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  Gestion des risques

1 ESP Safety Consultants (2004 07)
North American company providing environmental, health and safety consulting to assist with compliance needs. Company offers Industrial Hygiene Services, Environmental Assessment Services, Loss Control Services, Risk Management Services and Safety Services.

ABS Group Inc. Risk & Reliability Division (1999 11)
This company provides worldwide consulting and contract services to help clients analyze and manage risk to people, productivity, quality and the environment. Formerly JBF Associates, Inc.

Acotrel Risk Management Pty. Ltd. (1999 03)
Read about this Australian company's risk management services.

AcuTech Consulting Inc. (1996 12)
AcuTech provides process risk management services to industries handling hazardous materials. Their site describes their consulting services, training and risk management software. Their InterSafe sites includes the full text of several of their technical papers.

Affygility Solutions (2005 07)
Affygility Solutions offers environmental, health and safety services to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

Alp & Associates Incorporated (2000 05)
Read about the risk assessment and management services provided by this Ontario Canada company.

American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) (1997 04)
ARIAWeb provides information related to the American Risk and Insurance Association. Research education and organizational aspects of the association are accessible. The Risk and Insurance Database Search Engines search a number of databases.

Body Logic Health Management (2003 12)
Offer information about company's on-site injury prevention programs including: facilitator training, worksite analysis and resource materials.

Canadian Institute of Stress (1999 02)
CIS provides stress and risk management services for businesses and individuals. Services include Workplace change management services, workplace stress control programs, clinical assessment, counselling and coaching, speakers for seminars, etc.

Center for Risk Excellence (1999 11)
This US Department of Energy's center develops and implements policy practices, guidance, tools, support and training that result in risk-based decisions that protect both human health and the environment.

Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment (2003 09)
The Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment (CSR) is a department of The Netherlands' National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). RIVM is a research institute providing scientific support and expertise for government policies on public health, nature and the environment. Read about the CSR's methodology projects and access abstracts, in English and Dutch, of their risk assessment methodology reports and publications.

Certificate in Health, Safety and Environmental Processes (2004 07)
Information about web-based certificate program offered by the University of New Brunswick. "The program will equip participants with the intellectual and practical skills needed to contribute widely to their organizations' goals, including identifying, prioritizing, and managing workplace risks."

Crisis Management International (2003 12)
Provides information about company's range of crisis managements services.

Dawnbreaker Consultants (2003 11)
Information about and downloadable evaluation copies of their software are available. There are two programs of interest: WorkSafe Tools (Occupational Safety and Health Software); and EnviroSafe (Environmental Risk Assessment Software).

DNV - Det Norske Veritas (2004 07)
This global risk management company provides consulting, technical and software services to the upstream and downstream process sector (oil and chemicals), as well as classification services to the shipping and oil industries.Ê Certification to accredited management systems is also available.

Don Sayers & Associates (2000 05)
Read about the training and safety management services provided by this New Brunswick Canada-based company.

Dyadem International (1998 07)
Read about and/or download trial versions of this company's "software tools for the Risk Industry".

Eco-Research Chair in Environmental Risk Assessment (2005 07)

EEI Corporation (2000 06)
EEI Corporation (EEIC) provides auditing, professional development training, and information management services presented as a turnkey management solution.

EH&S; Products - Stevens Publishing (2000 06)
A trade publication featuring articles on safety, environmental, occupational health, training, emergency services and industrial hygiene for the manufacturing/industrial industries. Each online edition includes employment resources, calendar of events, and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

ErgoSystems (2005 07)
This UK-based company provides software products dealing with office ergonomics, risk assessment and CDM regulations.

F1 Computer Services Ltd. (1999 02)
Read about this UK-based company's suite of environmental health and safety software.

G. A. Bell & Associates (1999 07)
Read about the services provided by this British Columbia safety and training consulting company.

Griffin Communications Inc. (1999 05)
Read about the company's publications for risk managers and insurance professionals. Subscribe to RiskVue, Griffin's free "webzine".

HCI - Health Conservation Inc. (2005 07)
Provides information about company's mobile medical surveillance testing services.

Industrial Safety Integration (2005 07)
Provider of risk assessment and document management software. Corporate Industrial Risk & Safety Management Application, CIRSMA, is a software package that is designed to help both small and large companies create and track their industrial risk assessments and risk reduction evaluations for industrial machinery.

Innovative Employee Solutions (2003 12)
Read about the risk assessment and management services provided by this company.

Insurance Loss Control Association (2001 09)
The Insurance Loss Control Association strives to provide continuing opportunities for its membership to share information, increase their knowledge and advance their knowledge in property and casualty loss control topics, current insurance industry issues, and personal and professional development topics.

International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (1999 10)
Information is provided about the Institute itself, and membership options that are available.

Jacques Whitford Environmental, Geotechnical and Risk Management Consultants (2001 04)
Read about this Canadian company's services: environmental, geotechnical/materials engineering, risk management and sector solutions.

Kelvin Top-Set (2003 12)
Offers information about company's incident investigation products and services.

Medical Risk Management Associates, LLC (1999 11)
Medical Risk Management Associates specializes in software, training and consultative services to facilitate risk management activities in the health care arena, with focus on root cause analysis and sentinel event policy. Read about the company's services.

National Britannica (1999 11)
This UK-based company provides environmental risk management services to organizations worldwide. Read about its services.

Occusoft Corporation (2003 12)
Occusoft Corporation develops and publishes a suite of modular software called RiskPRO. Within this suite of modular software are modules for various applications. All are fully integrated where required, others are standalone.

PERIL - Project Earth Risk Indentification Lifeline (1999 11)
PERIL is a computer game to educate about the misperceptions of risk. PERIL has been designed to entertain the game player while educating against the perceptual distortion of life's varied risks. Players must choose to participate in activities, often found in work and play environments of 12-16 year olds, which have varied levels of risks associated with each activity. In addition to being provided with referenced risk data, the player will be provided with tips to promote a healthy, and safe lifestyle.

PREVENT (2003 11)
PREVENT est un institut ayant pour objectif la prévention des risques professionnels, la promotion de la qualité des conditions de travail, l'amélioration de l'organisation du travail et le développement d'une politique d'entreprise en matière d'environnement. L'institut soutient, conseille et informe les entreprises, les institutions et les intermédiaires tels que les services spécialisés sur le terrain.

PrimaTech (2003 11)
Primatech specializes in Process Safety, Security and Risk Management. They offer consulting, training and software to assist our clients in identifying and reducing the risks posed by toxic, flammable, and explosive materials.

Q5 Systems (2003 09)
Read about and download a demo of the company's Performance, Process and Measures (PPM) Safety Audit Management System.

Reason - Decision Systems Inc. (1996 12)
Information about the company's REASON software - software that "brings professional level Root Cause Analysis capabilities for operations problem-solving to the Quality / Safety / Operations professional.

Risk & Equity Manager for the Petroleum Industry (1999 07)
Risk & Equity Manager is a website targeted to the insurance issues of the petroleum equipment industry.

Risk Analysis Center (1999 09)
The aim of this site is "to contribute to better public understanding of, and ability to evaluate, risk in everyday life." The site contains a database of abstracts of articles containing information about risk. These articles are from newspapers, and from scientific, medical and technical journals.

Risk Assessment and Policy Association (1997 09)
Read about RAPA, its goals, membership, etc. Information about and articles from RAPA's journal "Risk" are also presented.

Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) (2000 06)
The RAIS was designed by the US Department of Energy to provide risk assessment tools and information. Among the risk assessment tools available on this site are: risk-based preliminary remediation goal (PRG) calculations used by risk managers as long-term targets during the analysis and selection of remediation alternatives; databases of toxicity profiles and values; ecological benchmarks to identify contaminants, media, and receptors that may be at risk; and a risk assessment glossary.

Risk Patrol - Risk Management Software (2000 06)
The RMIS system comprises of four individual, fully integrated modules known as RiskPATROL. Broken down, they are Employee Incidents, Non-Employee Incidents, Property/Auto Incidents and Claims Management.

Risk: Health, Safety & Environment (1997 01)
"Risk, the official journal of the Risk Assessment & Policy Association, is a refereed, interdisciplinary quarterly exploring public and private efforts to manage science and technology for net reduction in the probability, severity and aversive quality of health, safety and environmental impacts of natural and artifical hazards." View the full content of all past issues of the journal (without graphics, tables, etc.) find out about subscribing to the paper version, read about contributing articles to the journal, etc.

RiskList (2001 04)
This is a directory of Internet resources for risk managers. Topics include: risk resources, risk financing, disaster recovery/contingency planning, sources of legal and regulatory risk, breaking risk issues, recommended reading, etc.

RISKMail (2001 10)
RISKMail is an online forum for people with significant professional and/or research interests in the field of Risk Management and Insurance. This site provides instructions for subscribing to this e-mail based discussion group, and provides access to the archives of the group itself.

Risknowlogy (2002 12)
Risknowlogy provides the content, tools, services and training to help industry manage risk in order to decrease human, environmental, and financial losses. They service end-users, system integrators, consulting and engineering companies. They train engineers and managers in techniques and tools that ensure dependable and safe operations.

RiskWorld (1999 02)
This content-rich site provides "news and views on risk management and risk assessment".

Rmis.com (Risk Management Insurance Safety) (1999 02)
This content-rich site provides access to over 8000 risk management-related resources: databases, publications, templates and checklists, software, etc. Some material is free and some is fee-based.

SAFTEK Information Services (2003 11)
The site houses a large collection of documents and files related to occupational health & safety and insurance & risk management. Read about SAFTEK's computing and occupational health and safety consulting services.

Society for Risk Analysis (2001 09)
The Society for Risk Analysis is a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, scholarly, international society that provides an open forum for all those who are interested in risk analysis.

StratŽgies Multi Risques (2004 07)
Sa mission : ƒtablir une alliance avec nos clients dans la gestion stratŽgique des risques de sinistres afin dÕoptimiser leur dŽmarche et ainsi, prŽserver lÕintŽgritŽ des personnes, des biens, de lÕorganisation et de lÕenvironnement.

Target Risk (2003 11)
"Target Risk - Dealing with the danger of death, disease and damage in everyday decisions" by Gerald J. S. Wilde. The full text of this risk management book is presented here.

ToxProbe Inc (2003 12)
Provides information about company's consultation "services in environmental and occupational health, toxicology, risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. "

University of Melbourne, Centre for Actuarial Studies (2005 07)

University of Wisconsin System Administration, Office of Safety and Loss Prevention (1999 05)
Information and training materials, policy manuals, campus reporting forms, etc. related to environmental health and safety, loss prevention, workers compensation, etc.

Unwin Company (2001 09)
This is a consulting company specializing in the management and analysis of process safety, risk and reliability. The web site describes a range of services and software products, and allows the download of technical papers.

Occutech Services (2001 04)

Dernière mise à jour - le juillet 25, 2005
Nombre de serveurs listés - 59

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