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First Nations & Inuit Health

HTF 402 National First Nations Telehealth Research Project

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Attachment 5: Interview Guides

Sample Interview Guide for Physicians and Nurses

  1. Does telemedicine bring changes in your practice?
  2. Does telemedicine bring changes in the dialysis or nephrology service?
  3. Under what conditions would you be willing to pursue the use of telemedicine?
  4. Is the use of telemedicine in the context of the actual project be enlarged? In New Brunswick? In Canada?
  5. Is the use of telemedicine in the current project an improvement over what existed before?
  6. Do you see any other application for telemedicine in your area?
  7. Under what conditions could such projects be broadened?
  8. Could such projects be considered cost-effective?
  9. What would encourage someone to undertake such a project?
  10. Are you satisfied of the results so far? If yes, why? If not, why not?
  11. What inconveniences and constraints have you experienced in this project?

(Adapted from: - Adaptation de Fortin, Banville: Rapport d'évaluation des projets pilotes en télécardiologie et en téléradiologie, CEFRIO, jan 1998).

Community Leaders

A. Impact of telehealth on the community


What is your position within the community? How long have you had this role? What are the main challenges you face?

What are the major health problems your community faces? How long have these health problems troubled your community? How do these health problems affect the daily life of your community members (employment, education, social behavior etc.)?

What percentage of your community members would you say are healthy or in need of consistent medical attention? In your opinion, what type of community member is at risk to suffer a medical illness (age, gender, occupation etc.)?

Do you think telehealth can help your community overcome some of its problems? Which health concerns, in particular, can telehealth be used for?

Do you agree that the main health issues in your community are being addressed in the applications (list them) chosen for this project?

How have community members been involved in the telehealth project? Was there much interest for the project? By whom? Is there still much interest in this project?

Health care quality

Do you expect that telehealth can improve the health care quality in your community?

Have you received any feedback so far from community members about the quality of care they or their family members have received in the telehealth project?

Health care accessbility

Were you satisfied with the implementation of the telehealth applications within your community? Could the process have been improved?

Do you think that telehealth can speed up the process of access to care?

Have you heard any feedback about accessibility to health services from members of your community who are participating in the project?

B. Role of telehealth in service provision and management

To what extent is telehealth appropriated, integrated and sustained as a part of the community's self-governed health care system, or integrated into the negotiations of transfers agreements?

To what extent have the telehealth applications become linked and integrated to provincial initiatives?

To what extent does telehealth improve access of secondary, tertiary and education providers to local health service providers?

To what extent does telehealth improve health service providers' awareness and knowledge of local conditions and resources?

C. Overall positive and negative social and economic impacts and implications

How is telehealth an economic advantage or disadvantage in your community thus far?

As far as you can tell, has the telehealth project decreased or increased travel time and costs for community members?

Have the telehealth applications had any negative impact on your community?

Do you think the telehealth applications chosen for this project are sustainable? What are the factors necessary to keep the telehealth applications working in the future?

What needs does your community have that the telehealth applications are not addressing?

Do you have any other comments about the development of telehealth in your community?

For Political Figures

What do you think are the main priority areas to address with telehealth in your jurisdiction?

Do you think that the main health issues in these communities are being addressed in the applications chosen for this project?

Do you think the telehealth applications chosen for this project are sustainable? What are the factors necessary to keep the telehealth applications working in the future?

What needs does this community have that the telehealth applications are not addressing?

To what extent is telehealth appropriated, integrated and sustained as a part of the community's self-governed health care system, or integrated into the negotiations of transfers agreements?

To what extent have the telehealth applications become linked and integrated to provincial initiatives? What conditions would facilitate compatibility and integration of these systems?

How do these applications affect the health centres linked to the remote communities? In terms of continuity of care? Comprehensiveness of care? Relationships with the community's health resources? Cost effectiveness?

To what extent does telehealth improve access of secondary, tertiary and education providers to local health service providers?

To what extent does telehealth improve health service providers' awareness and knowledge of local conditions and resources?

Do you have any other comments about the development of telehealth in your community?

For Remote Providers

Personal reaction:

Have you been trained to use telehealth? What skills and competencies were required in order to use telehealth? Have you acquired the necessary training? What difficulties might have been avoided with more training?

  • Has the use of telehealth been organized successfully?
  • Have there been any administrative difficulties in using telehealth?
  • Have there been any scheduling difficulties?

What have been the positive and negative effects on your own work efficacy when using telehealth?

Have you become more competent and confident in your job when using telehealth?

Have your colleagues had similar experiences to your own working with telehealth?

How much does telehealth affect your workload, staff workload, task allocation and professional practices?

How many active cases are you involved with?

How many telehealth patients do you see per week?

How much time do you spend on non-transferred patients?

How have your services shifted when using telehealth?

Patient reaction:

In your experience seeing patients, to what extent do they find telehealth acceptable? Have they been comfortable?

  • Have they expressed any concerns regarding telehealth? If so, what were they?
  • Have any patients refused to use telehealth? If so, for what reasons?

How have family members reacted?

Who's using telehealth:

To what extent does telehealth respond to your patients' health needs?

To what extent are telehealth applications used by eligible patients in the community?

What specific health conditions are targetted for the use of telehealth?

What is the proportion of telehealth use according to health condition?

Telehealth efficacy:

How long have patients had to wait for medical care through telehealth?

Do the telehealth interventions meet the accepted standards of care (clinical guidelines)? Have they improved the standard of care?

Has hospitalization been necessary for any of your patients? If so, how did telehealth interventions interact with the process?

To what extent does telehealth result in cost increases, decreases or shifts for health service delivery within the communities?

How many patient transfers have been avoided?

Concerns about equipment:

Is telehealth easy to use? Is the technical quality at an acceptable level? How would you describe the communication flow?

Have you encountered technical problems when using the equipment?

How often have you required technical support?

Last Updated: 2005-04-08 Top