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Results corresponding to your search: 38
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Course Title and Description Reader Reviews
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Derivatives: Basic Concepts Series / Course 1: Introduction to Derivatives

This course discusses the main characteristics and applications of forward, futures and option contracts as well as the structure of these derivatives markets.

Derivatives: Basic Concepts Series / Course 2: The Futures and Forwards Course

This course discusses the common characteristics and the distinguishing features of futures and forward contracts. Il also explores how futures and forward prices are determined and discusses arbitrage strategies that may be used to benefit from market price anomalies.

Derivatives: Basic Concepts Series / Course 3: The Options Course

This course provides the fundamentals of options and covers the rudiments of option pricing. It also presents simple and complex option strategies.

Optimizing Portfolio Performance with Derivatives / Course 1: Futures and Forwards (Advanced Concepts)

This course discusses the main characteristics of futures contracts and introduces the cash and carry pricing model which is used to determine the fair value price of a futures contract. The course also presents several investment strategies and hedging applications that utilize futures contracts.

Optimizing Portfolio Performance with Derivatives / Course 2: Options (Advanced Concepts)

This course describes the option pricing variables and shows how these variables affect the price of an option. It also discusses the two main option pricing valuation models, i.e., the binomial option pricing model and the Black-Scholes option pricing model. The course also introduces the “Greeks” or, more simply, the sensitivities of the pricing factors. An elementary understanding of the “Greeks” is very useful in selecting specific options for the various option strategies.

Optimizing Portfolio Performance with Derivatives / Course 3: Portfolio Strategies

This course outlines the main concepts behind portfolio management, such as the efficient market hypothesis, the various types of risks, and investment objectives. It also discusses specific derivative strategies, both simple (i.e., buying a call option, synthetic asset with futures, and so on) and complex which involve combining derivatives (i.e., straddles, structured notes, and so on).

Portfolio Management: Equity and Index Derivatives / Course 1: Futures and Forwards

This course builds on your understanding of basic futures and forward contracts concepts. Specifically, it advances your knowledge of forward pricing and trading strategies. The course illustrates how equity and index futures are used to implement investment and hedging strategies.

Portfolio Management: Equity and Index Derivatives / Course 2: Options

This course builds on your understanding of option pricing principles and provides the foundation to enhance your intuition for selecting appropriate options needed to implement various trading strategies. It discusses the two main option pricing valuation models, i.e., the binomial option pricing model and the Black-Scholes option pricing model. Throughout the course, it will be abundantly clear why understanding an option’s pricing variables and an option’s Greeks help enhance an investor’s overall portfolio performance.

Portfolio Management: Equity and Index Derivatives / Course 3: Portfolio Management

This course builds on your understanding of basic derivatives concepts and ties these concepts together within the context of an investment portfolio. It reviews the main concepts behind portfolio management and describes a number of specific derivative strategies. The course shows how, through these strategies, investors can artificially diversify a portfolio’s holdings, implement a view on the market, hedge against risk or generate revenue within their portfolio.

Interest Rate Derivatives : Advanced concepts in Portfolio Management / Course 1: Fixed Income Securities

This course presents the basics of fixed income analysis and stresses the importance of understanding the mechanics of bond valuation when dealing with futures, forward and option contracts written on these fixed income instruments. Specifically, the course covers such topics as the time value of money and compounding frequencies of interest rates. It also discusses the important concept of bond valuation, such as the bond equivalent yield, the duration and the term structure.

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