Canada Career Consortium
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Our Vision

The Canada Career Consortium envisions a country where Canadians can address their transition needs through a coordinated career and labour market information system.

Our Mission Top of page

The Canada Career Consortium, as a national forum, initiates, develops and co-ordinates career and labour market information to enable all Canadians to make transitions.

Our Four Key Strategic Activities Top of page

  • Support Sectoral workplace skills initiatives and provide access to Sectoral career resources
  • Support Sectoral resource implementation through a National Integrated Delivery Strategy
  • Develop networks to support Sectoral initiatives in Provinces / Territories
  • Increase awareness of Provincial & Territorial career development initiatives and the role of practitioners to Sectors

Who We Are Top of page

Members of the CCC are representatives from one or more of twelve constituency groups:

  1. Industry Sector councils & Council-like organizations
  2. Education and training organizations
  3. Career practitioner organizations
  4. Not for profit career resource developers and providers
  5. Aboriginal peoples
  6. Persons with disabilities
  7. Visible minorities
  8. Women
  9. Communities of interest & end users
  10. Francophone career development community
  11. Federal departments/agencies
  12. Provincial/territorial government agencies

Members list

How We Operate Top of page

Developing and managing projects with such diverse goals and audiences is an enormous task. To continue developing networks, establishing best practices and publishing products with the standard of excellence achieved in the past, the CCC uses an inclusive, team approach. A national advisory team or steering committee, comprised of members and non-members from our twelve constituency groups, provides input, feedback and guidance on each CCC project. Each advisory team member offers his or her unique perspective and expertise to each project. In addition, the CCC makes every effort to include youth representatives where appropriate and available. CCC wants to involve as many members as possible in the decision-making process while facilitating smooth and efficient project management.

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© Canada Career Consortium, 1999-2006.
Your use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the CCC's
Privacy Policy


This Web site is funded by the Government
of Canada's Sector Council Program
Government of Canada

Web site designed
and maintained by
Picard Communications