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More Local Labour Market Information

Labour Market Bulletin, First Quarter 2005
An Analysis of the Durham Region Labour Market
Human Resource Centre of Canada

An Overview of the Durham Region

During the first quarter of 2005, the Durham Region labour market encountered several promising endeavours which included a major automotive investment. On the flip side, the market experienced job losses in the health sector and temporary layoffs in the automotive industry.

The Oshawa CMA labour force grew faster than its working age population as the rate of participation in the workforce increased. Service jobs provided most of the employment opportunities.

Employment insurance claims data show that the supply of workers rose more than 10,000 during the first quarter of this year. Newspaper vacancies indicate that employer demand for workers seemed to be greatest in sales and service occupations.


The complete Labour Market Bulletin, including these Highlights, is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, print version (size: 323 kb)

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