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We connect people with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the UK to build lasting relationships around the world.
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Making a world of difference.  Stories from around the globe Where we are graphic.  109 countries and territories.
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'cubed' science mag
Keep up-to-date with the science that's shaping our society. This month's articles include chatting with robot intelligence and developing a real cloak of invisiblity.
Film fuels debate
This year’s European Film Festival in Malawi gave us the rare opportunity to engage with young people across the country, and create debate with the UK film Bullet Boy.
Want to support your child’s learning or develop your English skills? Looking for teaching materials? LearnEnglish can help, with our family of language support sites.
Latest update
Learn while you play in the games area of Learn English Kids.
Subscribe to our regular online magazine for UK teachers.
Find out how our cultural relations think-tank is building networks and developing debate.
We are registered in England as a charity. Our privacy and copyright statements.
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