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Reducing the Harm Associated with Injection Drug Use in Canada


  1. Adlaf, E.M., Paglia, A. & Ivis, F.J. (1999). Drug use among Ontario students 1977-1999 (CAMH Research Document Series No. 5). Toronto, ON: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

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  5. Topp, J. (1994). HIV infection prevention measures for drug users. Second national workshop on HIV, alcohol and other drug use (proceedings). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

  6. McAmmond and Associates (1997). Care, treatment and support for injection drug users living with HIV/AIDS. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  7. Single, E., Robson, L., Rehm, J. & Xie, X. (1999). Morbidity and mortality attributable to substance abuse in Canada. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 385-390.

  8. Single, E., Rehm, J., Robson, L. & Truong, M. (2000). The relative risks and aetiologic fractions of different causes of disease and death attributable to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 162, 1669-1675.

  9. Nadeau, L. (1994). Risk taking contexts among addicts. Second national workshop on HIV, alcohol and other drug use (proceedings). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

  10. Health Canada (2000). HIV and AIDS in Canada. Surveillance Report to December 31, 1999. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  11. Health Canada (2000). HIV/AIDS Epi Update-HIV/AIDS Among Injection Drug Users in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  12. Shabas, R. (1998) Report of the Meeting of the Expert Panel on Hepatitis C Epidemiology, June 17-18.

  13. Zou, S. et al. (2000). Enhanced Surveillance of Acute Hepatitis B and Acute Hepatitis C in Four Health Regions in Canada, 1998-1999. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

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  17. Covenant House (1998). Information Brochure. Toronto, ON: Covenant House.

  18. Radford, J. L., King, A. J. C., Warren, W. K. (1989). Street Youth and AIDS. Kingston, ON: Health and Welfare Canada.

  19. Smart, R. G., Adlaf, E. M. (1991). Substance use and problems among Toronto street youth. British Journal of Addiction, 86, 999-1010.

  20. Smart, R. G., Adlaf, E. M., Walsh, G. W., Zdanowicz, Y. (1992). Drifting & Doing: Changes in Drug Use Among Toronto Street Youth, 1990-1992. Toronto, ON: Addiction Research Foundation.

  21. Adlaf, E., Zdanowicz, Y., Smart, R. (1996). Alcohol and other drug use among street-involved youth in Toronto. Addiction Research, 4, 11-24.

  22. Adlaf, E., Zdanowicz, Y., Smart, R. (1996). Alcohol and other drug use among street-involved youth in Toronto. Addiction Research, 4, 11-24.

  23. Scott, K. Indigenous Canadians, Chapter 5 in D. McKenzie, R. Williams and E. Single (Eds.) (1997). Canadian Profile: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, 1997. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

  24. Single, E. (March 2000). A socio-demographic portrait of drug users in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  25. Rothon, D., Strathdee, A., Cook, D., & Cornelisse, G.A. (1997). Determinants of HIV-Related High Risk Behaviours Among Young Offenders: A Window of Opportunity. Canadian Journal of Public Health.

  26. Calzavara, L., Myers, T., Millson, M. Schlossberg, J., Burchell, A. (1997). Understand HIV-related Risk Behaviour in Prisons: The Inmates' Perspective. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto HIV, Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit.

  27. Single, E., Robson, L., Xie, X. & Rehm, J. (1998). The economic costs of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs in Canada, 1992. Addiction, 93 (7), 983-998.

  28. Hanvelt, R., Copley, T., Schneider, D. & Meagher, N. The Economic Costs and Resource Impacts of HIV/AIDS in BC (Community Health Resource Project, Sept., 1, 1999). NHRDP Project No. 6610-2372 AIDS.

  29. Albert T. & Williams, G. (1998). The Economic Burden of HIV/AIDS in Canada. Canadian Policy Research Networks.

  30. Meagher NL et al. (1999). Cost -effectiveness of the national investment for primary prevention of HIV: an assessment of Canada's investment using a stochastic simulation modeling approach (abstract C300). Presented at the Eighth Annual Canadian Conference of HIV/AIDS Research, May 1-4, 1999. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1999, 10 (Suppl B), 42B.

  31. Albert, T. & Williams, G. (1998). The economic burden of HIV/AIDS in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Policy Research Network.

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  33. Larke, B. (May 2, 2000) Presentation to the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Heads of Corrections Working Group on HIV/AIDS. Moncton, NB.

  34. Canadian Institute for Health Information (August 23, 2000). News Release: Organ Transplant Patients Living Longer.

  35. Medical Research Council (June 1999). Identification of a research agenda for the diagnosis, care and prevention of hepatitis C in Canada.

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  39. Strathdee, S., Patrick, D., Currie, S., Cornelisse, P., Rekart, M., Montaner. J., Schechter, M., O'Shaughnessy, M. (1997). Needle exchange is not enough: lessons from the Vancouver injecting drug use study. AIDS, 11, 59-65.

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  48. Millar, J. (1998). HIV, hepatitis, and injection drug use in British Columbia: pay now or pay later. Report from the Office of the Provincial Health Officer, BC Ministry of Health.

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  52. Poulin C., et al. (1992). An epidemic of hepatitis B among injection drug users in a rural area. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 83(2), 102-105.

  53. Vooght M., et al. (1999). Developing a public health response to the emergence of HIV in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan (abstract C370P). Presented at the Eight Annual Canadian Conference of HIV/AIDS Research, May 1-4, 1999. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10 (Suppl B), 61B.

  54. Topp, J. (1994). HIV infection prevention measures for drug users. In Second National Workshop on HIV, Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Proceedings. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, pp. 26-29.

  55. McAmmond and Associates (1997). Care, Treatment and Support for Injection Drug Users Living with HIV/AIDS. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  56. Single, E. (2000). A Socio-demographic Portrait of Drug Users in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  57. Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC) (1993). SADAC client profile 1991/92: injection drug users in treatment. Focus sheet. Regina, SK: SADAC.

  58. Millson, P., Myers, T., Rankin, J., McLaughlin, B., Major, C., Mindell, W., Coates, R., Rigby, J., Strathdee, S. (1995). Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and associated risk factors in injection drug users in Toronto. Can. Journal of Public Health, 86, 176-180.

  59. Topp, J. HIV (1994) infection prevention measures for drug users. Pp. 26-29 in Second National Workshop on HIV, Alcohol and Other Drug Use: Proceedings. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

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  61. Millson, M., Coates, R., Devenyi, P., Franklin, T., Rankin, J. (1990). AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in injection drug users attending a Toronto treatment facility. Can. Journal of Public Health, 81, 46-52.

  62. Hewitt, D., Vinje, G. (1991). Injection drug use among addictions treatment clients in Alberta: implications for the spread of AIDS. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 82, 205-207.

  63. Strathdee, S., Patrick, D., Currie, S., Cornelisse, P., Reckart, M., Montaner, J., Schechter, M., O'Shaughnessy, M. (1997). Needle exchange is not enough: lessons from Vancouver injecting drug use study. AIDS, 11, F59-F65.

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  65. Poulin C., Alary, M., Bernier, F., Ringuet, J. (1998). HIV-1 prevalence among drug users participating to a STD screening program on urine samples in a needle exchange program in Quebec City. Canadian Journal of Infectious Disease, 9, 36A.

  66. Elnitsky, S., Abernathy, T.(1993). Calgary's needle exchange program: profile of injection drug users. Can. Journal of Public Health, 84, 177-180.

  67. Wolfe, R., Sykes, B.(1992). Needleworks: Prevention of HIV in Injection Drug Users: Final Report and Evaluation. Edmonton, AB: Board of Health.

  68. Millson, M., Coates, R., Devenyi, P., Franklin, T., Rankin, J. (1990). AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in injection drug users attending a Toronto treatment facility. Can. Journal of Public Health, 81, 46-52.

  69. Poulin C., et al. (1992). An epidemic of hepatitis B among injection drug users in a rural area. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 83(2),102-105.

  70. Bruneau, J., Lamothe, F., Franco, E., Lachance, N., Desy, M., Soto, J., Vincelette, J. (1997). High rates of HIV infection among injection drug users participating in needle exchange programs in Montreal: results of a cohort study. Am. Journal of Epidemiology, 146, 994-1002.

  71. Millson, M., Coates, R., Devenyi, P., Franklin, T., Rankin, J. (1990). AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in injection drug users attending a Toronto treatment facility. Can. Journal of Public Health, 81, 46-52.

  72. Millson, P., Myers, T., Rankin, J., McLaughlin, B., Major, C., Mindell, W., Coates, R., Rigby, J., Strathdee, S. (1995). Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and associated risk factors in injection drug users in Toronto. Can. Journal of Public Health, 86, 176-180.

  73. Archibald, C., Ofner, M., Patrick, D., Strathdee, S.(1996). A study of risk factors for HIV infection among Vancouver's injection drug using community: summary of final results. Vancouver: The Point Project. unpublished report.

  74. Bruneau, J., Lamothe, F., Franco, E., Lachance, N., Desy, M., Soto, J., Vincelette, J.(1997). High rates of HIV infection among injection drug users
    participating in needle exchange programs in Montreal: results of a cohort study. Am. Journal of Epidemiology, 146, 994-1002.

  75. Fischer, B., Medved, W., Gliksman, L., Rehm, J. (1999). Illicit opiate users in Toronto: a profile of current users. Addiction Research, 7, 377-415.

  76. Fischer, B., Medved, W., Gliksman, L., Rehm, J. (1999). Illicit opiate users in Toronto: a profile of current users. Addiction Research, 7, 377-415.

  77. Fischer, B., Medved, W., Gliksman, L., Rehm, J. (1999). Illicit opiate users in Toronto: a profile of current users. Addiction Research, 7, 377-415.

  78. Single, E., Robson, L., Rehm, J., Xie, X.(1996b). Morbidity and mortality attributable to substance abuse in Canada. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 385-390.

  79. Single, E, Rehm, J, Robson, L, Truong, M (2000). The relative risks and aetiologic fractions of different causes of disease and death attributable to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use in Canada, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 162, 1669-1675.

  80. Single, E., Robson, L., Rehm, J., Xie, X (1996b). Morbidity and mortality attributable to substance abuse in Canada. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 385-390.

  81. Single, E., Robson, L., Rehm, J., Xie, X (1999b). Morbidity and mortality attributable to substance abuse in Canada. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 385-390.

  82. Single, E., Robson, L., Rehm, J., Xie, X (1999b). Morbidity and mortality attributable to substance abuse in Canada. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 385-390.

  83. Fischer, B., Medved, W., Gliksman, L., Rehm, J. (1999). Illicit opiate users in Toronto: a profile of current users. Addiction Research, 7, 377-415.

  84. Fischer, B., Medved, W., Gliksman, L., Rehm, J. (1999). Illicit opiate users in Toronto: a profile of current users. Addiction Research, 7, 377-415.

  85. Nadeau, L. (1994a) Risk taking contexts among addicts. In: Second National Workshop on HIV, Alcohol and Other Drug Use; Proceedings. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

  86. Health Canada (2000). HIV and AIDS in Canada: Surveillance Report to December 31, 1999, Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  87. Zou, S. et al. (2000). Enhanced Surveillance of Acute Hepatitis B and Acute Hepatitis C in Four Health Regions in Canada, 1998-1999. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

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  90. Single, E. (2000). A Socio-demographic Portrait of Drug Users in Canada. Internal report commissioned by the HIV/AIDS Prevention and Community Action Programs. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  91. Fischer, B., Medved, W., Gliksman, L., Rehm, J. (1999). Illicit opiate users in Toronto: a profile of current users. Addiction Research, 7, 377-415.

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  97. Millson, P., Myers, T., Rankin, J., McLaughlin, B., Major, C., Mindell, W., Coates, R., Rigby, J., Strathdee, S. (1995). Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and associated risk factors in injection drug users in Toronto. Can. Journal of Public Health, 86, 176-180.

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  101. Single, E., Robson, L., Xie, X., Rehm, J. (1998). The economic costs of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs in Canada, 1992. Addiction, 93(7), 983-998.

  102. Millar, J. (1998). HIV, hepatitis, and injection drug use in British Columbia: pay now or pay later. Report from the Office of the Provincial Health Officer, BC Ministry of Health.

  103. Fischer, B., et al. (1999). Comparing opiate users in methadone treatment with untreated opiate users: results of a follow-up study with a Toronto opiate user cohort. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 90 (5).

  104. Albert, T. & Williams, G. (1998). The Economic Burden of HIV/AIDS in Canada. Canadian Policy Research Networks.

  105. Hanvelt, R., Copley, T., Schneider, D. & Meagher, N. (1999). The Economic Costs and Resource Impacts of HIV/AIDS in British Columbia. NHRDP Project No. 6610-2372-AIDS.

  106. Meagher NL et al. (1999). Cost-effectiveness of the national investment for primary prevention of HIV: an assessment of Canada's investment using a stochastic simulation modeling approach (abstract C300). Presented at the Eight Annual Canadian Conference of HIV/AIDS Research, May 1-4, 1999. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10(Suppl B), 42B.

  107. Larke, B. (May 2, 2000) Presentation to the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Heads of Corrections Working Group on HIV/AIDS. Moncton, NB.

  108. Canadian Institute for Health Information (August 23, 2000). News Release: Organ Transplant Patients Living Longer.

  109. Medical Research Council (1999). Identification of a research agenda for the diagnosis, care and prevention of hepatitis C in Canada.

  110. Myers, T., Bullock, S., Calzavara, L., Cockerill, R., Marshall, V. (1997). Differences in sexual risk-taking behavior with state of inebriation in an aboriginal population in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58, 312-322.

  111. Scott, K. Indigenous Canadians, Chapter 5 in D. McKenzie, R. Williams and E. Single (Eds.) (1997). Canadian Profile: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, 1997, Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

  112. Scott, K. (1997). Indigenous Canadians, Chapter 5 in D. McKenzie, R. Williams and E. Single (Eds.). Canadian Profile: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, 1997, Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

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  114. Scott, K. Indigenous Canadians, Chapter 5 in D. McKenzie, R. Williams and E. Single (Eds.). Canadian Profile: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

  115. Single, E. (2000). A Socio-demographic Portrait of Drug Users in Canada. Internal report commissioned by the HIV/AIDS Prevention and Community Action Programs. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

  116. Strathdee, S., Patrick, D., Currie, S., Cornelisse, P., Reckart, M., Montaner, J., Schechter, M., O'Shaughnessy, M. (1997). Needle exchange is not enough: lessons from Vancouver injecting drug use study. AIDS, 11, F59-F65.

  117. Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC) (1993). SADAC client profile 1991/92: injection drug users in treatment. Focus sheet. Regina, SK: SADAC.

  118. Health Canada. (2000). HIV/AIDS Epi Update—HIV and AIDS among Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

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  122. Brochu, S. (1995). Estimating the costs of drug-related crime. 2nd International Symposium on the Social and Economic Costs of Substance Abuse, Montebello, Quebec.

  123. Calzavara, L., Myers, T., Millson, M. Schlossberg, J., Burchell, A. (1997). Understand HIV-related Risk Behaviour in Prisons: The Inmates' Perspective. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto HIV, Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit.

  124. Calzavara, L., Myers, T., Millson, M. Schlossberg, J., Burchell, A. (1997). Understand HIV-related Risk Behaviour in Prisons: The Inmates' Perspective. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto HIV, Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit.

  125. Calzavara, L., Myers, T., Millson, M. Schlossberg, J., Burchell, A. (1997). Understand HIV-related Risk Behaviour in Prisons: The Inmates' Perspective. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto HIV, Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit.

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Last Updated: 2002-04-08 Top