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Acoustics and Vibration Unit, University of New South Wales (2005 07)
The Acoustics and Vibration Unit was established in 1988 by the University of New South Wales. It is within the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University College located at the Australian Defence Force Academy. The mission of the Unit is to pursue excellence in teaching and research in the areas of acoustics and vibration and to provide community service in ways that are consistent with the mission and goals of the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The members of the Unit have undertaken consultancy work, for both the public and private sector, via Unisearch Ltd, a company wholly owned by the University of New South Wales.

American Nuclear Society (1999 05)
The American Nuclear Society is a not-for-profit, international, scientific and educational organization. It was established by a group of individuals who recognized the need to unify the professional activities within the diverse fields of nuclear science and technology. Read about the Society, find out about its publications, etc.

ATCO Noise Management (2003 12)
Information about this engineering and construction company that specializes in industrial noise control.

Bioelectromagnetics Society (1999 02)
BEMS is a non-profit organization "of biological and physical scientists, physicians and engineers interested in the interactions of nonionizing radiations with biological systems." The site provides information about the society, the full text of recent issues of the "Bioelectromagnetics" journal, information about the Society's services, job postings, the National Academy of Sciences EMF Report, etc.

Bridlewood Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Information Service (1997 01)
"The Bridlewood Residents Hydro Line Committee (BRHLC) was first formed in 1986 to fight 500 kV high voltage transmission lines that Ontario Hydro proposed to construct through our community in Kanata, just outside Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and was focused on the health effects from the electromagnetic fields emitted by the lines. Since then the committee has broadened its mandate to a much greater information and education role." The site contains EMF news, the text of reports and documents from various organizations, and an extensive bibliography. Site is no longer actively maintained; an archive is provided through the Swedish Association for the Electrosensitive website.

Canberra Industries (1996 09)
The site is provided by this radiation detection and analysis instrumentation manufacturer. Information includes their products and services, frequently asked questions (FAQ), application notes, technical papers, etc.

Compliance Solution (2003 11)
This site specializes in dealing with State OSHA on your behalf like penalty negotiation and abatement assistance.ÊÊ Services includes OSHA style surveys, custom-made written safety and health programs, employee training, case review for litigation, discrimination investigation and monitoring for exposure from hazardous agents such as chemicals and noise.

Department of Energy, Office of Human Radiation Experiments (USA) (2003 11)
The Office of Human Radiation Experiments, established in March 1994, leads the Department of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects.

E.A.R., Inc./Insta-Mold (2001 09)
E.A.R., Inc./Insta-Mold is a worldwide provider of non-electronic and electronic hearing protection systems for industrial and recreational marketplaces. They have several products which services industrial needs and meet OSHA requirements for safety requirements.

Eckel Industries of Canada (2000 06)
Check out this site for a listing of the various noise control products sold by this Canadian company.

EMF Research Activities Completed Under The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (1995) (1999 11)
Read a summary of this report from the Committee to Review the Research Activities Completed Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Board on Radiation Effects Research, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council (USA)

EMF-LINK (1997 05)
"EMF-Link provides substantive information on biological and health effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) from common sources such as power lines, electrical wiring, appliances, medical equipment, communications facilities, cellular phones, and computers." Some public access is provided, but to get full access, you must subscribe to one of Information Ventures' publications and register for access.

FAQ: Sources of EMC and Safety Compliance Information (2003 09)
This is the Frequently Asked Questions document (FAQ) for the sci.engr.electrical.compliance newsgroup.

FEB - The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive (1998 12)
This site contains various documents, a conference list, links to other sites etc. primarily related to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and "Electrical Hypersensitivity". Information is provided in English and Swedish.

FreeHearingTest.com (2001 09)
FreeHearingTest.com is a site which promotes all aspects of hearing from the enhancements of hearing aids to the aspects of hearing protection. It even includes an online hearing test that you can take over the internet.

Hazard Alert for Pen-Like and Other Laser Pointers (1999 03)
The use of potentially hazardous visible laser diodes is becoming widespread in many applications. This document, provided by the US Department of Defense Laser System Safety Working Group, outlines these hazards.

Health Physics Society (1999 10)
Information available: about the society, its newsletter, radiation fact sheets, position papers, links to other radiation-related sites, etc.

Hearnet (2001 04)
H.E.A.R. (Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers) is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the real dangers of repeated exposure to excessive noise levels which can lead to permanent, and sometime debilitating, hearing loss and tinnitus.

Holaday Industries Inc. (1999 11)
View this company's line of electromagnetic radiation measurement and safety products.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Office of Laboratory Safety (2003 09)
This site contains information about laboratory safety materials available from the institute plus the text of a number of publications

Indoor Air Pollution in Museums and Archives (2005 07)
Degradation of museum objects or archival documents due to pollutants present in the air is a risk factor the importance of which is often neglected. This web-site contains information about this subject. It's mainly meant as a source of reference.

Industrial Noise Control, Inc. (1999 09)
Read about the noise control products and services provided by this US-based company.

Integrated Environmental Management, Inc. (1998 10)
IEM delivers "health physics (radiation safety), nuclear engineering, and environmental services to both government and commercial clients". As well as providing information about its services, the company's site provides a section on Radioactivity Basics, and a Tool Box. The Tool Box contains "glossary of important radiation protection terms, some ways to convert common units you might encounter,a list and definition of some prefixes that often appear in discussions and papers about radioactivity, a listing of some common radiation sources (consumer products and others)" etc.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2003 09)
This United Nations organization "carries out activities related to the peaceful development and verification of nuclear energy's uses." The site contains a copy of the IAEA statute, a description of their conference, and links to other IAEA Internet resources.

International EMF Project (2000 11)
The International Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Project, established by the World Health Organization in 1996, assesses health and environmental effects of exposure to static and time varying electric and magnetic fields in the frequency range 0 - 300 GHz, with a view to the development of international guidelines on exposure limits.

International Radiation Protection Agency (2005 07)
Read about the Association's objectives, associate societies, international meetings, publications, etc.

Ionizing Radiation Web Site - World Health Organization (2003 12)
This World Health Organization web site includes information about the WHO Ionizing Radiation Programme and a range of information resources about ionizing radiation, environmental radiation, radiation accidents and emergencies and ongoing research.

Journal of Radiological Protection (2003 11)
This is the official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, relating to both ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. Information includes: tables of contents for current and past issues, descriptions of forthcoming articles, subscription information, etc.

Laser Pointers (2005 07)
This page provides basic information on the properties of laser radiation, the different laser Classes, etc. The document is provided by the UK National Radiological Protection Board.

Leif E. Peterson's Home Page (1997 12)
This home page provided by the Department of Medicine of Baylor College of Medicine serves as an adjunct to the RadEFX(sm) Radiation Health Effects Research Resource. Various forms of radiation health effects literature, numerous links to other sources of radiation related research or information, and unpublished statistical software algorithms for epidemiology and statistics are also here.

Michigan State University, Office of Radiation Chemical & Biological Safety

Microwave News (1996 11)
This site contains selections from, and information about this bi-monthly publication on non-ionizing radiation. There are also selections from "key documents" related to electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation.

Military Audiology Association (1999 05)
Read about this association of US military audiologists.

MJW Corporation (1998 06)
MJW provides a variety of radiological consulting services and software solutions for health physics and other technical applications. Read about the company's services, download demos of their software, etc.

Narda Microwave Group (1999 11)
The site describes Narda's RF Radiation instrumentation and services.

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1996 12)
Information about the organization's mission, membership, publications, etc. Related links are also accessible.

National Hearing Conservation Association (1999 02)
Read about membership in the Association, its publications, conference and seminars, newsletter, etc.

National Nuclear Data Center (2003 11)
"The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy to provide information services in the fields of low and medium energy nuclear physics to users in the United States and Canada. In particular, the Center can provide information on neutron, charged-particle, and photonuclear reactions, nuclear structure, and decay data.

National Radiological Protection Board (1998 12)
This UK agency was set up "to advance the acquisition of knowledge about the protection of mankind from radiation hazards" and "to provide information and advice to persons (including Government Departments) with responsibilities in the United Kingdom in relation to the protection from radiation hazards either of the community as a whole or of particular sections of the community". Read about NRPB's services, publications, etc.

Nevada Technical Associates (1998 03)
The company specializes in training in radiation safety, radiochemistry and related areas. Read about upcoming courses and the company's related services.

Noise Exposures in the Construction Industry (1999 03)
Rick Neitzel writes: "This page was started to make available the results of my Masters thesis research in the University of Washington Department of Environmental Health (DEH)." Rick also states: " I would post my entire thesis on this site, except that it could put even the most highly-caffeinated insomniac to sleep, and my intent here is to disseminate information, not induce narcosis."

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA) (1996 10)
Publications, news and other information produced by the Commission.

Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (2003 09)
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) was mandated by theNuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, and is within the US Department of Energy. It'spurpose is to develop a plan to safely manage and permanently dispose of spentfuel from nuclear power plants. The site provides substantial information onthe Yucca Mountain Project, including its Environmental Impact Statement. Inthe Quality Assurance section are Audit & Surveillance Schedules and AuditReports. There are also technical reports, regulatory & legislative informationand testimony & speeches.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health (2003 11)
This content-rich site contains various collections of health and safety bulletins, alerts, newsletters, etc. It also provides access to human radiation exposure information.

OSHEX/ESA (1996 07)
OSHEX is a State of New York USA safety equipment provider of noise control and equipment safety solutions. Environmental Safety Associates (ESA) provides safety and noise-related consulting services - including litigation. As well as descriptions of their services, the site provides access to several Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) documents. When the site was last visited, these were: Noise Basics, Community (Environmental) Noise, Machine and Plant Safety, and the OSHA Noise Standard.

Physical Agent Data Sheets (2001 04)
This site provides data sheets on physical agents, such as cold stress, hand-arm vibration, heat stress, ionizing radiation, lasers, noise, etc.

Powerwatch (1999 02)
"Powerwatch exists to help the growing number of people wishing to know more about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and their reported adverse health effects." Information is provided about the organization's services, publications, research etc.

Protection Against the Hazards of UVR (1999 11)
This site contains the oroceedings from a virtual conference called "Protection against the Hazards of UVR" (ultraviolet radiation), held in January and February 1999.

Radiation and Health Physics Home Page (1998 12)
"This WWW HomePage contains information and links related to Radiation. It has been written for three distinct groups: the General Public, Students and the Health Physics community at large." The well organized site contains a large number of documents and links to related information.

Radiation Protection Division, US Environmental Protection Agency (1998 02)
The site provides information about the Division, and also provides basic radiation protection information in the form of a booklet, fact sheets, etc. There is also a kids' page, "Perfect for book reports or other homework!"

Radiation related rules, regulations and laws (1998 03)
This is an extensive list of links to primarily US resources.

Radiation Research - Official Journal of the Radiation Research Society (1999 11)
View the table of contents for the current issue, "mini abstracts" of articles from previous issues, and subscription/membership information.

Radiation Safety Associates, Inc. (1999 11)
Read about the services provided by this radiation safety consulting company.

Report on the Potential Health Risks of Radiofrequency Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Devices (1999 09)
View this Expert Panel report, prepared at the request of the Royal Society of Canada for Health Canada.

Rockwell Laser Industries, Inc. (2003 10)
Provides access to a wide variety of laser safety information - laser tutorials, standards and committees, bioeffects, research labs and institutes, their newsletter, etc. There are also links to other laser-related sites.

RPS Applied Engineering Controls (2000 05)
RPS offers equipment and systems that makes "Working in the Radiological or Hazardous workplace safer, easier and efficient." Read about and order products online.

Safe Use of Common Laser Pointers (2003 11)
This document, extracted in part from a US Dept. of Energy Safety & Health Note, outlines the hazards associated with laser pointers. It is provided by the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong.

Safe-At-Work.com (1998 10)
This site is the host for HearSaf 2000 and James Anderson and Associates. Various documents related to hearing conservation and demonstration software are available for download.

Scientech Inc. (1997 07)
Scientech is a world-wide technical services company, specializing in environmental and safety services to the nuclear industry.

Security Products - Stevens Publishing (1999 09)
A trade publication featuring articles on industrial, personal and information security for the security, fire and safety industries. Each online edition includes daily industry news, employment resources, an online buyer's guide and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

Sonomax Hearing Healthcare Inc. (2003 12)
Provides information about this company's hearing protection products and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

South Bank University, MSc/PgDip Occupational Health and Safety (2003 09)
The page describes South Bank University's (London UK) Postgraduate courses in Building Services Engineering and Environmental & Architectural Acoustics

Southern Illinois University Center for Environmental Health and Safety (1997 01)
The site contains a description of the center, a virtual tour, staff directory, etc. Access is also provided to numerous documents, such as biological and radiological safety training modules, their chemical hygiene plan, etc.

Swedish Society of Radiation Physics (Svensk förening för radiofysik) (2001 04)
Read about the Society itself, upcoming meetings and conferences, links to radiation sites, etc. Swedish and English.

Thorburn Associates (1997 04)
Read about this company's acoustical consulting and audiovisual system design consulting services.

University of Illinois (Urbana), Division of Environmental Health and Safety (2001 04)
This site provides links to a number of documents and other resources from the Division's chemical safety and waste management, occupational safety and health, and radiation safety sections.

University of Virginia, Office of Environmental Health and Safety (2003 10)
This is an extensive site, containing policy documents, guidelines, publications, etc. related to a variety of health and safety issues - ergonomics, laboratory safety, radiation safety, etc.

University of Washington, Department of Radiology (1999 05)
Information is provided about UW's Radiology Residency Program, there are teaching modules, an online musculoskeletal radiology book, etc.

University of Waterloo, Safety Office (1998 10)
The site provides access to information about the safety office, plus documents such as their Health and Safety Program Manual, Radiation Manual and Laser Safety Manual.

US Dept. of Energy, ES&H;, International Health Programs (2003 11)
Information about health effects of radiation and related environmental hazards. Three programs are described: Europe, Japan and the Marshall Islands.

Working Well Together (2001 12)
The campaign is developed by the Health and Safety Commission Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC).

Worksafe Western Australia Noise pages (2001 09)
Noise and vibration essential information is provided, plus some Toolbox Topics on Noise, and other guidance for practical methods for reducing noise - for example in school workshops and gardening areas, in the music entertainment industry, and in the construction industry. There are also many case studies and incident summaries.

Dernière mise à jour - le juillet 25, 2005
Nombre de serveurs listés - 72

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