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 Répertoire Internet

ABACUS Safety (2005 06)
ABACUS Safety is a Canadian owned and operated company that delivers software training products that Peter Bowen had designed and developed for the former company of BLMC Computer Training Programs. Courses include WHMIS, TDG, Confined Space, Forklift Safety, etc.

Agricultural Safety (2005 06)
This page, part of the Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System, provides access to a number of documents, information about training materials and links to relevant legislation.

Alberta Human Resources and Employment (2005 06)
This Alberta government department's site provides access to the full text of acts and regulations, accident and injury statistics, publications, etc.

American Safety Training, Inc. (2005 06)
OSHA, Cal/OSHA, FMCSR, and HAZMAT training courses and materials.

Americans With Disabilities Act Document Center (2005 07)
This website contains copies of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 ADA regulations technical assistance manuals the Job Accommodation Network links to other Internet sources of information concerning disability issues legal issues and also occupational health and safety and Total Quality Management issues. Extensive resources are accessible from this site.

BC Road Construction and Maintenance Safety Network (2005 06)
British Columbia organization that promotes and provides employers education, awareness and assistance in understanding WCB regulations.

Belgian Biosafety Server (2005 06)
This Web site primarily aims at providing regulatory and scientific information to the Belgian medical,veterinary, agronomical and Biotechnology actors.

Bureau Technique Syndical Européen pour la Santé et la Sécurité (1999 11)
Le Bureau Technique Syndical Européen pour la Santé et la Sécurité a été fondé par la Confédération Européenne des Syndicats afin d'assurer un suivi de l'élaboration, de la transposition puis de l'application de la législation «l'Acte Unique européen» et des articles du traité. Le BTS assure un rôle d'expertise auprès des instances européennes traitant des aspects liés à l'environnement du travail.

Business.gov (formerly Business Advisor) (2005 06)
Search online US government information, health safety & environmental regulations, databases of Congressional and Executive Branch material, etc.

California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) (2005 06)
This site contains information about workers compensation; occupational safety and health; labor law; apprenticeship; mediation & conciliation; and statistics & research.

Canadian Association of Professional Regulatory Affairs (CAPRA) (2005 06)
Canadian Association of Professional Regulatory Affairs (CAPRA) is a non profit association dedicated to providing information and education for regulatory affairs professionals in the Healthcare industry in Canada.

Canadian Environmental Law Association (2005 06)
The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) is a non-profit, public interest organization established in 1970 to use existing laws to protect the environment and to advocate environmental law reforms. Read about CELA, their cases and campaigns, their resource library, and their publications.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (2005 07)
This web site provides access to the full text of the new Nuclear Safety and Control Act and regulations, as well as regulatory documents.

Canadian Petroleum Safety Council (2005 06)
Promotes improved and standardized petroleum industry health and safety practices that meet regulatory requirements throughout Canada. Website includes variety of safety information including: safety alerts, safe work practices and contact information for governmental departments and industry associations.

CELEX (2005 06)
"CELEX is a comprehensive and authoritative information source on European Community law. It offers multilingual, full text coverage of a wide range of legal acts including the founding treaties, binding and non-binding legislation, opinions and resolutions issued by the EU Institutions and consultative bodies and the case law of the European Court of Justice." Subscription and pay-per-document fees apply.

Ceske pracovni zdravi a bezpecnost (2005 06)
Czech occupational health and safety. The site contains a description of this consulting company's products, a directory of OSH organizations in the Czech republic, Czech OSH legislation, etc. All information is available in Czech, and some is also available in English.

ChemAlliance (2005 06)
ChemAlliance provides US regulatory information for the chemical process industries.

Citation Publishing Inc. - Regulatory and Compliance Information (2005 06)
This company provides a series of software products and electronic updating services related to US environmental and OSH regulatory compliance.

Code of Federal Regulations (USA) (2005 06)
"The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government."

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (2005 06)
Lots of contact information, frequently asked questions (FAQ), plus downloadable copies of Colorado public health and environment regulations.

Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du Québec (CSST) (2005 06)
Ce site décrit le rôle et les services de la Commission, ces lois et règlements, et cetera. Autres informations : communiqués de presse, des sommaires de leur magazine Prévention au travail et leur liste de publications. La plupart du contenu est en français.

Compliance Management Corporation: OSHA Safety Plans (2005 06)
This company sells written policy & procedures documents, complete safety plans, training materials, training videos, CD's, labor law posters, etc. View details of their products.

CropLife America (formerly American Crop Protection Association) (2005 06)
ACPA represents "the companies the produce, sell and distribute virtually all the active compounds used in crop protection chemicals registered for use in the United States." The site includes information about the industry and ACPA itself, links to other agriculturally-related sites, US EPA pesticide information, etc.

Dakota Decision Support Software (2005 06)
Read about, and view sample screens from Dakota's EH&S; auditing software.

Department of Environmental Protection, State of Florida (USA) (2005 06)
The site provides access to information about the department, fact sheets and reports commonly requested by the public, news, regulatory and educational information, etc.

Division of Occupational Safety and Health (California OSHA) (2005 06)
Information about Cal/OSHA's services, personnel etc. The full text of publications and their policies and procedures manual are also included.

elCOSH - Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (2005 06)
Directory of documents and information related to occupational health and safety in the construction sector. Developed by the Center to Protect Workers' Rights (CPWR) with support from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Environment Canada (1998 12)
Information about this Canadian federal government department, its initiatives, structure, legislation, etc.

EPA Analytical Methods (2005 07)
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes laboratory analytical methods that are used by industries and municipalities to analyze the chemical and biological components of wastewater, drinking water, sediment, and other environmental samples that are required by EPA regulations under the authority of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. Almost all of these methods are published by EPA as regulations at Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

EPA Pesticide Registration Kit (1998 10)
This This online registration kit contains "pertinent forms and information needed to register a pesticide with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pesticide Programs.

ErgoSystems (2005 07)
This UK-based company provides software products dealing with office ergonomics, risk assessment and CDM regulations.

Essential Health and Safety Manual (2002 12)
This site describes "The Essential Health & Safety Manual", with Table of Contents, chapter excerpts and ordering information.

EUR-Lex - European Union law (1999 03)
This site provides the full text of European Union treaties, legislation and case law, including: Dangerous Substances legislation, Safety at Work, Protection of Health and Safety, etc.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (1997 08)
This site, new in August 1997, (will) contain(s) European information in the following areas: legislation & standards; research; practice; strategies & programmes; statistics; information; and news.

European Chemicals Bureau (2003 09)
"The principal task of the ECB is to carry out and co-ordinate the scientific/technical work needed for the implementation of EU-legislation (directives and regulations) in the area of chemical control." Read about ECB's projects and activities, publications, etc.

FAQ: Sources of EMC and Safety Compliance Information (2003 09)
This is the Frequently Asked Questions document (FAQ) for the sci.engr.electrical.compliance newsgroup.

FedWorld (1996 12)
This site is a gateway to US federal government information. Some useful starting points are the Government Information Locator Service (GILS), abstracts of recent U.S. Government Reports from all agencies, and a list of US Government WWW, Gopher, FTP and Telnet servers.

Provides accessible, standardized information to all film industry professionals working in Ontario.

Government Institutes, Inc. (1998 02)
This company provides over 200 books on topics in the environmental, health, safety, telecommunications and Internet fields. They also provide training courses, videotapes, computer based training, etc.

Gowlings (2003 10)
Canadian-based law firm that provides a broad range of services across a number of industry sectors. Website includes a resources section.

Guide to Ontario's Workplace Smoking Law (1999 02)
This guide, provided by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, is presented in its entirety.

HAM Report (2003 11)
"Report of the royal commission on health and safety of workers in mines -Otherwise known as the Ham Report, this is a seminal work that lead the way to the creation of the internal responsibility system (IRS) upon which all modern Canadian occupational health and safety legislation is based. This report also recommended the implementation the three rights of safety for workers: the Right To Refuse dangerous work, the Right To Know about the hazards in the workplace and the Right to Participate in the safety process."

Harvard Environmental Resources On-Line (2003 11)
The site provides information about environmental resources at Harvard University (USA), an international environmental policy resource guide, plus archives for the ENVC0NFS-L and ENVREFLIB-L mailing lists.

Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (2002 12)
Under the authority of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act and the provincial and territorial occupational health and safety acts, the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission is an arm's length administrative agency charged with carrying out a multi-faceted mandate: to formally register claims for trade secret exemptions, and issue Registry Numbers; to issue decisions on the validity of claims for exemption using prescribed regulatory criteria; to make decisions on the compliance of material safety data sheets (MSDS) and labels within the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) requirements as set out in the Hazardous Products Act and Controlled Products Regulations and various provincial and territorial occupational health and safety acts; and to convene independent, tripartite boards to hear appeals from claimants or affected parties on decisions and orders issued by the Commission.

Hazmat Safety (2005 07)
This office is responsible for coordinating a national (US) safety program for the transportation of hazardous materials by air, rail, highway and water. Highlights include an electronic version of the Emergency Response Guidebook, regulatory info., OHM publications, etc.

Health and Safety Executive (UK) (2000 06)

Health and Safety Executive of Northern Ireland (2001 04)
This is the Health & Safety Division of the Northern Ireland Department of Economic Development. Information is provided about the Division itself and its responsibilities.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada - Labour Program (2005 07)
"The mission of the Labour Program of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) is to promote a fair, safe, healthy, stable, cooperative and productive work environment that contributes to the social and economic well-being of all Canadians. The Labour Program has focused on the workplace, the changes affecting the workplace and the needs of employers and employees in Canada since 1900." Information includes: workplace information (labour relations, wage settlements, etc.) operations (federal legislation, OSH information) etc.

Human Resources Development Canada, Downloadable Labour Forms Listed by Title (2005 07)
This page provides links to commonly used Labour Program forms for organizations covered by the Canada Labour Code.

Human Resources Development Canada, Labour Operations, Occupational Safety and Health (2005 07)
Information is provided to allow Canadian federally regulated organizations to meet the requirements under the Canada Labour Code Part II. There is an overview of the Code, information about setting up an OSH program in your workplace, etc. Information of general interest includes occupational injury statistics.

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Injury Prevention - Accident Compensation Corporation, New Zealand (2003 12)
"Includes a comprehensive range of injury prevention information and resources covering safety on the road, at home, at work, Maori & Pacific peoples, OOS prevention and back injury prevention plus information for the rural and industry sectors. The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) administers New Zealand's accident compensation scheme."

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Biosafety Web Pages (1998 06)
ICGEB's site provides the full text of numerous biosafety documents, a bibliographic database of biosafety papers, European and US biosafety regulations, a biosafety mailing list, links to other biosafety resources, etc.

Japan International Center for Occupational Health and Safety (2001 09)
This site provides information on industrial safety and health, relevant laws and regulations, labor practices, and how the levels of safety and health significantly vary in each country.

Jenner & Block Environmental Law Department (2001 04)
Read about this Chicago-based law company's environmental legal services.

Job Accommodation Network (1997 08)
JAN is an international consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with disabilities. The site provides a large directory of sites, information about job accommodation in the US, Americans With Disabilities Act, etc.

Justice Canada (2003 09)
This site provides access to the full text of many Canadian federal acts and regulations.

Kemika XXI (2001 09)
Provides added knowledge, complementary information and expert tips on chemistry, chemicals, the international laws, regulations and standards governing them.

Lab Safety Supply (2003 11)
As well as providing access to the company's catalog of lab safety equipment, the site provides access to a number of useful documents including : what's new in safety; (US) regulatory calendar; (US) regulatory bulletin; safety events; techlines; and EZFacts.

Labelmaster (2003 10)
Formerly Text-trieve,read about the company's electronic text-management systems that "present government regulations in easy-to-use electronically published formats." A number of US regulatory subject areas are described.

LegiFrance (1998 02)
Ce site renferme le code législatif de la France au complet. Toute l'information est en français.

Lexis®-Nexis® Canada (2005 07)
This site describes Lexis-Nexis Canada, the Canadian division of Butterworths Canada Ltd. that sells Lexis-Nexis information products in Canada. Lexis-Nexis is a commercial provider of Canadian and international legal and business information.

Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark (2005 07)
This is a Toronto Canada-based law practice "restricting its practice to labour and employment law." The site provides a number of interpretive documents about Ontario law, quizzes to test your knowledge, etc.

Ministry of Health, Peru (1998 05)
This site provides information about the Peruvian Ministry of Health, plus links to the Directorate of Environmental Health, General Office of Epidemiology, Peruvian Association of Public Health, etc. All information is in Spanish.

MSDSWriter (2002 12)
The MSDSWriter team specializes in writing and researching Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and their international equivalents.

National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Chemical Management Centre (Japan) (2002 12)
In Japan, the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufacture, etc. of Chemical Substances (Chemical Substances Control Law, CSCL) was enacted in 1973 to deal with the environmental pollution and hazards caused by PCBs. The law, which requires safety examination of new chemicals before either their manufacture or importation, controls the manufacturing, import, use, etc. of chemicals deemed to be hazardous.With regard to the threats chemical substances pose to both health and the ecosystem, an additional law was enacted in 1999. This law, entitled Law Concerning Reporting, etc. of Releases to the Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements in Their Management (PRTR and Promotion of Chemical Management Law), seeks to encourage industries to make voluntary improvements to their management of specific hazardous substances, which if not controlled properly could pose threats to the environment.CMC (Chemical Management Center) focuses its energies on the proper implementation of these two laws. The establishment of an internationally integrated chemical substance safety management is of utmost importance. CMC, functioning as a national pivotal center, contributes to this international integration with respect to the following areas:The collection and dissemination of data on chemical substances.Risk communication.The disseminating of accurate information about risk management and its processes from reliable sources.

National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (WorkSafe Australia) (1999 10)
Read about this national OH&S; agency, view statistical information, Australian regulatory requirements, fact sheets, alerts, etc.

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) (2001 04)
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is the only legislated, nation-wide, publicly accessible inventory of pollutant releases and transfers in Canada.

New Jersey Dept. of Health and Senior Services, Right to Know Program (1998 01)
The site provides information about the Program, training courses, commonly asked questions about NJ Right to Know, publications, etc. A number of Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets are available as PDF files (Adobe Acrobat reader software required).

New Zealand's Health and Safety Net (1997 04)
This is the home page of the Occupational Safety and Health Service of the Department of Labour, New Zealand. The site provides information about the organization, work hazards, health and safety law, training resources, accident and illness reporting, etc. There is also a catalogue of their health and safety information products. Some publications are available from the site. A software package, the "Floppy Ergonomist", is available to be downloaded by people in New Zealand.

NIOSH Criteria Documents (1997 09)
View Criteria Documents, Occupational Hazard Assessments, Special Hazard Reviews and Joint Occupational Health Documents from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Nova Scotia Environmental Industry Association (2003 11)
Information is provided about the Association, membership, newsletter codes of practice etc. Also, Nova Scotia environmental legislation, permit and licensing information and related info.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA) (1996 10)
Publications, news and other information produced by the Commission.

Occupational Safety & Health Council (Hong Kong) (1997 09)
This well developed site provides information in a variety of areas: consultancy services, safety and health laws, education and training, approved personal protective equipment, OSHC publications, etc.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (1998 06)
This site provides access to numerous US OSHA resources, including the full text of OSHA legislation and interpretive documents, OSHA publications, software, etc.

Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR-OSHA) (1997 01)
The site contains a directory of OR-OSHA's services, news releases, an employer's tool kit, information about codes, publications and videos for loan, etc. The Oregon Health and Safety Resource, OR-OSHA's newsletter, is also accessible.

OSG - Occupational Safety Group (2004 07)
Offers information about Ontario company's training, consultation and testing services. OSG provides "on-site assessments to review current policies and procedures, or implement future policies and procedures as required by regulatory bodies."

OSHA Asbestos Advisor (2001 04)
The Asbestos Advisor is an interactive compliance assistance tool. Once installed on your PC, it can interview you about buildings and worksites, and the kinds of tasks workers perform there. It will produce guidance on how the Asbestos standard may apply to those buildings and that work.

OSHA Confined Spaces Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Confined Spaces Advisor is software. It gives users interactive expert help to apply OSHA's Permit Required Confined Spaces Standard (29 CFR 1910.146). Version 1.1 refines and replaces Version 1.0 of March 1997. You can use this Advisor online, or download it and run it in the Windows environment.

OSHA General Industry Lead Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Lead in General Industry Advisor is multi-purpose, interactive, expert software. The Lead in General Industry Advisor assists employers, employees, and physicians and other health care providers to understand the requirements of the general industry standard on occupational exposure to LEAD (29 CFR 1910.1025).The software provides an introduction to the scope and logic of the regulation, and provides a framework to facilitate compliance.

OSHA GOCAD 2.0, the Cadmium Biological Monitoring Advisor (2001 04)
GOCAD 2.0 is a Windows-based, expert system. It applies the biological monitoring provisions of the Cadmium Standard that became effective Jan. 1, 1999. For each employee, GOCAD 2.0 analyzes the biological-monitoring results, then prepares and saves: A letter to the employee;A memorandum for the employer; and Notes for the physician's records. For each run of the system, GOCAD 2.0 creates: a summary of the run with the conclusion and ID for each employee; a detail file designed for easy use with common database software; and a serial log of the details.

OSHA Hazard Awareness Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Hazard Awareness Advisor is powerful, interactive, expert software. It will help you (especially, small businesses) identify and understand common occupational safety and health hazards in your work place. It will ask you about activities, practices, materials, equipment, and policies at your work place. Most questions have follow-up questions (depending upon your previous answers). The Hazard Awareness Advisor uses your answers to determine the hazards that are likely to be present. Then, it prepares a unique, customized report that briefly describes the likely hazards and the OSHA standards which address those hazards. You can use this Advisor online, or download it and run it in the Windows environment.

OSHA Lead in Construction Advisor (2001 04)
OSHA's Lead in Construction Advisor is interactive expert software. It is intended to help users, especially small business, to understand OSHA's Lead in Construction standard.

OSHA Regulations and Compliance Links (1998 03)
Access is provided to the full text of US Occupational Safety and Health Administration's regulations.

Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) (1998 11)
This agency part of Health Canada has as its mandate "to protect human health safety and the environment by minimizing risks associated with pesticides while enabling access to pest management tools namely pest control products and pest management strategies. PMRA documents including "Pest Notes" and Canadian pesticide registration information are provided.

Phylmar Group (2000 03)
The site provides a place to find qualified consultants and legal counsel to handle various environmental health and safety projects. It's a free service offered to members of the environmental, health and safety community.

Radiation related rules, regulations and laws (1998 03)
This is an extensive list of links to primarily US resources.

RCRA Online (1998 10)
Provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), RCRA Online is a "database of thousands of selected letters, memoranda and questions and answers written by the EPA's Office of Solid Waste since 1980."

Safety and Human Resource Solutions (2001 12)
Provides Safety & Human Resource SolutionsÊ to companies that can not afford to hire a full time Safety Director, Trainer, and Human Resources Manager or that have a full time person on staff that needs assistance or training.

Safety Links (2001 04)
Links to MSDS collections, US regulatory information, etc.

SafetyLine (1998 10)
SafetyLine is an on-line information service provided by WorkSafe Western Australia. Lots of links to information, including technical safety and health solutions (numerous documents), Australian safety and health laws, statistics and vocational training for the purpose of "establishing a 'safety culture' amongst young workers".

Saskatchewan Department of Labour (2001 04)
This extensive site provides a wide range of labour related information from the Saskatchewan government. There is a separate occupational health and safety section on the site.

Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (2003 12)
This Brazilian occupational health and safety site presents general information, Brazilian legislation, articles, upcoming events, links to Brazilian and international organizations, etc. All information on this site is in Portuguese.

Seton Canada (2003 11)
Information is provided about the company's identification and safety products, you can view their catalogue, order products, etc.

Sortor Occupational Safety Consulting (1997 07)
Sortor is a management consulting firm specializing in occupational safety and health. It serves attorneys, insurance companies, government and private industry. The site describes the company's services.

Specialty Technical Publishers, Inc. (1999 12)
Read about the company's books and CD-ROMs in the areas of: US health and safety law, environmental law, transportation law, compliance training, etc.

State of Washington, Emergency Management & Disaster Planning (2003 11)
This site provides information about emergency management in the State of Washington - news, mitigation plans, legislation and other related documents.

Statutes and Regulations of Ontario (1999 11)
This site provides access to the full text of Acts and Regulations from the Government of Ontario

Technical Standards and Safety Authority (2003 10)
TSSA " is an independent, non-government, not-for-profit organization mandated to deliver specific public safety programs and services under Ontario's Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act." The site provides various publications, policies and guidelines documents related to public safety legislation.

Techstreet (2005 07)
This US company is a "one stop shop" for buying standards from over 300 standards developing organizations worldwide. It also provides a standards updating service, some online ordering and delivery, and various other services related to standards and standardization.

The European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety (2001 09)
The European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety was established in 1989 by the European Trade Union Confederation in order to monitor the drafting, transposition and application of this legislation.

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Biotechnology Program (1999 11)
This US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) site was created to allow more efficient public, governmental and educational access to the TSCA Biotechnology Program. At this site you will find the regulation under which the Program functions, and the supplementary documents created to support this regulation, as well as status reports on the submissions, reviews, and agreements undertaken by the Program.

Transport Canada (1997 03)
The site contains current transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) regulations, draft regulations, and other transportation safety information - aviation safety, marine, railway, road etc.

Treasury Board Secretariat, Regulatory Issues (Canada) (1999 11)
Contains information about Canadian federal legislation, plans for federal regulatory reform, etc. Various guides and publications related to Canadian regulatory reform are also provided or described.

UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Public Register of Prosecutions (2001 09)
A database of safety prosecutions since April 1999. This can be searched by prosecution type or against specific regulations.

UK Maximum Exposure Limits (1998 06)
This site provides maximum exposure limits in the UK for a number of chemicals, based on Schedule 1 of the COSHH regulations.

UK Statutory Instruments (2000 05)
This is the full text of the UK Statutory Instruments.

United States House of Representatives (2000 06)

US Army Aviation & Missile Command (2003 10)
The site includes a variety of resources, including the US Army Safety & Occupational Health Professional Directory, compliance guides, regulations, etc.

US Congress on the Internet (1999 02)
This site provides information about US federal legislation in progress, congress itself, committee reports, etc.

US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs (1997 03)
Access is provided to detailed EPA pesticide information.

US EPA, Office of Pollution Protection and Toxics (2001 09)
The Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Lead Page was created to address residential lead hazards. This website provides access to both final rules and regulations but also the latest pending regulations as well.

US National Archives and Records Administration : Federal Register
"The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) informs citizens of their rights and obligations by providing ready access to the official text of Federal laws, Presidential documents, administrative regulations and notices, and descriptions of Federal organizations, programs and activities."

Utah Department of Public Safety (2003 11)
Read about the department and its resources.

Vermont SIRI (1998 06)
This site contains the archives of the SAFETY, Occ-Env-Med-L, IH-List and HS-Canada mailing lists, a publicly accessible MSDS collection, US regulatory information, safety clip art, health and safety documents from a variety of sources on a variety of subjects, an online health and safety bookstore, etc. Alternate web addresses for this site are http://hazard.com and http://siri.uvm.edu. siri.uvm.edu is recommended for searching the MSDS database.

Vessel Operators Hazardous Materials Association (VOHMA) (1998 10)
VOHMA is "an international organization comprised of representatives of the ocean common carriers of the world, operating under the flags of several nations, dedicated to improving the understanding and uniform application of rules and regulations governing maritime transportation of dangerous goods." Read about membership in this US organization, its seminars, publications, etc.

Web Information Service (formerly CCINFOWeb) (2005 06)
This is the home page for the commercial OHS database service on the web, provided by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). Databases include: MSDS, CHEMINDEX, CHEMINFO, RTECS, NIOSHTIC, HSELine and CISILO, plus environmental and occupational health & safety legislation from all Canadian jurisdictions. All databases may be searched for free. Access to the data itself is by subscription.

WHMIS Training (1999 09)
This site provides a demonstration of, and information about Internet Based Learning's online WHMIS (Canadian right to know) training program.

Wilkens Health & Safety Solutions (2003 12)
This site provides business with advice and guidance on all matters relating to occupational health and safety needs. They specialize in incident mitigation, manage WSIB costs, and identify strategies to maximize savings and rebates.

Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia (Canada) (1999 06)
This site provides access to: information about the WCB itself; answers a series of frequently asked questions (FAQ); information about what's new (initiatives, legislation, etc.); online publications and ordering information for printed publications, videos, etc.

Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (1998 11)
The site provides information about the WCB, claims, employer and employee responsibilities, etc. The WCB Act, Policy Manual, fact sheets, etc. are provided.

Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta (200310)
The site provides information about the WCB, claims, employer & employee responsibilities, etc. The WCB Publications section contains the full text of the WCB Policies and Information Manual, the Workers' Compensation Act and Regulation, various booklets, information and reports, forms, etc.

Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (1998 11)
The site provides information about the WCB, claims, employer and employee responsibilities, etc. There is also a "library", including the Workers' Compensation Act, regulations, a WCB policy manual, fact sheets, etc.

Workers' Compensation Review Board, British Columbia (1999 12)
The Review Board is an appeal tribunal independent of the Workers' Compensation Board, established by the British Columbia Legislature under Section 89 of the Workers Compensation Act. The site contains information about filing appeals. WCRB publications, legislation and leading appeals are also available.

Working Time Regulations (2000 05)
This site describes the UK implementation of the Working Time Regulations (WTR) - The European Working Time Directive and parts of the Young Workers Directive relate to the working time of adolescent workers (workers above the minimum school leaving age but below 18).

Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick (2003 11)
Provides information about the commission and its programs, calculating WCB claims in New Brunswick, industry assessment rates, etc.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Ontario, Canada (1998 03)
This content-rich site contains information about the board itself, information for employers and workers, news releases, facts and figures, the Ontario Workers' Compensation Act, etc. This board has replaced the Workers Compensation Board of Ontario.

World Wide Web Virtual Library, Law (2001 04)
This is a directory of law sites on the web, including environmental law, labor and employment law, etc.

Worplace Health, Safety & Compensation Commission (Newfoundland) (1998 11)
The site provides information about the Commission, claims, employer and employee responsibilities, etc. The Workers Compensation Act and Regulations, Policy Manual and other publications are available on the site.

YOW Canada (2003 10)
Offers Internet based Transportation of Dangerous Goods training courses.

Dernière mise à jour - le juillet 25, 2005
Nombre de serveurs listés - 130

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