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Subscription address: listserv@webber.oup.co.uk
Send messages to: a-enews-l@webber.oup.co.uk

Oxford Medical Publications: Accident and Emergency News


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: acad-ae-med@mailbase.ac.uk

The list will be of relevance to all trainees including undergraduates and postgraduate practitioners in Accident & Emergency medicine. It will seek to promote and foster academic research in the world of Accident & Emergency medicine.


Subscription address: requests@list.ccohs.ca
Send messages to: actualites-cchst@list.ccohs.ca

This is a broadcast list for French-language news releases and product announcements from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).


Subscription address: listserv@nic.surfnet.nl
Send messages to: aeroso-l@nic.surfnet.nl

A discussion group for researchers involved with the determination of health effects associated with exposure to various concentrations and classes of particulate matter (PM) in ambient air (e.g. toxicologists epidemiologists). List members discuss topics such as generation and characterization methods of aerosols biological effect parameters (e.g. biochemical immunological) and respiratory tract dosimetry models.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aerosol-list
Send messages to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aerosol-list

American Industrial Hygiene Association's Aerosol Interest Group


Subscription address: http://igc.topica.com/lists/afscme-osh
Send messages to: afscme-osh@igc.topica.com

This list was designed for American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) members and other interested persons to exchange information about health and safety conditions in their workplaces and solutions and strategies that they have found to be successful or unsuccessful. It can be a place to discuss political action ideas and strategies concerning health and safety issues -- either on the local or national level. It can also be used to distribute announcements and alerts.


Subscription address: listserv@oem.ucdavis.edu
Send messages to: aghealth@oem.ucdavis.edu

UC Agricultural Health and Safety Center at Davis.


Subscription address: listserv@oem.ucdavis.edu
Send messages to: aghealthnews@oem.ucdavis.edu

University of California Agricultural Health and Safety Center at Davis.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aihabio-list
Send messages to: aihabio@yahoogroups.com

American Industrial Hygiene Association BioHazard Group

AIHAIH-LIST (formerly IH-List)

Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aihaih-list
Send messages to: aihaih-list@yahoogroups.com

IH-list is a list for the general use of the Industrial Hygienists and interested professionals who wish to discuss topics of general industrial hygiene or ask questions of the listserv community. This list is open to all subscribers and is unmonitored.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.uark.edu
Send messages to: allergy@listserv.uark.edu

The Allergy mailing list discusses human allergies of all types - how allergies impact our health and lifestyles, treatments for allergies from the consumer perspective and experience, self-help prevention of allergy symptoms, allergy self-care, allergy support systems, and basic facts about these topics.


Subscription address: listserv@uga.cc.uga.edu
Send messages to: alum-l@uga.cc.uga.edu

University of Georgia Risk Management information.


Subscription address: aqhsstlst@aqhsst.qc.ca
Send messages to: aqhsstlst@aqhsst.qc.ca

Présenté par l'Association québéquoise pour l'hygiène, la santé et la sécurité du travail (AQHSST), c'est une liste française pour la discussion de tous les aspects de santé et sécurité au travail. Pour vous inscrire, envoyer un message à l'adresse aqhsstlst@aqhsst.qc.ca. Le corps du message devrait se lire: subscribe aqhsstlst


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asoshnet
Send messages to: asoshnet@yahoogroups.com

E-mail based discussion group for occupational health and safety and environmental practitioners based in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. This is a free service and it is hoped that all such practitioners will join to help develop the Southern African EHS/SHE network (also open to EHS/SHE friends of Southern Africa around the world).


Subscription address: listproc2@ecnet.net
Send messages to: audiol-l@ecnet.net

This is an open forum for audiologists and others who have an interest in all aspects of clinical audiology, audition, and professional issues in the field of audiology.


Subscription address: listserv@lists.dpi.qld.gov.au
Send messages to: aussie-farmsafety-net@lists.dpi.qld.gov.au

Farm safety discussion list.



Subscription address: listserv@listhost.com
Send messages to: beprepared-l@listhost.com

Online discussion of emergency preparedness


Subscription address: majordomo@acpub.duke.edu
Send messages to: beyond-hearing@acpub.duke.edu

This list is intended to provide a communication vehicle for people who have a hearing loss and who seek to overcome the barriers of hearing loss between themselves, other people, and the environment. Hard of hearing people, Self Help for Hard of Hearing People (SHHH) members, Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA) members and such other persons as might be interested are invited to join.


Subscription address: listserv@mitvma.mit.edu
Send messages to: biosafty@mitvma.mit.edu

A list for biosafety discussions.


Subscription address: listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
Send messages to: blindjob@maelstrom.stjohns.edu

This list is intended as a discussion on any and all aspects of employment as it relates to blind people. Blind job-seekers are encouraged to post a "cover letter" to the list, for potential employers to read. Potential employers are encourage to post job openings which might be of interest to our subscribers. Other issues which are appropriate for discussion include accessibility of jobs, creative ways of making jobs accessible, problems which people face in getting jobs due to their blindness, problems employers face in hiring blind people, etc.


Subscription address: majordomo@majordomo.netcom.com
Send messages to: bodyguard-l@netcom.com

The BODYGUARD-L mailing list is for public and private sector Protective Service Agents (bodyguards) and anyone interested in becoming a Protective Service Agent. Appropriate topics for discussion include intelligence analysis from open sources U.S. State Department travel alerts techniques and equipment training and tactics advance work and employment opportunities.


Subscription address: listserv@siu.edu
Send messages to: bushea-l@siu.edu

Health related information for business and industry.



Subscription address: listproc@ucdavis.edu
Send messages to: caems@ucdavis.edu

California Emergency Medical Services Mail List. CAEMS is a mailing list dedicated to information sharing problem solving and any other issues related to Emergency Medical Services in the State of California. List subscribers include people at all levels of EMS.


Subscription address: listproc@ucdavis.edu
Send messages to: cal-agsafety@ucdavis.edu

California agricultural safety professionals exchange.


Subscription address: MAISER@distart.ing.unibo.it
Send messages to: cargo-l@distart.ing.unibo.it

Cargo-L is meant for all parties involved in international transactions or that have to move cargo to and from anywhere.


Subscription address: requests@list.ccohs.ca
Send messages to: ccohs-news@list.ccohs.ca

This is a broadcast list for news releases and product announcements from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.


Subscription address: listproc@atlantis.cc.uwf.edu
Send messages to: chemed-l@atlantis.cc.uwf.edu

Chemistry education discussion list.


Subscription address: chemlab_l@vax1.bemidji.msus.edu
Send messages to: chemlab_l@vax1.bemidji.msus.edu

The CHEMLAB_L list is for people interested in chemistry laboratories (both academic and research), students' experiments (high school college and university), classroom demonstrations and shows for the public of chemical processes, chemistry stockroom management, lab safety and small-scale chemical waste handling procedures. To subscribe, put the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line of your message.


Subscription address: listserv@acm.org
Send messages to: chi-web@acm.org

CHI-WEB is an ACM SIGCHI (Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction) supported open discussion list on human factors aspects of the World Wide Web.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.indiana.edu
Send messages to: cheminf-l@listserv.indiana.edu

Chemical information sources discussion list.


Subscription address: listproc@hawaii.edu
Send messages to: cibw99-l@hawaii.edu

International construction safety and health.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.nodak.edu
Send messages to: co-cure@listserv.nodak.edu

Co-Cure was established in 1996 with the goal of furthering co-operative efforts towards finding the cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and the related Fibromyalgia (FM) through the open distribution and exchange of information between the medical/clinical, political and patient groups, as well as other organizations/institutions.


Subscription address: majordomo@penman.es.mq.edu.au
Send messages to: comfortzone@penman.es.mq.edu.au

The purpose of COMFORTZONE is to open up communications between members of the international thermal comfort community.


Subscription address: listserv@lists.sierraclub.org
Send messages to: cons-eqst-pesticide-forum@lists.sierraclub.org

The purpose of the CONS-EQST-PESTICIDE-FORUM list is to facilitate discussion and exchange of information among Sierra Club members on issues associated with the manufacture, use and licensing of pesticides. This Forum is open to all current Sierra Club members.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/conspace-list/info.html
Send messages to: conspace-list@yahoogroups.com

This is a forum for discussions related to confined space. It is intended to serve as a forum for discussion by the Confined Space Technical Committee of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, and for general exchanges on the subject.


Subscription address: listproc@lists.colorado.edu
Send messages to: const@lists.colorado.edu

Construction management discussion list.


Subscription address: listproc@cpsc.gov
Send messages to: cpscinfo-l@cpsc.gov

Consumer Product Safety News.


Subscription address: listserv@tamvm1.tamu.edu
Send messages to: csatexas@tamvm1.tamu.edu

Campus Safety.


Subscription address: majordomo@csb.gov
Send messages to: csbnews@csb.gov

This is a distribution list for news releases from the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board.


Subscription address: listserv@lrp5.lrp.com
Send messages to: ctdnews@lrp5.lrp.com

Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) News Update List


Subscription address: majordomo@markl.cz
Send messages to: czsafety@markl.cz

The purpose of CZSAFETY mailing list is to provide a forum for the exchange of information among experts, specialists and other practitioners who are interested in health and safety topics as they relate to Czech Republic, and to central and eastern Europe.


DIOXIN Conference

Subscription address: http://www.hygiene.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/cfo/dioxinconference/

The DIOXIN Conference is a online bulletin board for scientists to exchange information on dioxins and related compounds. Free registration is required. Maintained by the Department of Hygiene, Social- and Environmental Medicine of the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, the site is in English. The conference has 18 forums: 12 for general aspects of dioxins; analytical methods, ecotoxicology, emission control, environmental levels, epidemiology, formation and sources, human exposure, human levels, quality control, risk assessment and management, toxicology , and transport and fate; five for related compounds; endocrine disrupters, polyhalogenated biphenyls, short chain aliphatic halocarbons, toxaphenes, other halogenated compounds; and one for announcements.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: disability-careers-forum@mailbase.ac.uk

This list discusses issues related to employment for people with disabilities. It is a list for university careers advisors, disabled graduates, employers etc and employment professionals.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: disability-info@listserv.cdc.gov

Disability information, from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: disability-research@mailbase.ac.uk

This list is intended for all those interested in research as it affects disabled people both in the UK and internationally. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, information and news, particularly among researchers working within a social model of disablement.


Subscription address: listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
Send messages to: disabled@maelstrom.stjohns.edu

DISABLED aims to examine ways of exploring disability within a social and relational context. We take a dialectical approach to the body and psyche which attempts to resist both social or biological determinism.



United Way of America Disaster Response


Subscription address: listserv@bbs.pnl.gov
Send messages to: doe-atcs@bbs.pnl.gov

US Department of Energy, Action Team for Chemical Safety.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.pnl.gov
Send messages to: doechemsafety@listserv.pnl.gov

US Department of Energy Chemical Safety.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.nodak.edu
Send messages to: dot@listserv.nodak.edu

DOT is intended for governmental transportation agencies at all levels: federal, state/provincial and local. Topics such as highway design, light rail, HOV, CADD/GIS, computers, planning, right-of-way, environmental, legislation, project management, and more may be discussed. The list is intended for those who work FOR or WITH transportation governmental agencies worldwide.


Subscription address: majordomo@reeusda.gov
Send messages to: drifters@reeusda.gov

Drifters is an open forum for educators, trainers, regulators and industry, including applicators to share information, data and training activities on managing pesticide drift.



Subscription address: http://www.ucg.com/cgi-bin/Email.pl/health:ecl:Environment_of_Care_Leader:ecl:majordomo@userhome.com
Subscription address: http://www.ucg.com/cgi-bin/Email.pl/health:ecl:Environment_of_Care_Leader:ecl:majordomo@userhome.com

Environment of Care Leader is a mailing list devoted to helping these professionals comply with JCAHO, OSHA, EPA and other regulatory bodies, and find solutions for the day-to-day problems/challenges that crop up on the job. The list is free and open to anyone with a stake in hospital safety, security and facilities management.

EH&S; Internet Gazette

Subscription address: news@ehsn.com
Send messages to: news@ehsn.com

EH&S; Internet Gazette is a monthly newsletter targeted toward the Environmental, Health, & Safety Professional. To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to news@ehsn.com.


Subscription address: majordomo@ualberta.ca
Send messages to: ehconnector@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca

EHCONNECTOR is a forum for discussion, primarily dedicated to public health inspectors, to discuss and share information on issues pertaining to all aspects of environmental health.


Subscription address: listserv@mitvma.mit.edu
Send messages to: ehs-bc@mitvma.mit.edu

Environmental Health and Safety - Boston Consortium


Subscription address: EHS-L-request@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU
Send messages to: EHS-L@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU

Environmental Health Science Club


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: eid-ascii@listserv.cdc.gov

US Centers For Disease Control and Prevention' s EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES (EID). ASCII format.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: eid-pdf@listserv.cdc.gov

This is a distribution list for EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES (EID), from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: eid-toc@listserv.cdc.gov

This is a distribution list for the Tables of Contents of EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES (EID), from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Subscription address: listserv@itssrv1.ucsf.edu
Send messages to: em-nsg-l@itssrv1.ucsf.edu

The Emergency Nursing List. Practice and issues of emergency nursing, care of emergency patients and the discussion of shared concerns with other emergency professionals.


Subscription address: majordomo@ieee.org
Send messages to: emc-pstc@ieee.org

The EMC-PSTC is an informal group of people interested in Product Safety regulations and standards world-wide networked electronically by mailing list. Its purpose is to provide a forum for the sharing of public but possibly obscure Product Safety or Regulatory Compliance information or related information with limited natural distribution.


Subscription address: listserv@itssrv1.ucsf.edu
Send messages to: emed-l@itssrv1.ucsf.edu

EMED-L is a list for hospital based emergency medicine practitioners. It was created for the purpose of the free exchange of issues pertaining to the care of patients in emergency medicine as well as topics and controversies related to the practice of emergency medicine.


Subscription address: listserv@vm.marist.edu
Send messages to: emerg-l@vm.marist.edu

Emergency Services Discussion List.


Subscription address: majordomo@sfu.ca
Send messages to: emerg-univ@sfu.ca

The University and College Emergency Planning Mailing List.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.aol.com
Send messages to: emergency-management@listserv.aol.com

The EMERGENCY-MANAGEMENT list is a resource for sharing of news, ideas and point-of-view about mitigation of hazards, preparedness for, response to and recovery from major emergencies and disasters. Primary * list users are emergency management coordinators of municipal and county governments. The EMERGENCY-MANAGEMENT list is an information service of Public Safety America.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu
Send messages to: emflds-l@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu

Electromagnetics in Medicine, Science & Comunications. This is a list of those interested in electromagnetic fields as they pertain to our new "Electromagnetic Society". Vast scientific literature has been published in recent years on the biological interactions of EM Fields with biological systems. It is hoped that EMFLDS-L allows and encourages scientific dialogue between scientists, engineers, clinicians or anyone interested in furthering knowledge on EM Fields, known biological interactions, measurement techniques or epidemiological studies.


Subscription address: http://arachnid.informatics.sunysb.edu/mailman/listinfo/ems-edu-l
Send messages to: Ems-edu-l@arachnid.informatics.sunysb.edu

EMS-EDU-L is the Emergency Medical Services Educators List. The list is moderated which means that messages will not be distributed until they have been reviewed and approved by the list owner(s).


Subscription address: listserv@hermes.circ.gwu.edu
Send messages to: emslead@hermes.circ.gwu.edu

International EMS Leadership Discussion Group.


Subscription address: listserv@health.state.ny.us
Send messages to: emsny-l@health.state.ny.us

Emergency Medical Services issues for NY State providers.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: engpsy@mailbase.ac.uk

Discussion and notices list for the British Psychological Society Engineering Psychology Special Interest Group. All aspects of human factors and ergonomics research covered. Also for notices of meetings and enquiries.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/enviro-list
Send messages to: enviro-list@yahoogroups.com

American Industrial Hygiene Association Environmental Interests Group


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/enviro-talk
Send messages to: enviro-talk@yahoogroups.com

An open discussion forum where environmental concerns, solutions, products and services particularly related to water and pollution are discussed. Everyone is welcome to join, including those with related products and services and wishing to network with others involved in the industry, government etc.


Subscription address: Environ-Safety-subscribe@Topica.com
Send messages to: Environ-Safety@Topica.com

Environ-Safety has been created for the discussion of occupational health and safety issues associated with hazardous waste operations and emergency response.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: environmental-health-nursing@listserv.cdc.gov

This listserv was created to provide nurses a forum to discuss emerging topics and pose questions regarding environmental health and nursing.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-general@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-GENERAL is a one-directional mailing list established to distribute select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains general EPA non-program specific documents, Presidential documents related to environmental issues and other Agency environmental documents other than environmental impact and endangered species actions.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-impact@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-IMPACT is a one-directional mailing list established to distribute select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains environmental impact statements published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-meetings@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-MEETINGS is a one-directional mailing list established to distribute select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains all meeting notices. Program-specific meeting notices are duplicated under the appropriate area.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-pest@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-PEST is a one directional mailing list for the distribution of select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains Office of Pesticide Programs documents.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-sab@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-SAB is a one directional mailing list for the distribution of select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains material relating to the Science Advisory Board.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-tox@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-TOX is a one directional mailing list for the distribution of select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances documents excluding Community-Right-To-Know (Toxic Release Inventory) documents.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-tri@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-TRI is a one directional mailing list for the distribution of select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains Community-Right-To-Know Toxic Release Inventory documents.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-waste@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-WASTE is a one directional mailing list for the distribution of select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains Hazardous and Solid Waste documents.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epa-water@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPA-WATER has been established to distribute select FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: epafr-contents@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

EPAFR-CONTENTS is a one directional mailing list for the distribution of select U.S. FEDERAL REGISTER documents automatically on the day of publication. It contains the full-text Federal Register table of contents with page number citations.


Subscription address: listserv@lists.psu.edu
Send messages to: erappa-l@lists.psu.edu

ERAPPA-L is a list dedicated to the discussion of any topic of interest to those engaged in the management of campus facilities for colleges and universities. Discussion topics might include announcements of meetings, seminars and other events of interest to ERAPPA members, issues relating to the operations or maintenance of campus facilities, planning or construction of campus facilities or management issues relating to physical plant personnel.


Subscription address: http://members.nbci.com/Ergonomia/ingreso.htm
Send messages to: ergo@onelist.com

List dedicated to the exchange of information, data, and support among Spanish-speaking Ergonomics professionals and practitioners.


Subscription address: ErgoForum-subscribe@onelist.com
Send messages to: ErgoForum@onelist.com

ErgoForum provides online networking between ergonomics professionals and a link between various roundtable, special interest, and study groups interested in participating.


Subscription address: http://www.findmail.com/list/ergolist
Send messages to: ergolist@egroups.com

Ergonomics discussion group, in Portuguese.


Subscription address: listproc@ucdavis.edu
Send messages to: ergomed@ucdavis.edu

Ergonomics and human factors in medicine.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: ergonomics@mailbase.ac.uk

This list aims to promote the discussion of ideas and principles relating to Ergonomics and Human Factors. The list is aimed primarily at practising ergonomists but anyone from other fields with an interest in ergonomics is welcome to join.


Subscription address: http://www.ergoweb.com
Send messages to: ergoweb-l@ergoweb.com

This list is a place where registered ErgoWeb® users can exchange information, ideas, discuss current topics, etc. related to ergonomics. Registration is free. The list is moderated. Register through the ErgoWeb web site at http://www.ergoweb.com.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.heanet.ie
Send messages to: eurahead@listserv.heanet.ie

European Association for H.E. Access & Disability.


Subscription address: majordomo@lists.harvard.net
Send messages to: expert-l@lists.harvard.net

The Expert List is an Internet mailing list for the various technical professionals that engage in expert witness activities. If you perform expert witness services now want to start offering your services as an expert witness or you are in the legal profession and use expert witnesses this mailing list is for you.



Subscription address: listserv@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
Send messages to: facser-l@wvnvm.wvnet.edu

Facilities and services discussion list.


Subscription address: majordomo@reeusda.gov
Send messages to: farm-safety@reeusda.gov

The purpose of this list is to facilitate electronic communications between extension and research professionals working on farm safety and health education and research programs.


Subscription address: listserv@mitvma.mit.edu
Send messages to: fibrom-l@mitvma.mit.edu

FIBROM-L is a discussion forum for the disease/syndrome known as fibromyalgia / fibrositis. It is an opportunity for patients, family and friends of patients, physicians and researchers and other interested persons to discuss this condition. FIBROM-L is an unmoderated list open to all interested subscribers.


Subscription address: majordomo@halcyon.com
Send messages to: fire-alarm@halcyon.com

Sponsored by the Automatic Fire Alarm Association this list is for technical discussions on all aspects of fire alarm systems including smoke detection, flame detection and anything else having to do with fire alarm systems. Subscription is open but postings are restricted to subscribers. This is an unmoderated list with no digest.


Subscription address: listproc@cornell.edu
Send messages to: fire-l@cornell.edu

FIRE-L is the place to discuss any firefighting related topic--from new apparatus to the 'big one' that happened near you. Feel free to discuss anything related to firefighting.


Subscription address: majordomo@halcyon.com
Send messages to: fire-list@halcyon.com

The Fire list is devoted to the fire protection community. Its mission is to facilitate communication among professionals in the fire protection community: fire equipment dealers fire protection engineers fire inspectors insurance personnel and others with an interest in the proper selection and maintenance of fire suppression equipment. The list is sponsored by the National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED).


Subscription address: majordomo@online.anu.edu.au
Send messages to: firenet@online.anu.edu.au

Fire fighting and emergency discussions.


Subscription address: majordomo@envirotraining.org
Send messages to: forum@envirotraining.org

National Environmental Training Association Trainer's Forum

Forum de la CGSST (Chaire de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail) - Université Laval

Subscription address: http://cours.fsa.ulaval.ca/forums/chaire_gsst/

Forum sur le web en français. Tous sujets de SST et particulièrement sécurité et psychologie du travail. Site éditeur CGSST - Université Laval (Canada)

Forum du CNIMT

Subscription address: http://www.cnimt.fr.fm/

Forum du collge national des internes de mŽdecine du travail (France).

Forum grand public de médecine du travail de Méditrav web

Subscription address: http://www.meditrav.com/forum/forum.cgi

Forum de médecine du travail ouvert au grand public : une équipe de médecins du travail répond à vos questions. Site éditeur Méditrav web. Pays France.


Subscription address: requests@list.ccohs.ca
Send messages to: ftss-info@list.ccohs.ca

Monthly change notifications for the MSDS database from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).



Subscription address: listserv@crow.astate.edu
Send messages to: gasslist@crow.astate.edu

This list has been established to serve persons interested in Glutaraldehyde, Aldehyde, and Solvent Sensitivity, especially darkroom personnel, radiographers, and diagnostic medical sonographers.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/globalocchyg-list
Send messages to: globalocchyg-list@yahoogroups.com

The Global Occupational Hygiene list was formed in order to discuss initiatives to advance the profession of industrial/occupational hygiene and prevent occupational injury and diseases globally. While serving as the official list of the International Affairs Committee of the American Industrial Hygiene Association participation from other International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) members is being actively solicited.

Good Practice Forum (GPOF)

Subscription address: http://europe.osha.eu.int/good_practice/forums/

This forum aims to provide a channel for OSH professionals and practitioners across the European Union to exchange information on topics related to good practice and the practical implementation of OSH at enterprise level.



Subscription address: listproc@lists.colorado.edu
Send messages to: hazards@lists.colorado.edu

This is the "Disaster Research" electronic newsletter. DR comes out approximately twice monthly.


Subscription address: listserv@coloradocollege.edu
Send messages to: hazmat-l@coloradocollege.edu

Transportation, storage and reporting of hazardous materials, plus general hazmat discussions.


Subscription address: hazmit-request@mitigation.com
Send messages to: hazmit@mitigation.com

Hazard Mitigation Discussion. HAZMIT is a moderated discussion list for the global hazard mitigation community. The list is in English and covers both natural and technological disasters.

Health Care Health and Safety

Subscription address: requests@ccohs.ca
Send messages to: hchs@ccohs.ca

HC-H&S; is a means of distributing messages to a group of individuals from the health care industry with interests in workplace health and occupational health and safety in a Canadian context.


Subscription address: majordomo@icg.org
Send messages to: health-work@icg.org

North American Health Care Workers Network.

Healthy Indoors - On-line Work and Meeting Place

Subscription address: http://www.vicinities.com/healthyindoors

This is the interactive on-line component of a cross-Canada, multi-stakeholder consultation, strategy development and alliance building process for achieving healthy indoor environments in Canada.


Subscription address: listserv@home.ease.lsoft.com
Send messages to: heli-safety@home.ease.lsoft.com

Helicopter safety.


Subscription address: http://www.hepatitis.org.uk/hepc-list/
Send messages to: HEPC@hepatitis.org.uk

UK-based Hepatitis C discussion group. You will meet online other people having at least one common thing with you: they either have hepatitis C themselves, or care for someone who has.


Subscription address: majordomo@mail.island.net
Send messages to: hepcbc@mail.island.net

Hepatitis C support and information mailing list for Canadians


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.vt.edu
Send messages to: hfs-l@listserv.vt.edu

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Virginia Tech Chapter.

HHSC Press Releases

Subscription address: PressReleases@hhsc.co.uk
Send messages to: PressReleases@hhsc.co.uk

H & H Scientific Consultants' free press release service. Find out about books, CD-ROMs, etc. distributed in the UK by HHSC, from organizations such as: ACGIH, AIHA, ASHRAE, CCOHS, Consort Videos, Genium Publishing, Government Institutes, Instant Reference Sources, International Labour Organization, and OEM Health Information.


Subscription address: hise-safety-critical-request@minster.york.ac.uk
Send messages to: hise-safety-critical@minster.york.ac.uk

The hise-safety-critical mailing list is a forum for discussion of the engineering and assessment of safety-critical systems with special reference to computing. It covers safety requirements and risks safety engineering techniques and safety assessment. Its focus is on safety-critical computer systems and computer-supported design and assessment of general system safety.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: hiv-conf@listserv.cdc.gov

HIV-CONF is maintained by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and moderated by the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Technical Information and Communications Branch (DHAP-TICB). The purpose of the HIV-CONF mailing list is to notify the public when HIV/AIDS Conferences & Trainings are announced and where to obtain more information. Usually, the frequency of notification is not more than once every month.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: hiv-hasr@listserv.cdc.gov

HIV-HASR is maintained by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and moderated by the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Technical Information and Communications Branch (DHAP-TICB). The purpose of the HIV-HASR mailing list is to notify the public when the HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report has been released and where the report can be accessed. Usually, the frequency of notification is not more than twice every year.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: hiv-mmwr@listserv.cdc.gov

HIV-MMWR is maintained by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and moderated by the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Technical Information and Communications Branch (DHAP-TICB). The purpose of the HIV-MMWR mailing list is to notify the public as soon as HIV/AIDS related issues of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) have been released and where the reports can be accessed. Usually, the frequency of notification is not more than twice every month.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: hiv-pubs@listserv.cdc.gov

HIV-PUBS is maintained by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and moderated by the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Technical Information and Communications Branch (DHAP-TICB). The purpose of the HIV-PUBS mailing list is to notify the public when HIV/AIDS Publications have been released and where the reports can be accessed. Usually, the frequency of notification is not more than twice every month.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: hiv-stat@listserv.cdc.gov

HIV-STAT is maintained by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and moderated by the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Technical Information and Communications Branch (DHAP-TICB). The purpose of the HIV-STAT mailing list is to notify the public about updates to HIV/AIDS Basic Statistics reports and where they can be accessed. Usually, the frequency of notification is not more than twice every year.


Subscription address: majordomo@fema.gov
Send messages to: hmep@fema.gov

US Federal Emergency Management Agency, Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning.


Subscription address: majordomo@ualberta.ca
Send messages to: hpresearch@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca

HPRESEARCH is an opportunity to share research issues, methods, and findings and discuss its application to health promotion in Alberta.


Subscription address: hr-canada-subscribe@hronline.com
Send messages to: hr-canada@hronline.com

This list is intended for discussions of general human resource issues in Canada.


Subscription address: requests@ccohs.ca
Send messages to: hs-canada@ccohs.ca

Occupational and environmental health and safety discussions in a Canadian context. Click here for a full description.



Subscription address: http://www.iaem.com
Send messages to: iaem-list@iaem.com

From the International Association of Emergency Managers, this list is for individuals working in emergency management to share thoughts and concerns.


Subscription address: http://www.onelist.com
Send messages to: iaq@onelist.com

The IAQ List discusses issues and concerns regarding " Indoor Air Quality". A variety of things can pollute & contaminate the indoor air quality of a home, office or building from molds and bioaerosols to combustion by-products like carbon monoxide, soot, PAHs & VOCs - many can cause serious health concerns and, in some cases, extensive property damage. This list will address the identification and mitigation of contaminants.


Subscription address: listserv@qucdn.queensu.ca
Send messages to: icacbr-l@qucdn.queensu.ca

Community rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities.


This list has been superceded by AIHAIH-List.


Subscription address: IHNews@apg.amedd.army.mil
Send messages to: IHNews@apg.amedd.army.mil

IHNews is an electronic mailing list designed to widely distribute industrial hygiene information to the industrial hygiene community. As a member of IHNews you receive the Army Industrial Hygiene Newsletter approximately three times per year Monthly Regulatory Summaries job announcements in the field of industrial hygiene and other items of interest to the industrial hygiene community.


Subscription address: immune@best.com
Send messages to: immune@best.com

We discuss immune system disorders such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Candida, Asthma, etc. It is a support group for people with the conditions and those who know and work with them.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: industrial-relations-research@mailbase.ac.uk

A forum for academic discussion on industrial relations broadly conceived. It covers current research, methods, results and theories on employment relations, collective relationships, trade unions, HRM & employment law.


Subscription address: listserv@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
Send messages to: injury-l@wvnvm.wvnet.edu

This is an open discussion list for users interested in injury topics including: research, cost, intervention, rehabilitation, prevention, data, epidemiology, etc.

International Association of Campus Fire Safety Officials

Subscription address: listserv@listserv.muohio.edu
Send messages to: ohiofire@listserv.muohio.edu

The list is intended for discussions of university and college fire safety issues.


Subscription address: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: internetnb-l@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov

This list has been implemented to facilitate the distribution of Internet Newsbrief the weekly Internet update produced by the U.S. EPA Headquarters Library. Internet Newsbrief highlights new and/or useful Internet resources that are of interest to EPA staff and other environmental professionals.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iosmnet
Send messages to: iosmnet@yahoogroups.com

Institute of Safety Management (IoSM) South Africa Network


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.uic.edu
Send messages to: ipsp@listserv.uic.edu

Listserv for the Institute for Public Safety Partnerships.


Subscription address: majordomo@quality.org
Send messages to: iso14000@quality.org

This list is designed for the discussion of the ISO 14000 certification guidelines for Environmental and related industries. It is currently unmoderated.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.indiana.edu
Send messages to: iurisk-l@listserv.indiana.edu

Indiana University risk management newsletter.





Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lab-list
Send messages to: lab-list@yahoogroups.com

American Industrial Hygiene Association, forum for those interested in lab industrial hygiene discussions.


Subscription address: listserv@list.uvm.edu
Send messages to: lab-xl@list.uvm.edu

Performance oriented environmental regulation of laboratories.


Subscription address: listserv@siu.edu
Send messages to: labsafety-l@siu.edu

LABSAFETY-L is a discussion list for members of Laboratory Safety Workshop and National Association of Chemical Hygiene Officers interested in in lab health and safety/cho/chp issues.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.vt.edu
Send messages to: lab_safety@listserv.vt.edu

Laboratory safety discussion list.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: lead-poison-edu@listserv.cdc.gov

Lead Poisoning Education from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: lead-poison-surv@listserv.cdc.gov

Lead Poisoning Surveillance, from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Subscription address: listserv@list.uvm.edu
Send messages to: lepc@list.uvm.edu

Hazardous materials emergency response planning.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lhsc-list
Send messages to: lhsc-list@yahoogroups.com

American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Health & Safety Group


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: lis-spec@mailbase.ac.uk

To share and discuss the range of experiences covering all aspects of library and information services provision, including access, services, facilities,equipment,staff training etc. for disabled staff and students.



Subscription address: listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
Send messages to: mcs-immune-neuro@maelstrom.stjohns.edu

MCS/Chemical Injury Support. Information exchange, support group, and management strategies for people adversely effected by chemicals. Owner Ginny Kloth is the volunteer Director of Electronic Communications for the Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN).


Subscription address: listserv@lists.wayne.edu
Send messages to: medphys@lists.wayne.edu

Medical Physics mailing list.


Subscription address: http://www.med.univ-rennes1.fr/cgi-bin/uv/forum.pl?medtrav

Forum de médecine du travail de l'université de Rennes, France


Subscription address: listserv@tc.umn.edu
Send messages to: mhec-rmi@tc.umn.edu

Discussion forum for risk management officers.


Subscription address: majordomo@igc.org
Send messages to: mhssn-l@igc.org

The "Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network" is a volunteer network of occupational health and safety professionals who have placed their names on a resource list to provide information, technical assistance and on-site instruction regarding workplace hazards in the over 3,800 "maquiladora" (foreign-owned assembly) plants along the U.S.-Mexico border.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: mmwr-asc@listserv.cdc.gov

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), ASCII version.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: mmwr-toc@listserv.cdc.gov

This is a distribution list for Tables of Contents of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

MSDS Discussion Forum

Subscription address: http://www.ilpi.com/msds/forum.html
Send messages to: http://www.ilpi.com/msds/forum.html

Discussions related to material safety data sheets (MSDS) and chemical safety.


Subscription address: requests@list.ccohs.ca
Send messages to: msds-info@list.ccohs.ca

Monthly change notifications for the MSDS database from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.indiana.edu
Send messages to: mtn@listserv.indiana.edu

A mailing list for the Midwest Association of Physical Plant Administrators (MAPPA) Trainers Network.



Subscription address: listserv@listserv.rice.edu
Send messages to: naosmm@listserv.rice.edu

This list is a vehicle whereby members of the National Association of Scientific Materials Managers (NAOSMM) can maintain contact.


Subscription address: majordomo@reeusda.gov
Send messages to: napiap@reeusda.gov

National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: natural-hazards-disasters@mailbase.ac.uk

This is a discussion group in the field of natural hazards and disasters (Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Droughts, Lightning, Hailstorms, Landslides, ...) including scholars from different disciplines.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.navy.al.wpafb.af.mil
Send messages to: nbtox-l@listserv.navy.al.wpafb.af.mil

Neurobehavioral Toxicology Discussion list.


Subscription address: listproc@hubcap.clemson.edu
Send messages to: ncemsf-l@hubcap.clemson.edu

The National Collegiate EMS Foundation (NCEMSF) list was established to help campus EMS groups communicate. NCEMSF is an "open" list meaning that people can post whatever they want. Members are encouraged to participate in discussions. Anyone who has an active interest in campus Emergency Medicine may join the list.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: ncipc-injuryip@listserv.cdc.gov

Made available by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this list is for networking and sharing resources, tough reference requests, publications, search strategies collection development and cataloging questions for information professionals (such as librarians or information specialists) who work in the field of injury (including violence) prevention and control.


Subscription address: listproc@uncg.edu
Send messages to: ncsafety-l@uncg.edu

North Carolina safety officers discussion group.


Subscription address: majordomo@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca
Send messages to: ncsc@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca

Student-based campus safety programs.


Subscription address: majordomo@fema.gov
Send messages to: news@fema.gov

This list is used to distribute news releases and advisories from the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: niosh-casc@listserv.cdc.gov

NIOSH - Chemical Analytical Services.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: niosh-casc-proj-request@listserv.cdc.gov

NIOSH - Chemical Analytical Services, Special Projects.


Subscription address: majordomo@ualberta.ca
Send messages to: no-injuries@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca

NO-INJURIES is a forum for discussion on topics and issues related to injury prevention providing practitioners with the opportunity to communicate and network with others in their fields.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: noise_and_hearing@listserv.cdc.gov

Basic and applied questions and discussions of noise-induced hearing loss.


Subscription address: rowley@niehs.nih.gov
Send messages to: ntpmail@niehs.nih.gov

A number of NTP reports are available from the NTP web site; these offerings are continually updated as new information/documents are made available. We will notify you by email of such happenings as upcoming NTP events and new publications. (US National Toxicology Program)


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.utoronto.ca
Send messages to: nursenet@listserv.utoronto.ca

NURSENET is an open unmoderated list for discussions about a variety of nursing issues.



Subscription address: listserv@listserv.duhc.duke.edu
Send messages to: occ-env-med-l@listserv.duhc.duke.edu

Occupational & Environmental medicine represents a growing clinical and public health discipline seeking to evaluate and prevent the diseases and health effects that may be related to exposures at work and from other environments (e.g. pollution). This list provides a moderated forum for announcements dissemination of text files and academic discussion and allows the presentation of clinical vignettes synopses of new regulatory issues and reports of interesting items from publications elsewhere (both the medical and the non-medical journals).


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: occenvmed@mailbase.ac.uk

This list will be of interest to all practitioners of occupational and environmental medicine and occupational health. Its aim is to promote discussion about current issues and to foster a global approach to research and teaching. Occenvmed is a United Kingdom-based list. Nonetheless, membership is encouraged from other European Member States, as well as from other parts of the World.


Subscription address: uib@phoenix-ohc.on.ca
Send messages to: occhygpro@list.ccohs.ca

The intent of the list is to provide a high-quality, low-volume forum for exchange of information and ideas, where substantive, cutting-edge matters of relevance to the hygiene profession can be addressed effectively by eliciting comment and / or consensus among other experienced and insightful professionals, in conformity to our codes of ethics.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.cdc.gov
Send messages to: occskin-l@listserv.cdc.gov

Mail list for occupational and environmental skin exposures and dermatitis.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: occupational-therapy@mailbase.ac.uk

This list facilitates discussion and generates ideas and information about matters relating to occupational therapy (OT). Anyone with an professional interest in OT, such as lecturers and researchers, is welcome to participate.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.duhc.duke.edu
Send messages to: oem-announce@listserv.duhc.duke.edu

This is a moderated list for the distribution of notices about upcoming events and items of interest to occupational and environmental medicine professionals.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ohasanet
Send messages to: ohasanet@yahoogroups.com

E-mail based discussion group for the Occupational Hygiene Association of Southern Africa (OHASA)


Subscription address: majordomo@oise.utoronto.ca
Send messages to: ohn-list@oise.utoronto.ca

Ohn-list is an open, unmoderated, international mailing list for occupational health nurses and allied professionals.


Subscription address: majordomo@icg.org
Send messages to: oilrefine-act@icg.org

Citizens and workers for cleaner, safer oil refineries.


Subscription address: majordomo@milwaukee.tec.wi.us
Send messages to: ot-l@milwaukee.tec.wi.us

Occupational therapy discussions.


Subscription address: majordomo@dartmouth.edu
Send messages to: ot-psych@dartmouth.edu

Occupational therapy and mental health discussions.



Subscription address: listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
Send messages to: pain-l@maelstrom.stjohns.edu

The Pain Forum covers all aspects of chronic pain: physical & political, health & health-politics, for physicians and patients and all interested parties. Everyone is confronted with pain at one time or another in their lives. This is an educational forum.


Subscription address: majordomo@igc.org
Send messages to: panups@igc.org

PANUPS--the Pesticide Action Network Updates Service--is a weekly news service featuring updates about pesticides and sustainable agriculture. PANUPS also includes the Resource Pointer, which summarizes and gives ordering information for recent publications.


Subscription address: listserv@list.dis.net
Send messages to: patientsafety-l@list.dis.net

Patientsafety-l is an unmoderated mailing list "devoted to thoughtful conversation toward the development of a safer health care system. Patientsafety-l is primarily oriented to the interests of health professionals, systems and human factors specialists, and others involved in exploring the professional, consumer and systems issues related to patient safety."


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.aol.com
Send messages to: pchealth@listserv.aol.com

PCHealth is intended to promote sharing of information, experiences, concerns, and advice about the health effects of working with and near computers.


Subscription address: listproc@colostate.edu
Send messages to: pestcom@colostate.edu

Chemical pesticide residues


Subscription address: majordomo@list.uiowa.edu
Send messages to: pestcon@list.uiowa.edu

PESTCON (Integrated Pest Management at Colleges and Universities) is a networking forum which brings together the many resources of knowledge about insects, mammals, birds and other life forms which impact the health and safety of, or conflict with the daily mission of human occupancy at learning institutions, private, public, state and federal government buildings and grounds, and institutional farms.


Subscription address: listproc@colostate.edu
Send messages to: pestserv-l@colostate.edu

Nursery, turf & landscape professionals discussions.


Subscription address: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/petenv
Send messages to: petenv@onelist.com

Gasoline, Petroleum & Dangerous Goods Storage, Handling, Dispensing Contractor Networking. Underground & Above ground tanks systems, rigid & flexible piping, Equipment, measuring & recording, electronic fuel management systems, Occupational Health & Safety, Standards & codes of Practice for petrochemical industry, Auditing & environmental issues relating to this Industry.


Subscription address: majordomo@nexus.netconcepts.com
Send messages to: printing@printer.net

Printing industry discussions.


Subscription address: http://meditrav.com/discus/

Espace forum pluridisciplinaire des professionnels de santé au travail


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.arizona.edu
Send messages to: psst@listserv.arizona.edu

Graduate student discussions in pharmacology and toxicology.


Subscription address: majordomo@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca
Send messages to: pther@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca

PTHER is a forum for the exchange of ideas pertaining to treatment protocols, clinic management, and the general advancement of the field of physical therapy. Practicing physical therapists, students of physical therapy, and those interested in Physical Therapy and related fields are encouraged to subscribe and participate.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: public-health@mailbase.ac.uk

This list provides a discussion forum and information resource for those working in epidemiology and public health. It aims to facilitate information sharing, (eg workshops, seminars, conferences and new research) and promote links, collaborative working, joint problem-solving and mutual support.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.aol.com
Send messages to: publicsafetynews@listserv.aol.com

News & information for public safety & emergency services professionals.



Subscription address: listserv@pucc.princeton.edu
Send messages to: quality@pucc.princeton.edu

Total Quality Management (TQM) in manufacturing and service industries.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.nodak.edu
Send messages to: quest@listserv.nodak.edu

The emerging national and international requirement to combine quality, environment, and safety structures and systems assessments is creating the need for the development of a uniform and integrated management discipline. The purpose of this discussion is to define and develop a management system which integrates these three disciplines into an effective operational management system. Discussion will include the interrelation of support and responsibility; the identification of benefits, resources, and assessment objectives.



Subscription address: listserv@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Send messages to: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu

The Radiation Safety Distribution list is an electronic mailing list for Health Physicists, Medical Physicists, Radiological Engineers and others who have a professional interest in matters related to Radiation Protection.


Subscription address: majordomo@fz-juelich.de
Send messages to: radsafe-eu@fz-juelich.de

RADSAFE-EU is the European equivalent to the international maillist RADSAFE. Purpose of the list: Discussioin of Radiation Safety issues of general interest to radiation and health physics professionals in the European Union, e.g. (but not restricted to) harmonization of radiation protection regulations and procedures

Research eNetwork

Subscription address: http://www.whscc.nf.ca/research/enetwork.htm

Hosted by the Newfoundland Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission, the Research e-Network allows participants to receive and send information electronically regarding the latest activities and findings in workplace research. It links employers, workers, research experts, health and safety professionals, and other interested individuals and groups throughout the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: risk@mailbase.ac.uk

The list is for the application of economics, social science and management to policy problems where risk is a central feature of the decision-making process.


Subscription address: listserv@bbs.pnl.gov
Send messages to: riskanal@bbs.pnl.gov

RISKANAL is a discussion list focused on risk analysis. RISKANAL is affiliated with the Society for Risk Analysis, a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, scholarly, international society that provides an open forum for all those who are interested in risk analysis.


Subscription address: list@riskmail.lsu.edu
Send messages to: riskmail@riskmail.lsu.edu

RISKMail is an electronic discussion list that allows persons around the world to hold a "no holds barred" discussion of Risk and Insurance issues. To subscribe, send a message to list@riskmail.lsu.edu. The body of the message should be join riskmail


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: riskom@mailbase.ac.uk

The European Risk Communication Network provides a bridge between research and practice in the UK and Europe. This list supports the ongoing interaction between researchers and practitioners in the development of best practice for risk communication.


Subscription address: listserv@coloradocollege.edu
Send messages to: rmehs-l@coloradocollege.edu

Forum for EH&S; professionals in the rocky mountain region


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: road-transport-technology@mailbase.ac.uk

The list is for the use of academics and others interested in technical, operational or regulatory aspects of heavy vehicles, road damage, bridges, vehicle/road interaction, weigh-in-motion, heavy vehicle safety, or other related subjects.


Subscription address: listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
Send messages to: rsi-east@maelstrom.stjohns.edu

St. John's University Repetitive Strain Injury List.


Subscription address: LISTSERV@LIST.MC.DUKE.EDU
Send messages to: RST-LAC@LIST.MC.DUKE.EDU

RST-LAC is a Spanish language list on occupational and environmental health & safety issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is sponsored by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and hosted by the Duke University Medical Center.


Subscription address: listserv@listserv.tamu.edu
Send messages to: rubber@listserv.tamu.edu

The rubber and latex allergy mailing list discusses all aspects of this allergy from research and diagnosis to treatment, support and economic ramifications.



Subscription address: http://katipo.niwa.cri.nz/mailman/listinfo/safe-nz
Send messages to: safe-nz@niwa.cri.nz

SAFE-NZ was set up to foster communication between New Zealand safety coordinators and managers. It is aimed particularly at science, hospital and tertiary education organisations, though everyone is welcome to join.


Subscription address: safe-schools@ourlist.net
Send messages to: safe-schools@ourlist.net

This e-newsletter talks with professionals (police, fire, rescue, security personnel, doctors, etc.) about measures you can take as a parent, guardian, teacher, school administrator or concerned citizen to protect your children in school. We also talk with you about your ideas on ways to protect our children. To subscribe, send an e-mail with your FIRST and LAST NAME in the body of the message to: safe-schools@ourlist.net.


Subscription address: listserv@list.uvm.edu
Send messages to: safety@list.uvm.edu

A mailing list for the discussion of worldwide safety issues. Typical issues include laboratory safety hazardous waste disposal safety management and the electronic resources available to assist with these topics. This is a VERY ACTIVE mailing list (30-50 messages per day) with over 2900 subscribers representing academia industry the military and government agencies.


Subscription address: http://www.saftek.com/mailinglist.htm
Send messages to: safetybooks@saftek.com

This list will keep you updated on new safety related books. It also provides a forum for discussions and reviews of occupational safety and health related books and literature. Posting is encouraged.


Subscription address: majordomo@sbu.ac.uk
Send messages to: safety-uk@sbu.ac.uk

Discussions on SAFETY-UK involve occupational health and safety issues allowing you to tap into or add to the collective knowledge of the list members. The list is intended to be used by all health and safety professionals and is a way of encouraging contact between those working in the private, public and academic sectors. Safety-UK is primarily intended for the United Kingdom and the issues discussed will reflect this. However members from other countries are encouraged to join and share their experience of occupational health and safety in other countries. See http://www.sbu.ac.uk/maillist/safety-uk.shtml for more details.


Subscription address: majordomo@magna.com.au
Send messages to: safetybulletin@magna.com.au

Safety Bulletin is produced by The Custom Publishing Group on behalf of the National Safety Council of Australia as a regular news and information email service for people interested in Occupational Health & Safety issues.


Subscription address: listserv@labsafety.com
Send messages to: saftnews@labsafety.com

SAFTNEWS is a free bi-weekly newsletter specifically designed for US and Canadian businesses interested in staying up-to-date with the latest in safety and industrial news. The focus is on new and upcoming regulations and how they will affect your workplace.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sasomnet
Send messages to: sasomnet@yahoogroups.com

This group is for occupational doctors or doctors active in occupational work in Southern Africa.


Subscription address: listserv@coloradocollege.edu
Send messages to: scehs-l@coloradocollege.edu

SCEHS-L has been set up as an electronic forum for the discussion of issues relevant to management of environmental health & safety issues, exclusively as they pertain to small colleges. Participation of large institutions is neither solicited nor encouraged, because much of the discussion presented will be limited by scale, finance and political viability of college EH&S;, which is still a developing field.


Subscription address: listserv@health.state.ny.us
Send messages to: scipin-l@health.state.ny.us

Spinal Cord Injury Peer Net


Subscription address: ses@gec.com.au
Send messages to: ses@gec.com.au

Australian State Emergency Services (SES) discussions. To subscribe, send e-mail to ses@gec.com.au with the word SUBSCRIBE as the subject line.


Subscription address: shiftwork-subscribe@shiftwork.co.nz
Send messages to: shiftwork@shiftwork.co.nz

This is an information and discussion service for shiftworkers and their managers in New Zealand.


Subscription address: majordomo@world.std.com
Send messages to: shiftwork@world.std.com

Shiftwork is a moderated forum that provides a place for shiftworkers and their family members, shiftwork managers, researchers and other experts in the shiftworking field to discuss the many different aspects of working in round-the-clock operations.


Subscription address: majordomo@fema.gov
Send messages to: sitrep@fema.gov

This list is used to distribute major incident abridged situation reports from the US Federal Emergency Management Agency.


Subscription address: listserv@ls.sysadm.suny.edu
Send messages to: snypsd-l@ls.sysadm.suny.edu

State University of New York public safety directors list.


Subscription address: listserv@itssrv1.ucsf.edu
Send messages to: sorehand@itssrv1.ucsf.edu

A mailing list for the discussion of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), tendonitis, repetitive strain injuries (RSI), etc.


Subscription address: majordomo@igc.org
Send messages to: steel-talk@igc.org

Open discussion of steel industry issues.


Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/studenls-list
Send messages to: studenls-list@yahoogroups.com

American Industrial Hygiene Association Student Local Sections Group



Subscription address: listserv@listserv.uic.edu
Send messages to: tech4devcountry@listserv.uic.edu

Rehabilitation technology professionals for developing countries.


Subscription address: listserver@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov
Send messages to: techdirect@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov

TechDirect is a free service from the U.S. EPA Technology Innovation Office (TIO). TechDirect highlights new publications and events of interest to site remediation and site assessment professionals.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: total-quality-construction@mailbase.ac.uk

A forum for the exchange of ideas and information by researchers and practitioners involved in the pursuit of excellence in the construction sector.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: total-quality-healthcare@mailbase.ac.uk

A forum to present information, comment and debate on quality management issues, trends and developments which affect the healthcare industry.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: total-quality-isostds@mailbase.ac.uk

A forum for the exchange of ideas and information by researchers and practitioners involved in the certification, development and management of environments to ISO Standards.


Subscription address: majordomo@acpub.duke.edu
Send messages to: tox@acpub.duke.edu

Integrated toxicology program list.


Subscription address: listserv@frodo.carfax.co.uk
Send messages to: tqm@frodo.carfax.co.uk

Total Quality Management


Subscription address: listserv@admin.humberc.on.ca
Send messages to: tqmedu-l@admin.humberc.on.ca

Total Quality Management in Educational Institutions.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: transderm@mailbase.ac.uk

Exchange and dissemination of ideas, information and data - including unpublished material - on all aspects of skin penetration by chemicals. Seminars, conferences, research posts etc can be publicised. It should interest workers in dermatology, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, risk assessment.



Subscription address: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ukoh
Send messages to: ukoh@yahoogroups.com

This list is for the discussion of matters relating to Occupational Hygiene in the UK.


Subscription address: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
Send messages to: urban-environmental-health@mailbase.ac.uk

A list for information exchange and dissemination on the health impacts of urban environment related diseases and hazards. This includes health issues related to and/or affected by urban water supply, wastewater, solid waste, air pollution, food hygiene and tropical diseases such as urban malaria.


Subscription address: listserv@home.ease.lsoft.com
Send messages to: urg-l@home.ease.lsoft.com

URG-L L est une liste d'envoi destinée à favoriser l'échange et les discussions en français entre urgentologues du monde entier. URG-L est maintenant la liste d'envoi officielle de l"AMUQ, l'association des médecins d'urgence du Québec, mais son utilisation est ouverte à tous les professionnels ayant un interêt particulier pour la médecine d'urgence ou les disciplines connexes.


Subscription address: listserv@lists.wayne.edu
Send messages to: usafety@lists.wayne.edu

Detroit area urban safety discussions.

UVP5 - Médicine du travail

Subscription address: http://www.uvp5.univ-paris5.fr/UVMED/AC/ForumSpeA.asp?Spe=TRAV

Forum de discussion de l'Université Virtuelle Paris 5



Subscription address: listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
Send messages to: voceval@maelstrom.stjohns.edu

Vocational evaluation for rehabilitation.





Dernière mise à jour - le July 31, 2002
Nombre de serveurs listés - 249

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