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 Répertoire Internet

American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) (1997 07)
Contains information about this not-for-profit corporation, the aim of which is to improve the practice and educational standards of the profession of industrial hygiene. The site contains information about ABIH itself, certification programs, exams, etc.

Arizona State Mine Inspector Online (2002 12)
"The Agency frequently inspects the health and safety conditions and practices at all mining operations, investigates mine accidents and employee complaints, identifies and notifies owners to secure hazardous abandoned mines, and conducts safety certification classes for mine employees." The site contains information about the agency itself, its annual report, upcoming conferences, etc.

BC WorkInfoNet (1997 06)
"The British Columbia Work Information Network is being developed by and for users, producers, and providers of labour market and career information in British Columbia". Information includes: resource guides; a website directory; discussion forums; etc.

Brookhaven National Laboratory Environment, Safety and Health (2000 06)
Information at this site includes: health and safety questions and answers; Brookhaven's EHS policies, standards and notices; their employee safety handbook; training schedules; MSDS (BNL only); etc.

California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) (2005 06)
This site contains information about workers compensation; occupational safety and health; labor law; apprenticeship; mediation & conciliation; and statistics & research.

California State Polytechnic University Pomona Environmental Health and Safety (1998 12)
This page included information concerning the department staff references to laws and regulations and a few safety manuals. In the future the department hopes to add copies of all safety manuals and information related to safety at the University.

California State University Chico Emergency Medical Services Courses (2005 07)
The Department of Health and Community Services at California State University Chico is developing a certificate in Emergency Medical Services Administration. Information about the certificate requirements and registration is available.

Center for Ergonomics, University of Michigan (1996 10)
"The University of Michigan Center for Ergonomics is a multi-disciplinary organization devoted to education and research in ergonomics, the study of work and the efficiency and safety of human-machine systems." The site contains information about their programs, publications, projects, software products, etc.

Center for Industrial Ergonomics, University of Louisville (Kentucky USA) (1999 03)
"The Center's research and educational activities focus on integrating people, organization and technology at work, and improving quality and productivity through ergonomics, safety and health management." The site provides information about the center, its areas of research, educational programs, plus links to a few human factors sites.

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, University of California (2003 09)
Information about this research center, its academic programs, continuing education courses, research projects, etc.

Center for Prevention of Violence and Control, University of Minnesota (2000 06)
The Center for Violence Prevention and Control was developed to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in research and graduate education that can ultimately affect the prevention and control of violence. Read about the Center's research, funding opportunities, educational programs, etc.

Certificate in Health, Safety and Environmental Processes (2004 07)
Information about web-based certificate program offered by the University of New Brunswick. "The program will equip participants with the intellectual and practical skills needed to contribute widely to their organizations' goals, including identifying, prioritizing, and managing workplace risks."

Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations (1996 10)
"The purpose of this WWW Server is to provide information about the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University and its library, and to disseminate information on all aspects of employer-employee relations and workplace issues." Many useful documents are provided in their "electronic bookshelf". Their "Industrial and Labor Relations Virtual Library" provides well organized and extensive links to related sites.

Disaster and Waste Management Independent Study Courses (2003 11)
"This is a listing of courses in engineering, disaster management, and computer science developed and administered by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Engineering Professional Development (EPD)."

Disaster Recovery Information Exchange (DRIE) (2003 10)
Information from this Canada-based organization includes: membership; meeting schedule; program; disaster reference materials; upcoming conferences; recent disasters; etc. There is also a disaster message board.

Division of Occupational Safety and Health (California OSHA) (2005 06)
Information about Cal/OSHA's services, personnel etc. The full text of publications and their policies and procedures manual are also included.

EEI Corporation (2000 06)
EEI Corporation (EEIC) provides auditing, professional development training, and information management services presented as a turnkey management solution.

Electrical Contractor Network (2000-06)
The Electrical Contractor Network is committed to being the premier locator for Licensed Electrical Contractors, Electricians and their Electrical Suppliers across the US. It is meant to be used by the Consumer and Business Community alike to quickly locate and contact Electricians that meet their requirements within a given locality and for Electricians to locate Suppliers. It will be used to promote safety, and the importance of using a Licensed (aka " Certified") Electrician.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (1997 08)
This site, new in August 1997, (will) contain(s) European information in the following areas: legislation & standards; research; practice; strategies & programmes; statistics; information; and news.

Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians (UK) (1998 10)
The Faculty is "a professional and academic body empowered to develop and maintain high standards of training, competence and professional integrity in occupational medicine." Read about its various educational programmes, publications, newsletter, etc.

ForskningsrŒdet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap (Swedish council for working life and social research) (2003 12)
The Council was established in 2001 through a merger of the Swedish Council for Social Research and the Swedish Council for Work Life Research. Its objectives are to promote the accumulation of knowledge in matters relating to working life and the understanding of social conditions and processes through: promotion and support of basic and applied research; identification of important research needs; dialogue, dissemination of information and transfer of knowledge; promotion of cooperation between researchers both nationally and internationally, particularly in EU programmes.

Global Information Network for Chemicals (GINC) (2000 06)
"The GINC, Global Information Network on Chemicals, is a world wide information network for safe use of chemicals. From this homepage you can explore large amounts of useful information sources provided by both international organizations and national institutions collaborating for safe control of chemicals." The site is maintained by The National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) of Japan.

Griffith University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences (1997 05)
Information about the Faculty itself, plus links to other Australian and international environmental sites.

Hazmat Safety (2005 07)
This office is responsible for coordinating a national (US) safety program for the transportation of hazardous materials by air, rail, highway and water. Highlights include an electronic version of the Emergency Response Guidebook, regulatory info., OHM publications, etc.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Safety & Environmental Protection Office (2003 11)
The site contains the University's health and safety manual, various guidance documents, etc.

Human Resources Development Canada, Labour Operations, Occupational Safety and Health (2005 07)
Information is provided to allow Canadian federally regulated organizations to meet the requirements under the Canada Labour Code Part II. There is an overview of the Code, information about setting up an OSH program in your workplace, etc. Information of general interest includes occupational injury statistics.

International Labour Organization (2005 07)
The site provides information about the ILO, its various international programmes, publications, etc. There are also links to ILO departmental home pages, plus an ILO directory.

McGill University, Occupational Health (2003 09)
The site represents McGill's departments of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine. It provides information about their academic programmes, activities/news/seminars, research groups/labs, publications, etc.

McMaster University Health Sciences, Program in Occupational Health & Environmental Medicine (2003 10)
Read about the Program's Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS), primary research and services.

MGMT Alliances Inc. (1997 01)
"MGMT Alliances develops and presents public and in-house training courses on Environmental Management Systems, ISO 14000, ISO 9000 and Integrated Management Systems." As well as describing their services, the site provides a number of descriptive documents about ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and ISO 1400. Both a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document, and an INfrequently asked questions document are provided.

National Institute of Working Life (Arbetslivsinstitutet) - Sweden (1996 07)
Formerly the National Institute of Occupational Health. Arbetslivsinstitutet is Sweden's R&D; centre for occupational health and safety, working life and the labour market. Access is provided to information about the Insitute, their library catalog is accessible, and the full text of their research newsletter is provided.

New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (2003 11)
This site provides access to the work of the New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (NZIPS) Project. The aim of the Strategy is to develop a framework for the injury prevention activities of government agencies, non-government organisations, communities and individuals. A Draft version of the Strategy was released for public consultation in October 2002. The Government aims to release a final strategy by June 2003. The Draft Document, background information (eg. Injury statistics) and information about making submissions are available.

North Bay Safe Community Project (1997 05)
"The site features an overview of the Project since its inception in 1985; over 90 "Safety Tips", some historical photos of Project involvement in presenting "HEROES"; the "Safety Fairs" held in 1994 and 1996; pathway safety reminders for our community City pathways; media write-ups on the Project and its programs; the text of our City of North Bay "Safety and Health/Loss Control Handbook for Municipl Operations"; and many links to safety and health/loss control-oriented sites in Canada and elsewhere."

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA) (1996 10)
Publications, news and other information produced by the Commission.

Occusoft Corporation (2003 12)
Occusoft Corporation develops and publishes a suite of modular software called RiskPRO. Within this suite of modular software are modules for various applications. All are fully integrated where required, others are standalone.

Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR-OSHA) (1997 01)
The site contains a directory of OR-OSHA's services, news releases, an employer's tool kit, information about codes, publications and videos for loan, etc. The Oregon Health and Safety Resource, OR-OSHA's newsletter, is also accessible.

PREVENT (2003 11)
PREVENT est un institut ayant pour objectif la prévention des risques professionnels, la promotion de la qualité des conditions de travail, l'amélioration de l'organisation du travail et le développement d'une politique d'entreprise en matière d'environnement. L'institut soutient, conseille et informe les entreprises, les institutions et les intermédiaires tels que les services spécialisés sur le terrain.

Pro-Safety Inc. (1997 01)
Read about this company's safety services and programs, and their various safety software packages.

Risk Patrol - Risk Management Software (2000 06)
The RMIS system comprises of four individual, fully integrated modules known as RiskPATROL. Broken down, they are Employee Incidents, Non-Employee Incidents, Property/Auto Incidents and Claims Management.

Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (1997 03)
Located on the campus of the University of Utah, the Rocky Mountain Center is one of 14 NIOSH Educational Research Centers. The site provides information about the Center's various educational programs.

Safety Equipment Institute (2003 12)
Provides information about this non-profit, third party certification organization that certifies safety and protective equipment used by workers for protection against potential workplace hazards. List of certified products available online.

Society of Chemical Industry (2003 09)
Information is provided about this UK-based learned society, its membership, meetings, publications, etc. Read about the Society's health and safety special interest group.

South Bank University, MSc/PgDip Occupational Health and Safety (2003 09)
The page describes South Bank University's (London UK) Postgraduate courses in Building Services Engineering and Environmental & Architectural Acoustics

The Alberta Safety Council (2001 12)
The Alberta Safety Council is a not for profit membership based organization, operating on a cost recovery basis. The Council's mandate is to promote safety to Albertans in the home, in the workplace and in their leisure activities.

The Learning Partnership (2001 12)
The Learning Partnership develops linkages among business, education and community through partnership projects.

Tulane University, Center for Applied Environmental Public Health (2003 11)
Read about this university's masters level programs in OSH, including a 2 yr. Internet-based MPH degree program in OSH Management.

Université catholique de Louvan, Unité de Toxicologie et de Médecine du Travail (2001 04)
Le site contient une déscription de l'unité, les membres, les programmes d'enseignement, une liste des publications scientifiques, etc.

University of Birmingham (UK), Institute of Occupational Health (2003 10)
Read about the Institute's postgraduate programs, upcoming local, national and international conference and meetings, etc.

University of British Columbia, School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (2001 04)
The School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene is a teaching and research unit whose mandate is to study exposures, health effects, and control strategies in the work and community environments. The School of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene offers interdisciplinary graduate studies in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, at the University of British Columbia. This program is the only graduate-level program west of Toronto in Canada, and addresses the growing demand for hygiene professionals in this region of the country, as well as elsewhere.

University of California Berkeley, Ergonomics Program (2001 04)
Read about Berkeley's Ergonomics program, research, case studies, etc.

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Risk Mgmt. & Environmental Safety (1996 07)
Documents describing health and safety policies and procedures at UCCS.

University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Emergency Health Services (1999 11)
Read about the various educational opportunities provided by UMBC - undergraduate, graduate, distance education and continuing education.

University of Minnesota, Department of Environmental Health and Safety

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Pesticide Education Resources (2001 04)
This award-winning site provides information about educational and training programs that address health, the environment, and pesticide safety. Such programs include pesticide applicator training (PAT), as well as pesticide education for the general public.

University of New Haven, Occupational Safety and Health (1999 02)
The site describes the University of New Haven's degree programs (A.S., B.S., M.S.) in occupational safety and health and industrial hygiene.

University of New South Wales, School of Safety Science (1999 02)
The School undertakes research and provides courses in areas related to Occupational Health and Safety, Ergonomics and Environmental Studies. BSc, MSc and PhD programs are available.

University of Southern California, Department of Public Safety (2001 04)
According to the department's web page, USC has one of the largest university law enforcement and crime prevention education agencies in the United States. Read about the program.

University of Vienna (Austria), Department of Occupational Medicine (1999 11)
Information is provided about the department, its research, personnel, etc. Most information is in German. Summary information is in English.

University of Washington, Department of Radiology (1999 05)
Information is provided about UW's Radiology Residency Program, there are teaching modules, an online musculoskeletal radiology book, etc.

Work Environment Program, University of Massachusetts Lowell (1996 07)
The Work Environment Program (WEP) is an academic and research graduate program whose main role is to educate scientists to study and evaluate workplace factors that affect the health status of workers. The WEP awards both master's and doctoral degrees. Read about the program, the faculty, and the program's journal "New Solutions".

Dernière mise à jour - le juillet 25, 2005
Nombre de serveurs listés - 60

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