The Daily
Friday, December 1, 2006

Labour Force Survey

November 2006

Employment edged up an estimated 22,000 in November, the result of gains in part-time work. The unemployment rate rose 0.1 percentage points to 6.3%, as more people entered the labour market in search of work. Following a pause over the summer months, employment has risen by 89,000 since August. So far this year, employment has grown by 1.7%.

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The number of private sector employees jumped by an estimated 50,000 in November. So far in 2006, the number of employees in the private sector is up 3.1%, nearly four times the rate of growth in the public sector.

Employment in Alberta continued its upward trend in November. Since the start of the year, employment in the province is up 6.2% — more than three times the national rate of growth.

Gains in employment pushed Nova Scotia's unemployment rate down 0.8 percentage points in November to a 30-year low of 7.4%.

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Alberta continues to drive employment growth

Employment continued to increase in Alberta in November (+10,000). The unemployment rate edged up 0.1 percentage points to 3.1%, the result of more people entering the labour market in search of work. Since the start of 2006, employment in the province has increased by 112,000. Alberta continues to fuel employment growth in the country, accounting for 40% of the national increase so far this year.

While employment was little changed in Saskatchewan in November, it has grown by 4.2% since the start of the year. Similarly, employment in Newfoundland and Labrador has also been on an upward trend with growth of 3.9% over the past 11 months.

Fastest growth in natural resources

While there was little change across industries in November, several have shown strong growth over the course of the year. The natural resource sector has seen the fastest rate of employment growth, up 11.8% (+36,000). Most of this increase came from Alberta (+19,000) and British Columbia (+16,000) and was largely in mining, oil and gas extraction as well as activities that support this industry.

Other industries showing strong gains this year include business, building and other support services, up 6.9% (+46,000), mainly due to increases in business and employment services. Finance, insurance, real estate and leasing saw gains of 6.1% (+61,000), the result of hiring in monetary authorities, rental and leasing services and real estate. There was also growth in one of Canada's largest industries, health care and social assistance, up 5.0% (+86,000) so far this year.

Despite little change in construction in November, employment in the industry has increased by 34,000 (+3.3%) so far this year. Strength in Alberta has driven much of the growth (+19,000).

Central Canada lags behind national growth rate

Despite an employment increase in Ontario (+19,000) in November, growth in the province so far this year has been hindered by declines in manufacturing (-63,000). These losses were offset by gains in a number of service industries, including: trade; health care and social assistance; and finance, insurance, real estate and leasing. Since December 2005, overall employment in the province has increased by only 71,000 (+1.1%).

In Quebec, so far this year, employment growth has been dampened by losses in both manufacturing and trade resulting in growth of only 0.7%. As with Ontario, weaknesses were also offset by gains in the service sector.

Available on CANSIM: tables 282-0001 to 282-0042, 282-0047 to 282-0064 and 282-0069 to 282-0099.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 3701.

Available at 7:00 a.m. online under The Daily module of our website.

A more detailed summary, Labour Force Information (71-001-XWE, free) is now available online for the week ending November 11. From the Publications module of our website, under Free Internet publications, choose Labour. LAN and bulk prices are available on request. The CD-ROM Labour Force Historical Review, 2005 (71F0004XCB, $209) is also available.

Data tables are also now available online. From the By Subject module of our website choose Labour.

The next release of the Labour Force Survey will be on January 5, 2007.

For general information or to order data, contact Client Services (toll-free 1-866-873-8788; 613-951-4090; To enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Danielle Zietsma (613-951-4243) or Vincent Ferrao (613-951-4750), Labour Statistics Division.

Labour force characteristics by age and sex
  October 2006 November 2006 October to November 2006 November 2005 to November 2006 October to November 2006 November 2005 to November 2006
  Seasonally adjusted
  thousands change in thousands % change
Both sexes 15+            
Population 26,298.9 26,329.8 30.9 370.2 0.1 1.4
Labour force 17,641.2 17,687.2 46.0 277.7 0.3 1.6
Employment 16,555.5 16,577.9 22.4 274.5 0.1 1.7
Full-time 13,617.5 13,599.4 -18.1 264.9 -0.1 2.0
Part-time 2,938.0 2,978.5 40.5 9.6 1.4 0.3
Unemployment 1,085.7 1,109.3 23.6 3.2 2.2 0.3
Participation rate 67.1 67.2 0.1 0.1 ... ...
Unemployment rate 6.2 6.3 0.1 -0.1 ... ...
Employment rate 63.0 63.0 0.0 0.2 ... ...
Part-time rate 17.7 18.0 0.3 -0.2 ...  ...
Youths 15 to 24            
Population 4,332.1 4,335.4 3.3 36.1 0.1 0.8
Labour force 2,871.5 2,872.7 1.2 44.8 0.0 1.6
Employment 2,547.4 2,534.4 -13.0 26.5 -0.5 1.1
Full-time 1,458.9 1,426.7 -32.2 38.0 -2.2 2.7
Part-time 1,088.5 1,107.6 19.1 -11.6 1.8 -1.0
Unemployment 324.1 338.3 14.2 18.3 4.4 5.7
Participation rate 66.3 66.3 0.0 0.5 ... ...
Unemployment rate 11.3 11.8 0.5 0.5 ... ...
Employment rate 58.8 58.5 -0.3 0.2 ... ...
Part-time rate 42.7 43.7 1.0 -0.9 ...  ...
Men 25+            
Population 10,728.7 10,742.7 14.0 166.8 0.1 1.6
Labour force 7,889.9 7,914.0 24.1 79.2 0.3 1.0
Employment 7,466.4 7,491.6 25.2 91.3 0.3 1.2
Full-time 6,991.2 6,995.1 3.9 82.0 0.1 1.2
Part-time 475.2 496.6 21.4 9.4 4.5 1.9
Unemployment 423.6 422.3 -1.3 -12.2 -0.3 -2.8
Participation rate 73.5 73.7 0.2 -0.4 ... ...
Unemployment rate 5.4 5.3 -0.1 -0.2 ... ...
Employment rate 69.6 69.7 0.1 -0.3 ... ...
Part-time rate 6.4 6.6 0.2 0.0 ...  ...
Women 25+            
Population 11,238.1 11,251.7 13.6 167.3 0.1 1.5
Labour force 6,879.8 6,900.5 20.7 153.7 0.3 2.3
Employment 6,541.8 6,551.9 10.1 156.8 0.2 2.5
Full-time 5,167.4 5,177.6 10.2 144.9 0.2 2.9
Part-time 1,374.4 1,374.3 -0.1 11.9 0.0 0.9
Unemployment 338.0 348.6 10.6 -3.1 3.1 -0.9
Participation rate 61.2 61.3 0.1 0.4 ... ...
Unemployment rate 4.9 5.1 0.2 -0.1 ... ...
Employment rate 58.2 58.2 0.0 0.5 ... ...
Part-time rate 21.0 21.0 0.0 -0.3 ...  ...
...not applicable
Note:Related CANSIM table 282-0087.

Employment by class of worker and industry (based on NAICS)
  October 2006 November 2006 October to November 2006 November 2005 to November 2006 October to November 2006 November 2005 to November 2006
  Seasonally adjusted
  thousands change in thousands % change
Class of worker            
Employees 14,087.6 14,099.1 11.5 336.9 0.1 2.4
Self-employed 2,467.9 2,478.8 10.9 -62.4 0.4 -2.5
Public/private sector employees            
Public 3,222.4 3,183.7 -38.7 39.2 -1.2 1.2
Private 10,865.2 10,915.3 50.1 297.6 0.5 2.8
All industries 16,555.5 16,577.9 22.4 274.5 0.1 1.7
Goods-producing sector 3,977.0 3,996.5 19.5 -11.3 0.5 -0.3
Agriculture 339.0 337.5 -1.5 -4.8 -0.4 -1.4
Natural resources 341.5 345.0 3.5 39.0 1.0 12.7
Utilities 127.1 124.3 -2.8 5.8 -2.2 4.9
Construction 1,079.2 1,086.4 7.2 20.9 0.7 2.0
Manufacturing 2,090.2 2,103.4 13.2 -72.0 0.6 -3.3
Service-producing sector 12,578.5 12,581.4 2.9 285.8 0.0 2.3
Trade 2,629.1 2,641.1 12.0 44.6 0.5 1.7
Transportation and warehousing 800.5 815.5 15.0 10.2 1.9 1.3
Finance, insurance, real estate and leasing 1,055.7 1,057.0 1.3 81.0 0.1 8.3
Professional, scientific and technical services 1,084.1 1,103.1 19.0 36.7 1.8 3.4
Business, building and other support services 712.9 711.0 -1.9 36.9 -0.3 5.5
Educational services 1,174.1 1,163.7 -10.4 19.6 -0.9 1.7
Health care and social assistance 1,803.0 1,806.6 3.6 64.8 0.2 3.7
Information, culture and recreation 748.3 735.9 -12.4 -8.3 -1.7 -1.1
Accommodation and food services 1,035.0 1,031.5 -3.5 10.1 -0.3 1.0
Other services 696.4 684.4 -12.0 -17.4 -1.7 -2.5
Public administration 839.3 831.6 -7.7 7.5 -0.9 0.9
Note:Related to CANSIM tables 282-0088 and 282-0089.

Labour force characteristics by province
  October 2006 November 2006 October to November 2006 November 2005 to November 2006 October to November 2006 November 2005 to November 2006
  Seasonally adjusted
  thousands change in thousands % change
Newfoundland and Labrador            
Population 426.9 426.6 -0.3 -2.7 -0.1 -0.6
Labour force 255.6 253.9 -1.7 -1.1 -0.7 -0.4
Employment 219.4 219.2 -0.2 2.0 -0.1 0.9
Full-time 186.6 184.2 -2.4 1.0 -1.3 0.5
Part-time 32.8 35.1 2.3 1.1 7.0 3.2
Unemployment 36.2 34.7 -1.5 -3.1 -4.1 -8.2
Participation rate 59.9 59.5 -0.4 0.1 ... ...
Unemployment rate 14.2 13.7 -0.5 -1.1 ... ...
Employment rate 51.4 51.4 0.0 0.8 ... ...
Prince Edward Island            
Population 112.5 112.6 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.6
Labour force 76.3 77.4 1.1 0.5 1.4 0.7
Employment 67.8 68.6 0.8 -0.1 1.2 -0.1
Full-time 56.8 57.6 0.8 0.3 1.4 0.5
Part-time 11.0 11.1 0.1 -0.3 0.9 -2.6
Unemployment 8.5 8.7 0.2 0.5 2.4 6.1
Participation rate 67.8 68.7 0.9 0.0 ... ...
Unemployment rate 11.1 11.2 0.1 0.5 ... ...
Employment rate 60.3 60.9 0.6 -0.5 ... ...
Nova Scotia            
Population 763.2 763.3 0.1 1.4 0.0 0.2
Labour force 480.2 479.3 -0.9 -2.9 -0.2 -0.6
Employment 441.0 444.0 3.0 1.7 0.7 0.4
Full-time 358.2 361.1 2.9 1.0 0.8 0.3
Part-time 82.8 82.8 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.7
Unemployment 39.2 35.4 -3.8 -4.5 -9.7 -11.3
Participation rate 62.9 62.8 -0.1 -0.5 ... ...
Unemployment rate 8.2 7.4 -0.8 -0.9 ... ...
Employment rate 57.8 58.2 0.4 0.1 ... ...
New Brunswick            
Population 611.0 611.0 0.0 -0.4 0.0 -0.1
Labour force 383.8 384.6 0.8 -3.6 0.2 -0.9
Employment 352.7 352.1 -0.6 0.2 -0.2 0.1
Full-time 297.9 297.4 -0.5 0.9 -0.2 0.3
Part-time 54.8 54.6 -0.2 -0.8 -0.4 -1.4
Unemployment 31.1 32.6 1.5 -3.8 4.8 -10.4
Participation rate 62.8 62.9 0.1 -0.6 ... ...
Unemployment rate 8.1 8.5 0.4 -0.9 ... ...
Employment rate 57.7 57.6 -0.1 0.0 ... ...
Population 6,272.6 6,277.8 5.2 66.7 0.1 1.1
Labour force 4,101.7 4,111.2 9.5 40.0 0.2 1.0
Employment 3,784.5 3,782.1 -2.4 36.5 -0.1 1.0
Full-time 3,115.0 3,108.9 -6.1 58.9 -0.2 1.9
Part-time 669.4 673.2 3.8 -22.4 0.6 -3.2
Unemployment 317.2 329.2 12.0 3.7 3.8 1.1
Participation rate 65.4 65.5 0.1 0.0 ... ...
Unemployment rate 7.7 8.0 0.3 0.0 ... ...
Employment rate 60.3 60.2 -0.1 -0.1 ... ...
...not applicable
Note:Related CANSIM table 282-0087.

Labour force characteristics by province
  October 2006 November 2006 October to November 2006 November 2005 to November 2006 October to November 2006 November 2005 to November 2006
  Seasonally adjusted
  thousands change in thousands % change
Population 10,270.7 10,281.3 10.6 139.7 0.1 1.4
Labour force 6,926.9 6,948.7 21.8 84.4 0.3 1.2
Employment 6,485.5 6,504.6 19.1 57.8 0.3 0.9
Full-time 5,346.6 5,343.1 -3.5 41.4 -0.1 0.8
Part-time 1,138.9 1,161.5 22.6 16.5 2.0 1.4
Unemployment 441.4 444.1 2.7 26.6 0.6 6.4
Participation rate 67.4 67.6 0.2 -0.1 ... ...
Unemployment rate 6.4 6.4 0.0 0.3 ... ...
Employment rate 63.1 63.3 0.2 -0.3 ... ...
Population 893.1 893.3 0.2 3.2 0.0 0.4
Labour force 613.8 615.3 1.5 6.1 0.2 1.0
Employment 588.2 587.3 -0.9 3.0 -0.2 0.5
Full-time 468.5 472.4 3.9 2.6 0.8 0.6
Part-time 119.8 114.9 -4.9 0.4 -4.1 0.3
Unemployment 25.5 28.1 2.6 3.2 10.2 12.9
Participation rate 68.7 68.9 0.2 0.5 ... ...
Unemployment rate 4.2 4.6 0.4 0.5 ... ...
Employment rate 65.9 65.7 -0.2 0.1 ... ...
Population 746.1 746.1 0.0 -2.4 0.0 -0.3
Labour force 520.6 520.2 -0.4 12.9 -0.1 2.5
Employment 500.3 499.7 -0.6 18.7 -0.1 3.9
Full-time 406.9 407.0 0.1 18.6 0.0 4.8
Part-time 93.4 92.7 -0.7 0.1 -0.7 0.1
Unemployment 20.3 20.5 0.2 -5.8 1.0 -22.1
Participation rate 69.8 69.7 -0.1 1.9 ... ...
Unemployment rate 3.9 3.9 0.0 -1.3 ... ...
Employment rate 67.1 67.0 -0.1 2.7 ... ...
Population 2,673.9 2,684.0 10.1 103.4 0.4 4.0
Labour force 1,960.6 1,973.8 13.2 98.9 0.7 5.3
Employment 1,902.1 1,911.9 9.8 115.2 0.5 6.4
Full-time 1,614.3 1,615.2 0.9 113.4 0.1 7.6
Part-time 287.8 296.7 8.9 1.9 3.1 0.6
Unemployment 58.5 62.0 3.5 -16.3 6.0 -20.8
Participation rate 73.3 73.5 0.2 0.8 ... ...
Unemployment rate 3.0 3.1 0.1 -1.1 ... ...
Employment rate 71.1 71.2 0.1 1.6 ... ...
British Columbia            
Population 3,528.9 3,533.7 4.8 60.5 0.1 1.7
Labour force 2,321.7 2,322.7 1.0 42.4 0.0 1.9
Employment 2,214.0 2,208.5 -5.5 39.5 -0.2 1.8
Full-time 1,766.5 1,751.9 -14.6 25.8 -0.8 1.5
Part-time 447.5 456.5 9.0 13.6 2.0 3.1
Unemployment 107.7 114.2 6.5 2.8 6.0 2.5
Participation rate 65.8 65.7 -0.1 0.0 ... ...
Unemployment rate 4.6 4.9 0.3 0.0 ... ...
Employment rate 62.7 62.5 -0.2 0.1 ... ...
...not applicable
Note:Related CANSIM table 282-0087.

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