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Aerobiological Engineering - Airborne Pathogen Control Systems (1998 05)
Provided courtesy of the Graduate School of Architectural Engineering and the Department of Biology at Penn State University, this content-rich site provides information about numerous aerobiological engineering research topics, such as: airborne pathogens; fungi and bacteria in ventilation systems; legionnaires disease; the spread of disease in office buildings; etc.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - Minimal Risk Levels for Hazardous Substances (1999 11)
MRLs are listed for a number of substances. An MRL is an estimate of the daily human exposure to a hazardous substance that is likely to be without appreciable risk of adverse noncancer health effects over a specified duration of exposure.

American Lung Association Air Quality (1999 12)
The American Lung Association (ALA), fighting lung disease through education, community service, advocacy and research, offers an Air Quality web page that discusses the variety of particles carried in the air we breathe. Find numerous resources on general, indoor, and outdoor air quality. These resources include factsheets on specific particles and health hazards; links to other ALA sites like the National Health House Web Site, a project to raise the standards of residential air quality and energy efficiency; and prevention tips to improve the air quality in your home or office.

American Public Health Association (1997 09)
Read about APHA, news releases, information about and abstracts from its journal, etc. Links are also provided to legislative, science policy and other public health-related sites.

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC) (1996 12)
"The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC) is a multi-disciplinary, voluntary, international organization. Our purpose is to influence, support and improve the quality of health care through the practice and management of infection control and the application of epidemiology in all health settings." The site lists resources for Infection Control professionals, a list of publications for sale, US government information, courses offered, etc.

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (1997 07)
Information about this Arizona-based association, its projects and activities.

Best Start Resource Centre (1999 11)
The Best Start Resource Centre disseminates the the practices and products of the two Best Start demonstration sites that operated from 1992-1998. The centre is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and supported by the Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse. Researchers addressed a variety of factors associated with low birthweight. Individual behaviours such as smoking, environmental factors such as workplace conditions, and the larger determinants of health, especially poverty, are all risk factors for low birthweight. Various initiatives address workplace-related issues.

Beyond Pesticides (2001 04)
Beyond Pesticides began in 1981 as the National Coalition Against the Misuse ofPesticides, to serve as a national network committed to pesticide safety and theadoption of alternative pest management strategies which reduce or eliminate adependency on toxic chemicals. Beyond Pesticides provides the public with usefulinformation on pesticides and their alternatives. With this information, peoplecan and do protect themselves and the environment from the potential adversepublic health and environmental effects associated with the use and misuse ofpesticides. Their site offers detailed information on what to do in case of anemergency involving pesticides and alerts about pesticide problems. Otherprograms showcased are Pesticides in Schools, Poison Poles (poisonous use ofwood preservatives in utility poles) and Genetically Engineered Organisms.

Boston University School of Public Health - Photo Gallery (2000 06)
"The mission of the Department of Environmental Health Gallery is to provide a human dimension to the various problems we face with respect to both environmental and occupational health hazards." This powerful site presents a number of photo-essays related to asbestos, pesticide poisoning, child labour, uranium and coal mining, etc.

Bridlewood Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Information Service (1997 01)
"The Bridlewood Residents Hydro Line Committee (BRHLC) was first formed in 1986 to fight 500 kV high voltage transmission lines that Ontario Hydro proposed to construct through our community in Kanata, just outside Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and was focused on the health effects from the electromagnetic fields emitted by the lines. Since then the committee has broadened its mandate to a much greater information and education role." The site contains EMF news, the text of reports and documents from various organizations, and an extensive bibliography. Site is no longer actively maintained; an archive is provided through the Swedish Association for the Electrosensitive website.

Bureau of National Affairs Inc. (BNA) (2003 09)
This is a commercial site describing BNA's publications. Areas of interest are their Health Care and Environment & Safety publications.

Canadian Health Network (CHN) (2005 06)
The CHN is a national, non-profit, bilingual web-based health information service. CHN's goal is to help Canadians find the information they're looking for on how to stay healthy and prevent disease. CHN does this through a unique collaboration - one of the most dynamic and comprehensive networks anywhere in the world. This network of health information providers includes the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada and national and provincial/territorial non-profit organizations, as well as universities, hospitals, libraries and community organizations.

Canadians for Health Research (2001 09)
Canadians for Health Research is a national nonprofit organization that promotes health research in Canada. The full text of the organization's publications, information about its programs, etc. are available on the site.

Carbon Monoxide Kills (2002 12)
The Carbon Monoxide Kills site is dedicated to helping the public protect itself against Carbon Monoxide.

CDC Travel Information (1996 11)
Information provided includes lists of reference materials, information about disease outbreaks and specific health hazard information for different geographical locations. This site is maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC Wonder (1996 02)
CDC Wonder provides access to text and numeric databases guidelines and reports from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - e.g. MMWR CDC Prevention Guidelines STD Reports.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) (1999 05)
The CDC site is extensive, with information on a wide range of health-related topics.

Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment (2003 09)
The Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment (CSR) is a department of The Netherlands' National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). RIVM is a research institute providing scientific support and expertise for government policies on public health, nature and the environment. Read about the CSR's methodology projects and access abstracts, in English and Dutch, of their risk assessment methodology reports and publications.

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (UK) (2003 11)
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the promotion of environmental health and the dissemination of knowledge about environmental health issues for the benefit of the public. It is also responsible for the training and professional development of environmental health officers and provides educational services to the profession. Read about membership in the Institute, CIEH's publications, training programs, etc.

Child Health Programs, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (1999 11)
"This site was created by the ATSDR Office of Children's Health to share information on a variety of programs that emphasize the vulnerabilities of infants and children in communities faced with the contamination of their water, soil, air, or food. Find out about upcoming national and international conferences, read news releases and book reviews, or access online publications".

Circadian Technologies Inc. (2005 07)
The company provides information, publications and other services related to many aspects of shiftwork. Find out about their various paper-based publications, their research facilities, the shiftwork mailing list, etc.

City of Toronto (1998 09)
Access public health documents, information about emergency services, etc.

Code of Practice for the Prevention and Control of Legionnaires' Disease (2001 04)
This detailed code of practice is presented in its entirety by WorkSafe Western Australia.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (2005 06)
Lots of contact information, frequently asked questions (FAQ), plus downloadable copies of Colorado public health and environment regulations.

Combined Health Information Database (CHID) (1999 05)
CHID is a database produced by agencies from the US National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control. This database includes abstracts and availability information for consumer-oriented materials.

Compliance Control Center (1996 03)
The site provides information about handwashing compliance monitoring services provided by the organization as well as information about personal hygiene for the purpose of infection control in hospitals daycare foodservice etc. There is also an extensive list of links to related sites.

Current Literature on USA Occupational Safety and Health (1997 05)
Abstracts to published documents on a variety of health and safety subjects are provided. There are also links to EMF-Link, Enviro-Health and IVI Online, the home page for Information Ventures Inc. Information Ventures "provides a full range of scientific information services to professionals in industry, government agencies, academic, and medical institutions."

Department of Health (UK) (1998 12)
The site provides information about the Department itself, news releases, departmental programs, publications (some full text), etc.

DieselNet (1997 05)
" The Diesel Emissions Evaluation Program (in short DEEP) is an industry sponsored initiative to facilitate research and transfer of technology on diesel emissions, their health effects, measurement, and control. The Consortium participants represent mining industry and labour, diesel engine manufacturers, emission controls manufacturers, and, last but not least, the leading diesel emission research institutions."

EMF-LINK (1997 05)
"EMF-Link provides substantive information on biological and health effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) from common sources such as power lines, electrical wiring, appliances, medical equipment, communications facilities, cellular phones, and computers." Some public access is provided, but to get full access, you must subscribe to one of Information Ventures' publications and register for access.

Environment, Health and Safety Publications, Chemical Safety, OECD (2003 12)
This Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) website focuses on Environmental Health and Safety issues. The website includes a News and a Publications section , information on the OECD Chemicals Programme, Chemical Accidents Programme, Pesticides, Lead in Gasoline, a Biotechnology regulatory section, etc.

Epi Info (2001 04)
Produced by CDC and the World Health Organization Epi Info and Epi Map - public domain software packages designed for the global community of public health practitioners and researchers. Both provide for easy form and database construction, data entry, and analysis with epidemiologic statistics, maps, and graphs. Download from here.

FAQs: Health, Environment & Work (2001 04)
This is a series of questions and answers, maintained by Dr. Raymond Agius, Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of Manchester Medical School. Excellent resource!

Finland Institute of Occupational Health (2003 12)
Information is provided about the Institute, its purpose, its work, etc. Lists of Institute publications and journals are provided. There is also a list of OH&S; conferences.

FIRST (1999 05)
FIRST est une association française qui intervient dans le domaine de la prévention, et de la réduction des risques en matière de la toxicomanie et du SIDA.

FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet FolkhŠlsoinstitutet (Swedish National Institute of Public Health) (2000 06)
The National Institute of Public Health, NIPH, (Swedish FolkhŠlsoinstitutet) was established in 1992. It is a state agency under the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. It is similar to national government health departments in many countries, but operates at "arm' s length" from the government of the day. It reports both to the Minister of Health and Social Affairs and to an independent Board of Directors. Most information is available in Swedish only.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Pesticide Management Unit (2001 04)
The pesticide management activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) aim at managing the risks associated with the use of pesticides. The FAOproposes maximum residue levels for individual pesticide in different feed itemsand foods, and provides advice on the acceptable levels of pesticide residues infood moving in international trade. The FAO works towards strengthening foodcontrol by training in residue analysis, manuals for pesticide analysis,publication of pesticide specifications as well as quality assurance in foodcontrol chemical laboratories. Their web site offers the full text of suchdocuments as the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use ofPesticides, Pesticide Specifications and Quality Control Standards as well asdetailed evaluations of a huge number of pesticide residues.

Fragranced Products Information Network (1998 12)
"Information on fragrances and the chemicals used in them is not readily available. Fragrance formulas are trade secrets and ingredients do not have to be listed on the labels. There have been few medical studies done other than on the effects of fragrances on the skin. The goal of this site is to gather available information and make it accessible."

From Couch Potato to Baked Potato (2000 06)
Information is provided about this Canadian book promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Hardin Meta Directory - Preventative Medicine and Public Health (2003 11)
This is a "list of lists", providing links to a variety of health-related directories.

Hazards Magazine (2003 11)
Magazine available in print and online formats. Focus on occupational health and safety issues from a trade union perspective.

Health Canada's Health Information Network (1999 11)
This site is presented by Health Canada. Health Canada News Releases contains many timely health alerts. Many of the "Its Your Health" publications are accessible in full text in both English and French.

Health Canada, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety (2003 09)
The Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch is organized into five programmes: Drug Strategy and Controlled Substances, Workplace Health and Safety, Product Safety, Tobacco Control and Safe Environments. The site provides access to numerous technical reports and publications, general interest fact sheets, etc.

Health Canada, Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (1997 04)
The site contains information about the Centre itself, public health documents, travel health advisories, disease prevention guidelines, etc.

Health Effects Institute (HEI) (1999 05)
HEI is an independent, nonprofit organization that is supported by the US Environmental Protection Agency and industry. It studies effects of pollutants and other sources in the environment. Its web site includes access to HEI's Quarterly Newsletter, announcements, background information about HEI, research reports, requests for applications, program summaries, publications, and a directory of HEI's staff and board of directors.

Health Promotion Center, University of California Irvine (2005 07)
"UCIHPC is a research and consulting unit operating within the School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine. We are interested in all aspects of health promotion. Our research focuses on comprehensive, integrated approaches to health promotion, especially on workplace-based health promotion." Read about their research, publications, Top-10 list of corporate health strategies, etc. They also provide a directory of several hundred health promotion web sites.

Health Protection Agency (2003 12)
The Health Protection Agency is anational organisation for England and Wales. "It is dedicated to protecting people's health and reducing the impact of infectious diseases, chemical hazards, poisons and radiation hazards. It brings together the expertise of health and scientific professionals working in public health, communicable disease, emergency planning, infection control, laboratories, poisons, chemical, and radiation hazards."

HEBSWeb (1997 01)
This is the site of the Health Education Board for Scotland. Bibliographies and assorted documents on a variety of health topics are provided.

Home Health Provider - Stevens Publishing (1999 09)
A trade publication featuring articles on respiratory care, mobility, sleep therapy, and wound care for the home health equipment industry. Each online edition includes industry news updates, employment resources, and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program (2003 09)
This publication, produced by the US Environmental Protection Agency, examines the causes and effects of poor indoor air quality and provides information for reducing exposure to indoor contaminants in schools. It discusses the various indoor pollutants found in schools, including dust, chemical agents, gases, and volatile organic compounds; where they are found in schools; and their health effects on school occupants. Pollution control measures are detailed in the areas of building design, product specifications, renovation procedures, operations and maintenance, and ventilation system management.

Injury Control Resource Information Network (ICRIN) (1997 05)

Institute for Work and Health (1996 07)
Information about this Toronto Canada-based organization its publications programs special events newsletter etc.

International Labour Organization Publications (2005 07)
ILO publications provide relevant research and practical resources for policy-makers and other individuals concerned with occupational safety and health, labour and employment, industrial relations, women at work and much more.

Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (2003 09)
The site provides ordering information for this publication from the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. It also provides abstracts of articles from past issues.

Junk Science (1996 07)
Tongue-in-cheek articles debunking "science without sense", written by Steve Milloy.

Kemika XXI (2001 09)
Provides added knowledge, complementary information and expert tips on chemistry, chemicals, the international laws, regulations and standards governing them.

London Hazards Centre (2000 08)
This web site is a resource centre for Londoners fighting health and safety hazards in their workplace and community. This site is for union and community organisers anywhere who need health and safety information.

Lots of Links on Lyme Disease (2003 12)
Over 6500 categorized links on Lyme Disease.

Lyme Disease Foundation (2005 07)
The Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc. (LDF) is a nonprofit medical healthcare agency dedicated to finding solutions to tick-borne disorders. Read about various tick-borne disorders, (Lyme Disease, Babesiosis, Colorado Tick Fever, etc.), view the full text of the journal, "Journal of Spirochetal & Tick-Borne Diseases", read about upcoming conferences, etc.

MATC (2005 07)
Information is provided about this company's sensing products, including a UV intensity meter.

McGill University, Occupational Health (2003 09)
The site represents McGill's departments of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine. It provides information about their academic programmes, activities/news/seminars, research groups/labs, publications, etc.

MediBel-Net - the Belgian Information Kiosk for Health and Environment (1998 09)
Voir des coordonés des compétences de la Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé et de l'Environnement. La plupart des renseignements est en français et hollandais.

Medical Basis of Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep problems, and Drug Use (1997 04)
This is a free, illustrated web book explains the scientific basis of Stress, Depression, Anxiety, and Drug Use in a fun, easy to read format. It was written by an Occupational Physician, and is intended for use by health educators.

MedScape (1997 08)
This site provides free access to: MEDLINE, TOXLINE and AIDSLINE from the US National Library of Medicine, plus a document delivery service for a small fee; the full text of thousands of health related articles; the full text of various journals; and more. Registration required (free).

Mesothelioma Online Advice (2004 07)
This Mesothelioma research guide offers topics ranging from Mesothelioma symptoms and treatments, latest news and developments as well as attorney and legal information.

Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (MMWR) (2001 04)
All issues of this weekly report, produced by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are presented in their entirety.

Motherisk (1999 11)
The Motherisk Program at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, was created in 1985 to provide evidence-based information and guidance concerning the potential risks to the developing fetus or infant, from exposure to drugs, chemicals, diseases, radiation and environmental agents. The site highlights important findings in maternal-fetal health, toxicology, etc.

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (2003 11)
"CASA's mission is to inform the American people of the cost of abuse of all substances (legal and illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco) throughout society and its impact on their lives, to determine what works for whom in prevention and treatment, and to encourage each individual and institution to take responsibility to combat substance abuse." Information at the site includes details about CASA, the text of its news releases and publications, etc.

National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety (1999 11)
This Center "strives to enhance the health and safety of all children exposed to hazards associated with agricultural work and rural environments."

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2000 06)
Human health and human disease result from three interactive elements: environmental factors, individual susceptibility and age. The mission of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is to reduce the burden of human illness and dysfunction from environmental causes by understanding each of these elements and how they interrelate. The NIEHS achieves its mission through multidisciplinary biomedical research programs, prevention and intervention efforts, and communication strategies that encompass training, education, technology transfer, and community outreach.

National Institutes of Health (USA) (2003 12)
Information is provided about the various Institutes and their work . Wealth information resources, including: health information, scientific resources, grants and funding, news and events.

National Library of Medicine (USA)

National Park Service, Public Health Program (2000 06)
This site provides brochures about concerns such as Hepatitis and Tuberculosis, and self-learning modules on Hantavirus and Lyme Disease.

National Pesticide Telecommunications Network (1997 09)
NPTN is a joint initiative of Oregon State University and the US Environmental Protection Agency. The site provides links to various pesticide-related sites: pesticide companies, sources for pest control information, pesticide toxicology, poison control centers, etc.

National Safety Council Environmental Health Center (1999 12)
The mission of the National Safety Council is "to educate and influence society to adopt safety, health and environmental policies, practices and procedures that prevent and mitigate human suffering and economic losses arising from preventable causes." This site offers access by audience or by topic. Whether looking for information specific to journalists or to educators or on topics like air quality, lead poisoning, or radioactive waste, visitors will be able to find fact sheets, issue papers, news and alerts, educational materials, or links to additional Internet resources.

Neighbourhood Environmental Watch Network (NEWNET) (2001 04)
NEWNET (Neighborhood Environmental Watch Network) is a network of environmental monitoring stations, and data storage and data processing systems, with public access to the data through the Internet. This allows interested members of the public to have constant access to the stations so they can observe the results at any time. NEWNET was started in 1993 with stations in Nevada, California, Utah, and New Mexico. It is based on concepts developed by the Department of Energy for the Community Monitoring Program at the Nevada Test Site Nuclear Testing Facility. These concepts date back to the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Reactor accident in the late 1970's.

Neurobranchés (2004 02)
"Un dossier dÕinformation et dÕŽducation sur le sommeil (hygine, physiologie, chronobiologie, pathologies)."

New Jersey Advisory Council on Safety and Health (1996 07)
The Advisory Council is a non-profit public-interest organization whose members include unions employees petitioners' attorneys petitioners' doctors and citizens concerned with worker safety and health issues. Ultimately you will need to become a member to access most of the information but at the time of review a bulletin board scanned versions of recent court decisions and legislative updates were accessible to anyone.

New Jersey Dept. of Health and Senior Services, Occupational Disease Epidemiology and Surveillance Program (1998 05)
"The Occupational Disease Epidemiology and Surveillance Program targets its activities to workers who are exposed to hazardous chemical, physical or biological agents." A series of documents are presented, including a series of industrial hygiene factsheets on controlling chemical exposure.

New York State Department of Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (1997 09)
This site provides access to a series of basic documents on environmental and occupational health. The content is geared to the public.

New Zealand's Health and Safety Net (1997 04)
This is the home page of the Occupational Safety and Health Service of the Department of Labour, New Zealand. The site provides information about the organization, work hazards, health and safety law, training resources, accident and illness reporting, etc. There is also a catalogue of their health and safety information products. Some publications are available from the site. A software package, the "Floppy Ergonomist", is available to be downloaded by people in New Zealand.

Occupational Disease Panel Electronic Library (1999 10)
The Occupational Disease Panel (ODP) was created under the Workers' Compensation Act of Ontario. In its 10 years of operation, ending in 1997, it produced numerous publications on issues relating to workplace/occupational diseases and their compensation. These publications are available in their entirety on this site.

Occupational Health & Safety - Stevens Publishing (1999 09)
A trade publication featuring articles on safety, occupational health, ergonomics, training, emergency services and industrial hygiene for the manufacturing/industrial industries. Each online edition includes daily industry news, employment resources, calendar of events, an online buyer's guide and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

OHS&E; - The Journal of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (1998 06)
To quote the editors of this UK magazine, "Besides containing details of the magazine and our previous and forthcoming features, the site has news, features, legislation information, and an Open Forum in which occupational health, safety and environment matters can be aired and responded to by anyone in the world."

Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (2003 11)
The OTRU was established by the Ontario Ministry of Health in 1993 to undertake a program of research, development and dissemination of knowledge about effective tobacco control programs and policies. Read about its research activities, publications, etc.

Pesticides Action Network - Pesticide Database (2001 04)
The Pesticides Action Network - Pesticide Database brings together a wide rangeof information on pesticides from many different sources, providing ecotoxicity,human toxicity (chronic and acute) and regulatory information for over 5,000pesticide active ingredients and their transformation products. This databasehas been integrated with the U.S. EPA and California Department of PesticideRegulation product databases, which provide information on formulated products(the form of the pesticide that growers and consumers purchase for use)containing the active ingredients. The information is most complete forpesticides registered for use in the United States.

Project HOPE (1996 09)
Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) helps communities attain lasting improvements in health care. Project HOPE provides health education, health policy research, and humanitarian assistance. Information is provided about the organization, its programs in more than 70 countries, news releases, etc.

Queensland Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations (2000 08)
The DETIR web site provides links to legislation, research projects, publications and employment opportunities.

Reading, Writing and Risk: Air Pollution Inside Californias Portable Classrooms [PDF] (2001 04)
A California report examines the air pollution risk levels in the State's portable school facilities, the State's response, and recommendations for protecting children's and teacher's health in these types of classrooms. The report reveals that over two million California students spend the school day in buildings that may be harmful to their health. It states that some portable classrooms can expose children to toxic chemicals at levels that pose an unacceptable risk of cancer or other serious illness, but that California has no indoor air health standards for most toxins found in types of buildings and has has failed to exercise effective oversight over air quality. What types of pollution health risks exist in portable classrooms are detailed, particularly risks from formaldehyde and carbon dioxide. Additionally reported are the unintended consequences of the State's push for the use of portables to address student population increases.

Real Stories - Community Health in Action (1998 05)
The site contains a number of "authentic stories of real people who benefited by their involvement at their local Community Health Centre (CHC)" in Ontario.

Restoration Environmental Contractors (1999 09)
This Canadian company provides services such as: asbestos abatement; lead abatement; fire restoration; mold and fungus removal and plant cleanups. The web site provides documents outlining step by step actions to be taken for most of these types of cleanups/restoration.

Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (2001 04)
"The main aims of the Institute are to promote the advancement of all aspects of health and hygiene, to stimulate interest in public health, and to disseminate knowledge on health matters to the benefit of the community." Read about the Institute's activities, including the courses it provides.

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (2003 09)
Read about this state department - contact information, emergency response services, training, etc.

Southwest Rural and Agricultural Safety (1997 04)
This site, an extension of University of Arizona, provides numerous links and documents related to a variety of aspects of agricultural safety.

St. John Ambulance (2002 12)
St. John Ambulance is a charitable organization dedicated to enabling Canadians to improve their health, safety and quality of life by providing training and community service. For 120 years in Canada, St. John Ambulance has been helping people reduce suffering and injury. Read about the organizationÕs variety of programs and services.

Teacher's Guide to Indoor Air Pollutants (2001 04)
This US National Safety Council guide, which includes lesson plans and activities, was developed as a companion tool to EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Action Kit, and is designed to help students increase their knowledge of indoor air quality problems and solutions. Includes informative fact sheets on alternatives to household chemicals, asbestos, asthma, biological contaminants, carbon monoxide, environmental tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, lead, pesticides, radon, and sick building syndrome.

US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (2001 04)
The Office of Pesticides mission is to protect public health and the environmentfrom the risks posed by pesticides and to promote safer means of pest control.This web site offers substantial information on many aspects of pesticides, fromregistration, safety and regulations to biopesticides and the effects onchildren and endangered species. There is a section regarding public commentperiods, including upcoming meetings. The kids page offers a house tour to showkids about dangerous chemicals found in the home.

Visible Human Project (2003 09)
This site, based at the National University of Singapore, provides information about plant, snake and animal toxins, directories of antivenoms, toxinologists and poison control centres around the world, etc.

Washington State Department of Health (1998 03)
The site provides a number of public health fact sheets, monographs, reports, etc.

Weekly Epidemiological Record (1999 05)
WER provides weekly information about outbreaks of diseases of public health importance. This World Health Organization publication is available in English and French.

Windsor Occupational Health Information Service (WOHIS) (1997 03)
"WOHIS is an occupational health and safety information/referral service located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Its mandate is 'to promote community awareness of occupational health and safety issues in order to prevent illness and injury.'" The site provides access to WOHIS publications (some may be downloaded free from the site); news; links to other sites; and a "speaker's corner".

World Health Organization (2000 06)
WHO's site contains information about the organization itself, documents and fact sheets about various communicable diseases, traveller's health, biosafety guidelines, etc.

Your Health is Your Business (1996 12)
This is a directory of health related resources on the Internet. This Health Promotion home page is a joint cooperation of the Southern Illinois University Health Education Program, the Center for Injury Control and Worksite Health Promotion (CICWHP), and the SIU Pontikes Center for Management of Information.

Academy of Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (ACHMM) (1997 07)
Information about the organization, its annual conference, membership, etc.

Acoustics and Vibration Unit, University of New South Wales (2005 07)
The Acoustics and Vibration Unit was established in 1988 by the University of New South Wales. It is within the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University College located at the Australian Defence Force Academy. The mission of the Unit is to pursue excellence in teaching and research in the areas of acoustics and vibration and to provide community service in ways that are consistent with the mission and goals of the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The members of the Unit have undertaken consultancy work, for both the public and private sector, via Unisearch Ltd, a company wholly owned by the University of New South Wales.

AcuTech Consulting Inc. (1996 12)
AcuTech provides process risk management services to industries handling hazardous materials. Their site describes their consulting services, training and risk management software. Their InterSafe sites includes the full text of several of their technical papers.

African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety (2003 11)
The full text of current and previous issues are available at the site. The newsletter is published by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, in association with the ILO -CIS International Occupational Health and Safety Information Centre.

Agricultural Safety (2005 06)
This page, part of the Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System, provides access to a number of documents, information about training materials and links to relevant legislation.

Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) (1998 07)
"The role of the centre is to provide technical support to those involved in the research and development of ventilation technology as well as to ensure the widest dissemination of information on related energy and air quality issues." View the full text of the centre's publications, read about upcoming conferences, search the centre's bibliographic database of articles related to ventilation and related issues, etc.

Alberta Centre for Active Living (2003 12)
The Centre promotes the benefits of physical activity. The web site includes "resources on workplace active living in Alberta, including a needs assessment report and a program standard and audit tool."

Alberta Human Resources and Employment (2005 06)
This Alberta government department's site provides access to the full text of acts and regulations, accident and injury statistics, publications, etc.

Alberta Workers' Health Centre (2001 09)
The Alberta Workers' Health Centre provides information about safety on the job, or health problems that you think are related to your work. They specialize in assisting workers to identify workplace hazards, and to make the link between exposure and disease.

Alertdriving.Com (2000 03)
"Alertdriving.Com's goal is to be the motoring public's most credible source of traffic safety refresher advice available on the internet and to help drivers avoid preventable accidents and violations". Read about this Canadian company's interactive multimedia programs.

Allergy & Clinical Immunology International - Journal of the World Allergy Organization (2003 11)
Information about jourmal which, is published six times per year in English print and online formats. A Japanese print edition is available. "The journal draws physicians from a variety of fields, including many interested in environmental and occupational health.">issues.

American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (1997 09)
AAOHN's site provides a variety of types of information: publications, AAOHN Journal information, practice resources, continuing education, legislative updates, etc.

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (1996 09)
Categories of information to become available include: information about ACOEM, membership information, courses/conferences, statement papers/guidelines, publications, press releases, a self-assessment exam, employment service, and other OEM links.

American Society for Healthcare Engineering (2003 09)
Read about the organization, its members, publications, conferences, etc.

Annals of Occupational Hygiene (2000 06)
Get Tables of Contents, ordering information, etc. for this British Occupational Hygiene Society publication. A free Table of Contents service via e-mail is available.

Annette B. Haag & Associates Inc., Deborah V. DiBenedetto & Associates Ltd. (1999 12)
Read about services provided by these occupational health consultants: disability/ case management, occupational health & safety, and productivity.

Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (2002 12)
The site provides ordering information for this ACGIH journal, plus information for authors, contents of upcoming issues, etc.

Arts, Crafts and Theater Safety (ACTS) (1997 04)
Information is provided about this free art/theater hazard information service. A list of their publications and further contact information is available.

Asbestos Institute (1996 09)
Access the Montreal-based institute's Biomedical Data Bank, view reports and press releases, get information on their printed publications.

Asian-Pacific Regional Network on Occupational Safety & Health Information (2000 06)
Presented by the ILO/FINNIDA Asian-Pacific Regional Programme on Occupational Safety and Health, this Gopher server was established with a view to sharing OSH information in and about the Asian-Pacific region. Contains contact and organizational information, plus documents on a variety of OSH-related subjects.

Asociación para la Prevención de Accidentes (1999 09)
Information is provided about this Spanish association, its services (training, databases, publications, etc.), subscriptions to APA's journal PREVENCIÓN, a series of safety posters and conference information. All information is in Spanish.

Association of Educational Safety & Health Professionals, Inc. (2000 06)
AESHP "provides information, training, professional development and networking to safety and health professionals who primarily serve educational institutions." The site provides information about the organization, membership, upcoming meetings, etc.

Association of Occupational & Environmental Clinics (2000 05)
Since its founding in 1987, the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC) has grown to a network of more than 60 clinics and more than 250 individuals committed to improving the practice of occupational and environmental medicine through information sharing and collaborative research. Currently AOEC receives significant financial support through multi-year cooperative agreements with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Under these agreements AOEC members develop curriculum materials in occupational and environmental health and provide Education Activities (EA) programs for primary care practitioners and others. Subcontracts in these areas are awarded to AOEC clinic and individual members. Complementing that effort is the establishment of a growing lending library of course outlines, handouts, slides and videotapes available to members who are preparing their own presentations.

Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) (1998 05)
Information about this not for profit association is provided: membership information, conferences, training, etc. This is the web site of the Canadian chapter of APCO International.

Association of Societies for Occupational Safety and Health (Southern Africa) (1999 02)
The initial focus of this site will be on OHS in South Africa, and will be expanded to provide information on OHS in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Find out about the member associations, their resources, training programmes, legislation, etc.

Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail, secteur affaires municipales (1999 11)
L'APSAM (l'Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail, secteur «affaires municipales»), a pour mission de faciliter la prise en charge de la prévention par le milieu, de développer et de promouvoir les moyens nécessaires pour protéger la santé, la sécurité et l'intégrité physique des personnes à l'emploi des municipalités et des organismes qui y sont reliés, dans l'ensemble du Québec.

Association québécoise pour l'hygiène, la santé et la sécurité au travail (AQHSST) (1997 06)
Information sur l'Association, ses conférences annuelles, ses membres, etc. Ce site renferme liens avec d'autres sites et de l'information sur un groupe de discussion éventuel. Toute l'information donnée à ce site est en français.

Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine (2003 11)
"ANZSOM is a professional and social organisation which provides a focal point for the advancement of knowledge in those registered medical practitioners who are actively involved in or are interested in Occupational Medicine. Read about the organization, membership, meetings, branches, etc.

Backrelief.com (2001 04)
This site is a resource for people who suffer from back pain and provides information on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of back pain. The site is supported by Robaxacet - an over the counter back pain product distributed in Canada by Whitehall-Robins.

Bernan Press (1999 02)
This company is a distributor of US government and international agency publications. It also publishes original works in the area of government statistics, the Internet, labour and NAFTA. Read about the available publications.

Bioelectromagnetics Society (1999 02)
BEMS is a non-profit organization "of biological and physical scientists, physicians and engineers interested in the interactions of nonionizing radiations with biological systems." The site provides information about the society, the full text of recent issues of the "Bioelectromagnetics" journal, information about the Society's services, job postings, the National Academy of Sciences EMF Report, etc.

Biosafety Information Network and Advisory Service (BINAS) (1997 09)
BINAS, a service of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, monitors global developments in regulatory issues in biotechnology. Site highlights include links to regulations in many countries, UNIDO publications, the BINAS newsletter, OECD Environment Monographs, etc.

Biosafety Resources & Tools, American Biological Safety Association (2003 09)
This is an extensive high quality list of biosafety resources.

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group ASRC (2005 07)
Detailed information about this search and rescue organization is provided - the group itself their training recent searches etc. There are also links to other search and rescue information.

British Columbia Injury Research and Prevention Unit (1999 11)
The BCIRPU website contains injury facts, figures, and tables of rates for British Columbia and the rest of Canada.

Canada Safety Council (CSC) (1996 09)
CSC is an independent national non-profit membership safety organization. The web site offers information about the organization its mission training programs publications and activities. CSC programs help the Canadian public prevent accidents and injuries by enhancing safety awareness.

Canadian Auto Workers (2001 04)
Information about the union, its work, studies undertaken, etc. Its health, safety and environment newsletter is also available.

Canadian Business Health Management (2003 09)
CBHM specializes in Health & Safety and Communications Training. Some of the programs include certification for WSIB Level 1 and Level 2 (Joint Health & Safety Committees), WHMIS, ergonomic assessments and training, hearing testing, and First Aid.

Canadian Handbook on Health Impact Assessment (2003 09)
This publication is a reference manual on how and why to include human health in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) ." See especially the "Role of the Occupational Hygienist in Environmental ImpactAssessment" - chapter H in volume 3.

Canadian Network of Toxicology Centres (CNTC) (1996 07)
Provides information about the organization online newsletters and documents and links to other toxicology-related sites.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (2005 07)
This web site provides access to the full text of the new Nuclear Safety and Control Act and regulations, as well as regulatory documents.

Carcinogenic Potency Database (1997 09)
CPDB provides the results of chronic long-term animal cancer tests. It provides a single database that includes sufficient information on each experiment to permit investigations into many research areas of carcinogenesis. Analyses of 5152 experiments on 1298 chemicals are presented

Center for Ergonomics, University of Michigan (1996 10)
"The University of Michigan Center for Ergonomics is a multi-disciplinary organization devoted to education and research in ergonomics, the study of work and the efficiency and safety of human-machine systems." The site contains information about their programs, publications, projects, software products, etc.

Center for Hazard Information (1997 04)
This professional safety engineering firm provides consulting services, plus a monthly "Hazard Information Newsletter". Read about their services, and how to subscribe to the newsletter.

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, University of California (2003 09)
Information about this research center, its academic programs, continuing education courses, research projects, etc.

Centro Panamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente (CEPIS) (2005 07)
The Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences, CEPIS, is the specialized center for environmental technology of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO). CEPIS is based in Lima Peru. Read about the organization's services and publications. Information is provided in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Certificate Program in Environmental & Occupational Health
Information about the Certificate Program by distance education offered by the University of Victoria, Division of Continuing Studies, Health Sciences Programs.Ê The Certificate Program in Environmental and Occupational Health provides knowledge, skills, and practicalinformation in an integrated approach.Ê Graduates have the necessary knowledge and skills to identify, evaluate, and communicateinformation about environmental conditions that may have an adverse impact on human health, and to plan or implement environmental strategies to control and manage potential problems.

Chemistry and Industry Magazine (2003 09)
"Chemistry & Industry is an international magazine that provides news and features on chemistry and related sciences, as well as on the commercial and political aspects of these subjects." The site provides access to selected articles from the current and past issues, plus information about subscribing to the paper version of the magazine.

Citation Publishing Inc. - Regulatory and Compliance Information (2005 06)
This company provides a series of software products and electronic updating services related to US environmental and OSH regulatory compliance.

Clean Air Strategic Alliance (2003 11)
The Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) is an incorporated entity responsible for strategic management of air quality in Alberta. The Alliance has senior representation from government, industry, and non-government organizations. To resolve air quality problems, the Alliance uses a comprehensive air quality management system to link environmental, economic, and health factors. The Alliance operates by consensus and is accountable directly to the Ministers of Environment, Department of Resource Development, and Health and Wellness. It is equally accountable to its stakeholders for developing practical and innovative responses to air quality issues.

Colorado Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder (1999 02)
The center is a "national and international clearinghouse for information on natural hazards and human adjustments to hazards and disasters." Information available includes: the text of their electronic newsletter Disaster Research and their paper-based newsletter Natural Hazards Observer, research reports, workshop session summaries, bibliographies, etc.

Combo Ergonomic and Contract Furnishings (1996 11)
View their ergonomic furniture catalog, plus a "collection of information and solutions pertaining to office ergonomics".

Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du Québec (CSST) (2005 06)
Ce site décrit le rôle et les services de la Commission, ces lois et règlements, et cetera. Autres informations : communiqués de presse, des sommaires de leur magazine Prévention au travail et leur liste de publications. La plupart du contenu est en français.

Compliance Management Corporation: OSHA Safety Plans (2005 06)
This company sells written policy & procedures documents, complete safety plans, training materials, training videos, CD's, labor law posters, etc. View details of their products.

Confédération des syndicats nationaux, santé sécurité (1998 10)
Le site contient des descriptions des publications et autres outils en santé sécurité, plus un répertoire annoté de plus de 250 sites W3. Tous les renseignements sont en français.

Construction Safety Association of Ontario (1998 02)
As well as providing information about the association itself, the site provides a number of basic safety awareness documents. The full text of their magazine "Construction Safety" and their newsletter are also available.

Consumer Information Center Pueblo CO (1996 10)
The site provides access to the full text of hundreds of US government consumer publications, including occupationally related material.

Consumer Product Safety Commission (USA) (1996 07)
Lots of product safety information, including press releases and many full text publications from CPSC.

Continuing Care - Stevens Publishing (2005 07)
A trade publication featuring articles on managed care in acute, alternate, subacute, long- term and rehabilitation settings for case managers and discharge planning professionals. Each online edition includes industry news updates, employment resources, calendar of events, and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

Control Driving Skills (2000 05)
Since 1983 this school has been teaching, and giving all drivers the opportunity to learn and develope the new skills and reflexes required for immediate response to vehicle loss of control for whatever reason, on any surface, at any time.

CopNet and Police Resource List (1996 10)
"This site is the Law Enforcement Officer's home in cyberspace. It is an international collection of works by and for other Law Enforcement Officers."

Cornell Ergonomics Web (1996 10)
This site contains the full text of a number of studies related to ergonomics and human factors: keyboard systems; cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs); low back injuries; lighting; indoor air quality (IAQ); and carpet and IAQ. There are also links to other ergonomics and human factors sites.

Counterterrorism (1996 02)
This commercial site provides information about explosives safety training X-Ray screening products for hazardous devices mine awareness training and related consulting services. Other content (e.g. current world events) is password protected.

CTDNews Online (2000 06)
CTDNews' site is provided by the Center for Workplace Health. It contains summaries of the current and back issues of CTDNews, plus a variety of other types of information related to cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs).

Dealing with Workplace Violence: A Guide for Agency Planners (1998 05)
This handbook, developed by the US Office of Personnel Management and the Interagency Working Group on Violence in the Workplace, "is intended to assist those who are responsible for establishing workplace violence initiatives at their agencies."

Department of Energy, Office of Human Radiation Experiments (USA) (2003 11)
The Office of Human Radiation Experiments, established in March 1994, leads the Department of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects.

Department of Industrial Relations (Queensland Australia) (2003 11)
This page provides access to a number of workplace health and safety guides from Workplace Health & Safety, Department of Industrial Relations.

Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Occupational Safety and Health (2003 10)
This US government agency's site provides information on a variety of OSH topics, such as: violent behavior prevention; tuberculosis prevention; needle safety; latex allergy prevention; etc.

Dive Rescue International (2000 06)
Dive Rescue International provides training, equipment and technical support to law enforcement, fire rescue, and SAR scuba teams worldwide. They also sell and service water rescue and recovery equipment.

Division of Occupational Safety and Health (California OSHA) (2005 06)
Information about Cal/OSHA's services, personnel etc. The full text of publications and their policies and procedures manual are also included.

Documentation for Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLHs) (1998 12)
This online publication "documents the criteria and information sources that have been used by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to determine immediately dangerous to life or health concentrations (IDLHs)." The IDLHs for the chemicals themselves are also provided.

Dynamic Scientific Controls, Inc. (1997 01)
They are "consultants in occupational fall protection safety planning and commercial egress systems". The site provides plus a list of the company's publications, courses and videos. Other information includes fall protection tips, a quiz and a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document about fall protection.

Eco Solutions Ltd. (2000 08)
Eco-Solutions is dedicated to promoting the safe alternative to hazardous solvents used within the coatings removal and cleaning marketplace.

Edmund's Automobile Buyer's Guides - Crash Test Data (2003 11)
Frontal and side crash test data for new cars and trucks.

EH&S; Products - Stevens Publishing (2000 06)
A trade publication featuring articles on safety, environmental, occupational health, training, emergency services and industrial hygiene for the manufacturing/industrial industries. Each online edition includes employment resources, calendar of events, and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

elCOSH - Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (2005 06)
Directory of documents and information related to occupational health and safety in the construction sector. Developed by the Center to Protect Workers' Rights (CPWR) with support from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Electrolab Training Systems, Health and Safety (2000 11)
Electrolab Training Systems is a Canadian distributor for over 35 producers of Health & Safety training products representing DuPont, Coastal, Tel-A-Train, Crane Institute of America, and associations such as the Canada Safety Council, Construction Safety Association of Ontario, Worker's Compensation Board of British Columbia, and many others. They sell videos, handbooks, computer based training, and complete courses.

Elsevier Health Sciences (2003 09)
Read about and order publications from this medical publishing company.

Elsevier Science (2000 06)
Information about the company's publications. Subjects include chemistry and chemical engineering, clinical medicine, environmental science and technology, etc.

EMF Research Activities Completed Under The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (1995) (1999 11)
Read a summary of this report from the Committee to Review the Research Activities Completed Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Board on Radiation Effects Research, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council (USA)

EnviRN (2000 06)
Presented by the University of Maryland, School of Nursing, EnviR.N. is dedicated to supporting nursing professionals seeking accurate, timely and credible scientific information on environmental health and nursing. This interactive and dynamic resource seeks to foster the development of a "virtual nursing village" for the sharing of teaching strategies, practice guidance and consensus on future research needs for nursing and environmental health. The ultimate goal is to prevent environmental disease by increasing the numbers of nursing professionals who can recognize environmental etiologies and risk factors of disease, promote health through risk reduction and control strategies and empower individuals, families and communities by through partnering, advocacy and education.

EnviroDx (1999 10)
"EnviroDx is a multimedia, case-focused, computer-based learning program on environmental-related diseases. The organizing metaphor for EnviroDx is an exploratory 'virtual clinic' affiliated with a busy medical school. The program user takes the part of a practicing physician faced with a patient with an unknown disease or condition that is possibly caused by exposure to environmental factors."

Envirolink (2001 04)
The site describes itself as "the largest online environmental information resource on the planet." Information in the Envirolink library includes documents, document summaries and links to other resources. Envirolink News provides current news items from news wire services. Other services include a list of environmental events, Envirolink news releases, a list of environmental mailing lists, etc.

Environment Daily (2003 09)
This service is provided by the UK's Environmental Data Services Ltd (ENDS). Environmental news information is sent to you directly by e-mail.

Environmental Data Services (1997 04)
This UK company provides access to their daily online environmental news service, ENDS Environment Daily, and their environmental consultancy database and listings of jobs, links and events.

Environmental Health and Safety Office, Concordia University (Montreal Canada) (2003 09)
The purpose of this website is to provide a wide variety of health and safety information to the University community. This includes University policies, procedures, guidelines and programmes; etc. The full text of the university's Laboratory Safety Manual is also available.

Environmental Protection Online - Stevens Publishing (1999 09)
A trade publication featuring articles on air, waste, and water pollution and prevention issues for the environmental professionals and lawyers. Each online edition includes employment resources, calendar of events, an online buyer's guide and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

Environmental Technology Program (2000 06)
The Environmental Technology program is designed for both new students interested in environmental careers and to those already employed in the Environmental Technology/Management profession. Students have the opportunity to earn certificates in Hazardous Materials/Waste Management or Occupational Health and Safety. An Associate of Science degree in Environmental Technology is awarded when students have completed the Certificate requirements and the General Education requirements.

EPA's Indoor Air Quality Home Page (1997 04)
This is a very content-rich site provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It contains documents on common indoor air pollutants (radon, environmental tobacco smoke, biologicals, formaldehyde, etc.), information about sources of indoor air pollution, problems in different types of buildings, indoor air and health, etc. A web version of "The Inside Story, A Guide to Indoor Air Quality" produced by EPA and the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission Office of Radiation and Indoor Air is also provided.

Ergonomics Task Force - Online Ergonomics Resources (1997 03)
This site is sponsored by the Ergonomics Task Force at the General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin. Documents and links are available in the following categories: Ergonomics Programs at Other Universities; Helpful tips on workstation setup; Software to make you take breaks from your workstation; Web Sites, Gophers, FTP Archives and Electronic Publications on Ergonomics Information; RSI Newsletter; Some Articles on Ergonomics Issues; Computers and Eyestrain; Pointing Devices; Taking Care of Your Back; Disability Software.

ErgoWeb (1996 12)
ErgoWeb is an extensive web site, containing a variety of types of ergonomics-related information, such as: workplace evaluation and design software; a database of ergonomics-related products and services; standards, guidelines, instructional materials; case studies; news, events, announcements; etc.

Essential Health and Safety Manual (2002 12)
This site describes "The Essential Health & Safety Manual", with Table of Contents, chapter excerpts and ordering information.

Estonian Occupational Health Network (2003 11)
Directory of links to network contributors, resources, policies and training providers.

European Chemicals Bureau (2003 09)
"The principal task of the ECB is to carry out and co-ordinate the scientific/technical work needed for the implementation of EU-legislation (directives and regulations) in the area of chemical control." Read about ECB's projects and activities, publications, etc.

Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians (UK) (1998 10)
The Faculty is "a professional and academic body empowered to develop and maintain high standards of training, competence and professional integrity in occupational medicine." Read about its various educational programmes, publications, newsletter, etc.

FEB - The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive (1998 12)
This site contains various documents, a conference list, links to other sites etc. primarily related to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and "Electrical Hypersensitivity". Information is provided in English and Swedish.

Federal Aviation Administration, Office of System Safety (1997 03)
This US government site "provides access to aviation safety-related databases, safety reports and publications, and information on the Global Analysis Information Network (GAIN) project.

Fire Escape Systems (1999 07)
Read about this company's line of chain/rung, rigid and permanent fire escape ladders for houses, apartments and offices.

Fire Safe San Diego (1998 03)
This site provides fire and public safety resources - publications, educational resources, links, etc.

Fire Safety Engineering Group (1997 01)
This Greenwich UK consultancy group describes itself as "one of the largest research groups in the world dedicated to the development and application of mathematical modelling tools suitable for the simulation of fire related phenomena." Read about their research, publications, courses, etc. View MPEG movies of simulation results.

Firefighters Quarterly (1996 06)
This online magazine dedicated to New York City firefighters contains full length feature articles strong editorials photos local news etc.

ForskningsrŒdet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap (Swedish council for working life and social research) (2003 12)
The Council was established in 2001 through a merger of the Swedish Council for Social Research and the Swedish Council for Work Life Research. Its objectives are to promote the accumulation of knowledge in matters relating to working life and the understanding of social conditions and processes through: promotion and support of basic and applied research; identification of important research needs; dialogue, dissemination of information and transfer of knowledge; promotion of cooperation between researchers both nationally and internationally, particularly in EU programmes.

Free Chest X-Ray (2000 05)
This NIOSH "Frequently Asked Questions" document explains the use of x-ray screening for Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis.

Galaxy - Occupational Medicine (2000 06)
Directory of occupational medicine web sites from EINet Galaxy.

Global Software Solutions (2001 09)
Global Software Solutions has been designed as a resource for Industry Specific Software & other resources. GSS is designed to be a a virtual vertical community resource. Information through out the site is industry specific.

Government Institutes, Inc. (1998 02)
This company provides over 200 books on topics in the environmental, health, safety, telecommunications and Internet fields. They also provide training courses, videotapes, computer based training, etc.

Griffin Communications Inc. (1999 05)
Read about the company's publications for risk managers and insurance professionals. Subscribe to RiskVue, Griffin's free "webzine".

Guidelines Advisory Committee (2003 11)
The role of the committee is "to promote evidence-based health care in Ontario, by encouraging physicians to use the best available clinical practice guidelines. The GAC endorses each recommended guideline following an in-depth review. Summaries of the guidelines rated most highly and links to all available guidelines are provided."

Hadfield's Safety Plus Safety Signs (2000 08)
Safety Plus Signs is an online safety sign shopping supermarket selling screen printed standard, off-the-shelf safety signs and special custom made signs. A range of these safety signs include general industry safety signs suitable for most areas of industry as well as specific ranges designed for way finding and the building and construction industries.

HAM Report (2003 11)
"Report of the royal commission on health and safety of workers in mines -Otherwise known as the Ham Report, this is a seminal work that lead the way to the creation of the internal responsibility system (IRS) upon which all modern Canadian occupational health and safety legislation is based. This report also recommended the implementation the three rights of safety for workers: the Right To Refuse dangerous work, the Right To Know about the hazards in the workplace and the Right to Participate in the safety process."

Harvard Environmental Resources On-Line (2003 11)
The site provides information about environmental resources at Harvard University (USA), an international environmental policy resource guide, plus archives for the ENVC0NFS-L and ENVREFLIB-L mailing lists.

Hazard Prevention and Control in the Work Environment: Airborne Dust (2003 10)
The aim of this document is to help educate and train people in the prevention and control of dust in the workplace.

Hazardous Materials and Safety: Guide to Reference Sources (1996 04)
This is mainly a guide to reference resources at the Louisiana State University libraries but will be a useful resource for others as well.

Hazardous Materials Management magazine (1997 01)
Information about the publication, plus selected articles and features from current and past issues.

Hazmat Safety (2005 07)
This office is responsible for coordinating a national (US) safety program for the transportation of hazardous materials by air, rail, highway and water. Highlights include an electronic version of the Emergency Response Guidebook, regulatory info., OHM publications, etc.

Health and Safety Review (2000 11)
Health and Safety Review (HSR) is an Irish journal of health, safety and environmental issues as they affect the workplace. HSR is available in full text format. It is published ten times a year and contains updates on both European and Irish legislation, news from Ireland, Europe and around the world, in-depth articles, topical issues, reviews of training videos and programmes, books and safety products, and special reports.

Health Canada, Emergency Services (2005 07)
View emergency-related publications from Health Canada.

Health, Environment and Work (Dr. Raymond Agius) (2001 04)
Educational resources and information about Environmental and Occupational Health are accessible through this Home Page. This extensive collection of resouces is maintained by Dr. Raymond Agius, University of Manchester (UK).

Healthy Schools Network, Inc. (2000 06)
Healthy Schools Network, Inc. is a not for profit education and research organization dedicated to securing policies and actions that will create schools that are environmentally responsible to children, personnel, and to their communities. Centered on children's environmental health, Healthy Schools Network activities include information, education, and coalition building.

Human Factors Design Guide, US Federal Aviation Administration (1999 05)
"The Human Factors Design Guide for Acquisition of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Subsystems, Non-Developmental Items, and Developmental Systems (HFDG) is a seminal work in the field of human factors. It provides the most exhaustive compilation of human factors practices and principles integral to the procurement, design, development, and testing of FAA systems, facilities, and equipment. Jointly sponsored by the US Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Office of the Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor for Human Factors AAR-100." This 1000+ page guide is available in its entirety.

IDEWE Occupational Health & Safety Services on the Internet (1998 09)
Idewe is a non-profit occupational health service in Flanders, Belgium. Read about the organization's services.

ILO-CIS International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (2000 03)
The International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS) is a service of the International Labour Office in Geneva Switzerland. The major objective of CIS is to be a worldwide service dedicated to the collection and dissemination of information on the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. It is assisted in its work by more than 120 national institutions around the world (its National and Collaborating Centres) dealing with OSH matters in their own countries. Read about CIS' products and services, international OSH programmes, and OSH information.

In Strictest Confidence (1998 10)
This site presents a series of articles on chemical worker vinyl chloride exposures, written by Jim Morris, an investigative reporter with the Houston Chronicle.

Industrial Hygiene News (1999 11)
Read past articles from this publication, view subscription information, descriptions of IH-related products, trade shows, courses, etc.

Industrial Safety & Hygiene News (2003 09)
Information about, and the full text of selected portions of this journal.

Injury Prevention Web (2000 08)
The Injury Prevention Web hosts the web sites of several agencies and organizations working to prevent injuries. This site contains injury data for every U.S. state, more than 700 links to government and non-profit injury prevention sites worldwide, suggestions of books for your library, the gateway for information about scheduled NIITS sessions, and listings of jobs in the injury research and prevention field.

Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (2003 11)
This Joint Research Centre of the European Commission is involved in the in the multidisciplinary analysis of industrial, socio-technical and environmental systems; the innovative application of information and communication technologies, and the science and technology of safety management.

Institute of Occupational Safety & Health, Republic of China (2003 09)
The missions of this research institute include "application of scientific technology, surveys and analyses of various risk factors in the working environment, as well as development of countermeasures." Read about the research being performed by each of the divisions.

Instituto Salud y Trabajo (1999 11)
Read about the services of this Peruvian occupational health institute. All information is in Spanish.

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (1998 07)
IARC's mission is "to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, and to develop scientific strategies for cancer control. The Agency is involved in both epidemiological and laboratory research, and disseminates scientific information through meetings, publications, courses and fellowships." Some IARC publications are available in their entirety on the web site.

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Biosafety Web Pages (1998 06)
ICGEB's site provides the full text of numerous biosafety documents, a bibliographic database of biosafety papers, European and US biosafety regulations, a biosafety mailing list, links to other biosafety resources, etc.

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2005 07)
View the Tables of Contents of printed issues, information about special issues, an author index and subject index for the journal.

International Register on Biosafety (1998 03)
This site, provided by the United Nations Environment Programme, presents a number of biosafety resources. Highlights include a series of international directories, guidelines and fact sheets, descriptions of international biosafety activities, etc.

International Society of Fire Service Instructors (1998 10)
ISFSI develops and implements training and educational programs for the public and industrial fire and emergency response communities. Resources on the web site include an extensive reference center (books, videos, training materials, etc.), information about and excerpts from its monthly publication, details about upcoming events, etc.

Investigation of the Safety Implications of Wireless Communications in Vehicles (1999 02)
This report, available in its entirety, was written by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The report addresses four specific issues: does cellular telephone use while driving increase crash risk; magnitude of the traffic safety problem as a result; will crashes likely increase with increased cell phone use; options for safer cell phone use in vehicles.

IPF Online (2000 08)
This web site is the electronic version of the monthly magazine, "Industrial Products Finder".

IPMnet (2000 06)
Sponsored by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP), IPM Net provides technical assistance on pest management to developing countries. One of the most notable features of this site is the Database of IPM Resources (DIR), a database of IPM Internet resources. This site also has an extensive number of links to worldwide sources, an events calendar, a database of IPM experts all over the world, and bulletin boards for jobs, materials and supplies, and forum discussions.

J.J.Keller & Associates (1997 03)
View the company's product catalog, download sample software, view descriptions of their printed publications, etc.

Japan International Center for Occupational Health and Safety (2001 09)
This site provides information on industrial safety and health, relevant laws and regulations, labor practices, and how the levels of safety and health significantly vary in each country.

Journal of Radiological Protection (2003 11)
This is the official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, relating to both ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. Information includes: tables of contents for current and past issues, descriptions of forthcoming articles, subscription information, etc.

Justice Institute of British Columbia (1998 10)
"The Justice Institute of British Columbia develops and delivers training in all areas of justice, public safety and human services." Read about its various programs.

Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) (2001 04)
The Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission is a seven member advisory board created under state law with a mission to: facilitate public discussion and resolution of environmental issues;monitor environmental trends and conditions; promote partnerships to improve and protect the environment for future generations, and serve as an advisory board to state officials on environmental matters; and increase public awareness, responsibility, and positive action toward a clean healthy environment. View the Commission's publications, find out about its meetings, etc.

KidsSafe (1996 12)
"KidsSafe is an informational guide to assist parents, grandparents, and caregivers. We have established this site as a forum, in order that all persons entrusted with the safety of a child can help each other." The site includes a catalog of home childproofing products, a childproofing guide, bibliography of parenting publications, list of poison control centers, list of household poisons, product recalls, etc.

KnowledgeWare Communications Corp. (2005 07)
Develops industrial training courseware and incident management software. Our products will help your company become OHS compliant, manage your incidents, people, claims, MSDS, training, and statistics.

Lab Safety Supply (2003 11)
As well as providing access to the company's catalog of lab safety equipment, the site provides access to a number of useful documents including : what's new in safety; (US) regulatory calendar; (US) regulatory bulletin; safety events; techlines; and EZFacts.

Latex Allergy Links (2001 04)
This is an extensive list of links to sites and individual documents containing information about latex allergies.

Manitoba Federation of Labour - Occupational Health Centre (2003 12)
"The Centre helps workers, employers, and joint health and safety committees to improve workplace health and safety conditions and eliminate hazards. "

Manitoba Workplace Safety & Health Division (1996 07)
Information about the various branches (Workplace Safety & Health, Mining Inspection and Occupational Health), plus access to the Division's WorkSafe publications.

Massachusetts Executive Office of Consumer Affairs

McMaster University Health Sciences, Program in Occupational Health & Environmental Medicine (2003 10)
Read about the Program's Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS), primary research and services.

Medexplorer (1996 11)
Medexplorer is a directory of Internet resources related to various disciplines associated with medicine/health, including health and safety, emergency response, employment, community health, etc.

Mediccom.org (2003 11)
Mediccom describes itself as "the world's largest Public Safety & Disaster Management BBS on the Internet."

MEDLINE - PubMed (1997 07)
This free site provides access to the US National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE, a bibliographic database of over 9 million records.

MedTox Health Services (1996 07)
Read about the services provided by this California-based occupational medicine services company.

Merck Publications (1999 10)
Information about the Merck Manuals and Merck Index.

Mesothelioma Information and Resource Group (2003 10)
Provides comprehensive information for individuals with mesothelioma and their families.

Mesothelioma Web (2003 11)
Offers information about mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment options, contact information for medical specialists and information about ongoing clinical trials.

Michigan State University, Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2004 07)
View reports, training materials, newsletters, etc.

Microwave News (1996 11)
This site contains selections from, and information about this bi-monthly publication on non-ionizing radiation. There are also selections from "key documents" related to electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation.

Minnesota Department of Public Safety

Minnesota Safety Council (1998 05)
The Council is a not for profit organization that offers training, consultation, outreach programs and safety resources. A series of public safety fact sheets are available on the web site.

Montie Design (1999 10)
Read about the company's publications and products, including "The Businessman's Guide to OSHA".

Nancy Haston & Associates Inc. (2003 12)
Nancy Haston & Associates Inc. is a Canadian owned health and disability management company, founded in 1986 by occupational health nurse, Nancy Haston. Read about their rehabilitation, vocational, employer health, and eldercare consulting services.

National Agricultural Safety Database (2005 07)
NASD "contains over 2,000 ag health and safety publications from 25 states, 4 federal agencies and 5 national organizations. The collection includes OSHA and EPA Standards, extension publications, a database of abstracts and ordering information for over 1,000 ag safety-related videos, a NIOSH bibliography database with over 500 scientific publications, a resource directory with contact information for over 1,000 people and organizations involved in ag safety and health, slide presentations, posters, sample news releases and public service announcement scripts."

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1996 12)
Information about the organization's mission, membership, publications, etc. Related links are also accessible.

National Group Rides and Designated Drivers (1998 05)
"It is the mission of National GRADD to prevent drunken driving tragedies and to save lives among college communities by building and supporting a national network of collegiate safe ride programs." The site provides information about the organization, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, a list of participating schools, a model programs booklet, a list of related Internet-accessible resources, etc.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (1998 03)
The site provides information on air bags, child safety seats, vehicle safety, etc.

National Institute for Occcupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

National Institute of Disability Management and Research (2005 07)
The Institute is a labour - management initiative established by by the Disabled Workers Foundation of Canada. Its mandate is to promote integration of disabled people into the workplace. Read about their training programs, publications, videos and other services.

National Safety Council - Online Resources (2003 11)
Offers a wide spectrum of safety, environmental and health information.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) (2001 04)
The US National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is the largest, central resource for US government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information. Search for more than 400,000 publications plus CD-ROMs, data files and audiovisuals.

New Mexico Department of Public Safety (1999 10)
Read about the department, press releases, legislative reports, newsletters, FAQs, etc.

New United Kingdom Official Publications Online (1997 08)
NUKOP provides bibliographic and ordering information for thousands of UK government publications in a variety of subject areas, including health and safety.

New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (2003 11)
This site provides access to the work of the New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy (NZIPS) Project. The aim of the Strategy is to develop a framework for the injury prevention activities of government agencies, non-government organisations, communities and individuals. A Draft version of the Strategy was released for public consultation in October 2002. The Government aims to release a final strategy by June 2003. The Draft Document, background information (eg. Injury statistics) and information about making submissions are available.

NIOSH Criteria Documents (1997 09)
View Criteria Documents, Occupational Hazard Assessments, Special Hazard Reviews and Joint Occupational Health Documents from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (1998 10)
Access the full text of this popular publication from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

NIOSH Silicosis Prevention (2000 08)
Compiled by NIOSH, this web site lists various publications and organizations who deal with silicosis prevention.

Noise Exposures in the Construction Industry (1999 03)
Rick Neitzel writes: "This page was started to make available the results of my Masters thesis research in the University of Washington Department of Environmental Health (DEH)." Rick also states: " I would post my entire thesis on this site, except that it could put even the most highly-caffeinated insomniac to sleep, and my intent here is to disseminate information, not induce narcosis."

North Bay Safe Community Project (1997 05)
"The site features an overview of the Project since its inception in 1985; over 90 "Safety Tips", some historical photos of Project involvement in presenting "HEROES"; the "Safety Fairs" held in 1994 and 1996; pathway safety reminders for our community City pathways; media write-ups on the Project and its programs; the text of our City of North Bay "Safety and Health/Loss Control Handbook for Municipl Operations"; and many links to safety and health/loss control-oriented sites in Canada and elsewhere."

Northwestern University Center for Public Safety (2000 06)
Formerly the Traffice Safety Insitute, the Center is a national nonprofit organization which serves public agencies responsible for law enforcement, criminal justice, public safety, traffic management, and highway transportation systems. Local, county, state and federal government agencies, as well as agencies from foreign countries, are served through programs of specialized training, continuing education, research and development, publications, and direct assistance.

Nova Scotia Environment and Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Division (2003 09)
Information is provided about the Division, the Minister, oh&s; legislation and publications, news, etc.

Nova Scotia Environmental Industry Association (2003 11)
Information is provided about the Association, membership, newsletter codes of practice etc. Also, Nova Scotia environmental legislation, permit and licensing information and related info.

Nova Scotia Safety Council (2003 12)
Provides information about the range of health and safety training & services offered by this organization.

NursingNet (2001 04)
NursingNet's mission is to help further the knowledge and understanding of Nursing for the public, and to provide a forum for medical professionals and students to obtain and disseminate information about Nursing and medically related subjects.

Occ. Med. Central (2004 10)
This is a directory of resources intended for occupational health providers (doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, occupational health nurses, etc.), safety professionals, and consumers of occupational health services (employers, insurance companies, etc.)

Occupational Asthma (2001 04)
This is a detailed paper on the subject, including aspects of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

Occupational Health Nursing Program, Grant MacEwan Community College (2003 09)
Read about the program at this Alberta Community College.

Occupational Health Strategy Network (2000 08)
Forum for sharing best practices, furthering knowledge of occupational health, etc. in England, Scotland and Wales.

Occupational Safety & Health Council (Hong Kong) (1997 09)
This well developed site provides information in a variety of areas: consultancy services, safety and health laws, education and training, approved personal protective equipment, OSHC publications, etc.

Occutech Services (2001 04)

Office of Environment, Safety and Health (2003 11)
This content-rich site contains various collections of health and safety bulletins, alerts, newsletters, etc. It also provides access to human radiation exposure information.

OH&S; Consulting Services (1997 01)
"Dilys Robertson is a Toronto-based occupational health and safety consultant and writer. Consulting services include training design and delivery, research and work with joint health and safety committees." Read about her OH&S; publications, consulting services, and Joint Health and Safety Committee newsletter.

OHS Associates, Inc. (1998 05)
Read about the company's services: occupational health and safety consulting services and training; NFPA ratings; HMIS ratings; litigation support services; etc.

OHS Canada (2003 10)
The site provides information about OHS Canada (magazine), and selected content from the current and previous issues.

OHSAS 18001, OSHA and BS8800, Health and Safety (2002 12)
The site offers guidence and information for the BS8800, OHSAS 18001 and OSHA occupational health and safety standards.

OncoLink (1999 02)
OncoLink is a service provided by the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center. Its mission is "to help cancer patients, families, health care professionals and the general public get accurate cancer-related information at no charge." It is one of the premier sites for cancer related information on the Internet.

Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association (1999 09)
The Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association (OOHNA) is the professional association for registered nurses who provide on-the-job health care for Ontario's workers. Read about OOHNA, membership, etc.

Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR-OSHA) (1997 01)
The site contains a directory of OR-OSHA's services, news releases, an employer's tool kit, information about codes, publications and videos for loan, etc. The Oregon Health and Safety Resource, OR-OSHA's newsletter, is also accessible.

OSHA General Industry Lead Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Lead in General Industry Advisor is multi-purpose, interactive, expert software. The Lead in General Industry Advisor assists employers, employees, and physicians and other health care providers to understand the requirements of the general industry standard on occupational exposure to LEAD (29 CFR 1910.1025).The software provides an introduction to the scope and logic of the regulation, and provides a framework to facilitate compliance.

OSHA GOCAD 2.0, the Cadmium Biological Monitoring Advisor (2001 04)
GOCAD 2.0 is a Windows-based, expert system. It applies the biological monitoring provisions of the Cadmium Standard that became effective Jan. 1, 1999. For each employee, GOCAD 2.0 analyzes the biological-monitoring results, then prepares and saves: A letter to the employee;A memorandum for the employer; and Notes for the physician's records. For each run of the system, GOCAD 2.0 creates: a summary of the run with the conclusion and ID for each employee; a detail file designed for easy use with common database software; and a serial log of the details.

OSHA Lead in Construction Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Lead in Construction Advisor is interactive expert software. It is intended to help users, especially small business, to understand OSHA's Lead in Construction standard.

OVID (2003 12)
The site provides information about databases commercially available from OVID, both on CD-ROM and via the Internet.

Pesticide Fact Sheets - U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (2000 06)
These fact sheets are a series issued by the Forest Service for their workers and the general public. Each fact sheet provides information on forest and land management uses, environmental and human health effects, and safety precautions for various pesticides and their formulations. Unless otherwise stated, the toxicity data presented in these fact sheets refer to the active ingredient.

Pinchin Environmental (2001 12)
Pinchin Environmental provides engineering, consulting, management, implementation and training in air emissions, occupational health and safety, environmental assessment and remediation, hazardous materials (asbestos, lead, mould), indoor air quality, agricultural waste and emissions, and laboratory services.

Plant Engineering Magazine (1999 11)
View the full text of current and past issues of the magazine, arrange a subscription for the paper copy, view a product supplier guide, etc.

Pointing Device Summary (1997 01)
This is an online document about keyboard injuries related to pointing devices (mice, trackballs, etc.). It was produced by the University of California San Francisco/University of California Berkeley Ergonomics Program. As of January 1997, the date on the document was July 1994.

Powerwatch (1999 02)
"Powerwatch exists to help the growing number of people wishing to know more about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and their reported adverse health effects." Information is provided about the organization's services, publications, research etc.

Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute, "Be Seen, Be Safe!" (1998 10)
This site has been adapted from the guidebook of the same name, originally produced by the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) under the direction of Manitoba Highways and Transportation. "Enhancing visibility of farm machinery on roads is voluntary in most states and provinces, and the guidelines can be fuzzy. The Manitoba regulation and the BE SEEN, BE SAFE! guidebook are based on a manufacturing standard for farm equipment, and brings together for the first time in Canada, uniform lighting and marking methods for enhancing visibility of farm machinery."

Primary Care Internet Guide, Occupational and environmental medicine (1997 08)
This is a directory of mailing lists, newsgroups and sites related to occupational and environmental medicine. The directory is international, with some emphasis on Norwegian material.

ProHNet - Professionals' Healthcare Network (1996 10)
"ProHNet (Professionals' Healthcare Network) started with suggestions from focus groups organized by the Ontario Hospital Association for professionals from occupational health and infection control." The site includes information about upcoming events, and an online WHMIS training programme.

Projet Regetox - Programme "Protection du travailleur en matière de santé" (1998 09)
"L'objectif de l'étude est de développer et d'installer un serveur, équipé d'une base de données physico-chimiques et toxicologiques et d'un logiciel interactif d'aide à l'évaluation du risque. Ce centre serveur constamment remis à jour et basé sur l'expertise d'une équipe pluridisciplinaire constituée de médecins du travail, d'hygiénistes, de toxicologues et de biochimistes permettra de mieux cibler les situations prioritaires sur base de concepts éprouvés et de données validées."

Public Safety Academy (2003 07)
This well-organized site provides access to hundreds of fire-related files for downloading, current events, online documents, etc. It is sponsored by the New York Fire Department.

Public Utility Home Page (2003 09)
Summarizes Internet resources of "interest to utilities, regulators, consumers, and others who need information about the public utility industry. "

Radiation and Health Physics Home Page (1998 12)
"This WWW HomePage contains information and links related to Radiation. It has been written for three distinct groups: the General Public, Students and the Health Physics community at large." The well organized site contains a large number of documents and links to related information.

Radiation Research - Official Journal of the Radiation Research Society (1999 11)
View the table of contents for the current issue, "mini abstracts" of articles from previous issues, and subscription/membership information.

Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings (2001 04)
The fifth edition of Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings is available here. It is edited by Dr. Routt Reigart and Dr. James Roberts, and is published by EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs. Both English and Spanish versions are available.

Report #35. Impact of Emissions, Chemistry, and Climate on Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide: 100-year Predictions from a Global Chemistry-Climate Model (2000 08)
This report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change discusses the complicated interactions among emissions, atmospheric chemistry, and climate regarding the distributions and evolution of CO in the atmosphere. Based on the predicted emissions of methane and carbon monoxide, this model predicts an increasing trend of carbon monoxide in the next century, with appropriate graphs and charts. This study shows how important it is to control emissions of both methane and carbon dioxide.

Reports : European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2000 06)
This site summarizes the various publications available through the Agency, and includes links to the text of publications.

Right to Know Network (1997 01)
RTK NET is "a network providing free online access to over 100 gigabytes of quantitative databases and numerous text files and conferences on the environment, housing, and sustainable development." Some information is available from their web site, and more is available via Telnet.

Risk Assessment and Policy Association (1997 09)
Read about RAPA, its goals, membership, etc. Information about and articles from RAPA's journal "Risk" are also presented.

Risk: Health, Safety & Environment (1997 01)
"Risk, the official journal of the Risk Assessment & Policy Association, is a refereed, interdisciplinary quarterly exploring public and private efforts to manage science and technology for net reduction in the probability, severity and aversive quality of health, safety and environmental impacts of natural and artifical hazards." View the full content of all past issues of the journal (without graphics, tables, etc.) find out about subscribing to the paper version, read about contributing articles to the journal, etc.

Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (1997 03)
Located on the campus of the University of Utah, the Rocky Mountain Center is one of 14 NIOSH Educational Research Centers. The site provides information about the Center's various educational programs.

RSI Network (1999 05)
The RSI Network newsletter provides articles, product information, news, and other items of interest to the RSI community. Free electronic copies of the newsletter are available by e-mail. Back issues are available on the web site.

Safe Communities Foundation (1997 07)
"The Safe Communities Foundation is a unique partnership between the private and public sectors that is dedicated to making Canada the safest place to work, live and play in the world." The site includes safety tips, lists of safe communities, the foundation's newsletter, etc.

Safeguard (1999 10)
A description of, and ordering information for Safeguard magazine, Safeguard Update and Safeguard Buyers Guide, a trio of New Zealand health and safety publications from Colour Workshop.

Safety Advisory Services Ltd (2003 10)
Read about the company's training programs and consultancy services.

Safety Doctor (2004 07)
Dr. Isabel Perry is a safety speaker and trainer. Read about her seminars and workshops, safety consulting, safety equipment, etc.

Safety Guide Online - Brazil (2004 06)
A library of health and safety documents in Portuguese. The site is presented by M&M; Assessoria em Segurana, a Brazilian health and safety consulting company.

Safety Link (1996 10)
Information about "International Product Safety News", a series of safety articles and essays, FAQs, and links to various other sites.

Safety Network (1999 10)
This Australian site describes itself as "the online hub for people interested in Occupational Health and Safety issues". It provides access to the online edition of Australian Safety News, the National Safety Council of Australia and other safety resources.

Safety Priority Consultants, LLC (2001 10)
This site provides occupational health & safety consulting and training services to business, industry, healthcare and emergency services organizations throughout North America.

Safety Smart! Magazine (1999 11)
The site provides information about this magazine (selected articles will be available) and their other safety publications, posters, clip art, etc.

Safety+Health (1997 09)
Subscription information is provided for this US National Safety Council publication. There is also information about upcoming events and news, plus a series of "Healthgrams" and "Safety Clips", intended for use in employee publications and safety bulletins.

Safety, Health and Environment Intra Industry Benchmarking Association
SHEiiBA is an association whose aim is to provide a mechanism for organisations to exchange know-how and to benchmark their Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental performance with one another.

SafetyLine (1998 10)
SafetyLine is an on-line information service provided by WorkSafe Western Australia. Lots of links to information, including technical safety and health solutions (numerous documents), Australian safety and health laws, statistics and vocational training for the purpose of "establishing a 'safety culture' amongst young workers".

SAFTEK Information Services (2003 11)
The site houses a large collection of documents and files related to occupational health & safety and insurance & risk management. Read about SAFTEK's computing and occupational health and safety consulting services.

SantŽ, Hygine, SŽcuritŽ au Travail (2000 05)
L'objectif du site est de crŽer un espace d'informations et d'Žchanges concernant la SantŽ au Travail. Ce site est animŽ par les mŽdecins du travail de l'Association Interentreprises de MŽdicine du Travail (AIMT) du Bas-Rhin (France).

SAREC Bookstore (1998 01)
SAREC catalogues occupational health and safety books, and provides online ordering capabilities in association with Amazon.com.

Scented Products Education and Information Association of Canada (2003 09)
The Scented Products Education and Information Association of Canada (SPEIAC) is a broadly-based, national coalition of organizations whose mandate is to disseminate information and provide public education about scented products including fine fragrances, cosmetics, toiletries and scented household products. View documents about multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), environmental illness (EI), allergies, asthma, etc.

Sci.Engr.Heat-Vent-AC Indoor Air Quality FAQ (1997 01)
This is a web version of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document on Indoor Air quality from the sci.engr.heat-vent-ac Usenet Newsgroup.

Security on Campus (2003 09)
This is a US non-profit organization geared specifically and exclusively to the prevention of college and university campus violence and other crimes. The site contains information for prospective college students, their parents, current college students and other community members about campus crime and what each of us can do to prevent it.

Security Products - Stevens Publishing (1999 09)
A trade publication featuring articles on industrial, personal and information security for the security, fire and safety industries. Each online edition includes daily industry news, employment resources, an online buyer's guide and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

Smart Risk (1999 03)
Smart Risk is a charitable foundation was established in 1992 to raise public awareness of injuries and injury related deaths, and to encourage safe behaviours. Read about the foundation and its various programmes.

Society of Chemical Industry (2003 09)
Information is provided about this UK-based learned society, its membership, meetings, publications, etc. Read about the Society's health and safety special interest group.

Society of Occupational Medicine (2001 04)
This UK Society aims to stimulate interest, research, and education in Occupational Medicine. Read about its organization, activities and publications.

Solstice - Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (1997 01)
Solstice is an information service provided by the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST), a non-governmental organization in the US. Numerous documents and links are accessible under the general headings of energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable living.

Southern Alberta Occupational Medicine (1998 05)
This website provides a variety of learning resources in occupational medicine to assist undergraduate students, medical residents, and practicing physicians in Alberta.

Southern Illinois University Center for Environmental Health and Safety (1997 01)
The site contains a description of the center, a virtual tour, staff directory, etc. Access is also provided to numerous documents, such as biological and radiological safety training modules, their chemical hygiene plan, etc.

Span Corporation Occupational Health Services (1999 10)
The site describes this company's services related to occupational medicine compliance prevention and hazard recognition and its information services.

Specialty Technical Publishers, Inc. (1999 12)
Read about the company's books and CD-ROMs in the areas of: US health and safety law, environmental law, transportation law, compliance training, etc.

Spine-Health.com (2001 09)
This site, developed by a multi-specialty group of medical professionals, provides resources for understanding, preventing, and seeking appropriate treatment for back and neck pain and related conditions.

State of Occupational Safety and Health in the European Union Ð Pilot Study (The) (2000 11)
Produced by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, the Agency's information project "The State of Occupational Safety and Health in the European Union - Pilot Study" is a first step to the development of a system for monitoring the safety and health in the European Union. It aims at providing decision-makers at Member State and European level with an overview of the current safety and health situation in the European Union and in this way supporting the identification of common challenges and priority areas for preventive actions.

Systems Concepts Ltd. (1999 05)
As well as providing information about its services, this UK ergonomics consultancy provides a variety of ergonomics resources on its web site. Case studies, interpretation of UK regulations, information about ISO standards, and the full text of its bi-monthly publication.

Target Risk (2003 11)
"Target Risk - Dealing with the danger of death, disease and damage in everyday decisions" by Gerald J. S. Wilde. The full text of this risk management book is presented here.

TEC LABS (2003 12)
Offers information about company's range of skin defense products for outdoor workers.

Technical Standards and Safety Authority (2003 10)
TSSA " is an independent, non-government, not-for-profit organization mandated to deliver specific public safety programs and services under Ontario's Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act." The site provides various publications, policies and guidelines documents related to public safety legislation.

The Checker (2004 07)
Vehicle and equipment inspection checklist books

ToxProbe Inc (2003 12)
Provides information about company's consultation "services in environmental and occupational health, toxicology, risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. "

Transportation Safety Board of Canada (2003 09)
This site contains the full text of TSB's latest occurrence reports, occurrence statistics, significant safety issues, plus information about the board itself.

Trauma Foundation at San Francisco General Hospital (1999 03)
The Trauma Foundation is committed to reducing injuries and injury deaths by focusing on policy development and policy advocacy. Read about the foundation, view documents, etc.

Treasury Board Secretariat, Regulatory Issues (Canada) (1999 11)
Contains information about Canadian federal legislation, plans for federal regulatory reform, etc. Various guides and publications related to Canadian regulatory reform are also provided or described.

Tufts University - Environmental Health & Safety (2003 10)
The site contains a number of policy and guideline documents.

UAW - Safer at Work (2001 04)
The United Auto Workers (UAW) Health and Safety Department educates UAW members, local union leaders, and staff about ways to prevent and eliminate safety and health hazards. It assists other departments and local unions in negotiating contract provisions and in designing and running health and safety programs. Its web site contains health and safety news, UAW's Health and Safety Newsletter and information about its Advanced Research Program.

UK Safety and Health at Work News Service (2000 01)
This is a weekly UK OSH news service. Articles are available in their entirety.

Ultraviolet Radiation in the Workplace - Ontario Ministry of Labour (2003 09)
The full text of the Ontario Ministry of Labour guideline "Ultraviolet Radiation in the Workplace" is available at this URL.

Université catholique de Louvan, Unité de Toxicologie et de Médecine du Travail (2001 04)
Le site contient une déscription de l'unité, les membres, les programmes d'enseignement, une liste des publications scientifiques, etc.

University of Birmingham (UK), Institute of Occupational Health (2003 10)
Read about the Institute's postgraduate programs, upcoming local, national and international conference and meetings, etc.

University of Illinois, Agricultural Safety and Health (2000 09)
Check out this web site for links to other sites dealing with Agriculture Safety and Health, publications, services, etc.

University of Manitoba Transport Institute (2005 07)
The University of Manitoba Transport Institute provides logistics education and research activities for the public and business communities. Institute staff is comprised of academic and graduate students specializing in various facets of the transport industry. Additional expertise is drawn from professional associates and consultants from both within the university and industry. The Transport Institute main areas of activity are logistics, engineering, economics, policy, trade, tourism and telecommunications.

University of Southern California, Department of Public Safety (2001 04)
According to the department's web page, USC has one of the largest university law enforcement and crime prevention education agencies in the United States. Read about the program.

University of Vienna (Austria), Department of Occupational Medicine (1999 11)
Information is provided about the department, its research, personnel, etc. Most information is in German. Summary information is in English.

University of Virginia, Office of Environmental Health and Safety (2003 10)
This is an extensive site, containing policy documents, guidelines, publications, etc. related to a variety of health and safety issues - ergonomics, laboratory safety, radiation safety, etc.

University of Washington, Department of Radiology (1999 05)
Information is provided about UW's Radiology Residency Program, there are teaching modules, an online musculoskeletal radiology book, etc.

US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs (1997 03)
Access is provided to detailed EPA pesticide information.

Utah Department of Public Safety (2003 11)
Read about the department and its resources.

Utah Safety Council (2003 10)
USC is a chapter of the National Safety Council. Read about the organizations services - safety video library, training, documents on home and off-the-job safety, etc.

Utility Safety Magazine (2000 11)
Subscription information and selected content for this magazine.

Vermont SIRI (1998 06)
This site contains the archives of the SAFETY, Occ-Env-Med-L, IH-List and HS-Canada mailing lists, a publicly accessible MSDS collection, US regulatory information, safety clip art, health and safety documents from a variety of sources on a variety of subjects, an online health and safety bookstore, etc. Alternate web addresses for this site are http://hazard.com and http://siri.uvm.edu. siri.uvm.edu is recommended for searching the MSDS database.

Vetenskap och Erfarenhet i TrafiksäkerhetsArbetet (VETA) (1997 04)
VETA (Swedish acronym for Science and Experience in Traffic Safety Work) is a non-profit organization for traffic safety research. Summary information about their studies and publications, plus links to other traffic safety sites are available. More extensive information is available in Swedish.

Violence in the Workplace (1999 02)
View this online publication by John W. Kennish CPP, Security Consultant

Vizon SciTec Inc. (2005 07)
Vizon SciTec Inc., formerly BC Research Inc., is an integrated science, technology and innovation company. The company provides laboratory analysis and testing, field work, pilot plants, consulting services, and applied research and development.

Washington State Department of Transportation (1999 05)
Information provided includes details of all the Department's agencies, accident data, travel information, etc.

Web Information Service (formerly CCINFOWeb) (2005 06)
This is the home page for the commercial OHS database service on the web, provided by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). Databases include: MSDS, CHEMINDEX, CHEMINFO, RTECS, NIOSHTIC, HSELine and CISILO, plus environmental and occupational health & safety legislation from all Canadian jurisdictions. All databases may be searched for free. Access to the data itself is by subscription.

West Virginia Bureau of Employment Programs, Workers' Compensation (1997 09)
The site provides access to the bureau's publications, frequently asked questions about compensation in West Virginia, plus links to other compensation-related sites.

Wings and Safety Things (1999 11)
This site provides a description of the company's safety whistle.

Work Smart (2003 11)
Serving customers across Canada with offices in Edmonton, Calgary and Halifax, WorkSMART provides services related to occupational health, safety and wellness.

Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia (Canada) (1999 06)
This site provides access to: information about the WCB itself; answers a series of frequently asked questions (FAQ); information about what's new (initiatives, legislation, etc.); online publications and ordering information for printed publications, videos, etc.

Workers Health and Safety Centre (1996 07)
The Centre is a worker-driven health and safety delivery organization in Ontario Canada. The site provides information about the Centre and its services, including the full text of publications and links to labour and health & safety resources.

Working Well Together (2001 12)
The campaign is developed by the Health and Safety Commission Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC).

Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (Ontario) (1999 05)
"The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal is the final level of appeal to which workers and employers may bring disputes concerning workplace safety and insurance matters in Ontario. The Appeals Tribunal is separate from and independent of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board." Read about the tribunal, the appeals process, recent decisions, view information about their research publications, etc.

Workplace Violence (2000 11)
Information by and about Larry J. Chavez, trainer on workplace violence awareness and prevention.

Worksite News (2003 10)
Selections from, and subscription information about this Canadian occupational health, safety and environment news magazine.

Dernière mise à jour - le juillet 25, 2005
Nombre de serveurs listés - 395

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