certification, etc.

National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (1999 05)
This US Environmental Protection Agency laboratory "is the agency's focal point for scientific research on the effects of contaminants and environmental stressors on human health and ecosystem integrity."

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (1996 07)
The site provides access to detailed information about this US government agency plus links to NIEHS-sponsored sites such as the National Toxicology Program.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2000 06)
Human health and human disease result from three interactive elements: environmental factors, individual susceptibility and age. The mission of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is to reduce the burden of human illness and dysfunction from environmental causes by understanding each of these elements and how they interrelate. The NIEHS achieves its mission through multidisciplinary biomedical research programs, prevention and intervention efforts, and communication strategies that encompass training, education, technology transfer, and community outreach.

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) (2001 04)
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is the only legislated, nation-wide, publicly accessible inventory of pollutant releases and transfers in Canada.

National Registry of Environmental Professionals (1997 12)
Information is provided about this professional association. Read about the association itself, search a list of registered professionals, find out about training programs, employment opportunities, etc.

National Safety Council - Online Resources (2003 11)
Offers a wide spectrum of safety, environmental and health information.

National Safety Council Environmental Health Center (1999 12)
The mission of the National Safety Council is "to educate and influence society to adopt safety, health and environmental policies, practices and procedures that prevent and mitigate human suffering and economic losses arising from preventable causes." This site offers access by audience or by topic. Whether looking for information specific to journalists or to educators or on topics like air quality, lead poisoning, or radioactive waste, visitors will be able to find fact sheets, issue papers, news and alerts, educational materials, or links to additional Internet resources.

Neighbourhood Environmental Watch Network (NEWNET) (2001 04)
NEWNET (Neighborhood Environmental Watch Network) is a network of environmental monitoring stations, and data storage and data processing systems, with public access to the data through the Internet. This allows interested members of the public to have constant access to the stations so they can observe the results at any time. NEWNET was started in 1993 with stations in Nevada, California, Utah, and New Mexico. It is based on concepts developed by the Department of Energy for the Community Monitoring Program at the Nevada Test Site Nuclear Testing Facility. These concepts date back to the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Reactor accident in the late 1970's.

New York State Department of Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (1997 09)
This site provides access to a series of basic documents on environmental and occupational health. The content is geared to the public.

Newfoundland Environment and Labour (1998 03)
The site just contains departmental press releases and information about the Minister, etc.

North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is the lead stewardship agency for the preservation and protection of North Carolina's outstanding natural resources. The organization, which has offices from the mountains to the coast, administers regulatory programs designed to protect air quality, water quality, and the public's health. DENR also offers technical assistance to businesses, farmers, local governments, and the public and encourages responsible behavior with respect to the environment through education programs provided at DENR facilities and through the state's school system.

Northern Industrial Supply Company (1998 10)
This Ontario Canada company sells industrial heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment. Read about the products they provide.

Nova Scotia Environmental Industry Association (2003 11)
Information is provided about the Association, membership, newsletter codes of practice etc. Also, Nova Scotia environmental legislation, permit and licensing information and related info.

Occutech Services (2001 04)

Of Risks and Men (2004 07)
a series of videos using ten case studies that examine the main types of human error threatening system performance. Each video discusses a particular error and is illustrated by an account lasting less than ten minutes of a disastrous industrial accident.

Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (2003 09)
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) was mandated by theNuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, and is within the US Department of Energy. It'spurpose is to develop a plan to safely manage and permanently dispose of spentfuel from nuclear power plants. The site provides substantial information onthe Yucca Mountain Project, including its Environmental Impact Statement. Inthe Quality Assurance section are Audit & Surveillance Schedules and AuditReports. There are also technical reports, regulatory & legislative informationand testimony & speeches.

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics - Lead Programs (1999 11)
This US Environmental Protection Agency site is designed to provide access to information on all aspects of the Federal lead poisoning prevention program, with an emphasis on the EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT).

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (2001 04)
Information is provided about this US state environment agency. Content includes rules and regulations, press releases, policy documents, publications, etc.

Oil Spill Program - US EPA (2000 11)
The EPA's Oil Spill Program Homepage offers a wealth of information on oilspills, including preventing and preparing for oil spills. There is alsocontact information for reporting and responding to spills. The Learning Centerpage offers straightforward information on the behavior of oil, methods ofcleanup, effects on both animals and ecosystems, as well as experiments forelementary, middle and high school students. This site also offers access tospill prevention control guidelines and regulations.

OMCO Air Treatment (2003 12)
Lire des informations conçernant des produits et services de ventilation de cette compagnie Belgique. Des renseignements sont disponibles en français et hollandais.

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (2003 11)
Presents a selection of envirionment conservation resources targetted to various groups including: business & industry, individuals & families, farmers, local governments, etc.

Pennsylvania's ISO 14001 web site (2003 11)
The Pennsylvania ISO 14001 site conveys the state's vision for environmental management systems and for improving environmental performance. Find lists of Pennsylvania's ISO 14001 companies, the latest news on ISO developments in Pennsylvania, an archive of online publications from a variety of ISO 14001 specialists, a directory of the state's ISO Service Providers and links to additional publications and resources.

Pesticide Fact Sheets - U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (2000 06)
These fact sheets are a series issued by the Forest Service for their workers and the general public. Each fact sheet provides information on forest and land management uses, environmental and human health effects, and safety precautions for various pesticides and their formulations. Unless otherwise stated, the toxicity data presented in these fact sheets refer to the active ingredient.

Pesticides Action Network - Pesticide Database (2001 04)
The Pesticides Action Network - Pesticide Database brings together a wide rangeof information on pesticides from many different sources, providing ecotoxicity,human toxicity (chronic and acute) and regulatory information for over 5,000pesticide active ingredients and their transformation products. This databasehas been integrated with the U.S. EPA and California Department of PesticideRegulation product databases, which provide information on formulated products(the form of the pesticide that growers and consumers purchase for use)containing the active ingredients. The information is most complete forpesticides registered for use in the United States.

PHH Environmental (2004 07)
PHH Environmental Limited is a full service consulting company which specializes in providing environmental health and safety services.

Pinchin Environmental (2001 12)
Pinchin Environmental provides engineering, consulting, management, implementation and training in air emissions, occupational health and safety, environmental assessment and remediation, hazardous materials (asbestos, lead, mould), indoor air quality, agricultural waste and emissions, and laboratory services.

Plant Engineering Magazine (1999 11)
View the full text of current and past issues of the magazine, arrange a subscription for the paper copy, view a product supplier guide, etc.

Polyurethane Foam Association (2000 06)
The mission of the Polyurethane Foam Association (PFA) is to educate customers and other groups about flexible polyurethane foam and to promote its use in manufactured and industrial products. This includes providing facts on environmental, health and safety issues related to polyurethane foam to the membership of PFA, polyurethane foam users, regulatory officials, business leaders and the media. PFA also provides its members and their customers with technical information on the performance of flexible polyurethane foam in consumer and industrial products.

Pride ASA (2000 08)
Extract from web site: "PRIDE ASA is a leading supplier of software within health, safety, environment and quality assurance."

Public Utility Home Page (2003 09)
Summarizes Internet resources of "interest to utilities, regulators, consumers, and others who need information about the public utility industry. "

Rachel Carson Council (1999 02)
A clearinghouse and library with information at both scientific and layperson levels on pesticide-related issues, the Rachel Carson Council develops its knowledge from literature searches and conversations with experts. It then provides answers to the public and also produces various publications clarifying pesticide dangers and bringing alternative pest controls to the public's attention. Browse their online library of factsheets, newsletters, and publications information.

Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada (2003 09)
Health Canada, Radiation Protection Bureau home page provides links to various publications produced by the RPB.

Radiation Protection Bureau, Publications (2003 09)
Techincal reports and publications produced by the Radiation Protection Bureau of Health Canada are available here as PDF files. Some publications need to be ordered from RPB.

Raising the Standard Consulting Inc. (2002 12)
RTS Consulting provides environment, health and safety services and products to the Greater Toronto (Canada) area.

RCRA Online (1998 10)
Provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), RCRA Online is a "database of thousands of selected letters, memoranda and questions and answers written by the EPA's Office of Solid Waste since 1980."

Reading, Writing and Risk: Air Pollution Inside Californias Portable Classrooms [PDF] (2001 04)
A California report examines the air pollution risk levels in the State's portable school facilities, the State's response, and recommendations for protecting children's and teacher's health in these types of classrooms. The report reveals that over two million California students spend the school day in buildings that may be harmful to their health. It states that some portable classrooms can expose children to toxic chemicals at levels that pose an unacceptable risk of cancer or other serious illness, but that California has no indoor air health standards for most toxins found in types of buildings and has has failed to exercise effective oversight over air quality. What types of pollution health risks exist in portable classrooms are detailed, particularly risks from formaldehyde and carbon dioxide. Additionally reported are the unintended consequences of the State's push for the use of portables to address student population increases.

Recycler's World (1998 03)
"Recycler's World was established as a world wide trading site for information related to secondary or recyclable commodities, by-products, used & surplus items or materials."

Report #35. Impact of Emissions, Chemistry, and Climate on Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide: 100-year Predictions from a Global Chemistry-Climate Model (2000 08)
This report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change discusses the complicated interactions among emissions, atmospheric chemistry, and climate regarding the distributions and evolution of CO in the atmosphere. Based on the predicted emissions of methane and carbon monoxide, this model predicts an increasing trend of carbon monoxide in the next century, with appropriate graphs and charts. This study shows how important it is to control emissions of both methane and carbon dioxide.

Restoration Environmental Contractors (1999 09)
This Canadian company provides services such as: asbestos abatement; lead abatement; fire restoration; mold and fungus removal and plant cleanups. The web site provides documents outlining step by step actions to be taken for most of these types of cleanups/restoration.

Right to Know Network (1997 01)
RTK NET is "a network providing free online access to over 100 gigabytes of quantitative databases and numerous text files and conferences on the environment, housing, and sustainable development." Some information is available from their web site, and more is available via Telnet.

Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) (2000 06)
The RAIS was designed by the US Department of Energy to provide risk assessment tools and information. Among the risk assessment tools available on this site are: risk-based preliminary remediation goal (PRG) calculations used by risk managers as long-term targets during the analysis and selection of remediation alternatives; databases of toxicity profiles and values; ecological benchmarks to identify contaminants, media, and receptors that may be at risk; and a risk assessment glossary.

Safety, Health, and Environmental Consultants (2005 07)
This page provides links to EHS consultants' descriptions and their own web sites.

Scented Products Education and Information Association of Canada (2003 09)
The Scented Products Education and Information Association of Canada (SPEIAC) is a broadly-based, national coalition of organizations whose mandate is to disseminate information and provide public education about scented products including fine fragrances, cosmetics, toiletries and scented household products. View documents about multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), environmental illness (EI), allergies, asthma, etc.

Sci.Engr.Heat-Vent-AC Indoor Air Quality FAQ (1997 01)
This is a web version of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document on Indoor Air quality from the sci.engr.heat-vent-ac Usenet Newsgroup.

Scott Instruments (2003 12)
Information about the company's portable gas and heat detectors.

Seagull Environmental Training (2003 10)
This US-wide company provides training on subjects such as asbestos, lead paint, hazardous materials and environmental site assessment. Read about their courses.

Solstice - Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (1997 01)
Solstice is an information service provided by the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST), a non-governmental organization in the US. Numerous documents and links are accessible under the general headings of energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable living.

South Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (2001 04)
Read about this state government department and its services.

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (2003 09)
Read about this state department - contact information, emergency response services, training, etc.

T. Harris Environmental Management Inc. (2003 12)
Provides information about the company's environmental and health & safety services.

Teacher's Guide to Indoor Air Pollutants (2001 04)
This US National Safety Council guide, which includes lesson plans and activities, was developed as a companion tool to EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Action Kit, and is designed to help students increase their knowledge of indoor air quality problems and solutions. Includes informative fact sheets on alternatives to household chemicals, asbestos, asthma, biological contaminants, carbon monoxide, environmental tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, lead, pesticides, radon, and sick building syndrome.

Telecommuting Safety & Health Benefits Institute (2001 04)
TSHBI's mission: "Promote telecommuting to save lives, prevent injuries, improve health." "Telecommuting is working from a remote location (often ones home workstation) using computers, telephones, facsimile machines and other remote capabilities, rather than commuting via automobile or other mode of transportation to and from an employer's work site to perform equivalent work."

Texas Waternet (1996 04)
The Texas Water Resources Institute provides information about research technology transfer and training in water resource areas. Newsletters summaries of research reports and other information are available at this site.

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Biotechnology Program (1999 11)
This US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) site was created to allow more efficient public, governmental and educational access to the TSCA Biotechnology Program. At this site you will find the regulation under which the Program functions, and the supplementary documents created to support this regulation, as well as status reports on the submissions, reviews, and agreements undertaken by the Program.

ToxProbe Inc (2003 12)
Provides information about company's consultation "services in environmental and occupational health, toxicology, risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. "

UEC Technologies (2003 12)
Information about company and its industrial hygiene and environmental services for heavy industry.

UNEP Chemicals' Programme (1997 12)
UNEP Chemicals is the center for all chemicals-related activities of the United Nations Environment Programme. Highlights include an inventory of information sources on chemicals, the UNEP Chemicals database, information about UNEP programs, etc.

Universities Water Information Network (UWIN)

US EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modelling (2001 04)
The Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) was established in 1987 to meet the scientific and technical exposure assessment needs of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) as well as state environmental and resource management agencies. CEAM provides proven predictive exposure assessment techniques for aquatic, terrestrial, and multimedia pathways for organic chemicals and metals.

US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (2001 04)
The Office of Pesticides mission is to protect public health and the environmentfrom the risks posed by pesticides and to promote safer means of pest control.This web site offers substantial information on many aspects of pesticides, fromregistration, safety and regulations to biopesticides and the effects onchildren and endangered species. There is a section regarding public commentperiods, including upcoming meetings. The kids page offers a house tour to showkids about dangerous chemicals found in the home.

US EPA, Office of Pollution Protection and Toxics (2001 09)
The Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Lead Page was created to address residential lead hazards. This website provides access to both final rules and regulations but also the latest pending regulations as well.

Utah Department of Environmental Quality (1997 07)
Information about and from the department's various divisions, including air quality, environmental response and mitigation, solid and hazardous waste, etc.

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (1999 05)
View information about this state agency, its programs, etc.

Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program (2001 09)
This site is designed to help fleet owners/operators, state/local government air quality planners and retrofit manufacturers understand the diesel retrofit program and obtain information they need to create effective retrofit projects.

Volvo and the Environment (1999 05)
Volvo's Environmental policies, programs and environmental report.

Waste Management, Inc. (1998 03)
Read about this Illinois-based waste management company.

Water and Environment Federation (1996 07)
The Water and Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization. Its goal is to preserve and enhance the global water environment. The site has information about the Federation, a catalog of their publications, list of conferences, discussion groups etc.

WaterWiser (1996 07)
WaterWiser's mission is to be the preeminent resource for water efficiency and water conservation information. WaterWiser is a cooperative project of the American Water Works Association, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Resources include: activities & events calendar; bibliography/reference searching; book selections; conservation/water-related links; water efficiency discussion forum; and water efficiency service company listing directory.

WESA / Envir-Eau (2001 09)
WESA/ EnvirEau is a Canadian industrial hygiene, occupational health and safety, environmental sciences and engineering consulting group providing professional services and training to business, industry, government and other professionals from offices in Ottawa, Kingston, Kitchener, Gatineau and Montreal.

Wessoclean (2000 06)
Read about the company's products for cleaning and disinfecting water supplying pieces of equipment and plants. Environmentally friendly products for water treatment and well maintenance, chlorine-free disinfectant, ecological descaler for industry and private, waste hygiene for smelling dust and bacterien, very effective animal hygiene products. All products are completely ecological.

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Nombre de serveurs listés - 186

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