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British Council Canada
Businesswoman smiling. Image © Tim Hall
Chevening application
Our Chevening alumni
Chevening Frequently Asked Questions
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office's worldwide scholarship programme

The Chevening scholarships are aimed at the leaders of tomorrow. They are highly competitive and limited in number. Successful candidates must be able to demonstrate not only an outstanding academic record, but also notable contributions in their field. The committee will also look for evidence of clear personal objectives and a commitment to making an impact on the wider stage.

The British High Commission in Canada awards only 8-10 Chevening scholarships per year from an average field of 300 applications. Scholarships last up to one year and are typically granted for Masters degree courses. It is highly unusual for the committee to approve an award for PhD studies. Most awards will cover a contribution towards university tuition fees only. In these cases, living costs and international airfares are not included.

Chevening scholarships can be used to study a range of subjects, however each country has a narrower range of priority subjects that are especially relevant to that country. In Canada the priority subjects are: Political Science, Law and International Relations, Media, Economics and International Development. Given the intense competition for the awards, it is highly unusual for the selection committee in Canada to grant awards outside these areas.

Candidates are expected to make a formal application for a university place direct to the institution of their choice as soon as possible. Confirmation by an applicant of his/her placement at a British university is considered an asset by the selection committee at any stage of the selection process.

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