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 Répertoire Internet

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (2003 07)
This US Government Agency's site contains numerous documents and data sets (e.g. HazDat database and ToxFAQ documents) plus links to other related organizations.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - Minimal Risk Levels for Hazardous Substances (1999 11)
MRLs are listed for a number of substances. An MRL is an estimate of the daily human exposure to a hazardous substance that is likely to be without appreciable risk of adverse noncancer health effects over a specified duration of exposure.

Air Quality Lesson Plans and Data (1998 02)
Presented by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) Office, of Air Quality, Monitoring Operations Division, the site provides "lesson plans to provide educators who teach kindergarten through 12th grade students with the background, activities and resources to teach the subject of air quality in the classroom."

Alberta Human Resources and Employment (2005 06)
This Alberta government department's site provides access to the full text of acts and regulations, accident and injury statistics, publications, etc.

Arizona State Mine Inspector Online (2002 12)
"The Agency frequently inspects the health and safety conditions and practices at all mining operations, investigates mine accidents and employee complaints, identifies and notifies owners to secure hazardous abandoned mines, and conducts safety certification classes for mine employees." The site contains information about the agency itself, its annual report, upcoming conferences, etc.

Australia Government, Department of the Environment and Heritage (2003 11)
An extensive collection of environmental information much of which reflects the Australian governmental structure but contains information applicable worldwide.

Bay Area Governments (1997 12)
Get access to San Francisco Bay area government information such as earthquake maps and the Environmental Hotline.

BC WorkInfoNet (1997 06)
"The British Columbia Work Information Network is being developed by and for users, producers, and providers of labour market and career information in British Columbia". Information includes: resource guides; a website directory; discussion forums; etc.

Bernan Press (1999 02)
This company is a distributor of US government and international agency publications. It also publishes original works in the area of government statistics, the Internet, labour and NAFTA. Read about the available publications.

Brookhaven National Laboratory Environment, Safety and Health (2000 06)
Information at this site includes: health and safety questions and answers; Brookhaven's EHS policies, standards and notices; their employee safety handbook; training schedules; MSDS (BNL only); etc.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA) (2003 09)
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is an agency within the U.S. Department of Labor. Its site contains statistical data, publications and research papers, etc.

Business.gov (formerly Business Advisor) (2005 06)
Search online US government information, health safety & environmental regulations, databases of Congressional and Executive Branch material, etc.

California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) (2005 06)
This site contains information about workers compensation; occupational safety and health; labor law; apprenticeship; mediation & conciliation; and statistics & research.

California Environmental Resource Evaluation System (CERES) (1997 04)
CERES provides access to information about physical environments living creatures and their habitats and environmental impact reports and studies. The system facilitates access to text photos satellite images statistical databases and Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses. It comes from many sources including local State and Federal government agencies academic institutions and community groups.

California Office of Emergency Services (1997 05)
Information is provided about the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, the California Emergency Plan, current conditions (weather, roads, etc.), their earthquake program, etc.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - Natural Hazards (2003 11)
CCRS scientific teams assess and demonstrate the potential of remote sensing data to satisfy the information requirements of agencies that have an operational mandate for the management of various types of disasters.

Canadian General Standards Board (2003 09)
CGSB's site provides information about the Board, information about its publications, events etc. You can also download their electronic catalogue of standards.

Canadian Industry Statistics (1997 07)
This Canadian federal government initiative is "aimed at providing the business community with quick access to Canadian and US industrial, production and public equity financing statistical information."

Canadian National Search and Rescue Secretariat (1996 09)
The site provides information about the Secretariat, the National SAR Program (NSP), the Secretariat's resource centre and its SARScene magazine. Upcoming Search and Rescue events and related Internet links are also provided.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (2005 07)
This web site provides access to the full text of the new Nuclear Safety and Control Act and regulations, as well as regulatory documents.

Canadian Reflection (1996 12)
A study launched by the Federal Labour Minister to examine how the Canadian workplace is changing.

CANUTEC - Canadian Transport Emergency Centre of the Department of Transport (2003 09)
CANUTEC is the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre operated by Transport Canada to assist emergency response personnel in handling dangerous goods emergencies. The site provides access to both a web- and downloadable version of the North American Emergency Response Guidebook, various published articles, TDG regulations, etc.

CDC Travel Information (1996 11)
Information provided includes lists of reference materials, information about disease outbreaks and specific health hazard information for different geographical locations. This site is maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC Wonder (1996 02)
CDC Wonder provides access to text and numeric databases guidelines and reports from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - e.g. MMWR CDC Prevention Guidelines STD Reports.

CELEX (2005 06)
"CELEX is a comprehensive and authoritative information source on European Community law. It offers multilingual, full text coverage of a wide range of legal acts including the founding treaties, binding and non-binding legislation, opinions and resolutions issued by the EU Institutions and consultative bodies and the case law of the European Court of Justice." Subscription and pay-per-document fees apply.

Center for Risk Excellence (1999 11)
This US Department of Energy's center develops and implements policy practices, guidance, tools, support and training that result in risk-based decisions that protect both human health and the environment.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) (1999 05)
The CDC site is extensive, with information on a wide range of health-related topics.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Health and Safety Information System, Safety Manuals (2000 11)
CDC's own health and safety manuals - Chemical Safety, Contractor Safety, Engineering Safety, Hearing Conservation Program, Radiation Safety, etc.

Central Institute for Labour Protection (Poland) (1997 12)
Information is provided about the Institute and its work, plus subscription information for the Institute's journal, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS.

Centre de Toxicologie du Québec (1998 02)
Le CTQ a pour mission de fournir des services de qualité dans le domaine de la toxicologie humaine, principalement pour les gens du Québec. Renseignements sur l'organisation et ses services.

Centre for Industrial and Labour Safety and Social Partnership and Occupational Training (2000 11)
This Russian site contains News, information resources, training opportunities and other information in both English and Russian.

Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment (2003 09)
The Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment (CSR) is a department of The Netherlands' National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). RIVM is a research institute providing scientific support and expertise for government policies on public health, nature and the environment. Read about the CSR's methodology projects and access abstracts, in English and Dutch, of their risk assessment methodology reports and publications.

Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (US EPA) (1999 07)
EPA's CEPPO provides leadership, advocacy, and assistance to: 1) Prevent and prepare for chemical emergencies; 2) Respond to environmental crises; and 3) Inform the public about chemical hazards in their community. Prevention, preparedness and response resources include: databases, publications, chemical data, legislation, etc.

Chemical Health & Safety Data (US National Toxicology Program) (2005 07)
Chemical Health and Safety information has been collected on over 2000 chemicalsstudied by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the US Department of Healthand Human Services. There are a number of ways to retrieve data from these NTPfiles. View a list of the chemicals with links to the individual chemical H & Sdata sheets or do full-text searches of the entire H & S database.

Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (1998 05)
This free, downloadable program was developed by the CAMEO team at the Hazardous Materials Response and Assessment Division, ORCA/NOS/NOAA, and the Chemical Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Office of the EPA. It includes a database of reactivity information for over 4000 common hazardous materials. It also allows you to "virtually mix" chemicals to find out what dangers could arise from accidental mixing.

Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (USA) (1998 05)
CSB was set up as an independent federal agency "to serve as a new resource in the effort to enhance industrial safety." Its mission is "to provide industries that manufacture, use or otherwise handle chemicals with information to enable identification and mitigation of operational conditions that compromise safety." The site includes information about the Board, various documents including accident statistics, etc.

Child Health Programs, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (1999 11)
"This site was created by the ATSDR Office of Children's Health to share information on a variety of programs that emphasize the vulnerabilities of infants and children in communities faced with the contamination of their water, soil, air, or food. Find out about upcoming national and international conferences, read news releases and book reviews, or access online publications".

City of Toronto (1998 09)
Access public health documents, information about emergency services, etc.

Code of Federal Regulations (USA) (2005 06)
"The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government."

Code of Practice for the Prevention and Control of Legionnaires' Disease (2001 04)
This detailed code of practice is presented in its entirety by WorkSafe Western Australia.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (2005 06)
Lots of contact information, frequently asked questions (FAQ), plus downloadable copies of Colorado public health and environment regulations.

Combined Health Information Database (CHID) (1999 05)
CHID is a database produced by agencies from the US National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control. This database includes abstracts and availability information for consumer-oriented materials.

Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du Québec (CSST) (2005 06)
Ce site décrit le rôle et les services de la Commission, ces lois et règlements, et cetera. Autres informations : communiqués de presse, des sommaires de leur magazine Prévention au travail et leur liste de publications. La plupart du contenu est en français.

Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) (1999 09)
CAMEO® is a system of software applications used widely to plan for and respond chemical emergencies. It is one of the tools developed by US EPA's Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to assist front-line chemical emergency responders. EPA and NOAA developed this web site to facilitate the use of CAMEO and to establish a new online technical support system.

Consumer Information Center Pueblo CO (1996 10)
The site provides access to the full text of hundreds of US government consumer publications, including occupationally related material.

Consumer Labeling Initiative (2000 05)
The US EPA and members of the gardenand household products industry have launched the Consumer Labeling Initiative (CLI). CLI is a voluntary, cooperative effort to foster pollution prevention, empower consumer choice, and improve understanding by presenting clear, consistent, and useful safe use, environmental, and health information on household consumer product labels. Government, industry, and other groups are working together in the CLI to make it easier for consumers to find, read, and understand label information, enabling consumers to choose the right products for their needs and values and to use and dispose of them safely and with minimal environmental impact.

Consumer Product Safety Commission (USA) (1996 07)
Lots of product safety information, including press releases and many full text publications from CPSC.

Dealing with Workplace Violence: A Guide for Agency Planners (1998 05)
This handbook, developed by the US Office of Personnel Management and the Interagency Working Group on Violence in the Workplace, "is intended to assist those who are responsible for establishing workplace violence initiatives at their agencies."

Defense Environmental Network & Information eXchange (DENIX), Safety and Occupational Health (2003 11)
This US military site provides "a single source for environmental security policy support to the efforts of the SECDEF, the Joint Staff, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, the CINCs, and the Military Departments."

Department of Energy, Office of Human Radiation Experiments (USA) (2003 11)
The Office of Human Radiation Experiments, established in March 1994, leads the Department of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects.

Department of Environmental Protection, State of Florida (USA) (2005 06)
The site provides access to information about the department, fact sheets and reports commonly requested by the public, news, regulatory and educational information, etc.

Department of Fire Services, Massachusetts (2003 11)
Information about this public department, its personnel, programs, etc.

Department of Health (UK) (1998 12)
The site provides information about the Department itself, news releases, departmental programs, publications (some full text), etc.

Department of Health and Human Services (USA)

Department of Industrial Relations (Queensland Australia) (2003 11)
This page provides access to a number of workplace health and safety guides from Workplace Health & Safety, Department of Industrial Relations.

Department of Transportation (USA)

Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Occupational Safety and Health (2003 10)
This US government agency's site provides information on a variety of OSH topics, such as: violent behavior prevention; tuberculosis prevention; needle safety; latex allergy prevention; etc.

Dioxin and Related Compounds (US EPA, National Center for Environmental Assessment) (2001 04)
EPA's National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) is the nationalresource center for human health and ecological risk assessments.TheirDioxin and Related Compounds website includes an extensive FAQ, draftdioxin reassessment documents, the Dioxin Exposure Initiative, and EPAmethods and regulations. The FAQ, prepared by the Interagency Working Groupon Dioxin, provides answers to general questions about dioxin, the EPAdioxin report, food safety, and risk assessment.

Division of Occupational Safety and Health (California OSHA) (2005 06)
Information about Cal/OSHA's services, personnel etc. The full text of publications and their policies and procedures manual are also included.

Documentation for Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLHs) (1998 12)
This online publication "documents the criteria and information sources that have been used by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to determine immediately dangerous to life or health concentrations (IDLHs)." The IDLHs for the chemicals themselves are also provided.

DOE Chemical Safety Concerns (1996 07)
Summaries and reviews of the US Department of Energy's Occurrence Reporting and Processing System.

Domestic Substances List/ Non-Domestic Substances List (DSL/ NDSL) (2003 10)
This site provides access to the Canadian DSL/ NDSL. Searching is by CAS number or confidential accession number.

elCOSH - Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (2005 06)
Directory of documents and information related to occupational health and safety in the construction sector. Developed by the Center to Protect Workers' Rights (CPWR) with support from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Emergency Management Australia (2005 07)
EMA is a Commonwealth Government agency with the responsibility of reducing the impact of natural and man-made disasters on the Australian community. It is also the lead Federal agency responsible for disaster response.

Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) from US EPA (2005 07)
Information on the releases of oil and hazardous substances.

EMF Research Activities Completed Under The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (1995) (1999 11)
Read a summary of this report from the Committee to Review the Research Activities Completed Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Board on Radiation Effects Research, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council (USA)

Endocrine Disrupting Substances in the Environment (2003 09)
A summary about EDS, how it is affecting the growth of Canadian wildlife.

Environment Canada (1998 12)
Information about this Canadian federal government department, its initiatives, structure, legislation, etc.

Environment, Safety and Health Information Portal (1999 12)
The U.S. Department of Energy's Environment, Safety & Health (ES&H;) Information Portal was designed to enhance the Department's continuing goal to provide timely information to the public through a new DOE & Community Web Site. For DOE and registered users, the Portal also uses information "push" and "brokering" technologies to deliver current ES&H; information, data and news to subscribers across the DOE complex. Subscribers may select information of interest to them, and their workstations are updated daily with new information from those sources. However, for non-subscribers, the DOE & Community page is the major public resource within the Portal.

Environmental Emergencies Branch, Environment Canada (1999 11)
The mission of the Environmental Emergencies program is to reduce the frequency, severity and environmental consequences of emergencies. Access numerous publications, view preparedness information, etc.

Environmental Health Perspectives (2003 09)
This is "a full-service site that produces, maintains, and disseminates information on the environment in the form of a searchable directory." Contents include the monthly journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, and the National Toxicology Program's 8th Report on Carcinogens.

Environmental Protection Agency (USA) (1999 05)
EPA's web site contains US environmental legislation, information about programs, numerous publications, etc.

EPA - International Affairs (2003 12)
This page contains a description of the EPA's International Affairs program. Aimed at the international community, the website focuses on key environmental and public health issues.

EPA Analytical Methods (2005 07)
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes laboratory analytical methods that are used by industries and municipalities to analyze the chemical and biological components of wastewater, drinking water, sediment, and other environmental samples that are required by EPA regulations under the authority of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. Almost all of these methods are published by EPA as regulations at Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

EPA Office of Transportation & Air Quality (2000 06)
The Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is responsible for controlling air pollution from mobile sources. OTAQ develops national standards for emissions, evaluates emission control technology, tests vehicles, engines, and fuels, and determines compliance with federal emission and fuel economy standards.

EPA Pesticide Registration Kit (1998 10)
This This online registration kit contains "pertinent forms and information needed to register a pesticide with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pesticide Programs.

EPA Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Home Page (2003 12)
This site helps explain how PCBs are still being used, the regulations to control its use and new developments in the study of PCBs. Also available are numerous online publications and a Frequently-Asked Questions section to help consumers understand and handle potential risks.

EPA's Indoor Air Quality Home Page (1997 04)
This is a very content-rich site provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It contains documents on common indoor air pollutants (radon, environmental tobacco smoke, biologicals, formaldehyde, etc.), information about sources of indoor air pollution, problems in different types of buildings, indoor air and health, etc. A web version of "The Inside Story, A Guide to Indoor Air Quality" produced by EPA and the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission Office of Radiation and Indoor Air is also provided.

Epi Info (2001 04)
Produced by CDC and the World Health Organization Epi Info and Epi Map - public domain software packages designed for the global community of public health practitioners and researchers. Both provide for easy form and database construction, data entry, and analysis with epidemiologic statistics, maps, and graphs. Download from here.

EUR-Lex - European Union law (1999 03)
This site provides the full text of European Union treaties, legislation and case law, including: Dangerous Substances legislation, Safety at Work, Protection of Health and Safety, etc.

European Chemicals Bureau (2003 09)
"The principal task of the ECB is to carry out and co-ordinate the scientific/technical work needed for the implementation of EU-legislation (directives and regulations) in the area of chemical control." Read about ECB's projects and activities, publications, etc.

European Environment Agency (2001 04)
The aim of the European Environment Agency is to establish a seamless environmental information system. This is done to assist the Community in its attempts to improve the environment and move towards sustainability, including the EU's efforts to integrate environmental aspects into economic policies. Its site contains various collections of data, information about the agency, etc.

European Federation, Biotechnology Working Party on Safety in Biotechnology (1997 09)
Information available includes a list of publications from and membership information for the Working Party, biosafety links and a bibliography on laboratory acquired infections.

Federal Aviation Administration, Office of System Safety (1997 03)
This US government site "provides access to aviation safety-related databases, safety reports and publications, and information on the Global Analysis Information Network (GAIN) project.

Federal Department of the Environment (Belgium) (1999 11)
Read about this Belgian government agency, view a selection of its publications, legislation, etc. Information is available in Dutch, French and English.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (1999 07)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an independent agency of the US federal government. Its mission is "to reduce loss of life and property and protect our nation's critical infrastructure from all types of hazards through a comprehensive, risk-based, emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery."

FedWorld (1996 12)
This site is a gateway to US federal government information. Some useful starting points are the Government Information Locator Service (GILS), abstracts of recent U.S. Government Reports from all agencies, and a list of US Government WWW, Gopher, FTP and Telnet servers.

Finland Institute of Occupational Health (2003 12)
Information is provided about the Institute, its purpose, its work, etc. Lists of Institute publications and journals are provided. There is also a list of OH&S; conferences.

Fire Safe San Diego (1998 03)
This site provides fire and public safety resources - publications, educational resources, links, etc.

FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet (Swedish National Institute of Public Health) (2000 06)
The National Institute of Public Health, NIPH, (Swedish FolkhŠlsoinstitutet) was established in 1992. It is a state agency under the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. It is similar to national government health departments in many countries, but operates at "arm' s length" from the government of the day. It reports both to the Minister of Health and Social Affairs and to an independent Board of Directors. Most information is available in Swedish only.

Food and Drug Administration (USA)

ForskningsrŒdet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap (Swedish council for working life and social research) (2003 12)
The Council was established in 2001 through a merger of the Swedish Council for Social Research and the Swedish Council for Work Life Research. Its objectives are to promote the accumulation of knowledge in matters relating to working life and the understanding of social conditions and processes through: promotion and support of basic and applied research; identification of important research needs; dialogue, dissemination of information and transfer of knowledge; promotion of cooperation between researchers both nationally and internationally, particularly in EU programmes.

Free Chest X-Ray (2000 05)
This NIOSH "Frequently Asked Questions" document explains the use of x-ray screening for Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis.

Guide to Ontario's Workplace Smoking Law (1999 02)
This guide, provided by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, is presented in its entirety.

Hazard Alert for Pen-Like and Other Laser Pointers (1999 03)
The use of potentially hazardous visible laser diodes is becoming widespread in many applications. This document, provided by the US Department of Defense Laser System Safety Working Group, outlines these hazards.

Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (2002 12)
Under the authority of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act and the provincial and territorial occupational health and safety acts, the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission is an arm's length administrative agency charged with carrying out a multi-faceted mandate: to formally register claims for trade secret exemptions, and issue Registry Numbers; to issue decisions on the validity of claims for exemption using prescribed regulatory criteria; to make decisions on the compliance of material safety data sheets (MSDS) and labels within the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) requirements as set out in the Hazardous Products Act and Controlled Products Regulations and various provincial and territorial occupational health and safety acts; and to convene independent, tripartite boards to hear appeals from claimants or affected parties on decisions and orders issued by the Commission.

HazDat - Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database (1999 11)
This database, from the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), provides information on the release of hazardous substances from Superfund sites or from emergency events and on effects of hazardous substances on the health of human populations.

Hazmat Safety (2005 07)
This office is responsible for coordinating a national (US) safety program for the transportation of hazardous materials by air, rail, highway and water. Highlights include an electronic version of the Emergency Response Guidebook, regulatory info., OHM publications, etc.

Health and Safety Executive (UK) (2000 06)

Health and Safety Executive of Northern Ireland (2001 04)
This is the Health & Safety Division of the Northern Ireland Department of Economic Development. Information is provided about the Division itself and its responsibilities.

Health Canada's Health Information Network (1999 11)
This site is presented by Health Canada. Health Canada News Releases contains many timely health alerts. Many of the "Its Your Health" publications are accessible in full text in both English and French.

Health Canada, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety (2003 09)
The Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch is organized into five programmes: Drug Strategy and Controlled Substances, Workplace Health and Safety, Product Safety, Tobacco Control and Safe Environments. The site provides access to numerous technical reports and publications, general interest fact sheets, etc.

Health Canada, Emergency Services (2005 07)
View emergency-related publications from Health Canada.

Health Canada, Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (1997 04)
The site contains information about the Centre itself, public health documents, travel health advisories, disease prevention guidelines, etc.

Health Canada, Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines (2005 07)
This site provides the full text of LCDC's guidelines document.

Health Protection Agency (2003 12)
The Health Protection Agency is anational organisation for England and Wales. "It is dedicated to protecting people's health and reducing the impact of infectious diseases, chemical hazards, poisons and radiation hazards. It brings together the expertise of health and scientific professionals working in public health, communicable disease, emergency planning, infection control, laboratories, poisons, chemical, and radiation hazards."

HEBSWeb (1997 01)
This is the site of the Health Education Board for Scotland. Bibliographies and assorted documents on a variety of health topics are provided.

HSE Workers Web Page (2003 09)
This site provides health and safety information aimed at employee's including employer's responsibilities and reporting accidents.

Human Factors Design Guide, US Federal Aviation Administration (1999 05)
"The Human Factors Design Guide for Acquisition of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Subsystems, Non-Developmental Items, and Developmental Systems (HFDG) is a seminal work in the field of human factors. It provides the most exhaustive compilation of human factors practices and principles integral to the procurement, design, development, and testing of FAA systems, facilities, and equipment. Jointly sponsored by the US Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Office of the Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor for Human Factors AAR-100." This 1000+ page guide is available in its entirety.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada - Labour Program (2005 07)
"The mission of the Labour Program of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) is to promote a fair, safe, healthy, stable, cooperative and productive work environment that contributes to the social and economic well-being of all Canadians. The Labour Program has focused on the workplace, the changes affecting the workplace and the needs of employers and employees in Canada since 1900." Information includes: workplace information (labour relations, wage settlements, etc.) operations (federal legislation, OSH information) etc.

Human Resources Development Canada, Downloadable Labour Forms Listed by Title (2005 07)
This page provides links to commonly used Labour Program forms for organizations covered by the Canada Labour Code.

Human Resources Development Canada, Labour Operations, Occupational Safety and Health (2005 07)
Information is provided to allow Canadian federally regulated organizations to meet the requirements under the Canada Labour Code Part II. There is an overview of the Code, information about setting up an OSH program in your workplace, etc. Information of general interest includes occupational injury statistics.

Human Systems Information Analysis Center (2000 06)
This is an extensive site, maintained by the US Air Force, that brings together ergonomics and human factors information from a variety of disciplines.

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program (2003 09)
This publication, produced by the US Environmental Protection Agency, examines the causes and effects of poor indoor air quality and provides information for reducing exposure to indoor contaminants in schools. It discusses the various indoor pollutants found in schools, including dust, chemical agents, gases, and volatile organic compounds; where they are found in schools; and their health effects on school occupants. Pollution control measures are detailed in the areas of building design, product specifications, renovation procedures, operations and maintenance, and ventilation system management.

Indoor Environment Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2003 09)
The Indoor Environment Department at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory conducts research toward improving the health, comfort and energy efficiency of the indoor environment. Find information on the activities of their various research groups covering topics such as the energy performance in buildings, commercial building ventilation, and pollutant sources. Their Research Highlights sections offer overviews of their recent research findings. A useful research tool on this site is the searchable Indoor Environment Department's Publication Database which can be used to find information about available books and periodicals on indoor air topics.

Industry Canada, Emergency Telecommunications (1999 11)
The site describes this Canadian government emergency telecommunications organization.

Infection Control Guidelines for Occupational Health in Health Care (Health Canada) (2005 07)
The new guideline differs from previous versions as it views the health care setting from an industrial hygiene perspective. The risk assessment of various diseases and the hazard they pose to health care workers is balanced by the risk control measures of engineering, administrative, work practices, and personal protective equipment. Administration responsibilities of an organization are outlined in the beginning of the guideline to set the stage for an effective occupational health program.

Injury Prevention - Accident Compensation Corporation, New Zealand (2003 12)
"Includes a comprehensive range of injury prevention information and resources covering safety on the road, at home, at work, Maori & Pacific peoples, OOS prevention and back injury prevention plus information for the rural and industry sectors. The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) administers New Zealand's accident compensation scheme."

Institut de recherche en santé et sécurité du travail du Québec (IRSST) (2002 12)
L'Institut de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail a été créé pour contribuer, par la recherche, à la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles et à la réadaptation des travailleurs qui en sont victimes. Le site décrit ses recherches et activités, publications, services de laboratoire, et cetera.

Institut national de recherche et de sécurité (INRS) (2003 09)
Cet organisme de France a pour rôle de contribuer sur le plan technique, par des moyens appropriés, à la prévention des accidents et des maladies professionnelles, ainsi que d'assurer la protection de la santé et de la sécurité des travailleurs. Ce site donne des renseignements sur la recherche effectuée par l'INRS, ses services de consultation, ses produits d'information, une liste de ses conférences, etc. Toute l'information est donnée en français et il y a aussi de l'anglais.

Institute for Research in Construction - Lighting Research (2003 11)
The National Research Council's Institute for Research in Construction is Canada's construction technology centre. Read about IRC's research.

Institute of Occupational Safety & Health, Republic of China (2003 09)
The missions of this research institute include "application of scientific technology, surveys and analyses of various risk factors in the working environment, as well as development of countermeasures." Read about the research being performed by each of the divisions.

Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (2005 07)
"The Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), prepared and maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), is an electronic data base containing information on human health effects that may result from exposure to various chemicals in the environment. IRIS was initially developed for EPA staff in response to a growing demand for consistent information on chemical substances for use in risk assessments, decision-making and regulatory activities. The information in IRIS is intended for those without extensive training in toxicology, but with some knowledge of health sciences."

Investigation of the Safety Implications of Wireless Communications in Vehicles (1999 02)
This report, available in its entirety, was written by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The report addresses four specific issues: does cellular telephone use while driving increase crash risk; magnitude of the traffic safety problem as a result; will crashes likely increase with increased cell phone use; options for safer cell phone use in vehicles.

Japan International Center for Occupational Health and Safety (2001 09)
This site provides information on industrial safety and health, relevant laws and regulations, labor practices, and how the levels of safety and health significantly vary in each country.

Job Accommodation Network (1997 08)
JAN is an international consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with disabilities. The site provides a large directory of sites, information about job accommodation in the US, Americans With Disabilities Act, etc.

Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) (2001 04)
The Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission is a seven member advisory board created under state law with a mission to: facilitate public discussion and resolution of environmental issues;monitor environmental trends and conditions; promote partnerships to improve and protect the environment for future generations, and serve as an advisory board to state officials on environmental matters; and increase public awareness, responsibility, and positive action toward a clean healthy environment. View the Commission's publications, find out about its meetings, etc.

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory - Environmental Health and Safety (2003 11)
Access is provided to a number of Berkeley Lab's health and safety documents - e.g. their lab safety manual, site environmental report, "lessons learned" documents, etc. There are also links to a number of public MSDS collections, and a few other sites.

LegiFrance (1998 02)
Ce site renferme le code législatif de la France au complet. Toute l'information est en français.

Library of Congress (USA)

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)

Maine Department of Environmental Protection (2005 07)

Major Accident Hazards Bureau (MAHB) (2000 11)
Major Accident Hazards Bureau (MAHB) - European Commission Joint Research Centre in Italy. MAHB gives support to the Directorate-General XI (Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection) of the European Commission for the implementation of the Directive on Major Accident Hazards of Certain Industrial Activities (Seveso-Directive 96/82/EEC) concerning the processing and storage of hazardous substances. Gives legal framework, activities, MARS Data, SPIRS Data, CDCIR Data, new products, national authorities, other links and related projects.

Manitoba Workplace Safety & Health Division (1996 07)
Information about the various branches (Workplace Safety & Health, Mining Inspection and Occupational Health), plus access to the Division's WorkSafe publications.

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (2005 07)
Information is provided about the State of Massachusetts emergency plans and programs,etc. Includes a number of "tip" sheets and other resource materials.

Massachusetts Executive Office of Consumer Affairs

Massachussetts Department of Environmental Protection

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Infectious Substances (2003 09)
Health Canada, Health Protection Branch, Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, presents these MSDS "for personnel working in the life sciences as quick safety reference material relating to infectious micro-organisms." Data sheets are available in English and French.

MediBel-Net - the Belgian Information Kiosk for Health and Environment (1998 09)
Voir des coordonés des compétences de la Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé et de l'Environnement. La plupart des renseignements est en français et hollandais.

MEDLINE - PubMed (1997 07)
This free site provides access to the US National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE, a bibliographic database of over 9 million records.

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (2005 07)

Mine Safety and Health Administration (USA)

Mining Safety and Health Research (2001 04)
The (US) Office for Mine Safety & Health Research Center, Pittsburgh & Spokane Research Laboratories conducts studies, research, experiments, and demonstrations related to the mining and minerals sector in the area of worker health, worker safety and disaster prevention.

Ministry of Health, Peru (1998 05)
This site provides information about the Peruvian Ministry of Health, plus links to the Directorate of Environmental Health, General Office of Epidemiology, Peruvian Association of Public Health, etc. All information is in Spanish.

Minnesota Department of Public Safety

Missouri Department Of Labor and Industrial Relations (2005 07)

Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (MMWR) (2001 04)
All issues of this weekly report, produced by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are presented in their entirety.

National Agricultural Safety Database (2005 07)
NASD "contains over 2,000 ag health and safety publications from 25 states, 4 federal agencies and 5 national organizations. The collection includes OSHA and EPA Standards, extension publications, a database of abstracts and ordering information for over 1,000 ag safety-related videos, a NIOSH bibliography database with over 500 scientific publications, a resource directory with contact information for over 1,000 people and organizations involved in ag safety and health, slide presentations, posters, sample news releases and public service announcement scripts."

National Earthquake Information Center (2001 04)
This US Geological Survey site has information about recent earthquakes, general earthquake information, etc.

National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (1999 05)
This US Environmental Protection Agency laboratory "is the agency's focal point for scientific research on the effects of contaminants and environmental stressors on human health and ecosystem integrity."

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (1998 03)
The site provides information on air bags, child safety seats, vehicle safety, etc.

National Institute for Occcupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (1996 07)
The site provides access to detailed information about this US government agency plus links to NIEHS-sponsored sites such as the National Toxicology Program.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2000 06)
Human health and human disease result from three interactive elements: environmental factors, individual susceptibility and age. The mission of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is to reduce the burden of human illness and dysfunction from environmental causes by understanding each of these elements and how they interrelate. The NIEHS achieves its mission through multidisciplinary biomedical research programs, prevention and intervention efforts, and communication strategies that encompass training, education, technology transfer, and community outreach.

National Institute of Health Sciences - Japan

National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Chemical Management Centre (Japan) (2002 12)
In Japan, the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufacture, etc. of Chemical Substances (Chemical Substances Control Law, CSCL) was enacted in 1973 to deal with the environmental pollution and hazards caused by PCBs. The law, which requires safety examination of new chemicals before either their manufacture or importation, controls the manufacturing, import, use, etc. of chemicals deemed to be hazardous.With regard to the threats chemical substances pose to both health and the ecosystem, an additional law was enacted in 1999. This law, entitled Law Concerning Reporting, etc. of Releases to the Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements in Their Management (PRTR and Promotion of Chemical Management Law), seeks to encourage industries to make voluntary improvements to their management of specific hazardous substances, which if not controlled properly could pose threats to the environment.CMC (Chemical Management Center) focuses its energies on the proper implementation of these two laws. The establishment of an internationally integrated chemical substance safety management is of utmost importance. CMC, functioning as a national pivotal center, contributes to this international integration with respect to the following areas:The collection and dissemination of data on chemical substances.Risk communication.The disseminating of accurate information about risk management and its processes from reliable sources.

National Institute of Working Life (Arbetslivsinstitutet) - Sweden (1996 07)
Formerly the National Institute of Occupational Health. Arbetslivsinstitutet is Sweden's R&D; centre for occupational health and safety, working life and the labour market. Access is provided to information about the Insitute, their library catalog is accessible, and the full text of their research newsletter is provided.

National Institutes of Health (USA) (2003 12)
Information is provided about the various Institutes and their work . Wealth information resources, including: health information, scientific resources, grants and funding, news and events.

National Library of Medicine (USA)

National Nuclear Data Center (2003 11)
"The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy to provide information services in the fields of low and medium energy nuclear physics to users in the United States and Canada. In particular, the Center can provide information on neutron, charged-particle, and photonuclear reactions, nuclear structure, and decay data.

National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (WorkSafe Australia) (1999 10)
Read about this national OH&S; agency, view statistical information, Australian regulatory requirements, fact sheets, alerts, etc.

National Park Service, Public Health Program (2000 06)
This site provides brochures about concerns such as Hepatitis and Tuberculosis, and self-learning modules on Hantavirus and Lyme Disease.

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) (2001 04)
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is the only legislated, nation-wide, publicly accessible inventory of pollutant releases and transfers in Canada.

National Radiological Protection Board (1998 12)
This UK agency was set up "to advance the acquisition of knowledge about the protection of mankind from radiation hazards" and "to provide information and advice to persons (including Government Departments) with responsibilities in the United Kingdom in relation to the protection from radiation hazards either of the community as a whole or of particular sections of the community". Read about NRPB's services, publications, etc.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) (2001 04)
The US National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is the largest, central resource for US government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information. Search for more than 400,000 publications plus CD-ROMs, data files and audiovisuals.

National Toxicology Program (1996 07)
This program is associated with the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Access abstracts of NTP studies, chemical health and safety data, information about NTP, etc.

Natural Disaster Reference Database (1999 05)
The Natural Disaster Reference Database (NDRD) is a bibliographic database on research, programs, and results which relate to the use of satellite remote sensing for disaster mitigation.

Naval Health Research Center Toxicology Detachment

New Jersey Dept. of Health and Senior Services, Occupational Disease Epidemiology and Surveillance Program (1998 05)
"The Occupational Disease Epidemiology and Surveillance Program targets its activities to workers who are exposed to hazardous chemical, physical or biological agents." A series of documents are presented, including a series of industrial hygiene factsheets on controlling chemical exposure.

New Jersey Dept. of Health and Senior Services, Right to Know Program (1998 01)
The site provides information about the Program, training courses, commonly asked questions about NJ Right to Know, publications, etc. A number of Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets are available as PDF files (Adobe Acrobat reader software required).

New Mexico Department of Public Safety (1999 10)
Read about the department, press releases, legislative reports, newsletters, FAQs, etc.

New United Kingdom Official Publications Online (1997 08)
NUKOP provides bibliographic and ordering information for thousands of UK government publications in a variety of subject areas, including health and safety.

New York State Department of Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (1997 09)
This site provides access to a series of basic documents on environmental and occupational health. The content is geared to the public.

New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (2003 11)
This site provides access to the work of the New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (NZIPS) Project. The aim of the Strategy is to develop a framework for the injury prevention activities of government agencies, non-government organisations, communities and individuals. A Draft version of the Strategy was released for public consultation in October 2002. The Government aims to release a final strategy by June 2003. The Draft Document, background information (eg. Injury statistics) and information about making submissions are available.

New Zealand's Health and Safety Net (1997 04)
This is the home page of the Occupational Safety and Health Service of the Department of Labour, New Zealand. The site provides information about the organization, work hazards, health and safety law, training resources, accident and illness reporting, etc. There is also a catalogue of their health and safety information products. Some publications are available from the site. A software package, the "Floppy Ergonomist", is available to be downloaded by people in New Zealand.

Newfoundland Environment and Labour (1998 03)
The site just contains departmental press releases and information about the Minister, etc.

NIOSH Criteria Documents (1997 09)
View Criteria Documents, Occupational Hazard Assessments, Special Hazard Reviews and Joint Occupational Health Documents from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

NIOSH Educational Research Centers (ERCs) (1997 03)
This page, provided by the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, provides links to all 14 US NIOSH ERCs.

NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM) (1998 10)
NMAM is the result of part of the research activities of the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) relating to the determination of workplace contaminants. NMAM is a collection of methods for sampling and analysis of contaminants in workplace air, and in the blood and urine of workers who are occupationally exposed. The methods themselves are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (1998 10)
Access the full text of this popular publication from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

NIOSH Silicosis Prevention (2000 08)
Compiled by NIOSH, this web site lists various publications and organizations who deal with silicosis prevention.

North American Emergency Response Guidebook (1996) (1997 08)
This is an online version of the Guidebook, developed jointly by Transport Canada, US Department of Transportation and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of Mexico.

North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is the lead stewardship agency for the preservation and protection of North Carolina's outstanding natural resources. The organization, which has offices from the mountains to the coast, administers regulatory programs designed to protect air quality, water quality, and the public's health. DENR also offers technical assistance to businesses, farmers, local governments, and the public and encourages responsible behavior with respect to the environment through education programs provided at DENR facilities and through the state's school system.

Northern Centre for Advanced Technologies Inc. (2003 11)
The Centre provides air monitoring services and traditional health and safety training sessions, plus Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training as both an in-class session and Internet based training .

Nova Scotia Environment and Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Division (2003 09)
Information is provided about the Division, the Minister, oh&s; legislation and publications, news, etc.

Nova Scotia Workers Compensation Board (2001 04)
Read about the WCB, compensation issues in Nova Scotia, etc.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA) (1996 10)
Publications, news and other information produced by the Commission.

Occupational Disease Panel Electronic Library (1999 10)
The Occupational Disease Panel (ODP) was created under the Workers' Compensation Act of Ontario. In its 10 years of operation, ending in 1997, it produced numerous publications on issues relating to workplace/occupational diseases and their compensation. These publications are available in their entirety on this site.

Occupational Safety & Health Council (Hong Kong) (1997 09)
This well developed site provides information in a variety of areas: consultancy services, safety and health laws, education and training, approved personal protective equipment, OSHC publications, etc.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (1998 06)
This site provides access to numerous US OSHA resources, including the full text of OSHA legislation and interpretive documents, OSHA publications, software, etc.

Occupational Safety and Health in Israel (2000 06)
This site is maintained by the Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene (IIOSH). In addition to the information in English found on this homepage, the site contains various sections and activities in Hebrew: a virtual library, training programs, the "Safety Online" magazine, a news bulletin, discussion groups, a list of OSH sites worldwide, and more.

Occupational Safety and Health, Policies and Publications (2003 09)
Treasury Board of Canada, links to all Occupational Safety and Health policies and procedures.

Occutech Services (2001 04)

Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (2003 09)
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) was mandated by theNuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, and is within the US Department of Energy. It'spurpose is to develop a plan to safely manage and permanently dispose of spentfuel from nuclear power plants. The site provides substantial information onthe Yucca Mountain Project, including its Environmental Impact Statement. Inthe Quality Assurance section are Audit & Surveillance Schedules and AuditReports. There are also technical reports, regulatory & legislative informationand testimony & speeches.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health (2003 11)
This content-rich site contains various collections of health and safety bulletins, alerts, newsletters, etc. It also provides access to human radiation exposure information.

Office Of Pesticide Programs - Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD) (1999 11)
The BPPD is responsible for the regulation of all biopesticides in the United States. This website includes a definition of biopesticides, regulatory activity, active ingredients, Federal Register notices, press releases, publications and a related Internet resources section.

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics - Lead Programs (1999 11)
This US Environmental Protection Agency site is designed to provide access to information on all aspects of the Federal lead poisoning prevention program, with an emphasis on the EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT).

Office of the Worker Advisor, Ontario (2003 09)
The Office of the Worker Adviser (OWA), an independent agency of the Ontario Ministry of Labour, is in business to provide employers with advisory services, education and information on Workplace Safety Insurance. Read about OWA's services.

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (2001 04)
Information is provided about this US state environment agency. Content includes rules and regulations, press releases, policy documents, publications, etc.

Oil Spill Program - US EPA (2000 11)
The EPA's Oil Spill Program Homepage offers a wealth of information on oilspills, including preventing and preparing for oil spills. There is alsocontact information for reporting and responding to spills. The Learning Centerpage offers straightforward information on the behavior of oil, methods ofcleanup, effects on both animals and ecosystems, as well as experiments forelementary, middle and high school students. This site also offers access tospill prevention control guidelines and regulations.

Ontario Ministry of Labour (2000 08)
The site contains information about the ministry, provincial government OSH discussion papers, a list of ministry publications, etc.

Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (2003 11)
The OTRU was established by the Ontario Ministry of Health in 1993 to undertake a program of research, development and dissemination of knowledge about effective tobacco control programs and policies. Read about its research activities, publications, etc.

Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR-OSHA) (1997 01)
The site contains a directory of OR-OSHA's services, news releases, an employer's tool kit, information about codes, publications and videos for loan, etc. The Oregon Health and Safety Resource, OR-OSHA's newsletter, is also accessible.

OSH Answers (1998 03)
This is a collection of frequently asked health and safety questions, presented by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

OSHA Asbestos Advisor (2001 04)
The Asbestos Advisor is an interactive compliance assistance tool. Once installed on your PC, it can interview you about buildings and worksites, and the kinds of tasks workers perform there. It will produce guidance on how the Asbestos standard may apply to those buildings and that work.

OSHA Confined Spaces Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Confined Spaces Advisor is software. It gives users interactive expert help to apply OSHA's Permit Required Confined Spaces Standard (29 CFR 1910.146). Version 1.1 refines and replaces Version 1.0 of March 1997. You can use this Advisor online, or download it and run it in the Windows environment.

OSHA General Industry Lead Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Lead in General Industry Advisor is multi-purpose, interactive, expert software. The Lead in General Industry Advisor assists employers, employees, and physicians and other health care providers to understand the requirements of the general industry standard on occupational exposure to LEAD (29 CFR 1910.1025).The software provides an introduction to the scope and logic of the regulation, and provides a framework to facilitate compliance.

OSHA GOCAD 2.0, the Cadmium Biological Monitoring Advisor (2001 04)
GOCAD 2.0 is a Windows-based, expert system. It applies the biological monitoring provisions of the Cadmium Standard that became effective Jan. 1, 1999. For each employee, GOCAD 2.0 analyzes the biological-monitoring results, then prepares and saves: A letter to the employee;A memorandum for the employer; and Notes for the physician's records. For each run of the system, GOCAD 2.0 creates: a summary of the run with the conclusion and ID for each employee; a detail file designed for easy use with common database software; and a serial log of the details.

OSHA Hazard Awareness Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Hazard Awareness Advisor is powerful, interactive, expert software. It will help you (especially, small businesses) identify and understand common occupational safety and health hazards in your work place. It will ask you about activities, practices, materials, equipment, and policies at your work place. Most questions have follow-up questions (depending upon your previous answers). The Hazard Awareness Advisor uses your answers to determine the hazards that are likely to be present. Then, it prepares a unique, customized report that briefly describes the likely hazards and the OSHA standards which address those hazards. You can use this Advisor online, or download it and run it in the Windows environment.

OSHA Lead in Construction Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Lead in Construction Advisor is interactive expert software. It is intended to help users, especially small business, to understand OSHA's Lead in Construction standard.

OSHA Regulations and Compliance Links (1998 03)
Access is provided to the full text of US Occupational Safety and Health Administration's regulations.

OSHA SafeCare Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Hazard Identification Software for Long Term Health Care Facilities - This Expert Advisor software will create a customized report on the likely occupational safety and health hazards in a long term care facility. It relies on input from the user about the activities, equipment, and materials in the workplace. The SafeCare advisor evolved from the Hazard Awareness Advisor and focuses on one specific industry. DynCorp developed it with guidance from the staff of DTS's Office of Occupational Nursing.

OSHA Sampling and Analytical Methods (1998 10)
This site provides access to analytical methods from the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration - fully validated methods for organic and inorganic chemicals, and partially validated methods. Some of the methods are provided in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

OSHA's "$AFETY PAYS" Program
OSHA's "$AFETY PAYS" program is interactive software developed by OSHA to assist employers in assessing the impact of occupational injuries and illnesses (with Lost Work Days) on their profitability. It uses a company's profit margin, the AVERAGE costs of an injury or illness, and an indirect cost multiplier to project the amount of sales a company would need to generate in order to cover those costs.

Paramedic & EMT-Intermediate: National Standard Curricula Revision Project (1996 11)
Descriptions of the professions of Paramedic and EMT-Intermediate (Emergency Medical Technician). Information about the training required for these professions in the US.

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (2003 11)
Presents a selection of envirionment conservation resources targetted to various groups including: business & industry, individuals & families, farmers, local governments, etc.

Pennsylvania's ISO 14001 web site (2003 11)
The Pennsylvania ISO 14001 site conveys the state's vision for environmental management systems and for improving environmental performance. Find lists of Pennsylvania's ISO 14001 companies, the latest news on ISO developments in Pennsylvania, an archive of online publications from a variety of ISO 14001 specialists, a directory of the state's ISO Service Providers and links to additional publications and resources.

Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) (1998 11)
This agency part of Health Canada has as its mandate "to protect human health safety and the environment by minimizing risks associated with pesticides while enabling access to pest management tools namely pest control products and pest management strategies. PMRA documents including "Pest Notes" and Canadian pesticide registration information are provided.

Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (2000 06)
EPA's Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program is a partnership between EPA and pesticide users formed in order to reduce the risks from pesticides. The program's goal is to educate and inform pesticide users.

Pesticide Fact Sheets - U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (2000 06)
These fact sheets are a series issued by the Forest Service for their workers and the general public. Each fact sheet provides information on forest and land management uses, environmental and human health effects, and safety precautions for various pesticides and their formulations. Unless otherwise stated, the toxicity data presented in these fact sheets refer to the active ingredient.

Physical Agent Data Sheets (2001 04)
This site provides data sheets on physical agents, such as cold stress, hand-arm vibration, heat stress, ionizing radiation, lasers, noise, etc.

Queensland Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations (2000 08)
The DETIR web site provides links to legislation, research projects, publications and employment opportunities.

Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada (2003 09)
Health Canada, Radiation Protection Bureau home page provides links to various publications produced by the RPB.

Radiation Protection Bureau, Publications (2003 09)
Techincal reports and publications produced by the Radiation Protection Bureau of Health Canada are available here as PDF files. Some publications need to be ordered from RPB.

Radiation Protection Division, US Environmental Protection Agency (1998 02)
The site provides information about the Division, and also provides basic radiation protection information in the form of a booklet, fact sheets, etc. There is also a kids' page, "Perfect for book reports or other homework!"

RCRA Online (1998 10)
Provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), RCRA Online is a "database of thousands of selected letters, memoranda and questions and answers written by the EPA's Office of Solid Waste since 1980."

Read the Label First (2000 05)
At this site, the US EPA has created a label with pop-up text that explains the basic statements found on pesticide product labels. As you pass your mouse pointer over the different parts of the label a window will open and provide an explanation of the label statement.

Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings (2001 04)
The fifth edition of Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings is available here. It is edited by Dr. Routt Reigart and Dr. James Roberts, and is published by EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs. Both English and Spanish versions are available.

Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) (2000 06)
The RAIS was designed by the US Department of Energy to provide risk assessment tools and information. Among the risk assessment tools available on this site are: risk-based preliminary remediation goal (PRG) calculations used by risk managers as long-term targets during the analysis and selection of remediation alternatives; databases of toxicity profiles and values; ecological benchmarks to identify contaminants, media, and receptors that may be at risk; and a risk assessment glossary.

SafetyLine (1998 10)
SafetyLine is an on-line information service provided by WorkSafe Western Australia. Lots of links to information, including technical safety and health solutions (numerous documents), Australian safety and health laws, statistics and vocational training for the purpose of "establishing a 'safety culture' amongst young workers".

SafetyLine Institute (1998 10)
"The SafetyLine Institute is an online education and training facility established by WorkSafe Western Australia to provide high quality education and training materials in occupational safety and health." Available courses include: OSH Management, OSH Information Sources, Safe Systems of Work, OSH Promotion in the Workplace, Accident Prevention in the Workplace, Manual Handling, Hazardous Substances Management, etc.

Saskatchewan Department of Labour (2001 04)
This extensive site provides a wide range of labour related information from the Saskatchewan government. There is a separate occupational health and safety section on the site.

South Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (2001 04)
Read about this state government department and its services.

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (2003 09)
Read about this state department - contact information, emergency response services, training, etc.

Standards Council of Canada (1999 03)
The Standards Council of Canada is a federal Crown corporation with the mandate to promote efficient and effective standardization. Read about SCC's advisory committees, view its publications, etc.

State of Washington, Emergency Management & Disaster Planning (2003 11)
This site provides information about emergency management in the State of Washington - news, mitigation plans, legislation and other related documents.

Statutes and Regulations of Ontario (1999 11)
This site provides access to the full text of Acts and Regulations from the Government of Ontario

Strategis (1996 07)
This Industry Canada site provides information about many aspects of Canadian industry - industry profiles, technology, etc.

The European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety (2001 09)
The European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety was established in 1989 by the European Trade Union Confederation in order to monitor the drafting, transposition and application of this legislation.

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Biotechnology Program (1999 11)
This US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) site was created to allow more efficient public, governmental and educational access to the TSCA Biotechnology Program. At this site you will find the regulation under which the Program functions, and the supplementary documents created to support this regulation, as well as status reports on the submissions, reviews, and agreements undertaken by the Program.

Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) (2000 03)
This program is part of the Specialized Information Services (SIS) Division of the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). This site is an access point for all of the databases available on the Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET), as well as a Chemical Information page for additional information on drugs, pesticides, environmental pollutants, and other potential toxins.

ToxNet (1998 09)
This US National Library of Medicine site provides "access to the TOXNET system of databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, and related areas."

Transport Canada (1997 03)
The site contains current transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) regulations, draft regulations, and other transportation safety information - aviation safety, marine, railway, road etc.

Transportation Safety Board of Canada (2003 09)
This site contains the full text of TSB's latest occurrence reports, occurrence statistics, significant safety issues, plus information about the board itself.

Treasury Board Secretariat, Regulatory Issues (Canada) (1999 11)
Contains information about Canadian federal legislation, plans for federal regulatory reform, etc. Various guides and publications related to Canadian regulatory reform are also provided or described.

UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Public Register of Prosecutions (2001 09)
A database of safety prosecutions since April 1999. This can be searched by prosecution type or against specific regulations.

UK Health and Safety Executive: Leaflets about Hazards at Work (2005 07)
Here you will find the text of leaflets relating to hazards at work. Also included is information that will help to identify and control the risks that may arise from workplace hazards.

Ultraviolet Radiation in the Workplace - Ontario Ministry of Labour (2003 09)
The full text of the Ontario Ministry of Labour guideline "Ultraviolet Radiation in the Workplace" is available at this URL.

United States Army - Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine (2003 11)
ÒIts mission is to provide worldwide technical support for implementing preventive medicine, public health, and health promotion/wellness services into all aspects of America's Army and the Army Community anticipating and rapidly responding to operational needs and adaptable to a changing world environment.Ó

United States House of Representatives (2000 06)

US Army Aviation & Missile Command (2003 10)
The site includes a variety of resources, including the US Army Safety & Occupational Health Professional Directory, compliance guides, regulations, etc.

US Congress on the Internet (1999 02)
This site provides information about US federal legislation in progress, congress itself, committee reports, etc.

US Dept. of Energy, ES&H;, International Health Programs (2003 11)
Information about health effects of radiation and related environmental hazards. Three programs are described: Europe, Japan and the Marshall Islands.

US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs (1997 03)
Access is provided to detailed EPA pesticide information.

US EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modelling (2001 04)
The Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) was established in 1987 to meet the scientific and technical exposure assessment needs of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) as well as state environmental and resource management agencies. CEAM provides proven predictive exposure assessment techniques for aquatic, terrestrial, and multimedia pathways for organic chemicals and metals.

US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (2001 04)
The Office of Pesticides mission is to protect public health and the environmentfrom the risks posed by pesticides and to promote safer means of pest control.This web site offers substantial information on many aspects of pesticides, fromregistration, safety and regulations to biopesticides and the effects onchildren and endangered species. There is a section regarding public commentperiods, including upcoming meetings. The kids page offers a house tour to showkids about dangerous chemicals found in the home.

US EPA, Office of Pollution Protection and Toxics (2001 09)
The Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Lead Page was created to address residential lead hazards. This website provides access to both final rules and regulations but also the latest pending regulations as well.

US National Archives and Records Administration : Federal Register
"The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) informs citizens of their rights and obligations by providing ready access to the official text of Federal laws, Presidential documents, administrative regulations and notices, and descriptions of Federal organizations, programs and activities."

US-EU Cooperation on Workplace Safety & Health (2000 08)
This is a project of the US DOL, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the EU European Agency for Health and Safety at Work (EU Agency). The goal is to promote sharing of information on current safety and health topics of common interest.

Utah Department of Environmental Quality (1997 07)
Information about and from the department's various divisions, including air quality, environmental response and mitigation, solid and hazardous waste, etc.

Utah Department of Public Safety (2003 11)
Read about the department and its resources.

Victoria State Emergency Services (VICSES) (2003 09)
Information is provided about this Australian state-run agency.

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (1999 05)
View information about this state agency, its programs, etc.

Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program (2001 09)
This site is designed to help fleet owners/operators, state/local government air quality planners and retrofit manufacturers understand the diesel retrofit program and obtain information they need to create effective retrofit projects.

Washington State Department of Health (1998 03)
The site provides a number of public health fact sheets, monographs, reports, etc.

Washington State Department of Transportation (1999 05)
Information provided includes details of all the Department's agencies, accident data, travel information, etc.

WaterWiser (1996 07)
WaterWiser's mission is to be the preeminent resource for water efficiency and water conservation information. WaterWiser is a cooperative project of the American Water Works Association, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Resources include: activities & events calendar; bibliography/reference searching; book selections; conservation/water-related links; water efficiency discussion forum; and water efficiency service company listing directory.

West Virginia Bureau of Employment Programs, Workers' Compensation (1997 09)
The site provides access to the bureau's publications, frequently asked questions about compensation in West Virginia, plus links to other compensation-related sites.

Westray Mine Public Inquiry (2003 12)
"In the early morning of 9 May 1992 a violent explosion rocked the tiny community of Plymouth, just east of Stellarton, in Pictou County, Nova Scotia. The explosion occurred in the depths of the Westray coal mine, instantly killing the 26 miners working there at the time." The purpose of this website is to provide information relating to the Inquiry into the disaster, as well as access to the Executive Summary of the Inquiry's Report.

Worker's Compensation Board - Northwest Territories and Nunavut (2003 11)
The site provides compensation and occupational health & safety information for workers in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut (Canada).

Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia (Canada) (1999 06)
This site provides access to: information about the WCB itself; answers a series of frequently asked questions (FAQ); information about what's new (initiatives, legislation, etc.); online publications and ordering information for printed publications, videos, etc.

Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (1998 11)
The site provides information about the WCB, claims, employer and employee responsibilities, etc. The WCB Act, Policy Manual, fact sheets, etc. are provided.

Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta (200310)
The site provides information about the WCB, claims, employer & employee responsibilities, etc. The WCB Publications section contains the full text of the WCB Policies and Information Manual, the Workers' Compensation Act and Regulation, various booklets, information and reports, forms, etc.

Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia Health and Safety Centre (2001 09)
The Workers' Compensation Board of B.C. is dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety for the workers and employers of this province. The WCB regulates, monitors workplaces, educates, and consults with employers and workers on workplace health and safety issues. This site provides access to resources for injury prevention information from the WCB, and workplace health and safety resources across the Web.

Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (1998 11)
The site provides information about the WCB, claims, employer and employee responsibilities, etc. There is also a "library", including the Workers' Compensation Act, regulations, a WCB policy manual, fact sheets, etc.

Workers' Compensation Review Board, British Columbia (1999 12)
The Review Board is an appeal tribunal independent of the Workers' Compensation Board, established by the British Columbia Legislature under Section 89 of the Workers Compensation Act. The site contains information about filing appeals. WCRB publications, legislation and leading appeals are also available.

Working Time Regulations (2000 05)
This site describes the UK implementation of the Working Time Regulations (WTR) - The European Working Time Directive and parts of the Young Workers Directive relate to the working time of adolescent workers (workers above the minimum school leaving age but below 18).

Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick (2003 11)
Provides information about the commission and its programs, calculating WCB claims in New Brunswick, industry assessment rates, etc.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (Ontario) (1999 05)
"The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal is the final level of appeal to which workers and employers may bring disputes concerning workplace safety and insurance matters in Ontario. The Appeals Tribunal is separate from and independent of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board." Read about the tribunal, the appeals process, recent decisions, view information about their research publications, etc.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Ontario, Canada (1998 03)
This content-rich site contains information about the board itself, information for employers and workers, news releases, facts and figures, the Ontario Workers' Compensation Act, etc. This board has replaced the Workers Compensation Board of Ontario.

Worksafe Western Australia Noise pages (2001 09)
Noise and vibration essential information is provided, plus some Toolbox Topics on Noise, and other guidance for practical methods for reducing noise - for example in school workshops and gardening areas, in the music entertainment industry, and in the construction industry. There are also many case studies and incident summaries.

Worplace Health, Safety & Compensation Commission (Newfoundland) (1998 11)
The site provides information about the Commission, claims, employer and employee responsibilities, etc. The Workers Compensation Act and Regulations, Policy Manual and other publications are available on the site.

Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board (1999 05)
Access information about the Board, worker information, employer information, publications, acts and regulations, and policy documents.

Dernière mise à jour - le juillet 25, 2005
Nombre de serveurs listés - 284

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