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  Sites W3 ajoutés/ revisés en juillet 2005

Accident Compensation Corporation (2005 07)
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) administers New ZealandÕs accident compensation scheme, which provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand. In return people do not have the right to sue for personal injury, other than for exemplary damages.

Acoustics and Vibration Unit, University of New South Wales (2005 07)
The Acoustics and Vibration Unit was established in 1988 by the University of New South Wales. It is within the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University College located at the Australian Defence Force Academy. The mission of the Unit is to pursue excellence in teaching and research in the areas of acoustics and vibration and to provide community service in ways that are consistent with the mission and goals of the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The members of the Unit have undertaken consultancy work, for both the public and private sector, via Unisearch Ltd, a company wholly owned by the University of New South Wales.

Affygility Solutions (2005 07)
Affygility Solutions offers environmental, health and safety services to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

Alberta Construction Safety Association (2005 07)
The mission of the Alberta Construction Safety Association is to provide 'quality advice' to the construction employers and employees that will lead to reduced human and financial costs associated with incidents in the construction industry. The site describes the Association, provides access to the current issue of its newsletter, describes courses, publications, etc.

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), British Columbia and Yukon Section (2005 07)
Read about this AIHA local section, membership, meetings, newsletter, etc.

American Society of Safety Engineers Southern Oregon Chapter (2005 07)
Information about this ASSE Chapter, meetings, educational opportunities, etc.

Americans With Disabilities Act Document Center (2005 07)
This website contains copies of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 ADA regulations technical assistance manuals the Job Accommodation Network links to other Internet sources of information concerning disability issues legal issues and also occupational health and safety and Total Quality Management issues. Extensive resources are accessible from this site.

Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (2005 07)
ACIRRT, based at the University of Sydney (Australia), is a multi-disciplinary, research and training organisation. They monitor and analyse the changing nature of work.

Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group ASRC (2005 07)
Detailed information about this search and rescue organization is provided - the group itself their training recent searches etc. There are also links to other search and rescue information.

Board of Registered Canadian Safety Professionals (BCRSP) (2005 07)
BCRSP's site provides information about Association membership, professional designation, the Association's Code of Ethics, etc.

British Toxicology Society (2005 07)
The site provides information about the Society, its publications, upcoming events, etc.

BSI Management Systems (2005 07)
BSI Management Systems offers seminars, workshops, conferences, and publications on a wide range of specialty management topics, including ISO 14000 environmental management system standards, ISO 9000 and QS-9000 quality management system standards. Their site offers information about their on-site and public training courses, their available products and services, as well as FAQs about environmental management system standards.

California State University Chico Emergency Medical Services Courses (2005 07)
The Department of Health and Community Services at California State University Chico is developing a certificate in Emergency Medical Services Administration. Information about the certificate requirements and registration is available.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (2005 07)
This web site provides access to the full text of the new Nuclear Safety and Control Act and regulations, as well as regulatory documents.

Canadian Ski Patrol System (2005 07)
The Canadian Ski Patrol is a registered non-profit corporation comprising highly-trained volunteer and professional members. The System is national in scope and was formed to promote safe skiing and to provide assistance to injured skiers. The CSPS's membership of more than 6000 patrollers provides a Canada-wide, highly-skilled and responsible service to the skiing industry.

CancerHelp (2005 07)
"CancerHelp is intended as a starting point to help new cancer patients, family members, caregivers, and friends find valuable information about their type of cancer." The site provides numerous links to cancer resources on the Internet.

Center for Sustainable Systems (formerly National Pollution Center for Higher Education) (2005 07)
Pollution prevention (P2) is still not widely taught in colleges. To meet this need, the National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education (NPPC) developed P2 educational materials (compendia) for university instructional faculty. These materials help faculty incorporate the principles of P2 into existing or new courses; they contain resources for professors as well as assignments for students. In 1999 the Center for Sustainable Systems was launched as an evolution of NPPC.

Centro Panamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente (CEPIS) (2005 07)
The Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences, CEPIS, is the specialized center for environmental technology of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO). CEPIS is based in Lima Peru. Read about the organization's services and publications. Information is provided in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Chemical Health & Safety Data (US National Toxicology Program) (2005 07)
Chemical Health and Safety information has been collected on over 2000 chemicalsstudied by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the US Department of Healthand Human Services. There are a number of ways to retrieve data from these NTPfiles. View a list of the chemicals with links to the individual chemical H & Sdata sheets or do full-text searches of the entire H & S database.

Circadian Technologies Inc. (2005 07)
The company provides information, publications and other services related to many aspects of shiftwork. Find out about their various paper-based publications, their research facilities, the shiftwork mailing list, etc.

Continuing Care - Stevens Publishing (2005 07)
A trade publication featuring articles on managed care in acute, alternate, subacute, long- term and rehabilitation settings for case managers and discharge planning professionals. Each online edition includes industry news updates, employment resources, calendar of events, and links to government agencies and professional organizations in the industry.

Eco-Research Chair in Environmental Risk Assessment (2005 07)

Emergency Management Australia (2005 07)
EMA is a Commonwealth Government agency with the responsibility of reducing the impact of natural and man-made disasters on the Australian community. It is also the lead Federal agency responsible for disaster response.

Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) from US EPA (2005 07)
Information on the releases of oil and hazardous substances.

Environmental Safety and Health of Alaska (2005 07)
The site contains descriptions of this company's safety training courses, Industrial Hygiene and Marine Chemist Services, plus an industrial hygiene news and current events section, and news from the Midnight Sun Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA).

EPA Analytical Methods (2005 07)
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes laboratory analytical methods that are used by industries and municipalities to analyze the chemical and biological components of wastewater, drinking water, sediment, and other environmental samples that are required by EPA regulations under the authority of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. Almost all of these methods are published by EPA as regulations at Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

ErgoSystems (2005 07)
This UK-based company provides software products dealing with office ergonomics, risk assessment and CDM regulations.

FireFighting.Com (2005 07)
The purpose of this web site is to provide a place for fire departments to be on the web, and turn it into a fundraising opportunity. As well as listing sites, there are firefighting poems, links to other fire sites, etc.

Great Attitudes International Marketing (2005 07)
Provides information about "interactive software and hardware products that aim to prevent Repetitive Stress Injuries and help in designing ergonomic-friendly work environments."

Hazmat Safety (2005 07)
This office is responsible for coordinating a national (US) safety program for the transportation of hazardous materials by air, rail, highway and water. Highlights include an electronic version of the Emergency Response Guidebook, regulatory info., OHM publications, etc.

HCI - Health Conservation Inc. (2005 07)
Provides information about company's mobile medical surveillance testing services.

Health Canada, Emergency Services (2005 07)
View emergency-related publications from Health Canada.

Health Canada, Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines (2005 07)
This site provides the full text of LCDC's guidelines document.

Health Promotion Center, University of California Irvine (2005 07)
"UCIHPC is a research and consulting unit operating within the School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine. We are interested in all aspects of health promotion. Our research focuses on comprehensive, integrated approaches to health promotion, especially on workplace-based health promotion." Read about their research, publications, Top-10 list of corporate health strategies, etc. They also provide a directory of several hundred health promotion web sites.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada - Labour Program (2005 07)
"The mission of the Labour Program of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) is to promote a fair, safe, healthy, stable, cooperative and productive work environment that contributes to the social and economic well-being of all Canadians. The Labour Program has focused on the workplace, the changes affecting the workplace and the needs of employers and employees in Canada since 1900." Information includes: workplace information (labour relations, wage settlements, etc.) operations (federal legislation, OSH information) etc.

Human Resources Development Canada, Downloadable Labour Forms Listed by Title (2005 07)
This page provides links to commonly used Labour Program forms for organizations covered by the Canada Labour Code.

Human Resources Development Canada, Labour Operations, Occupational Safety and Health (2005 07)
Information is provided to allow Canadian federally regulated organizations to meet the requirements under the Canada Labour Code Part II. There is an overview of the Code, information about setting up an OSH program in your workplace, etc. Information of general interest includes occupational injury statistics.

IAPA High-Tech Industry Sector Group (2005 07)
The IAPA High Tech Industry Sector Group was formed to focus on the promotion of accident prevention and risk management programs for occupational health, safety and associated environmental concerns of firms involved in research & development, manufacturing and service of technologically advanced equipment in computer, electronic or communications in Ontario (Canada) based firms. Read about the Group, upcoming events, etc.

Illinois CES Disaster Resources (2005 07)
This web site provides information on current disasters and conditions in Illinois USA plus a number of documents on disaster preparedness and recovery. Links are provided to emergency management disaster relief and disaster research organizations.

Indoor Air Pollution in Museums and Archives (2005 07)
Degradation of museum objects or archival documents due to pollutants present in the air is a risk factor the importance of which is often neglected. This web-site contains information about this subject. It's mainly meant as a source of reference.

Industrial Safety Integration (2005 07)
Provider of risk assessment and document management software. Corporate Industrial Risk & Safety Management Application, CIRSMA, is a software package that is designed to help both small and large companies create and track their industrial risk assessments and risk reduction evaluations for industrial machinery.

Infection Control Guidelines for Occupational Health in Health Care (Health Canada) (2005 07)
The new guideline differs from previous versions as it views the health care setting from an industrial hygiene perspective. The risk assessment of various diseases and the hazard they pose to health care workers is balanced by the risk control measures of engineering, administrative, work practices, and personal protective equipment. Administration responsibilities of an organization are outlined in the beginning of the guideline to set the stage for an effective occupational health program.

Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (2005 07)
"The Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), prepared and maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), is an electronic data base containing information on human health effects that may result from exposure to various chemicals in the environment. IRIS was initially developed for EPA staff in response to a growing demand for consistent information on chemical substances for use in risk assessments, decision-making and regulatory activities. The information in IRIS is intended for those without extensive training in toxicology, but with some knowledge of health sciences."

International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy at the Technical University of Denmark (2005 07)
International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy was established in January of 1998 by a grant from the Danish Technical Research Council and is part of the Technical University of Denmark. Most of the Centre's researchcenters on the health effects on humans of the indoor environment. The Centre endeavors to find new ways of designing and building buildings to maximize the health and comfort of the inhabitants, while minimizing the energy output.

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (2005 07)
View the Tables of Contents of printed issues, information about special issues, an author index and subject index for the journal.

International Labour Organization (2005 07)
The site provides information about the ILO, its various international programmes, publications, etc. There are also links to ILO departmental home pages, plus an ILO directory.

International Labour Organization Publications (2005 07)
ILO publications provide relevant research and practical resources for policy-makers and other individuals concerned with occupational safety and health, labour and employment, industrial relations, women at work and much more.

International Radiation Protection Agency (2005 07)
Read about the Association's objectives, associate societies, international meetings, publications, etc.

International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety (2005 07)
The site provides information about the Society (membership, officers, by-laws, etc.) plus a member's directory, newsletters, information about their annual conference, etc.

KnowledgeWare Communications Corp. (2005 07)
Develops industrial training courseware and incident management software. Our products will help your company become OHS compliant, manage your incidents, people, claims, MSDS, training, and statistics.

Laser Pointers (2005 07)
This page provides basic information on the properties of laser radiation, the different laser Classes, etc. The document is provided by the UK National Radiological Protection Board.

Lexis®-Nexis® Canada (2005 07)
This site describes Lexis-Nexis Canada, the Canadian division of Butterworths Canada Ltd. that sells Lexis-Nexis information products in Canada. Lexis-Nexis is a commercial provider of Canadian and international legal and business information.

Lyme Disease Foundation (2005 07)
The Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc. (LDF) is a nonprofit medical healthcare agency dedicated to finding solutions to tick-borne disorders. Read about various tick-borne disorders, (Lyme Disease, Babesiosis, Colorado Tick Fever, etc.), view the full text of the journal, "Journal of Spirochetal & Tick-Borne Diseases", read about upcoming conferences, etc.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection (2005 07)

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (2005 07)
Information is provided about the State of Massachusetts emergency plans and programs,etc. Includes a number of "tip" sheets and other resource materials.

MATC (2005 07)
Information is provided about this company's sensing products, including a UV intensity meter.

Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark (2005 07)
This is a Toronto Canada-based law practice "restricting its practice to labour and employment law." The site provides a number of interpretive documents about Ontario law, quizzes to test your knowledge, etc.

MC Survivors - A Resource Web Site for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Environmental Illness (2005 07)
This is a comprehensive directory containing links to many full text articles, libraries, referral services, treatments, etc.

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (2005 07)

Missouri Department Of Labor and Industrial Relations (2005 07)

National Agricultural Safety Database (2005 07)
NASD "contains over 2,000 ag health and safety publications from 25 states, 4 federal agencies and 5 national organizations. The collection includes OSHA and EPA Standards, extension publications, a database of abstracts and ordering information for over 1,000 ag safety-related videos, a NIOSH bibliography database with over 500 scientific publications, a resource directory with contact information for over 1,000 people and organizations involved in ag safety and health, slide presentations, posters, sample news releases and public service announcement scripts."

National Institute of Disability Management and Research (2005 07)
The Institute is a labour - management initiative established by by the Disabled Workers Foundation of Canada. Its mandate is to promote integration of disabled people into the workplace. Read about their training programs, publications, videos and other services.

PRISYMID Ltd. (2005 07)
Read about this UK company's labelling software for chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial and retail settings.

Safety, Health, and Environmental Consultants (2005 07)
This page provides links to EHS consultants' descriptions and their own web sites.

Shiftwork Systems, Inc. (2005 07)
Read about the company's "Circadian Lighting Technology", plus links to a number of documents and sites containing shiftwork-related information.

Site Safe New Zealand (2005 07)
Site Safe New Zealand will undertake the research, development and co-ordination of health and safety activities specifically designed and targeted at the construction industry. Activities with the specific aim of reducing construction site injuries and deaths. Site Safe NZ answers to a Board of Directors with representatives from all major industry sectors.

Standard Safety and Consulting Services (2005 07)
"We are an Oilfield Safety Service company in Alberta. We specialize in supervising work with Hydrogen Sulphide. Rentals of breathing apparatus and gas detectors in Edmonton, Red Deer and Grande Prairie."

Techstreet (2005 07)
This US company is a "one stop shop" for buying standards from over 300 standards developing organizations worldwide. It also provides a standards updating service, some online ordering and delivery, and various other services related to standards and standardization.

UK Health and Safety Executive: Leaflets about Hazards at Work (2005 07)
Here you will find the text of leaflets relating to hazards at work. Also included is information that will help to identify and control the risks that may arise from workplace hazards.

University of Manitoba Transport Institute (2005 07)
The University of Manitoba Transport Institute provides logistics education and research activities for the public and business communities. Institute staff is comprised of academic and graduate students specializing in various facets of the transport industry. Additional expertise is drawn from professional associates and consultants from both within the university and industry. The Transport Institute main areas of activity are logistics, engineering, economics, policy, trade, tourism and telecommunications.

University of Melbourne, Centre for Actuarial Studies (2005 07)

University of Minnesota Duluth, Environmental Health and Safety Office (2005 07)
Provides comprehensive services designed to protect the health and safety of faculty, staff, and students as well as minimize the impact of their activities on the surrounding environment and the community in accordance with state and federal regulations.

Vizon SciTec Inc. (2005 07)
Vizon SciTec Inc., formerly BC Research Inc., is an integrated science, technology and innovation company. The company provides laboratory analysis and testing, field work, pilot plants, consulting services, and applied research and development.

Dernière mise à jour - le juillet 25, 2005
Nombre de serveurs listés - 73

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