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Vol. 138, No. 49 — December 4, 2004




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-03355 is approved.

1. Permittee: Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd., New Westminster, British Columbia.

2. Type of Permit: To load waste and other matter for the purpose of disposal at sea and to dispose of waste and other matter at sea.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from January 3, 2005, to January 2, 2006.

4. Loading Site(s): CIPA Lumber Products, Delta, British Columbia, at approximately 49°10.62' N, 122°56.65' W.

5. Disposal Site(s): Point Grey Disposal Site: 49°15.40' N, 123°22.10' W, at a depth of not less than 210 m.

The following position-fixing procedures must be followed to ensure disposal at the designated disposal site:

(i) The vessel must inform the appropriate Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centre upon departure from the loading site that it is heading for a disposal site;

(ii) Upon arrival at a disposal site and prior to disposal, the vessel must again call the appropriate MCTS Centre to confirm its position. Disposal can proceed if the vessel is on the designated site. If the vessel is not within the disposal site boundaries, the MCTS Centre will advise the bearing and distance to the site and advise when disposal can proceed;

(iii) The vessel must inform the appropriate MCTS Centre when disposal has been completed prior to leaving the disposal site.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Direct.

7. Method of Loading and Disposal: Clamshell dredging with disposal by bottom dump scow or end dumping.

8. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

9. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 12 000 m3.

10. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Dredged material consisting of silt, sand, rock, wood waste and other approved material typical to the approved loading site except logs and usable wood.

10.1. The Permittee must ensure that every reasonable effort has been made to prevent the deposition of log bundling strand into material approved for loading and ocean disposal and/or remove log bundling strand from material approved for loading and ocean disposal.

11. Requirements and Restrictions:

11.1. The Permittee must notify the permit-issuing office before commencement of the project as to the dates on which the loading or dumping will occur.

11.2. The Permittee must ensure that all contractors involved in the loading or disposal activity for which the permit is issued are made aware of any restrictions or conditions identified in the permit and of the possible consequences of any violation of these conditions. A copy of the permit and of the letter of transmittal must be carried on all towing vessels and loading platforms or equipment involved in disposal at sea activities.

11.3. The fee prescribed by the Ocean Dumping Permit Fee Regulations (Site Monitoring) shall be paid by the Permittee in accordance with those Regulations.

11.4. Contact must be made with the Canadian Coast Guard, Regional Marine Information Centre (RMIC), regarding the issuance of a "Notice to Shipping." The person to contact is the Regional Manager, Regional Marine Information Centre, 2380-555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5G3, (604) 666-6012 (telephone), (604) 666-8453 (facsimile), RMIC-PACIFIC@PAC.DFO-MPO.GC.CA (electronic mail).

11.5. Any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 shall be permitted to mount an electronic tracking device on any vessel that is engaged in the disposal at sea activities authorized by this permit. The Permittee shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that there is no tampering with the tracking device and no interference with its operation. The tracking device shall be removed only by an enforcement officer or by a person with the written consent of an enforcement officer.

11.6. The Permittee must submit to the Regional Director, Environmental Protection Branch, within 30 days of the expiry of the permit, a list of all work completed pursuant to the permit, the nature and quantity of material disposed of and the dates on which the activity occurred.

Environmental Protection
Pacific and Yukon Region




Guideline for the release of ammonia dissolved in water found in wastewater effluents

Whereas ammonia dissolved in water is a substance specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999;

Whereas the Minister of the Environment published a Proposed Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans for ammonia dissolved in water, inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on June 7, 2003;

Whereas persons were given the opportunity to file comments with respect to the Proposed Notice for a comment period of 60 days;

Whereas the Minister has considered all comments received;

Whereas this Guideline is issued as an instrument respecting preventive and control actions in relation to ammonia dissolved in water found in wastewater effluents in application of section 92 of the Act;

And whereas the Minister of the Environment has published a Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents;

Therefore, the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 54(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, has decided to issue a Guideline as a means to reduce the impact of releases of ammonia dissolved in water to surface water, and pursuant to subsection 54(4) directs that it be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I.

Minister of the Environment

1. Interpretation

"Act" means the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

"acutely lethal concentration of ammonia" means a level of ammonia in an effluent at 100 percent concentration that kills more than 50 percent of the rainbow trout subjected to it over a 96-hour period when tested in accordance with the acute lethality test set out in Reference Method EPS 1/RM/13. For the purpose of this Guideline, this is represented by a concentration of ammonia that is on or above the curve when plotted versus the effluent pH as shown in Figure 1 of Appendix A. Owners must measure the pH and concentration of ammonia in the effluent and use the curve (Figure 1).

"ammonia" means total ammonia expressed as nitrogen. Total ammonia means the sum of the unionized ammonia (NH3) and ionized ammonia (NH4+) species which exist in equilibrium in water. Analytical methods measure and typically report on ammonia nitrogen as opposed to total ammonia.

"chronic toxicity" means the ability of a substance or mixture of substances to cause harmful effects over an extended period, usually upon repeated or continuous exposure sometimes lasting for the entire life of the exposed organism. For the purpose of this Guideline, chronic toxicity results in reduced reproductive capacity and reduced growth of young in fish and benthic invertebrate populations.

"effluent" means untreated or treated wastewater that is released from the outfall(s) of a wastewater system, excluding combined sewer overflows from the wastewater system.

"fresh water" means water that generally contains less than 1 000 milligrams per litre of dissolved solids.

"representative sampling" means the weekly measurement of ammonia and pH in the effluent under normal operating conditions of the wastewater treatment facility.

"surface water" means a lake, pond, marsh, creek, spring, stream, river, estuary or marine body of water, or other surface watercourse.

"wastewater" means a mixture of liquid wastes primarily composed of domestic sewage, that can also include other liquid wastes from industrial, commercial and institutional sources.

"wastewater system" means any works for the collection or treatment and release of wastewater or any part of such works.

2. Application

This Guideline applies to any person who owns a wastewater system at the time of publication of this Guideline that has an effluent discharge flow to surface water that is greater than or equal to 5 000 m3 per day, based on an annual average.

3. Standards

The available scientific literature indicates that the environmental risks associated with ammonia are related to both its acute and chronic toxicity to freshwater organisms. The 2001 Priority Substances List (PSL) Assessment Report that led to the addition of "Ammonia dissolved in water" to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the CEPA 1999 and the CCME Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life provide an overview of the factors known to affect the toxicity of ammonia. Any person who meets the criteria in section 2 of this guideline should take measures to meet the following standards.

Acute toxicity

The concentration of ammonia deposited to surface water frequented by fish should not be acutely lethal. Refer to Appendix A, which describes the procedure for determining whether the effluent is acutely lethal to fish due to ammonia.

•  An objective for ammonia releases to surface water is to achieve and maintain a concentration of ammonia in the effluent that is not acutely lethal to fish due to ammonia.

Chronic toxicity

The chronic toxicity of ammonia to fish and benthic invertebrate populations is likely to result in reduced reproductive capacity and reduced growth of young. The zone of impact of non-treated or inadequately treated effluents varies greatly with discharge conditions, mixing capacity of the receiving water, temperature and pH. Potentially toxic conditions resulting from municipal wastewater-related ammonia typically start in May and continue into October in receiving waters that are routinely basic in pH, relatively warm in temperature, and have a low flow. Further guidance to ascertain how site-specific conditions may impact on the chronic toxicity of ammonia can be found in the PSL Assessment Report. Refer to section 5 of this Guideline for links to information on the PSL Assessment Report.

•  An objective for ammonia releases to surface water is to achieve and maintain a concentration of ammonia in the effluent that will ensure the protection of freshwater life. Wastewater systems should not release ammonia in quantities or concentrations resulting in a concentration of unionized ammonia greater than 0.019 mg/L in the aquatic environment.

Further information on the chronic toxicity of ammonia can be found in the CCME Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life for ammonia. Canadian water quality guidelines are intended to provide protection of freshwater and marine life from anthropogenic stressors such as chemical inputs or changes to physical components.

4. Factors to consider

Any person who owns a wastewater system as defined in section 2 above should consider the following factors while developing plans and actions to meet the standards outlined in section 3:

(1) Following detailed scientific assessments, ammonia dissolved in water was found to be toxic in accordance with the criteria set out in section 64 of the Act. As such, it was added to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act. In addition, the deposit of a deleterious substance of any type in water frequented by fish is prohibited by the Fisheries Act, under subsection 36(3), unless there is a regulation under subsection 36(5) of the Fisheries Act or under another federal law authorizing the deposit. With respect to the release of ammonia through municipal wastewater effluents, there is no federal regulation at the time of publication of this Guideline. Refer to section 5 of this Guideline for links to information on the Fisheries Act, and the compliance and enforcement policies of the Fisheries Act and the Act.

(2) The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) agreed in November 2003 to develop a Canada-wide Strategy for the management of municipal wastewater effluents, which will address specific parameters and governance. The Strategy will be based on the following three cornerstones:

(a) harmonization of the regulatory framework;

(b) coordinated science and research; and

(c) an environmental risk management model.

The Strategy is expected to be completed by December 2006, after which it will be implemented by each jurisdiction. Environment Canada intends to use a regulation under the Fisheries Act as its principal implementation tool to achieve effluent standards for wastewater treatment systems equivalent in performance to conventional secondary treatment, with additional treatment where required. The regulation will also address wastewater systems on federal and aboriginal lands. Refer to section 5 of this Guideline for links to the CCME Canada-wide Strategy.

(3) To ensure that the overall risk to the environment or human health is reduced, owners of wastewater systems should consider actions that reduce or eliminate risks posed by other substances that may be found in municipal wastewater effluent, in particular the following substances which are specified in Schedule 1 of the Act:

(a) nonylphenol and its ethoxylates,

(b) effluents from textile mills that use wet processing,

(c) mercury,

(d) lead,

(e) hexavalent chromium compounds,

(f) inorganic cadmium compounds,

(g) inorganic arsenic compounds,

(h) inorganic chloramines,

(i) chlorinated wastewater effluents.

(4) Nitrogen in ammonia, along with phosphorus, is a nutrient responsible for stimulating plant and algal growth in the aquatic environment. However, excessive amounts of ammonia and phosphorus can cause over-fertilization or eutrophication, resulting in excessive growth of algae. Eutrophication reduces available dissolved oxygen, can have toxic effects on aquatic organisms, harm spawning grounds, alter habitat, lead to a decline in certain species, and impair the aesthetic enjoyment of water. Municipal wastewater is the largest point source of nitrogen and phosphorus released to the Canadian environment, although non-point sources may also be significant. The occurrence of eutrophication depends on a number of site-specific factors and is not generally a problem associated with every municipal wastewater discharge. Excessive loadings of nitrogen and phosphorus are usually best managed on a watershed basis, where loadings from all sources can be identified and the appropriate ones reduced to minimize eutrophication.

(5) A process audit should be conducted and may be useful in identifying the sources and quantities of ammonia discharged to the wastewater collection system from industrial, commercial, and institutional facilities. These facilities may be amenable to pollution prevention or control options that minimize the introduction of ammonia into the wastewater system. Refer to section 5 of this Guideline for links to technical guidance on system and process audits.

(6) Many wastewater treatment facilities are not operated with ammonia reduction as a primary objective. Optimization of the wastewater treatment facility may reduce the concentration of ammonia released to surface water and, where chlorination is practiced, the creation of inorganic chloramines without impairing the attainment of other treatment objectives. A process audit of the wastewater treatment facility should be conducted specifically looking for means to reduce the release of ammonia to surface water. Refer to section 5 of this Guideline for links to technical guidance for process audits.

5. Additional information

To obtain a copy of the Priority Substances List Assessment Report Ammonia in the Aquatic Environment, refer to the Existing Substances Evaluation Web site at or contact the Inquiry Centre, 70 Crémazie Street, 7th Floor, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3, 1-800-668-6767.

To obtain a copy of the report Treatment Processes for the Removal of Ammonia from Municipal Wastewater (Environment Canada, 2003, ISBN 0-662-33551-1), contact Environment Canada's Inquiry Centre at 1-800-668-6767.

To obtain a copy of the following documents: Wastewater Source Control — A Best Practice By The National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure (March 2003), Wastewater Treatment Plant Optimization (November 2003), and Optimization of Lagoon Operation (March 2004), refer to the National Research Council — National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure's Web site at or contact the Council at 1-866-330-3350.

To obtain information regarding the CCME Canada-wide strategy for the management of municipal wastewater effluents, visit the CCME Web site at

To obtain further information regarding the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines, refer to the CCME Web site at or contact the CCME by telephone at (204) 948-2090.

To obtain a copy of the document Guidance Manual for Sewage Treatment Plant Process Audits, refer to the Great Lakes Sustainability Fund Web site at or contact: Manager, Great Lakes Sustainability Fund, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6, (905) 336-6273.

To obtain a copy of the Fisheries Act, refer to For more information on the compliance and enforcement policies of the Fisheries Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, visit the Environmental Law Enforcement Web site at

Additional information on pollution prevention is available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site (, the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (, and Environment Canada's regional offices.

Electronic copies of this Guideline are available from the CEPA Registry Web site at or can be requested by contacting one of the regional offices listed in section 6.

6. Environment Canada contact information

For questions about this notice, or for more information about pollution prevention planning, contact Environment Canada's regional offices:

For residents of Newfoundland and Labrador

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
6 Bruce Street
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3
Telephone: (709) 772-5491
Facsimile: (709) 772-5097

For residents of Prince Edward Island

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
97 Queen Street, Room 202
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 4A9
Telephone: (902) 566-7043
Facsimile: (902) 566-7279

For residents of Nova Scotia

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
Queen Square, 16th Floor
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6
Telephone: (902) 426-8926
Facsimile: (902) 426-3897

For residents of New Brunswick

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
77 Westmorland Street, Suite 450
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 6Z3
Telephone: (506) 452-3286
Facsimile: (506) 452-3003

For residents of Quebec

Environmental Protection Branch – Quebec Region
Environment Canada
105 McGill Street, 4th Floor
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 2E7
Telephone: (514) 283-4670
Facsimile: (514) 283-4423

For residents of Ontario

Environmental Protection Branch – Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4
Telephone: (416) 739-5888
Facsimile: (416) 739-4342

For residents of Manitoba

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
123 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4W2
Telephone: (204) 983-4811
Facsimile: (204) 983-0960

For residents of Saskatchewan

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
2365 Albert Street, Suite 300
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4K1
Telephone: (306) 780-6390
Facsimile: (306) 780-6466

For residents of Alberta

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
4999 98th Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3
Telephone: (780) 951-8860
Facsimile: (780) 495-4099

For residents of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
5204 50th Avenue, Suite 301
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories X1A 1E2
Telephone: (867) 669-4725
Facsimile: (867) 873-8185

For residents of British Columbia

Environmental Protection Branch – Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
401 Burrard Street, Suite 201
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3S5
Telephone: (604) 666-2799
Facsimile: (604) 666-9107

For residents of Yukon

Environmental Protection Branch – Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
91782 Alaska Highway
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5B7
Telephone: (867) 667-3401
Facsimile: (867) 667-7962

Environment Canada Headquarters

Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate
Environmental Protection Service
Place Vincent Massey
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 953-8074
Facsimile: (819) 953-7253

Appendix A — Acute Ammonia Toxicity

This appendix describes the method for determining whether or not an effluent contains an acutely lethal concentration of ammonia based on the curve of Figure 1.

Step 1. Take a weekly sample of the effluent released to surface water and analyze the sample for ammonia concentration and pH.

Step 2. Plot the ammonia concentration vs. pH on Figure 1 below.

Step 3. If the data point falls below the curve in the shaded area, your effluent does not contain an acutely lethal concentration of ammonia. If the data point falls on or above the curve, the effluent contains an acutely lethal concentration of ammonia.

Figure 1 – Treshold Acute Concentration of Ammonia versus pH

Figure 1 – Treshold Acute Concentration of Ammonia

Maximum allowable ammonia concentration (y) at the measured pH of the effluent can be calculated using the following equation:

y = 306132466.34 × (2.7183 (-2.0437 x pH))




Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents

Whereas inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents are substances specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999;

Whereas the Minister of the Environment published a Proposed Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans for ammonia dissolved in water, inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on June 7, 2003;

Whereas persons were given the opportunity to file comments with respect to the Proposed Notice for a comment period of 60 days;

Whereas the Minister has considered all comments received;

Whereas this Notice is issued as an instrument respecting preventive and control action in relation to inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents in application of section 92 of the Act;

And whereas, the Minister has published a Guideline for the Release of Ammonia Dissolved in Water Found in Wastewater Effluents;

The Minister of the Environment hereby requires all persons or class of persons described in section 2 of this Notice to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan in respect of inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents.

Minister of the Environment

1. Definitions

"Act" means the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

"effluent" means untreated or treated wastewater that is released from the outfall(s) of a wastewater system, excluding combined sewer overflows from the wastewater system.

"inorganic chloramines" consists of three chemicals that are formed when chlorine and ammonia are combined in water: monochloramine (NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2) and trichloramine (NCl3).

"representative sampling" means the daily measurement of total residual chlorine concentration in the effluent under normal operating conditions of the wastewater treatment facility.

"surface water" means a lake, pond, marsh, creek, spring, stream, river, estuary or marine body of water, or other surface watercourse.

"total residual chlorine", or TRC, means the concentration of free chlorine and combined chlorine (including inorganic chloramines), expressed as Cl-.

"wastewater" means a mixture of liquid wastes primarily composed of domestic sewage, that can also include other liquid wastes from industrial, commercial and institutional sources.

"wastewater system" means any works for the collection or treatment and release of wastewater or any part of such works.

2. Person or class of persons required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan

This Notice applies to any person who owns a wastewater system at the time of publication of this Notice where the effluent released during either 2004 or 2005 from that system to surface water is greater than or equal to 5 000 m3 per day, based on an annual average, and where the concentration of total residual chlorine in the effluent released to surface water exceeds 0.02 mg/L in any sample during either 2004 or 2005, based on representative sampling.

3. Activities in relation to which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires all persons subject to this Notice to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan in relation to the use of chlorine or chlorine compounds in wastewater systems and the release of chlorinated effluent to surface water.

4. Factors to be considered in preparing the plan

During the preparation of pollution prevention plans, the Minister requires all persons subject to this Notice to consider the following factors:

(1) Following detailed scientific assessments, inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents were found to be toxic under the Act. As such, these substances were added to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act. Persons subject to this Notice shall consider that these substances are "toxic" in accordance with the criteria set out in section 64 of the Act. In addition, the deposit of a deleterious substance of any type in water frequented by fish is prohibited by the Fisheries Act, under subsection 36(3), unless there is a regulation under subsection 36(5) of the Fisheries Act or under another federal law authorizing the deposit. With respect to inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents, there is no federal regulation at time of publication. Refer to section 15 of this Notice for links to the Fisheries Act and Compliance and Enforcement Policies of the Fisheries Act and the Act.

(2) "Pollution prevention", as defined in section 3 of the Act, means the use of processes, practices, materials, products, substances or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste and reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health. Pollution prevention planning is a means of addressing the release, to the environment, of toxic substances or other pollutants. The result of pollution prevention planning is the implementation of preventive and/or control actions. In order to achieve the risk management objective set out in subsection 4(3), persons subject to this Notice shall consider the following activities when preparing and implementing their pollution prevention plans:

(a) Conducting process audits for chlorine by June 15, 2006, and implementing actions based on the audit findings by December 15, 2008, that minimize the use and release of chlorine or chlorine compounds. Refer to section 15 of this Notice for links to technical guidance.

(b) Implementing dechlorination or alternative disinfection technologies. Refer to section 15 of this Notice for links to technical guidance.

(3) The risk management objective for this Notice is to achieve and maintain a concentration of total residual chlorine that is less than or equal to 0.02 mg/L in the effluent released to surface water by December 15, 2009.

(4) The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) agreed in November 2003 to develop a Canada-wide Strategy for the management of municipal wastewater effluents, which will address specific parameters and governance. The Strategy will be based on the following three cornerstones:

(a) harmonization of the regulatory framework;

(b) co-ordinated science and research; and

(c) an environmental risk management model.

The Strategy is expected to be completed by December 2006, after which it will be implemented by each jurisdiction. Environment Canada intends to use regulations under the Fisheries Act as its principal implementation tool to achieve effluent standards for wastewater treatment systems equivalent in performance to conventional secondary treatment, with additional treatment where required. The regulations will also address wastewater systems on federal and aboriginal lands. Refer to section 15 of this Notice for links to the CCME Web site and information on the Canada-wide Strategy.

(5) In order to ensure that the overall risk to the environment or human health is reduced, the pollution prevention plan prepared for this Notice should include, where relevant, prevention and control actions that address risks posed by other substances that may be found in municipal wastewater effluent, in particular, the following substances which are specified in Schedule 1 of the Act:

(a) nonylphenol and its ethoxylates;

(b) effluents from textile mills that use wet processing;

(c) mercury;

(d) lead;

(e) hexavalent chromium compounds;

(f) inorganic cadmium compounds;

(g) inorganic arsenic compounds; and

(h) ammonia dissolved in water.

5. Period within which the pollution prevention plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires that the pollution prevention plan be prepared and implementation be initiated by June 15, 2007.

6. Period within which the pollution prevention plan is to be implemented

The Minister requires that the pollution prevention plan be implemented by June 15, 2010.

7. Content of the pollution prevention plan

Persons preparing the pollution prevention plan are to determine the appropriate content of their own plan; however, the plan must meet all the requirements of this Notice. It must also contain the information required to file the Declaration of Preparation referred to in section 9 and have the capacity to generate the information required to file the Declaration of Implementation referred to in section 10.

8. Requirement to keep plan

Under section 59 of the Act, all persons identified in section 2 shall keep a copy of the pollution prevention plan at the place in Canada in relation to which the pollution prevention plan is prepared. Where a single plan is prepared for more than one wastewater system, a copy of that plan must be kept at each location.

9. Declaration of Preparation

Under subsection 58(1) of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the end of the period for the preparation of the pollution prevention plan specified in section 5 or extended under section 13, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, using the form given in Schedule 1 of this Notice, to the Minister. Where a person has prepared a single plan for more than one wastewater system, a separate Declaration of Preparation must be filed for each of those systems. Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

10. Declaration of Implementation

Under subsection 58(2) of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the completion of the implementation of the plan specified in section 6 or extended under section 13, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented — Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, using the form given in Schedule 5 of this Notice, to the Minister. Where a person has prepared a single plan for more than one wastewater system, a separate Declaration of Implementation must be filed for each of those systems. Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

11. Filing of amended declarations

Under subsection 58(3) of the Act, where a person specified in section 2 has filed a declaration under section 9 or 10, and the declaration contains information which, at any time after the filing, has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended declaration to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading, using the appropriate form referred to in section 9 or 10.

12. Use of a plan prepared or implemented for another purpose

Under subsection 57(1) of the Act, a person may use an existing pollution prevention plan or other plan in respect of pollution prevention prepared or implemented for another purpose to satisfy the requirements of sections 2 to 8 of this Notice. Under subsection 57(2) of the Act, where a person uses a plan that does not meet all the requirements of this Notice, the person shall amend the plan so that it meets all of those requirements or prepare an additional plan that meets the remainder of those requirements. Persons using existing plans must nonetheless file a Declaration of Preparation under section 9, a Declaration of Implementation under section 10, and any amended declarations under section 11.

13. Extension of time

Under subsection 56(3) of the Act, where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to prepare the plan as specified in section 5 or to implement the plan as specified in section 6, the Minister may extend the period for a person who submits a written Request for Time Extension — Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, using the form given in Schedule 3 of this Notice, before the expiry of the date referred to in the applicable section 5 or section 6 or before the expiry of any extended period. Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

14. Application for waiver of factors to consider

Under subsection 56(5) of the Act, the Minister may waive the requirement for a person to consider a factor specified in section 4 where the Minister is of the opinion that it is not reasonable or practicable to consider that factor on the basis of reasons provided by that person when submitting a written Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents, using the form given in Schedule 2 of this Notice. Such a request must be made before June 15, 2007, or before the expiry of any extended period. Section 17 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

15. Additional information

Environment Canada has published a Guideline for the Release of Ammonia Dissolved in Water Found in Wastewater Effluents. To obtain a copy of the Guideline, refer to the CEPA Registry Web site at

To obtain a copy of the document Review of Municipal Sewage Effluent Chlorination/Dechlorination Principles, Technologies and Practices (November 2003), refer to Environment Canada's Georgia Basin Web site at

To obtain a copy of the document U.V. Guidance Manual for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Canada (October 2003), refer to the Great Lakes Sustainability Fund Web site at or contact the Manager, Great Lakes Sustainability Fund, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6, (905) 336-6273.

To obtain a copy of the document Guidance Manual for Sewage Treatment Plant Process Audits, refer to the Great Lakes Sustainability Fund Web site at or contact the Manager, Great Lakes Sustainability Fund, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6, (905) 336-6273.

To obtain a copy of the Fisheries Act, refer to the Department of Justice Web site at For more information on the compliance and enforcement policies of the Fisheries Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, visit the Environmental Law Enforcement Web site at

Additional information on pollution prevention and preparing pollution prevention plans is available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site at, the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse Web site at, and Environment Canada's regional offices.

To obtain information regarding the CCME Canada-wide strategy for the management of municipal wastewater effluents, visit the CCME Web site at id=81.

16. Reference code

For administrative purposes, all communication with Environment Canada concerning this Notice shall refer to the following reference code: P2CLMWWE.

17. Declarations and forms

Declarations and forms referred to in this Notice are available from and are to be submitted to

National Office of Pollution Prevention
c/o CEPA Implementation and Innovation Division
Environment Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 13th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3

Alternatively, the forms can be completed electronically at the Web site listed below.

Electronic copies of this Notice and the instructions for completing the declarations and forms (Schedules 1 to 5) are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site, at or can be requested by telephone at (819) 994-0186, by facsimile at (819) 953-7970, or by electronic mail at

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish, in part, the information submitted in response to this Notice on Environment Canada's Green Lane Web site. All persons submitting information to the Minister are entitled to submit a request under section 313 of the Act that specific information be treated as confidential.

18. Environment Canada contact information

For residents of Newfoundland and Labrador

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
6 Bruce Street
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3
Telephone: (709) 772-5491
Facsimile: (709) 772-5097

For residents of Prince Edward Island

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
97 Queen Street, Room 202
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 4A9
Telephone: (902) 566-7043
Facsimile: (902) 566-7279

For residents of Nova Scotia

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
Queen Square, 16th Floor
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6
Telephone: (902) 426-8926
Facsimile: (902) 426-3897

For residents of New Brunswick

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
77 Westmorland Street, Suite 450
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 6Z3
Telephone: (506) 452-3286
Facsimile: (506) 452-3003

For residents of Quebec

Environmental Protection Branch – Quebec Region
Environment Canada
105 McGill Street, 4th Floor
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 2E7
Telephone: (514) 283-4670
Facsimile: (514) 283-4423

For residents of Ontario

Environmental Protection Branch – Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4
Telephone: (416) 739-5888
Facsimile: (416) 739-4342

For residents of Manitoba

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
123 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4W2
Telephone: (204) 983-4811
Facsimile: (204) 983-0960

For residents of Saskatchewan

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
300-2365 Albert Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4K1
Telephone: (306) 780-6390
Facsimile: (306) 780-6466

For residents of Alberta

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
4999 98th Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3
Telephone: (780) 951-8860
Facsimile: (780) 495-4099

For residents of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
301-5204 50th Avenue
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories X1A 1E2
Telephone: (867) 669-4725
Facsimile: (867) 873-8185

For residents of British Columbia

Environmental Protection Branch – Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
201-401 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3S5
Telephone: (604) 666-2799
Facsimile: (604) 666-9107

For residents of Yukon

Environmental Protection Branch – Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
91782 Alaska Highway
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Y1A 5B7
Telephone: (867) 667-3401
Facsimile: (867) 667-7962

Environment Canada Headquarters

Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate
Environmental Protection Service
Place Vincent Massey
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 953-8074
Facsimile: (819) 953-7253


(This note is not part of the Notice.)


Compliance with the Act is mandatory under subsection 272(1) of the Act. Subsection 272(2) of the Act defines the penalties for persons who commit offenses under the Act. Subsections 273(1) and 273(2) further outline the terms and penalties of those persons providing false or misleading information. Penalties under subsections 272(2) and 273(2) include fines of not more than $1,000,000, imprisonment for a term of not more than three years, or both.

For additional information on the Act and the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and on applicable penalties, please contact the Enforcement Branch at (819) 953-0331. The Policy is available at

Note: Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms.

Schedule 1: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan
Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented – Inorganic
Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
(Subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code:P2CLMWWE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.

Electronic copies of the Notice, and the instructions for completing the declarations (Schedules 1 to 5), are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site at or can be requested by telephone at (819) 994-0186, by facsimile at (819) 953-7970, or by e-mail at

Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted?
checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of the Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: ________________

Facility Name: ________________

Street Address of Facility: ________________

City: ________________

Province/Territory: ________________

Postal Code: ________________

Telephone Number: ________________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): ________________

If different from Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: ________________

City: ________________

Province/Territory: ________________

Postal Code: ________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): ________________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) Code: 221320

Facility Technical Contact: ________________

E-mail (if available): ________________

Telephone Number: ________________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): ________________
(with area code)

2.0 Use of Plans Prepared or Implemented for Another Purpose

Is the pollution prevention plan used to fulfill the obligations of the Notice

•  a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared on a voluntary basis? checkbox Yes checkbox No

•  a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared for another government or under another Act of Parliament? checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, identify the other government requirement(s) or Act(s) of Parliament.


3.0 Substance and Activity

Substance and Activity for which information is required

Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents: Persons identified in section 2 of the Notice who are required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents for the use of chlorine or chlorine compounds in wastewater systems and the release of chlorinated wastewater effluent to surface water.

4.0 Baseline Information Prior to Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan

This Declaration requires reporting of data from the Preparation Year, either 2004 or 2005 (January 1 to December 31).

If the person(s) subject to the Notice has been granted a time extension to prepare a plan that requires reporting for a year other than 2004 or 2005, all references to 2004 or 2005 in this Declaration are considered to represent the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is(are) required to report.

If applicable, indicate the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is(are) reporting: _______________

4.1 - 4.4 No information required for Parts 4.1 to 4.4 of this Declaration

4.5 Additional Baseline Information

4.5.1 Wastewater System Information

This section requires reporting of information on the wastewater system in place for 2004 or 2005. Check whichever of the following boxes apply to your system. Note that more than one box in each section may apply.

No Treatment

checkbox No Treatment (e.g. collection system with release to surface water)

Preliminary Treatment

checkbox None

checkbox Skimming

checkbox Grit Removal

checkbox Screening

checkbox Other (describe) _______________

Physical/Chemical Primary Treatment

checkbox None

checkbox Chemical Flocculation

checkbox Primary Sedimentation/Clarification

checkbox Other (describe) _______________

Biological or Secondary Treatment – Mechanical Systems (some systems may have more than one kind of treatment)

checkbox None

checkbox Oxidation Ditch

checkbox Conventional Activated Sludge

checkbox Trickling Filter

checkbox Extended Aeration Activated Sludge

checkbox Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC)

checkbox Pure Oxygen Activated Sludge

checkbox Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)

checkbox Other Activated Sludge

checkbox Other (describe) _______________

Biological or Secondary Treatment – Lagoons or Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSPs) (some systems may have more than one kind of treatment)

checkbox None

checkbox Storage Ponds

checkbox Aerated

checkbox Anaerobic

checkbox Aerobic

checkbox Facultative

checkbox Other (describe) _______________

Advanced or Tertiary Treatment

checkbox None

checkbox Polishing Ponds

checkbox Ammonia Stripping or Air Stripping

checkbox Biological Nutrient Removal (Nitrogen and Phosphorus)

checkbox Biological Nitrogen Removal – Nitrification and Denitrification (NH3 -> N2)

checkbox Biological Phosphorus Removal

checkbox Chemical Precipitation (Phosphorus)

checkbox Filtration

checkbox Biological Ammonia Removal – Nitrification Only (NH3 -> NO3)

checkbox Other (describe) _______________

Effluent Disinfection

checkbox None

checkbox Chlorination Only

checkbox Disinfection: All Year

checkbox Chlorination and Dechlorination

checkbox Disinfection: Seasonal or intermittent. If seasonal, specify the period of disinfection (which months) or if it is intermittent, specify the frequency: _______________

checkbox Ozone

checkbox Ultraviolet Irradiation

checkbox Other (describe) _______________

Other Information

Name of the surface water body that effluent is released to _______________

checkbox Freshwater

checkbox Saltwater

4.5.2 Releases to Surface Water Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents

Report in the table below the average flow of wastewater effluent and the maximum Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) concentrations. The average monthly flow should be determined on the basis of daily flow measurements. The maximum total residual chlorine concentration should be determined on the basis of representative sampling.

Preparation Year
Average Flow
of Effluent
Maximum Total Residual
Chlorine (TRC) concentration
(mg/L as Cl-)

5.0 Anticipated Actions and Results

5.1 Anticipated Action(s)

The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the pollution prevention plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are anticipated actions to report.

In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration the anticipated action to be taken in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, for each anticipated action, identify the type of pollution prevention method(s) or environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to the maximum concentration of total residual chlorine measured in the effluent released to surface water, anticipated to be achieved from implementation of that action, in mg/L. Refer to the instructions for specific information on how to report. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported change. Note that predicting a quantitative change as a result of some anticipated actions, such as training, may not be possible. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the planned completion date for the anticipated action.

5.1.1 Anticipated Action: _______________

5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):

checkbox Equipment or process modifications

checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery

checkbox Spill and leak prevention

checkbox Good operating practices or training

checkbox Other: _______________

5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):

checkbox Energy recovery

checkbox Pollution control

checkbox Off-site recycling

checkbox Disposal

checkbox Waste treatment

checkbox Other: _______________

5.1.4 Anticipated Change(s): _______________

5.1.5 No information required for Part 5.1.5 of this Declaration

5.1.6 Planned Completion Date (year/month/day): _______________

This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the P2 plan.

5.2 No information required for Part 5.2

5.3 Detailed Anticipated Results Information

Total Anticipated Results for Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents

The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the anticipated change to the maximum concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) in the effluent released to surface water, in mg/L and as a percentage relative to the Preparation Year.

Report the total changes anticipated to be achieved from implementing all of the anticipated actions described in Part 5.1 of this Declaration.

Maximum Concentration of TRC in the Preparation Year
Anticipated Maximum Concentration of TRC in the Implementation Year (mg/L)
Anticipated Change* in Maximum Concentration

* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported change.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, describe anticipated monitoring and reporting that will be used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.

7.0 Risk Management Objective

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, describe how the Pollution Prevention Plan outlined in this Declaration meets the risk management objective identified in subsection 4(3) of the Notice. If this plan does not meet the risk management objective, explain why.

8.0 Factors to Consider

Describe what was done by the person or class of persons subject to the Notice to take into account the other "factors to consider" in subsections 4.2 and 4.5 of the Notice, except those factors for which a waiver has been granted by the Minister.

9.0 Certification

I hereby certify that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared and is being implemented for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name: _______________
(Please Print)

Title/Position: _______________
(Please Print)

Note: Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms.

Schedule 2: Request for Waiver of the Requirement to
Consider a Factor or Factors – Inorganic Chloramines
and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
(Subsection 56(5) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code: P2CLMWWE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Request.

Electronic copies of the Notice, and the instructions for completing the declarations (Schedules 1 to 5), are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site at or can be requested by telephone at (819) 994-0186, by facsimile at (819) 953-7970 or by e-mail at

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of the Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: _______________

Facility Name: _______________

Street Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): _______________

If different from Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): _______________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Code: 221320

Facility Technical Contact: _______________

E-mail (if available): _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _______________
(with area code)

2.0 Factor(s) for which a Waiver is Requested

Identify exactly for which factor(s) listed in the Notice a waiver is requested.


3.0 Rationale for Request

Explain why it would not be reasonable or practicable to consider each factor for which a waiver is requested.


Explain how the outcome of the P2 plan will be affected if this(these) "factor to consider" is(are) not taken into account.


Explain which, if any, additional factor(s) you propose to consider in preparing the pollution prevention plan (optional).


4.0 Certification

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name: _______________
(Please Print)

Title/Position: _______________
(Please Print)

Note: Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms.

Schedule 3: Request for Time Extension – Inorganic
Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
(Subsection 56(3) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code: P2CLMWWE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Request.

Electronic copies of the Notice, and the instructions for completing the declarations (Schedules 1 to 5), are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site at or can be requested by telephone at (819) 994-0186, by facsimile at (819) 953-7970 or by e-mail at

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of the Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: _______________

Facility Name: _______________

Street Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): _______________

If different from Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): _______________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Code: 221320

Facility Technical Contact: _______________

E-mail (if available): _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _______________
(with area code)

2.0 Request for Time Extension

Identify for which of the following a time extension is requested (choose one):

checkbox to prepare a pollution prevention plan

checkbox to submit an Interim Progress Report — Interim Progress
Report No. _______________ (not applicable for this Notice)

checkbox to implement a pollution prevention plan

For the person(s) identified in Part 1.0, it is requested that the date be extended to _______________ (specify exact date – year/month/day)

3.0 Rationale for Request

Explain why further time is necessary to prepare or implement a pollution prevention plan.


4.0 Certification

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name: _______________
(Please Print)

Title/Position: _______________
(Please Print)

Schedule 4: Interim Progress Report – NOT APPLICABLE FOR THIS NOTICE

Note: Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms.

Schedule 5: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan
Has Been Implemented – Inorganic Chloramines and
Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents
(Subsection 58(2) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code: P2CLMWWE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules of the Canada Gazette Notice Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans for Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents" for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.

Electronic copies of the Notice, and the instructions for completing the declarations (Schedules 1 to 5), are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site at or can be requested by telephone at (819) 994-0186, by facsimile at (819) 953-7970, or by e-mail at

Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted?
checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of the Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: ________________

Facility Name: ________________

Street Address of Facility: ________________

City: ________________

Province/Territory: ________________

Postal Code: ________________

Telephone number: ________________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): ________________

If different from Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: ________________

City: ________________

Province/Territory: ________________

Postal Code: ________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): ________________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Code: 221320

Facility Technical Contact: ________________

E-mail (if available): ________________

Telephone Number: ________________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): ________________
(with area code)

2.0 No data are required for Part 2.0 of this Declaration

3.0 Substance and Activity

Substance and Activity for which information is required

Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents: Persons identified in section 2 of the Notice who are required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents for the use of chlorine or chlorine compounds in wastewater systems and the release of chlorinated effluent to surface water.

4.0 Baseline Information after Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan

This Declaration requires reporting of data for the year of implementation (January 1 to December 31) of the pollution prevention plan, but no later than for the year 2009 (as specified in the Notice or any other year specified to a person who has been granted an extension of time to implement a plan).

Indicate the year of implementation for which the person(s) is(are) reporting: ________________ (This will be the Reporting Year throughout this Declaration.)

4.1 - 4.4 No information is required for Parts 4.1 to 4.4 of this Declaration

4.5 Additional Baseline Information

4.5.1 Wastewater System Information

Describe the changes to your wastewater system since 2004 or 2005, compared to the information provided in Schedule 1: Declaration that a pollution prevention plan has been prepared and is being implemented.


4.5.2 Releases to Surface Water Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents

Report in the table below the average flow of wastewater effluent and the maximum Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) concentrations. The average monthly flow should be determined on the basis of daily flow measurements. The maximum total residual chlorine concentration should be determined on the basis of representative sampling.

Implementation Year
Average Flow
of Effluent
Maximum Total Residual
Chlorine (TRC) Concentration
(mg/L as Cl-)

5.0 Action(s) Taken and Results Achieved

5.1 Action(s) Taken

The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to report.

In Part 5.1.1, describe, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the action taken in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the action represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s) by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, the corresponding change to the maximum concentration of total residual chlorine measured in the effluent released to surface water achieved from implementation of that action, in mg/L. Refer to the instructions for specific information on how to report. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported change. Note that estimating a quantitative change for some actions taken, such as training, may not be possible. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the completion date for each action taken.

5.1.1 Action Taken: ________________

5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):

checkbox Equipment or process modifications

checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery

checkbox Spill and leak prevention

checkbox Good operating practices or training

checkbox Other: _______________

5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):

checkbox Energy recovery

checkbox Pollution control

checkbox Off-site recycling

checkbox Disposal

checkbox Waste treatment

checkbox Other: ________________

5.1.4 Results of Actions Taken in 5.1.1: _______________

5.1.5 No information is required for Part 5.1.5 of this Declaration

5.1.6 Completion Date (year/month/day): _______________

This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan.

5.2 No information is required for Part 5.2 of this Declaration

5.3 Detailed Results Achieved Information

Total Results Achieved for Inorganic Chloramines and Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents

The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the achieved change to the maximum concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) in the effluent released to surface water, in mg/L, and as a percentage relative to the preparation year.

Report the change achieved from all actions taken as a result of implementing the pollution prevention plan.

Maximum Concentration
of TRC in the Preparation Year
Achieved Maximum
Concentration of TRC in the
Implementation Year
Achieved change* in Maximum Concentration

* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported change.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, describe the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.


7.0 Risk Management Objective

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, describe how the Pollution Prevention Plan outlined in this Declaration met the risk management objective identified in subsection 4(3) of the Notice. If this plan did not meet the risk management objective, explain why.


8.0 No information is required for Part 8.0 of this Declaration

9.0 Certification

I hereby certify that a pollution prevention plan has been implemented for inorganic chloramines and chlorinated wastewater effluents and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name: _______________
(Please Print)

Title/Position: _______________
(Please Print)




Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans in respect of effluents from textile mills that use wet processing (TMEs) and nonylphenol (NP) and its ethoxylates (NPEs)

Whereas effluents from textile mills that use wet processing and nonylphenol and its ethoxylates are substances specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999;

Whereas the Minister of the Environment published a Proposed Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans in respect of effluents from textile mills that use wet processing and nonylphenol and its ethoxylates in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on June 7, 2003;

Whereas persons were given the opportunity to file comments with respect to the Proposed Notice for a comment period of 60 days;

Whereas the Minister considered all comments received;

And whereas this Notice is issued as an instrument respecting preventive or control actions in relation to effluents from textile mills that use wet processing and nonylphenol and its ethoxylates in application of section 92 of the Act:

Notice is hereby given that, under subsection 56(1) of the Act, the Minister of the Environment requires the persons or class of persons described in section 2 of this Notice to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan in respect of effluents from textile mills that use wet processing and nonylphenol and its ethoxylates. (see footnote 1)

Minister of the Environment


1. Definitions

The definitions in this section apply to this Notice.

"Act" means the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

"NP" means nonylphenol.

"NPEs" means nonylphenol ethoxylates.

"TMEs" means effluents from textile mills that use wet processing.

2. Person or class of persons required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan

This Notice applies to any person or class of persons who

(1) Owns or operates a textile mill that is involved in wet processing activities including, but not limited to, scouring, neutralizing, desizing, mercerizing, carbonizing, fulling, bleaching, dyeing, printing or any other type of wet finishing activity;

(2) Discharges all or part of its effluent produced during wet processes used in textile manufacturing to an off-site wastewater treatment facility; and

(3) Has had a daily effluent flow greater than 30 m3, based on average annual discharge, at least one year between 1999 and 2003, where for each year the flow is calculated from the total annual effluent volume divided by the number of facility operating days.

3. Activities in relation to which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires all persons identified in section 2 to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan in relation to the following activities involving the discharge of TMEs and the use of NP and NPEs:

(1) Wet processing activities as enumerated in section 2; and

(2) On-site wastewater treatment including preliminary treatment (for example pH adjustment, flow equalisation, or screening).

4. Factors to consider in preparing the plan

The Minister requires all persons identified in section 2 to consider the following factors when preparing their pollution prevention plan:

(1) The risk management objectives outlined below:

(a) For NP and NPEs used in textile wet processing:

Reduce the annual use of NP and NPEs by at least 97 percent on a mass basis relative to the annual use for the 1998 base year. Should there be no NP or NPEs use data for the 1998 calendar year, the first year after 1998, but no later than 2005, for which there is data should be considered as the base year. The target year for achieving the reduction objective, based on annual use, is the 2009 calendar year or sooner.

(b) For TMEs:

Achieve and maintain through means other than dilution, a maximum acute toxicity of 13 percent IC50 (50 percent inhibiting concentration), measured according to the method description provided in the document Biological Test Method: Toxicity Test Using Luminescent Bacteria (EPS 1/RM/24, November 1992) for a test duration of 15 minutes for the effluent discharged to an off-site wastewater treatment facility. The target year for achieving the toxicity objective is the 2009 calendar year or sooner.

(2) NP, NPEs and TMEs are on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act. According to the Priority Substances List Assessment Reports for NP, NPEs and TMEs, these substances are "entering the environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions that have or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or its biological diversity." (see footnote 2)

(3) Choosing alternative products to NP and NPEs that reduce or minimize environmental risks. Accordingly, persons will need to consider

(a) That a review of relevant data for octylphenol and its ethoxylates (OP and OPEs) collected by Environment Canada during the priority substances assessment conducted for NP and NPEs showed that OP and OPEs have similar toxicological properties to NP and NPEs and therefore would not be an appropriate alternative to NP and NPEs; and

(b) Choosing alternative products which do not have, through their degradation, the potential to produce NP or NPEs.

(4) In preparing a pollution prevention plan, priority is to be given to pollution prevention activities, that is, the use of processes, practices, materials, products, substances or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste and reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health (definition of "pollution prevention" as found in section 3 of the Act).

(5) During the implementation of the pollution prevention plan, monitoring shall be conducted to measure textile mill effluent toxicity. This monitoring plan should include

(a) The analysis of 24-hour composite samples collected at a frequency of at least four times per year and collected at evenly spaced time intervals throughout the year; this should include a minimum of four samples per year spaced at three month intervals;

(b) The collection of effluent samples such that they are representative of the textile mill effluent under typical or regular operating conditions, and of wastewater being discharged to the off-site wastewater treatment facility;

(c) Documenting the rationale for the selection of specific monitoring times and the corresponding results; and

(d) The implementation of quality assurance and control measures that will ensure the accuracy of the effluent characterization data.

(6) The Minister will evaluate the effectiveness of this Notice with respect to the risk management objectives set out in subsection 4(1) in order to determine if other steps or programs, including regulations, are needed to further prevent or reduce negative impacts of NP, NPEs and TMEs on the environment.

5. Period within which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires that the plan be prepared and that implementation be initiated no later than January 31, 2006.

6. Period within which the plan is to be implemented

The Minister requires that the plan be implemented no later than January 31, 2010.

7. Content of plan

Persons identified in section 2 preparing the plan are to determine the appropriate content of their own plan; however, the plan must meet all the requirements of the Notice. It must also contain the information required to file the Declaration of Preparation referred to in section 9 and have the capacity to generate the information required to file the Declaration of Implementation referred to in section 10 and the Interim Progress Reports referred to in section 12.

The Technical Resource Guide Prepared to Assist Wet Processing Textile Mills Required to Prepare and Implement Pollution Prevention Plans provides recommendations for preparing a pollution prevention plan for this Notice. Section 16 provides information on how to obtain a copy of the Guide.

8. Requirement to keep plan

Under section 59 of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall keep a copy of the plan at the place in Canada in relation to which the plan is prepared. Where a single plan is prepared for more than one facility, a copy of that plan must be kept at each location.

9. Declaration of Preparation

Under subsection 58(1) of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the end of the period for the preparation of the plan specified in section 5 or extended under section 14, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented – Effluents from Textile Mills that use Wet Processing and Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates to the Minister, using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 1 of this Notice. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Declaration of Preparation must be filed for each facility. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

10. Declaration of Implementation

Under subsection 58(2) of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the completion of the implementation of the plan as specified in section 6 or extended under section 14, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented – Effluents from Textile Mills that use Wet Processing and Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates to the Minister, using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 5 of this Notice. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Declaration of Implementation must be filed for each facility. The plan must be implemented no later than the deadline specified in section 6 or extended under section 14. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

11. Filing of amended declarations

Under subsection 58(3) of the Act, where a person identified in section 2 has filed a declaration under section 9 or 10, and the declaration contains information that, at any time after the filing, has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended declaration to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading, using the appropriate form referred to in section 9 or 10.

12. Interim Progress Reports

Persons identified in section 2 shall file, on or before each of the dates below, a written Interim Progress Report – Effluents from Textile Mills that use Wet Processing and Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates to the Minister, using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 4 of this Notice. If a Declaration of Implementation is submitted before the Interim Progress Report is due, the requirement to submit such an Interim Progress Report is nullified.

Interim Progress Report No. 1: March 1, 2007

Interim Progress Report No. 2: March 1, 2008

Interim Progress Report No. 3: March 1, 2009

Each Interim Progress Report will report data pertaining to the previous calendar year. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Interim Progress Report must be filed for each facility. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

Where a person has filed an Interim Progress Report that contains information that at any time after the filing has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended report to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading.

13. Use of a plan prepared or implemented for another purpose

Under subsection 57(1) of the Act, a person may use a pollution prevention plan prepared or implemented for another purpose to satisfy the requirements of sections 2 to 8 of this Notice. Under subsection 57(2) of the Act, where a person uses a plan that does not meet all of the requirements of the Notice, the person shall amend the plan so that it meets all of those requirements or prepare an additional plan that meets the remainder of those requirements. Persons using existing plans must nonetheless file a Declaration of Preparation under section 9, a Declaration of Implementation under section 10, any amended declarations under section 11, where applicable, and any Interim Progress Reports required under section 12.

14. Extension of time

(1) Under subsection 56(3) of the Act, where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to prepare the plan as specified in section 5 or to implement the plan as specified in section 6, the Minister may extend the period for a person who submits a written Request for Extension of Time – Effluents from Textile Mills that use Wet Processing and Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates, using the form given in Schedule 3 of this Notice, before the expiry of the date referred to in the applicable section 5 or section 6, or before the expiry of any extended period.

(2) Where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to file an Interim Progress Report under section 12, the Minister may extend the date on which the Interim Progress Report must be filed for a person who submits a written Request for Time Extension – Effluents from Textile Mills that use Wet Processing and Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates, using the form given in Schedule 3 of this Notice, before the date referred to in section 12 for which the person is requesting the extension or before the expiry of any extended period.

Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

15. Application for waiver of factors to consider

Under subsection 56(5) of the Act, the Minister may waive the requirement for a person to consider a factor specified in section 4 where the Minister is of the opinion that it is neither reasonable nor practicable to consider that factor on the basis of reasons provided by that person when submitting a written Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors – Effluents from Textile Mills that use Wet Processing and Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates, using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 2 of this Notice. Such a request must be made before the expiry of the period within which the plan is to be prepared referred to in section 5 or before the expiry of any extended period. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

16. More information on pollution prevention planning

Additional information on pollution prevention and guidance on preparing a pollution prevention plan can be obtained from the Technical Resource Guide Prepared to Assist Wet Processing Textile Mills Required to Prepare and Implement Pollution Prevention Plans. A copy can be obtained by contacting one of Environment Canada's regional offices or it can be directly accessed from

Additional information on general pollution prevention and guidance on preparing pollution prevention plans may be obtained from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site (, from the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse Web site ( or from Environment Canada's regional offices.

Copies of Environment Canada's Pollution Prevention Planning Handbook, including a model plan, are available at

17. Reference code: P2TMENPE

For administrative purposes, all communication with Environment Canada concerning this notice should refer to the following reference code: P2TMENPE.

18. Forms

Forms referred to in this notice (Schedules 1 to 5) are available from and are to be submitted to

National Office of Pollution Prevention
c/o CEPA Implementation and Innovation Division
Environment Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 13th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3

A copy of this notice, the forms (Schedules 1 to 5), as well as the instructions necessary for completing the forms, the Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans and the Technical Resource Guide Prepared to Assist Wet Processing Textile Mills Required to Prepare and Implement Pollution Prevention Plans, are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site at or can be requested by phone at (819) 994-0186, by facsimile at (819) 953-7970, or by electronic mail at Forms can also be filled out electronically at the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site mentioned above.

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish, in part, the information submitted in response to this notice on Environment Canada's Green Lane Web site. All persons submitting information to the Minister are entitled to submit a written request under section 313 of the Act that specific information be treated as confidential. Persons submitting such a request may include the reasons of that request. Refer to the instructions referenced above for more information.

19. Environment Canada contact information

For questions about this notice or for more information about pollution prevention planning, contact Environment Canada's regional offices or headquarters:

For residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
Queen Square, 16th Floor
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6
Telephone: (902) 426-9590
Facsimile: (902) 426-8373

For residents of Quebec

Environmental Protection Branch – Quebec Region
Environment Canada
105 McGill Street, 4th Floor
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 2E7
Telephone: (514) 283-4670
Facsimile: (514) 283-4423

For residents of Ontario

Environmental Protection Branch – Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4
Telephone: (416) 739-5888
Facsimile: (416) 739-4342

For residents of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
123 Main Street, Suite 150
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4W2
Telephone: (204) 984-3522
Facsimile: (204) 983-0960

For residents of British Columbia and Yukon

Environmental Protection Branch – Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
41 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3S5
Telephone: (604) 666-2690
Facsimile: (604) 666-9107

Environment Canada Headquarters

National Office of Pollution Prevention
Place Vincent Massey
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 994-0186
Facsimile: (819) 953-7970


(This note is not part of the notice.)

Compliance with the Act is mandatory under subsection 272(1) of the Act. Subsection 272(2) of the Act defines the penalties for persons who commit offences under the Act. Subsections 273(1) and 273(2) further outline the terms and penalties of those persons providing false or misleading information. Penalties under both subsection 272(2) and 273(2) include fines of not more than $1 million, imprisonment for a term of not more than three years, or both.

For additional information on the Act, the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and on applicable penalties, please contact the Enforcement Branch at (819) 994-0907. The Policy is available at

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the Notice.

Schedule 1: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan
Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented – Effluents
from Textile Mills that Use Wet Processing and Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (Subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the "Technical Resource Guide" prepared for this Notice for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.

Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted?
checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of the Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: _______________

Facility Name: _______________

Street Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

Telephone number: _______________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): _______________

If different from Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): _______________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Code: _______________

Facility Technical Contact: _______________

E-mail (if available): _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _______________
(with area code)

2.0 Use of Plans Prepared or Implemented for Another Purpose

Is the pollution prevention plan used to fulfill the obligations of this Notice

• a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared
on a voluntary basis? checkbox Yes checkbox No

• a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared for another government or under another Act of Parliament? checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, identify the other government requirement(s) or Act(s) of Parliament.


The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.

3.0 Substance and Activity

Substance and Activity for which information is required (choose one):

checkbox Effluents from Textile Mills that use wet processing (TMEs)

checkbox Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (NP and NPEs) used in wet processing (refer to the "Technical Resource Guide" for a list of CAS (see footnote 3) Registry Numbers that are typically used in Canadian industry)

4.0 Baseline Information Prior to Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan


(a) The data collected in Part 4.4 of this Declaration are consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.

(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Declaration was determined:

M Monitoring or direct measurement

C Mass balance

E Emission factors

O Engineering estimates

(c) This Declaration requires reporting of data from the 2005 Preparation Year (January 1 to December 31) and Base Year data from the 1998 calendar year.

If the person(s) subject to the notice has been granted a time extension to prepare a plan that requires reporting for a year other than 2005, all references to 2005 in this Declaration are considered to represent the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is(are) required to report.

If applicable, indicate the new Preparation Year for which the person(s) is(are) reporting: _______________

If this facility does not have NP or NPEs use data for the 1998 calendar year, the first calendar year since 1998 where the facility does have NP and NPEs use data, but no later than 2005, is considered to be the base year. All references to 1998 in this Declaration are considered to represent the new base year for which the person(s) is(are) reporting.

If applicable, indicate the new Base Year for which the person(s) is(are) reporting: _______________

4.1 No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Declaration

4.2 On-site Uses (Complete Part 4.2 for NP and NPEs only)

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility use the Substance on-site in 2005 and/or in 1998?

2005: checkbox Yes checkbox No

1998: checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes for either year, report below the quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance, in kilograms, for each year in the appropriate field.

If no for both years, proceed to Part 4.4 of this Declaration.

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, report the total quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance with the basis of estimate code.

A1. Total On-site
Uses – 2005
Basis of Estimate Code
A2. Total On-site
Uses – 1998
Basis of Estimate Code

4.3 No data is required for Part 4.3 of this Declaration

4.4 Off-site Transfers (Complete Part 4.4 for TMEs only)

(In this part of the Schedule, the discharge of wastewater to the off-site wastewater treatment facility is considered to be an off-site transfer.)

4.4.1 No data is required for Part 4.4.1 of this Declaration

4.4.2 Off-site Transfers for Disposal

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility transfer the Substance off-site for disposal to an off-site wastewater treatment facility in 2005 or in 1998?

2005: checkbox Yes checkbox No

1998: checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes for either year, report below the quantity of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal, in m3/yr, for each year in the appropriate field.

If no for both years, proceed to Part 4.5 of this Declaration.

Report the total of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal with the basis of estimate code.

H. Type of Transfers for Disposal
H1. Quantity
Transferred – 2005
Basis of
Estimate Code
H2. Quantity
Transferred – 1998
Basis of
Estimate Code
Off-site Wastewater
Treatment Facility

4.4.3 No data is required for Part 4.4.3 of this Declaration

4.5 Additional Baseline Information

4.5.1 Additional Baseline Information Addressing TMEs (Complete Part 4.5.1 for TMEs only) Mill Type

Report all activities that were carried out in 2005 (from January 1 to December 31) at the facility. Select all items that apply.

checkbox Knit Fabric Finishing

checkbox Carpet Finishing

checkbox Woven Fabric Finishing

checkbox Wool Finishing

checkbox Stock Yarn Finishing

checkbox Non-Woven Fabric Finishing

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________ Wet Processing Activities

Report all wet processing activities carried out in 2005 (from January 1 to December 31) at the facility. Select all items that apply.

checkbox Scouring

checkbox Carbonizing

checkbox Neutralizing

checkbox Fulling

checkbox Desizing

checkbox Bleaching

checkbox Mercerizing

checkbox Dyeing

checkbox Printing

checkbox Wet Finishing

checkbox Other wet processing activity (specify all)
Description: _______________ On-site Wastewater Treatment

Report all types of wastewater treatment performed at the facility in 2005 (from January 1 to December 31).

checkbox No Treatment

checkbox Preliminary Treatment

checkbox Primary Treatment

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________

Refer to the "Technical Resource Guide" for descriptions of various wastewater treatments. Off-site Wastewater Treatment Facility Identification

Identify the municipality and province in which the treatment facility is located: _______________

Specify the name of the treatment facility: _______________ TMEs Toxicity Testing

Report on the baseline effluent characterization performed at the facility in 2005 (from January 1 to December 31). Refer to the "Technical Resource Guide" for sampling and analytical information. Please provide a minimum of four toxicity results for a full calendar year.

Luminescent Bacteria Toxicity Test, IC50 (15 minutes)

J. IC50 15 min
Date sampled
Name of the laboratory that conducted the analysis
Location of the laboratory (street address, city, province and phone number)

Discharge per production unit

Average Discharge
Mass of Production
Average Discharge/Mass of Production (m3/kg)

4.5.2 Additional Baseline Information Addressing NP and NPEs (Complete Part 4.5.2 for NP and NPEs only)

Have you begun substituting NP and NPEs in certain products?
checkbox Yes checkbox No

If you have begun substituting NP and NPEs in certain products, do the NP and NPEs-free products that you are currently using contain the following:

Octylphenol (OP) and its Ethoxylates (OPEs) checkbox Yes checkbox No

Alcohol Ethoxylates (AEs) checkbox Yes checkbox No

5.0 Anticipated Actions and Results

5.1 Anticipated Action(s) [Complete Part 5.1 for TMEs only]

The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the pollution prevention plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are anticipated actions to report.

In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration the anticipated action to be taken in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the anticipated action represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, how the anticipated action is expected to reduce the toxicity of your effluent. For example, if you plan to install an automated chemical dosing system, report on the estimated reduction in the amount of chemicals used from that process change. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that predicting a quantitative change for some anticipated actions, such as training, may not be possible. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the planned completion date for the anticipated action.

5.1.1 Anticipated Action: _______________

5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):

checkbox Material or feedstock substitution

checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery

checkbox Product design or reformulation

checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques

checkbox Equipment or process modifications

checkbox Good operating practices or training

checkbox Spill and leak prevention

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________

5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):

checkbox Energy recovery

checkbox Pollution control

checkbox Off-site recycling

checkbox Disposal

checkbox Incineration with energy recovery

checkbox Waste treatment

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________

5.1.4 Anticipated Change(s): _______________

5.1.5 No data is required for Part 5.1.5 of this Declaration

5.1.6 Planned Completion Date (year/month/day): _______________

This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each anticipated action in the P2 plan.

5.2 Total Anticipated Results (Complete Part 5.2 for NP and NPEs only)

The table below summarizes the total anticipated change to uses of the Substance in kg/yr and as a percentage relative to both 2005 and 1998.

Type of Use
Total Anticipated Change*
Relative to
Total Anticipated Change*
Relative to
Total Anticipated Change*
Relative to
Total Anticipated Change*
Relative to
5.2.1 On-site uses of NP and NPEs        

* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

Describe anticipated monitoring and reporting that will be used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.


7.0 Risk Management Objectives


Describe how the Pollution Prevention Plan outlined in this Declaration meets the risk management objectives identified in subsection 4(1) of the Notice. If this plan does not meet the risk management objectives, explain why.

This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Declaration) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.

8.0 Factors to Consider

Describe what was done by the person or class of persons subject to the Notice to take into account the "factors to be considered" in subsections 4(3), 4(4) and 4(5) of the Notice, except those factors for which a waiver has been granted by the Minister of the Environment.


9.0 Certification

I hereby certify that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared and is being implemented for the Substances and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name (Please Print): _______________

Title/Position (Please Print): _______________

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the notice.

Schedule 2: Request for Waiver of the Requirement
to Consider a Factor or Factors – Effluents From Textile
Mills That Use Wet Processing and
Nonylphenol and its
Ethoxylates (Subsection 56(5) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans."

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: _______________

Facility Name: _______________

Street Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

Telephone number: _______________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): _______________

If different than Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): _______________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Code: _______________

Facility Technical Contact: _______________

E-mail (if available): _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _______________
(with area code)

2.0 Factor(s) for Which a Waiver is Requested

Identify exactly for which factor(s) listed in the Notice a waiver is requested.


3.0 Rationale for Request

Explain why it would not be reasonable or practicable to consider each factor for which a waiver is requested.


Explain how the outcome of the P2 plan will be affected if this "factor to consider" is not taken into account.


Explain which, if any, additional factor(s) you propose to consider in preparing the pollution prevention plan (optional).


4.0 Certification

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name: _______________
(Please Print)

Title/Position: _______________
(Please Print)

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the notice.

Schedule 3: Request for Time Extension – Effluents From
Textile Mills That Use Wet Processing and
and its Ethoxylates (Subsection 56(3) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans."

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: _______________

Facility Name: _______________

Street Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): _______________

If different than Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): _______________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Code: _______________

Facility Technical Contact: _______________

E-mail (if available): _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _______________
(with area code)

2.0 Request for Time Extension

Identify for which of the following a time extension is requested (choose one):

checkbox to prepare a pollution prevention plan

checkbox to submit an Interim Progress Report — Interim Progress
Report No. _______________

checkbox to implement a pollution prevention plan

For the person(s) identified in Part 1.0, it is requested that the date be extended to _______________ (specify exact date – (year/month/day)

3.0 Rationale for Request

Explain why further time is necessary to prepare or implement a pollution prevention plan or to submit an Interim Progress Report.


4.0 Certification

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name: _______________
(Please Print)

Title/Position: _______________
(Please Print)

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the notice.

Schedule 4: Interim Progress Report – Effluents
from Textile Mills that Use Wet Processing and

Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates

Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the "Technical Resource Guide" prepared for this Notice for guidance on how to complete this Report.

Is this an amendment to a Report previously submitted?
checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Report where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: _______________

Facility Name: _______________

Street Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): _______________

If different from Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): _______________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Code: _______________

Facility Technical Contact: _______________

E-mail (if available): _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _______________
(with area code)

2.0 No data is required for Part 2.0 of this Report

The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.

3.0 Substance and Activity

Substance and Activity for which information is required (choose one):

checkbox Effluents from Textile Mills that use wet processing (TMEs)

checkbox Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (NP and NPEs) used in wet processing (refer to the "Technical Resource Guide" for a list of CAS (see footnote 4) Registry Numbers that are typically used in Canadian industry)

4.0 Progress Information During Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan


(a) The data collected in Part 4.4 of this Report are consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.

(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Report was determined:

M Monitoring or direct measurement

C Mass balance

E Emission factors

O Engineering estimates

(c) The Notice requires reporting of data in an Interim Progress Report for the following calendar years (January 1 to December 31):

Interim Progress Report
Reporting Year
Interim Progress Report No. 1 2006
Interim Progress Report No. 2 2007
Interim Progress Report No. 3 2008

Indicate on which Interim Progress Report number
you are reporting: _______________

(The Reporting Year associated with this Interim Progress Report Number will be referred to as the Reporting Year throughout this Report.)

The person(s) subject to the Notice may have been granted a time extension to submit an Interim Progress Report that requires reporting for a year other than 2006, 2007 or 2008.

If applicable, indicate the new Reporting Year for which the person(s) is(are) reporting: ______________ (This will be the Reporting Year throughout this Report.)

4.1 No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Report

4.2 On-Site Uses (Complete Part 4.2 for NP and NPEs Only)

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, did this facility use the Substance on-site in the Reporting Year?

checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, report below the quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance, in kilograms, in the appropriate field.

If no, proceed to Part 4.4 of this Report.

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, report the total quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance with the basis of estimate code.

A. Total On-Site Uses (kg)
Basis of Estimate Code

4.3 No data is required for Part 4.3 of this Report

4.4 Off-Site Transfers (Complete Part 4.4 for TMEs Only) (In this part of the Schedule, the discharge of wastewater to the off-site wastewater treatment facility is considered to be an off-site transfer.)

4.4.1 No data is required for Part 4.4.1 of this Report

4.4.2 Off-Site Transfers for Disposal

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, did this facility transfer the Substance off-site for disposal to an off-site wastewater treatment facility in the Reporting Year?

checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, report below the quantity of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal, in m3/yr, in the appropriate field.

If no, proceed to Part 4.5 of this Report.

Report all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal with the basis of estimate code.

Type of Transfers for Disposal
Quantity Transferred (m3/yr)
Basis of Estimate Code
Off-Site Wastewater Treatment Facility    

4.4.3 No data is required for Part 4.4.3 of this Report

4.5 Additional Progress Information

4.5.1 Additional Information Addressing TMEs (Complete Part 4.5.1 for TMEs Only) Mill Type

Report all activities that were carried out in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the Facility. Select all items that apply.

checkbox Knit Fabric Finishing

checkbox Carpet Finishing

checkbox Woven Fabric Finishing

checkbox Wool Finishing

checkbox Stock Yarn Finishing

checkbox Non-Woven Fabric Finishing

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________ Wet Processing Activities

Report all wet processing activities carried out in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the Facility. Select all items that apply.

checkbox Scouring

checkbox Carbonizing

checkbox Neutralizing

checkbox Fulling

checkbox Desizing

checkbox Bleaching

checkbox Mercerizing

checkbox Dyeing

checkbox Printing

checkbox Wet finishing

checkbox Other wet processing activity (specify all)
Description: _______________ On-Site Wastewater Treatment

Report all types of wastewater treatment performed in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the Facility.

checkbox No Treatment

checkbox Preliminary Treatment

checkbox Primary Treatment

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________

Refer to the "Technical Resource Guide" for descriptions of various wastewater treatments. Off-Site Wastewater Treatment Facility Identification

Identify the off-site wastewater treatment facility and province in which the treatment facility is located: _______________

Specify the name of the treatment facility: _______________ TMEs Toxicity Testing

Report effluent characterizations for the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31). Refer to the "Technical Resource Guide" for sampling and analytical recommendations. Please provide a minimum of four toxicity results for a full calendar year.

Luminescent Bacteria Toxicity Test, IC50 (15 minutes)

J. IC50 15 min
Date sampled
Name of the laboratory
that conducted the analysis
Location of the laboratory (street address, city, province and phone number)

Discharge per production unit

Average Discharge
Mass of Production
Average Discharge / Mass
of production

4.5.2 Additional Information Addressing NP and NPEs (Complete Part 4.5.2 for NP and NPEs Only)

Have you begun substituting NP or NPEs in certain products?
checkbox Yes checkbox No

If you have begun substituting NP or NPEs in certain products, do the NP and NPEs-free products that you are currently using contain the following:

Octylphenol (OP) and its Ethoxylates (OPEs) checkbox Yes checkbox No

Alcohol Ethoxylates (AEs) checkbox Yes checkbox No

5.0 Action(s) Taken and Results Achieved to Date

5.1 Action(s) Taken to Date (Complete Part 5.1 for TMEs Only)

The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each action taken to date in the P2 plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to date to report.

In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report the actions taken to date in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. For the purpose of this report, "to date" refers to December 31 of the Reporting Year specified in Section 4.0 of this Report. For the first Interim Progress Report, report actions taken since initiating the implementation of the pollution prevention plan. For all subsequent Interim Progress Reports, report actions taken since filing of the previous Interim Progress Report. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the action taken to date represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, how the action taken to date has reduced the toxicity of your effluent. For example, if you installed an automated chemical dosing system, report on the reduction in the amount of chemicals used as a result of that process change. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that predicting a quantitative change for some actions taken, such as training, may not be possible. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the completion date for the action taken.

5.1.1 Action Taken to Date: _______________

5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):

checkbox Material or feedstock substitution

checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery

checkbox Product design or reformulation

checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques

checkbox Equipment or process modifications

checkbox Good operating practices or training

checkbox Spill and leak prevention

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________

5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):

checkbox Energy recovery

checkbox Pollution control

checkbox Off-site recycling

checkbox Disposal

checkbox Incineration with energy recovery

checkbox Waste treatment

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________

5.1.4 Change(s) Achieved to Date: _______________

5.1.5 No data is required for Part 5.1.5 of this Report

5.1.6 Completion Date (year/month/day): _______________

This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each action taken to date in the P2 plan.

5.2 Total Results Achieved to Date (Complete Part 5.2 for NP and NPEs Only)

The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Report, the total achieved change to date to uses of the Substance in kg/yr and as a percentage relative to both 2005 and 1998 as reported in the "Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented (subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)" (Declaration of Preparation).

Type of Use
Total Achieved Change to Date* Relative to 2005
Total Achieved Change to Date* Relative to 2005
Total Achieved Change to Date* Relative to 1998
Total Achieved Change to Date* Relative to 1998
5.2.1 On-site uses of NP and NPEs        

* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

Describe the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.


7.0 No data is required for Part 7.0 of this Report

This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this report) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.

8.0 No data is required for Part 8.0 of this Report

9.0 Certification

I hereby certify that the information provided in this Report is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name: _______________
(Please Print)

Title/Position: _______________
(Please Print)

Note: Do not complete this form as published in the Canada Gazette. Please contact the National Office of Pollution Prevention for more information about electronic reporting or the filing of paper forms. Contact information for the National Office of Pollution Prevention is provided in section 18 of the notice.

Schedule 5: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan
Has Been Implemented – Effluents From Textile Mills That
Use Wet Processing and
Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates
(Subsection 58(2) of CEPA 1999)

Notice Reference Code: P2TMENPE

Please refer to the instruction booklet "Instructions for Completing the Schedules to Canada Gazette Notices Requiring the Preparation and Implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans" and the "Technical Resource Guide" prepared for this Notice for guidance on how to complete this Declaration.

Is this an amendment to a Declaration previously submitted?
checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, complete Parts 1.0 and 9.0 and any other Parts of this Declaration where previously reported information has become false or misleading. Previously reported information that is unchanged need not be resubmitted.

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice

Name of Person or Class of Persons Subject
to the Notice: _______________

Facility Name: _______________

Street Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

E-mail (if available): _______________

If different from Street Address
Mailing Address of Facility: _______________

City: _______________

Province/Territory: _______________

Postal Code: _______________

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID
(if no ID, leave blank): _______________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) Code: _______________

Facility Technical Contact: _______________

E-mail (if available): _______________

Telephone Number: _______________
(with area code)

Fax Number (if available): _______________
(with area code)

2.0 No data is required for Part 2.0 of this Declaration

The following section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0) must be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity selected in Part 3.0 below.

3.0 Substance and Activity

Substance and Activity for which information is required (choose one):

checkbox Effluents from Textile Mills that use wet processing (TMEs)

checkbox Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (NP and NPEs) used in wet processing (refer to "Technical Resource Guide" for list of CAS (see footnote 5) Registry Numbers that are typically used in Canadian industry)

4.0 Information After Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan


(a) The data collected in Part 4.4 of this Declaration are consistent with the reporting requirements of the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) where possible.

(b) Use the following Basis of Estimate Codes where indicated, listed in declining order of expected accuracy, to describe how each quantity reported in this Part of the Declaration was determined:

M Monitoring or direct measurement

C Mass balance

E Emission factors

O Engineering estimates

(c) This Declaration requires reporting of data for the year of implementation (January 1 to December 31) of the pollution prevention plan, but no later than for the year 2009 (as specified in the notice or any other year specified to a person who has been granted an extension of time to implement a plan).

Indicate the year of implementation for which the person(s) is(are) reporting: ______________ (This will be the Reporting Year throughout this Declaration.)

4.1 No data is required for Part 4.1 of this Declaration

4.2 On-Site Uses (Complete Part 4.2 for NP and NPEs Only)

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility use the Substance on-site in the Reporting Year?

checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, report below the quantity of all on-site uses of the Substance, in kilograms, in the appropriate field.

If no, proceed to Part 4.4 of this Declaration.

Report the total of all on-site uses of the Substance with the basis of estimate code.

A. Total On-Site Uses of NP
and NPEs (kg)
Basis of
Estimate Code

4.3 No data is required for Part 4.3 of this Declaration

4.4 Off-Site Transfers (Complete Part 4.4 for TMEs Only)

(In this part of the Schedule, the discharge of wastewater to the off-site wastewater treatment facility is considered to be an off-site transfer.)

4.4.1 No data is required for Part 4.4.1 of this Declaration

4.4.2 Off-Site Transfers for Disposal

For the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, did this facility transfer the Substance off-site for disposal to an off-site wastewater treatment facility in the Reporting Year?

checkbox Yes checkbox No

If yes, report below the quantity of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal, in m3/year, in the appropriate field.

If no, proceed to Part 4.5 of this Declaration.

Report the total of all off-site transfers of the Substance for disposal with the basis of estimate code.

Type of Transfer
H. Total Transfers (m3/year)
Basis of Estimate Code
Off-Site Wastewater Treatment Facility    

4.4.3 No data is required for Part 4.4.3 of this Declaration

4.5 Additional Information After Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan

4.5.1 Additional Information Addressing TMEs (Complete Part 4.5.1 for TMEs Only) Mill Type

Report all activities that were carried out in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the facility. Select all items that apply.

checkbox Knit Fabric Finishing

checkbox Carpet Finishing

checkbox Woven Fabric Finishing

checkbox Wool Finishing

checkbox Stock Yarn Finishing

checkbox Non-Woven Fabric Finishing

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________ Wet Processing Activities

Report all wet processing activities carried out in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31) at the Facility. Select all items that apply.

checkbox Scouring

checkbox Carbonizing

checkbox Neutralizing

checkbox Fulling

checkbox Desizing

checkbox Bleaching

checkbox Mercerizing

checkbox Dyeing

checkbox Printing

checkbox Wet finishing

checkbox Other wet processing activity (specify all)
Description: ______________ On-Site Wastewater Treatment

Report all types of wastewater treatment performed at the Facility in the Reporting Year (from January 1 to December 31). Select all items that apply.

checkbox No Treatment

checkbox Preliminary Treatment

checkbox Primary Treatment

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________

Refer to the "Technical Resource Guide" for descriptions of various wastewater treatments. Off-Site Wastewater Treatment Facility Identification

Identify the municipality and province in which the treatment facility is located: _______________

Specify the name of the treatment facility: _______________ TMEs Toxicity Testing

Report effluent characterisations for the reporting year (from January 1 to December 31). Refer to "Technical Resource Guide" for sampling and analytical recommendations. Please provide a minimum of four toxicity results for a full calendar year.

Luminescent Bacteria Toxicity Test, IC50 (15 minutes)

J. IC50 15 min
Date sampled
Name of the laboratory
that conducted the analysis
Location of the laboratory (street address, city, province and phone number)

Discharge per production unit

Average Discharge
Mass of Production
Average Discharge / Mass of Production

4.5.2 Additional Information Addressing NP and NPEs (Complete Part 4.5.2 for NP and NPEs Only)

Have you completed your planned NP and NPEs reductions?
checkbox Yes checkbox No

If so, do the NP and NPE-free products that you are currently using contain the following:

Octylphenol (OP) and its Ethoxylates (OPEs) checkbox Yes checkbox No

Alcohol Ethoxylates (AEs) checkbox Yes checkbox No

5.0 Action(s) Taken and Results Achieved

5.1 Action(s) Taken (Complete Part 5.1 for TMEs Only)

The following section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan, i.e. this section will be completed as many times as there are actions taken to report.

In Part 5.1.1, describe for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the action taken in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan. If you have previously filed an Interim Progress Report, report only those actions that have been taken since the last Interim Progress Report. In Parts 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, identify whether the action represents pollution prevention method(s) or other environmental protection method(s), by selecting from the list of options provided below. In Part 5.1.4, report, where possible, how the action taken has reduced the toxicity of your effluent. For example, if you installed an automated chemical dosing system, report on the reduction in the amount of chemicals used as a result of that process change. Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity. Note that estimating a quantitative change for some actions taken, such as training, may not be possible. Finally, in Part 5.1.6, identify the completion date for each action taken.

5.1.1 Action Taken: _______________

5.1.2 Type of Pollution Prevention Method(s):

checkbox Material or feedstock substitution

checkbox On-site reuse, recycling or recovery

checkbox Product design or reformulation

checkbox Inventory management or purchasing techniques

checkbox Equipment or process modifications

checkbox Good operating practices or training

checkbox Spill and leak prevention

checkbox Other (please specify): ______________

5.1.3 Other Type of Environmental Protection Method(s):

checkbox Energy recovery

checkbox Pollution control

checkbox Off-site recycling

checkbox Disposal

checkbox Incineration with energy recovery

checkbox Waste treatment

checkbox Other (please specify): _______________

5.1.4 Change(s) Achieved: _______________

5.1.5 No data is required for Part 5.1.5 of this Declaration

5.1.6 Completion Date (year/month/day): _______________

This ends the section (Parts 5.1.1 through 5.1.6) that must be completed separately for each action taken in the P2 plan.

5.2 Total Results Achieved (Complete Part 5.2 for NP and NPEs Only)

The table below summarizes, for the activity identified in Part 3.0 of this Declaration, the total achieved change to uses of the Substance in kg/yr and as a percentage relative to both 2005 and 1998 as reported in the "Declaration that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been Prepared and is being Implemented (Subsection 58(1) of CEPA 1999)" (Declaration of Preparation).

Type of Use
Total Change* Achieved
Relative to 2005
Total Change* Achieved
Relative to 2005
Total Change* Achieved
Relative to 1998
Total Change* Achieved
Relative to 1998
5.2.1 On-site uses        

* Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

5.3 Detailed Results Achieved Information (Complete Part 5.3 for TMEs Only)

List and describe all the actions taken which were used to achieve the effluent toxicity objective identified in paragraph 4(1)(b) of the Notice.


6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

Describe the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the Pollution Prevention Plan.


7.0 Risk Management Objective

Describe how the P2 plan outlined in this Declaration met the risk management objectives identified in the Notice. If this plan does not meet the risk management objectives, explain why.


This ends the section (Parts 3.0 through 7.0 of this Declaration) to be completed separately for each combination of Substance and Activity specified in Part 3.0 above.

8.0 No data is required for Part 8.0 of this Declaration

9.0 Certification

I hereby certify that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been implemented for the Substances and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.

Signature of the Person(s) Subject to the
Notice or Duly Authorized Representative


Name: _______________
(Please Print)

Title/Position: _______________
(Please Print)




Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans in respect of nonylphenol and its ethoxylates contained in products

Whereas nonylphenol and its ethoxylates is a substance specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999;

Whereas the Minister of the Environment published a Proposed Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans in respect of nonylphenol and its ethoxylates contained in products in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on November 29, 2003;

Whereas persons were given the opportunity to file comments with respect to the Proposed Notice for a comment period of 60 days;

And whereas the Minister considered all comments received;

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 56(1) of the Act, the Minister of the Environment requires the persons or classes of persons identified in section 2 of this Notice to prepare and implement pollution prevention plans in respect of nonylphenol and its ethoxylates contained in products. (see footnote 6)

Minister of the Environment


1. Definitions

The definitions in this section apply to this Notice.

"Act" means the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

"NP" means nonylphenol.

"NPE" means nonylphenol ethoxylates.

2. Person or class of persons required to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan

(1) This Notice applies to any person or class of persons who

(a) (i) owns or operates a facility that manufactures soap and cleaning products, or processing aids used in textile wet processing, or pulp and paper processing aids, or

(ii) imports soap and cleaning products, or processing aids used in textile wet processing, or pulp and paper processing aids into Canada; and

(b) purchases or otherwise acquires 2 000 kg or more of NP and NPEs, including, but not limited to, raw NP and NPEs, NP and NPEs in formulations, and NP and NPEs in final products in at least one calendar year between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2012, for any of the activities outlined in section 3;

(2) Despite subsection (1), this Notice does not apply to any person or class of persons who

(a) has totally eliminated the use of NP and NPEs from the activities referred to in section 3 by the publication date of the Notice in the Canada Gazette and has not recommenced using NP or NPEs for these activities after the Notice has been published in the Canada Gazette while it is in force; or

(b) is subject to the requirements of the Pollution Prevention Planning Notice, code P2TMENPE, targeting the wet processing textile industry.

3. Activities in relation to which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires all persons identified in section 2 to prepare and implement a plan in relation to the following activities:

(a) the manufacture of soap and cleaning products, processing aids used in textile wet processing, and pulp and paper processing aids, excluding those for export to another country; and

(b) the import of soap and cleaning products, processing aids used in textile wet processing, and pulp and paper processing aids, excluding those for export to another country.

4. Factors to be considered in preparing the plan

The Minister requires all persons identified in section 2 to consider the following factors when preparing their plan:

(1) The Risk Management Objective for NP and NPEs Contained in Products

A reduction of NP and NPEs in soap and cleaning products, processing aids used in textile wet processing, and pulp and paper processing aids manufactured in or imported into Canada, as per the following reduction targets and timelines:

  Reduction Target Reduction Timeline
Phase 1 For each person subject to the Notice, a 50 percent reduction from base year levels, of the total mass of NP and NPEs used or imported annually. For a person subject to the Notice on the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, phase 1 reductions to be achieved for the calendar year January 1 to December 31, 2007; or
For a person becoming subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, phase 1 reductions to be achieved for the calendar year (January 1 to December 31) following the year that the person becomes subject to the Notice. Such a person becomes subject to the Notice on January 1 of the year following the year that the criteria in section 2 are met.
Phase 2 For each person subject to the Notice, a 95 percent reduction from base year levels, of the total mass of NP and NPEs used or imported annually. For a person subject to the Notice on the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, phase 2 reductions to be achieved for the calendar year January 1 to December 31, 2010; or
For a person becoming subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, phase 2 reductions to be achieved for the calendar year (January 1 to December 31) following the year referred to above to achieve the phase 1 reductions.

The base year is 1998, or the first calendar year after 1998 where the person subject to the Notice has purchased or otherwise acquired 2 000 kg or more of NP and NPEs for the activities outlined in section 3. Should there be no NP and NPE use data for the 1998 calendar year, the first year after 1998, but no later than 2003, for which there is data should be considered as the base year.

(2) NP and NPEs have been assessed to be toxic under section 64 of the Act and added to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act. Many acute and chronic toxic effects of NP have been reported in a variety of aquatic biota, including fish, invertebrates and algae. Release of NP and NPEs in Canada can result in environmental concentrations that exceed the levels of concern. The Priority Substances List Assessment Report for NP and NPEs can be found at Paper copies of the NP and NPEs Priority Substances List Assessment Reports can be acquired by contacting the Inquiry Centre, 70 Crémazie Street, 7th Floor, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3, 1-800-668-6767.

(3) In preparing a plan, priority is to be given to pollution prevention activities, that is, the use of processes, practices, materials, products, substances or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste and reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health (definition of "pollution prevention" as found in section 3 of the Act).

(4) In order to achieve the risk management objective set out in subsection 4(1), persons subject to this Notice shall consider using the best available techniques economically achievable. These techniques include

(a) for the manufacture of products containing NP or NPEs: product reformulation including substitution of NP and NPEs or reduction of NP and NPEs concentration in products to the maximum extent possible;

(b) for the import of products containing NP or NPEs: ensuring that imported products contain no NP and NPEs or contain only the minimum concentration of NP and NPEs necessary to achieve the desired result.

(5) Persons subject to this Notice shall consider including accurate concentrations of NP and NPEs in products (if any) on each product's label.

(6) Persons subject to this Notice shall consider choosing alternatives to NP and NPEs that reduce or minimize environmental risks. Considerations should include the following:

(a) the Priority Substances List Assessment Report for NP and NPEs indicates that Octylphenol (OP) and its Ethoxylates (OPEs) have similar toxicological properties and possibly greater estrogenic properties than NP and NPEs. Therefore, OP and OPEs are not appropriate alternatives to NP and NPEs, since their use may amplify rather than reduce the risk to the environment;

(b) the chosen alternatives should not have, through their degradation, the potential to produce NP or NPEs.

(7) The Minister will evaluate the effectiveness of this Notice with respect to the risk management objective set out in subsection 4(1) in order to determine if other steps or programs, including regulations, are needed to further prevent or reduce negative impacts of NP and NPEs on the environment.

5. Period within which the plan is to be prepared

(1) For a person subject to the Notice on the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, the Minister requires that the plan be prepared and that implementation be initiated no later than June 30, 2005.

(2) For a person becoming subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, the Minister requires that the plan be prepared and that implementation be initiated no later than six months after becoming subject to the Notice.

6. Period within which the plan is to be implemented

(1) For a person subject to the Notice on the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, the Minister requires that the plan be implemented no later than December 31, 2010.

(2) For a person becoming subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, the Minister requires that the plan be implemented no later than 36 months after becoming subject to the Notice.

7. Content of the plan

Persons identified in section 2 preparing the plan are to determine the appropriate content of their own plan; however, the plan must meet all the requirements of the Notice. It must also contain the information required to file the Declaration of Preparation referred to in section 9 and have the capacity to generate the information required to file the Declaration of Implementation referred to in section 10 and the Interim Progress Reports referred to in section 12.

Sample pollution prevention plans prepared specifically to address the manufacture and the import of products containing NP or NPEs present guidance on the content of a pollution prevention plan. Section 16 provides information on how to obtain copies of the sample pollution prevention plans.

8. Requirement to keep plan

Under section 59 of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall keep a copy of the plan at the place in Canada in relation to which the plan is prepared. Where a single plan is prepared for more than one facility, a copy of that plan must be kept at each location.

9. Declaration of Preparation

Under subsection 58(1) of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the end of the period for the preparation of the plan as specified in section 5 or extended under section 14, a written Declaration that a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates to the Minister using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 1 of this Notice. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Declaration of Preparation must be filed for each facility. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

10. Declaration of Implementation

Under subsection 58(2) of the Act, persons identified in section 2 shall file, within 30 days after the completion of the implementation of the plan, a written Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates to the Minister using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 5 of this Notice. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Declaration of Implementation must be filed for each facility. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

11. Filing of amended declarations

Under subsection 58(3) of the Act, where a person identified in section 2 has filed a declaration under section 9 or 10, and the declaration contains information that, at any time after the filing, has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended declaration to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading using the appropriate form referred to in section 9 or 10.

12. Interim Progress Reports

Persons identified in section 2 shall file, on or before each of the dates below, a written Interim Progress Report – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates to the Minister using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 4 of this Notice. If a Declaration of Implementation is submitted before an Interim Progress Report is due, the requirement to submit such an Interim Progress Report is nullified.

(1) For a person subject to the Notice on the date of publication in the Canada Gazette,

•  Interim Progress Report No. 1 must be filed no later than January 31, 2007;

•  Interim Progress Report No. 2 must be filed no later than January 31, 2008;

•  Interim Progress Report No. 3 must be filed no later than January 31, 2010.

(2) For a person becoming subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette,

•  Interim Progress Report No. 1 must be filed no later than 13 months after becoming subject to the Notice;

•  Interim Progress Report No. 2 must be filed no later than 25 months after becoming subject to the Notice.

Each Interim Progress Report will report data pertaining to the previous calendar year. Where a person has prepared a single plan for several facilities, a separate Interim Progress Report must be filed for each facility. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

Where a person has filed an Interim Progress Report that contains information that, at any time after the filing, has become false or misleading, that person shall file an amended report to the Minister within 30 days after the time that the information became false or misleading.

13. Use of a plan prepared or implemented for another purpose

Under subsection 57(1) of the Act, a person may use a pollution prevention plan prepared or implemented for another purpose to meet the requirements of sections 2 to 8. Under subsection 57(2) of the Act, where a person uses a plan that does not meet all of the requirements of the Notice, the person shall amend the plan so that it meets all of those requirements or prepare an additional plan that meets the remainder of those requirements. Persons using existing plans must nonetheless file a Declaration of Preparation under section 9, a Declaration of Implementation under section 10, amended declarations under section 11, where applicable, and any Interim Progress Reports required under section 12.

14. Extension of time

(1) Under subsection 56(3) of the Act, where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to prepare the plan as specified in section 5 or to implement the plan as specified in section 6, the Minister may extend the period for a person who submits a written Request for Time Extension – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 3 of this Notice, before the date referred to in the applicable section 5 or section 6 or before the expiry of any extended period.

(2) Where the Minister is of the opinion that further time is necessary to file an Interim Progress Report under section 12, the Minister may extend the date on which the Interim Progress Report must be filed for a person who submits a written Request for Time Extension – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 3 of this Notice, before the date referred to in section 12 for which the person is requesting the extension or before the expiry of any extended period.

Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

15. Application for waiver of factors to consider

Under subsection 56(5) of the Act, the Minister may waive the requirement for a person to consider a factor specified in section 4 where the Minister is of the opinion that it is not reasonable or practicable to consider that factor on the basis of reasons provided by that person when submitting a written Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates using the form that the Minister provides and that contains the information set out in Schedule 2 of this Notice. Such a request must be made before the expiry of the period within which the plan is to be prepared referred to in section 5 or before the expiry of any extended period. Section 18 provides further information on completing and filing this form.

16. More information on pollution prevention planning

Sample pollution prevention plans prepared specifically to address the manufacture and the import of products containing NP or NPEs are available from Environment Canada's National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site ( and Environment Canada's regional offices.

Additional information on pollution prevention and preparing pollution prevention plans is available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site (, the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse ( and Environment Canada's regional offices.

Copies of Environment Canada's Pollution Prevention Planning Handbook are available at

17. Reference Code: P2NPE

For administrative purposes, all communication with Environment Canada concerning this Notice should refer to the following reference code: P2NPE.

18. Forms

Forms referred to in this Notice are available from and are to be submitted to

National Office of Pollution Prevention
c/o CEPA Implementation and Innovation Division
Environment Canada
351 Saint Joseph Boulevard, 13th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3

Copies of this Notice, the forms (Schedules 1 to 5) and the Instructions for completing the forms are available from the National Office of Pollution Prevention Web site at, or can be requested by telephone at (819) 994-0186, by facsimile at (819) 953-7970, or by electronic mail at Forms can also be filled out electronically at the Web site mentioned above.

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish, in part, the information submitted in response to this Notice on Environment Canada's Green Lane Web site. Persons submitting information to the Minister are entitled to submit written request under section 313 of the Act that specific information be treated as confidential. Persons submitting such a request may include the reasons for that request. Refer to the Instruction referenced above for more information.

19. Environment Canada contact information

For questions about this Notice, or more information about pollution prevention planning, contact Environment Canada's regional offices or the Chemicals Control Branch:

For residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

Environmental Protection Branch – Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
Queen Square, 16th Floor
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6
Telephone: (902) 426-9590
Facsimile: (902) 426-8373

For residents of Quebec

Environmental Protection Branch – Quebec Region
Environment Canada
105 McGill Street, 4th Floor
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 2E7
Telephone: (514) 283-4670
Facsimile: (514) 283-4423

For residents of Ontario

Environmental Protection Branch – Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4
Telephone: (416) 739-5877
Facsimile: (416) 739-4405

For residents of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Environmental Protection Branch – Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
4999 98th Avenue, Room 200
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3
Telephone: (204) 984-3522
Facsimile: (204) 983-0960

For residents of British Columbia and Yukon

Environmental Protection Branch – Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
201-401 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3S5
Telephone: (604) 666-2690
Facsimile: (604) 666-9107

Chemicals Control Branch
Environment Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 12th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 997-1640
Facsimile: (819) 994-0007


(This note is not part of the Notice.)

Compliance with the Act is mandatory under subsection 272(1) of the Act. Subsection 272(2) of the Act defines the penalties for persons who commit offences under the Act. Subsections 273(1) and 273(2) further outline the terms and penalties of those persons providing false or misleading information. Penalties under both subsection 272(2) and 273(2) include fines of not more than $1 million, imprisonment for a term of not more than three years, or both.

For additional information on the Act, on the Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and on applicable penalties, please contact the Enforcement Branch at (819) 994-0907. The Policy is available at


Information to be contained in a Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (Subsection 58(1) of the Act)

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice, namely,

Name of the person or class of persons subject to the Notice, facility name, street address of the facility, telephone number (including area code), e-mail (if available);

Mailing address of the facility (if different from street address);

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank) and six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code;

Facility technical contact, e-mail (if available), telephone number (including area code), facsimile number (including area code)[if available].

2.0 Use of Plans Prepared or Implemented for Another Purpose, namely,

Indication whether the pollution prevention plan used to fulfill the obligations of the Notice is a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared on a voluntary basis; and

Indication whether the pollution prevention plan used to fulfill the obligations of the Notice is a pollution prevention plan that was previously prepared for another government or under another Act of Parliament and, if yes, identification of the other government requirements or Acts of Parliament.

3.0 Substance and Activity, namely,

Substance and activity for which information is required:

NP and NPEs used in manufacturing of products; or

NP and NPEs imported in products.

4.0 Baseline Information Prior to Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan, namely,

In the case of a person subject to the Notice on the date of publication in the Canada Gazette:

New Preparation Year for which the person is reporting (if a time extension to prepare a plan has been granted by the Minister); and

Base Year for which the person is reporting.


The Preparation Year is January 1 to December 31, 2003, unless the person subject to the Notice has been granted a time extension by the Minister to prepare a plan that requires reporting for a new Preparation Year (other than 2003).

The Base Year is January 1 to December 31, 1998, or the first calendar year (January 1 to December 31) since 1998 where the person has purchased or otherwise acquired 2 000 kg or more of NP and NPEs for the activities outlined in the section 3 of the Notice. Should there be no NP and NPE use data for the 1998 calendar year, the first year after 1998, but no later than 2003, for which there is data should be considered as the Base Year.

In the case of a person becoming subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette:

Preparation Year for which the person is reporting; or

New Preparation Year for which the person is reporting (if a time extension to prepare a plan has been granted by the Minister).


Since the person became subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, the Preparation Year is the year against which results will be compared. As such, the Base Year and the Preparation Year are the same. All references to the Base Year throughout this Declaration must therefore be disregarded, as the information submitted for the Preparation Year will be considered Base Year information as well.

The Preparation Year is the calendar year (January 1 to December 31) in which the person met the criteria in section 2 of the Notice unless the person subject to the Notice has been granted a time extension by the Minister to prepare a plan that requires reporting for a new Preparation Year.

4.1 No data required

4.2 On-Site Uses for NP and NPEs Used in the Manufacturing of Products, namely,

Total quantity, in kilograms, of on-site uses of NP and NPEs in the Preparation Year and the Base Year, basis of estimate code and type of on-site use.

4.3 No data required

4.4 No data required

4.5 Additional Baseline Information

4.5.1 NP and NPEs Imported in Products, namely,

Total quantity, in kilograms, of NP and NPEs (as part of a final product) imported in the Base Year and the Preparation Year and basis of estimate code.

4.5.2 All Manufactured or Imported Products Containing NP or NPEs, namely,

List of all products manufactured or imported in the Preparation Year, whether each product was imported or manufactured and concentration of NP and NPEs present in each product.

5.0 Anticipated Actions and Results

5.1 Anticipated Actions, namely,

5.1.1 Anticipated actions to be taken in implementing the plan,

5.1.2 Types of pollution prevention methods,

5.1.3 Other types of environmental protection methods,

5.1.4 Anticipated changes to annual uses, releases, or transfers of NP and NPEs from implementing the actions,

5.1.5 Baseline elements affected,

5.1.6 Planned completion date.

5.2 Total Anticipated Results for NP and NPEs Used in the Manufacturing of Products, namely,

Total changes to annual uses of NP and NPEs anticipated, in kilograms and as a percentage relative to both the Preparation Year and the Base Year, to be achieved from implementing only the anticipated actions to be taken in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

5.3 Detailed Anticipated Results Information for NP and NPEs imported in products, namely,

Total anticipated change to annual imports of NP and NPEs in kilograms and as a percentage relative to both the Preparation Year and the Base Year, to be achieved from implementing only the anticipated actions to be taken in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting, namely,

Description of the anticipated monitoring and reporting that will be used to track progress in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

7.0 Risk Management Objective, namely,

Description of how the pollution prevention plan meets the risk management objective identified in subsection 4(1) of the Notice or reason why it does not meet the risk management objective.

8.0 Factors to Consider, namely,

Description of what was done to take into account the "factors to consider" in subsections 4(3), 4(4), 4(5) and 4(6) of the Notice, except those factors for which a waiver has been granted by the Minister.

9.0 Certification, namely,

Certification that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared and is being implemented for NP and NPEs and that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, signature of the person subject to the Notice or duly authorized representative, date, name, title/position.


Information to Be Contained in a Request for Waiver
of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or
Factors – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates
(Subsection 56(5) of the Act)

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice, namely,

Name of the person or class of persons subject to the Notice, facility name, street address of the facility, telephone number (including area code), e-mail (if available);

Mailing address of the facility (if different from street address);

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank) and six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code; and

Facility technical contact, e-mail (if available), telephone number (including area code), facsimile number (including area code)[if available].

2.0 Factors for Which a Waiver is Requested, namely,

Factors listed in the Notice for which a waiver is being requested.

3.0 Rationale for Request, namely,

Basis for which it is not reasonable or practicable to consider each factor for which a waiver is requested;

Effects on the outcome of the pollution prevention plan if these "factors to consider" are not taken into account; and

Additional factors that will be considered in preparing the pollution prevention plan (optional).

4.0 Certification, namely,

Certification that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, signature of the person subject to the Notice or duly authorized representative, date, name, title/position.


Information to Be Contained in a Request for Time
Extension – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates
(Subsection 56(3) of the Act)

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice, namely,

Name of the person or class of persons subject to the Notice, facility name, street address of the facility, telephone number (including area code), e-mail (if available);

Mailing address of the facility (if different from street address);

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank) and six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code; and

Facility technical contact, e-mail (if available), telephone number (including area code), facsimile number (including area code) [if available].

2.0 Request for Time Extension, namely,

The subject for which a time extension is requested:

Prepare a pollution prevention plan;

Submit an Interim Progress Report; or

Implement a pollution prevention plan.

Requested date of extension.

3.0 Rationale for Request, namely,

Basis for which further time is necessary to prepare or implement a pollution prevention plan or to submit an Interim Progress Report.

4.0 Certification, namely,

Certification that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, signature of the person subject to the Notice or duly authorized representative, date, name, title/position.


Information to Be Contained in an Interim Progress
Report – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice, namely,

Name of the person or class of persons subject to the Notice, facility name, street address of the facility, telephone number (including area code), e-mail (if available);

Mailing address of the facility (if different from street address);

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank) and six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code; and

Facility technical contact, e-mail (if available), telephone number (including area code), facsimile number (including area code) [if available].

2.0 No data required

3.0 Substance and Activity, namely,

Substance and activity for which information is required:

NP and NPEs used in manufacturing of products; or

NP and NPEs imported in products.

4.0 Information During Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan, namely,

In the case of a person subject to the Notice on the date of publication in the Canada Gazette:

Interim Progress Report number that is being reported; and

New Reporting Year for which the report is being made (if a time extension to prepare a plan has been granted by the Minister).


In the case of a person subject to the Notice on the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, reporting of data in an Interim Progress Report is required for the following calendar years (January 1 to December 31): Interim Progress Report No. 1: 2006; Interim Progress Report No. 2: 2007; Interim Progress Report No. 3: 2009, unless the person subject to the Notice has been granted a time extension by the Minister to submit an Interim Progress Report that requires reporting for a year other than 2006, 2007 or 2009.

In the case of a person becoming subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette:

Interim Progress Report number that is being reported and corresponding calendar year for which the person will be reporting.


In the case of a person becoming subject to the Notice after the date of publication in the Canada Gazette, reporting of data is required in two Interim Progress Reports. Please refer to the Instructions Insert for detailed information on determining the Reporting Year.

4.1 No data required

4.2 On-Site Uses for NP and NPEs Used in the Manufacturing of Products, namely,

Total quantity, in kilograms, of on-site uses of NP and NPEs in the Reporting Year, basis of estimate code and type of on-site use.

4.3 No data required

4.4 No data required

4.5 Additional Information During Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan

4.5.1 NP and NPEs Imported in Products, namely,

Total quantity, in kilograms, of NP and NPEs (as part of a final product) imported in the Reporting Year and basis of estimate code.

4.5.2 All Manufactured or Imported Products Containing NP or NPEs, namely,

List of all products manufactured or imported in the Reporting Year, whether each product was imported or manufactured and concentration of NP and NPEs present in each product.

5.0 Actions Taken and Results Achieved To Date

5.1 Actions taken to date, namely,

5.1.1 Actions taken to date in implementing the plan,

5.1.2 Types of pollution prevention methods,

5.1.3 Other types of environmental protection methods,

5.1.4 Changes to annual uses, releases, or transfers of NP and NPEs achieved to date from implementing the actions,

5.1.5 Baseline elements affected,

5.1.6 Completion date.

5.2 Total Results Achieved To Date for NP and NPEs Used in the Manufacturing of Products, namely,

Total changes achieved to date to annual uses of NP and NPEs, in kilograms and as a percentage relative to both the Preparation Year and the Base Year, from implementing all actions taken to date in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

5.3 Detailed Results Achieved To Date Information for NP and NPEs Imported in Products, namely,

Total change achieved to date to annual imports of NP and NPEs, in kilograms and as a percentage relative to both the Preparation Year and the Base Year, from implementing all actions taken to date in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting, namely,

Description of the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

7.0 No data required

8.0 No data required

9.0 Certification, namely,

Certification that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, signature of the person subject to the Notice or duly authorized representative, date, name, title/position.


Information to Be Contained in a Declaration that a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented – Nonylphenol and its Ethoxylates (Subsection 58(2) of the Act)

1.0 Information on the Person or Class of Persons Subject to the Notice, namely,

Name of the person or class of persons subject to the Notice, facility name, street address of the facility, telephone number (including area code), e-mail (if available);

Mailing address of the facility (if different from street address);

National Pollutant Release Inventory ID (if no ID, leave blank) and six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code; and

Facility technical contact, e-mail (if available), telephone number (including area code), facsimile number (including area code) [if available].

2.0 No data required

3.0 Substance and activity, namely,

Substance and activity for which information is required:

NP and NPEs used in manufacturing of products; or

NP and NPEs imported in products.

4.0 Information After Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan, namely,

Year of implementation for which the report is being made.


Reporting of data is required for the year of implementation (January 1 to December 31) of the pollution prevention plan (as specified in the Notice or any other year specified to a person who has been granted an extension of time by the Minister to implement a plan).

4.1 No data required

4.2 On-Site Uses for NP and NPEs Used in the Manufacturing of Products, namely,

Total quantity, in kilograms, of on-site uses of NP and NPEs in the Reporting Year, basis of estimate code and type of on-site use.

4.3 No data required

4.4 No data required

4.5 Additional Information After Implementation of the Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan

4.5.1 NP or NPEs Imported in Products, namely,

Total quantity, in kilograms, of NP and NPEs (as part of a final product) imported in the Reporting Year and basis of estimate code.

4.5.2 All Manufactured or Imported Products Containing NP or NPEs, namely,

List on all products that were manufactured or imported in the Reporting Year, whether each of the products was imported or manufactured and concentration of NP and NPEs present in each product.

5.0 Actions Taken and Results Achieved

5.1 Actions Taken, namely,

5.1.1 Actions taken in implementing the plan,

5.1.2 Types of pollution prevention methods,

5.1.3 Other types of environmental protection methods,

5.1.4 Changes to annual uses, releases, or transfers of NP and NPEs achieved from implementing the actions,

5.1.5 Baseline elements affected,

5.1.6 Completion date.

5.2 Total Results Achieved for NP and NPEs Used in the Manufacturing of Products, namely,

Total changes achieved to annual uses of NP and NPEs, in kilograms and as a percentage relative to both the Preparation Year and the Base Year, from implementing all actions taken in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

5.3 Detailed Results Achieved Information for NP and NPEs Imported in Products, namely,

Total changes achieved to the annual imports of NP and NPEs, in kilograms and as a percentage relative to both the Preparation Year and the Base Year, from implementing all actions taken in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

6.0 Monitoring and Reporting, namely,

Description of the monitoring and reporting used to track progress in implementing the pollution prevention plan.

7.0 Risk Management Objective, namely,

Description of how the pollution prevention plan met the risk management objective identified in subsection 4(1) of the Notice or reason why it did not meet the risk management objective.

8.0 No data required

9.0 Certification, namely,

Certification that a Pollution Prevention Plan has been implemented for NP and NPEs and that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, signature of the person subject to the Notice or duly authorized representative, date, name, title/position.





Name and position Order in Council
Canadian Museum of Nature  
Trustees of the Board of Trustees  
Parenteau, Garry 2004-1356
Piovesana, Roy H. 2004-1355
Court of Appeal for Ontario  
Superior Court of Justice  
Judges ex officio  
LaForme, The Hon./L'hon. Harry S. 2004-1374
MacFarland, The Hon. Jean L. 2004-1373
Cruden, Ruth 2004-1362
Citizenship Act  
Citizenship Judge  
Cumming, The Hon. Patricia L. 2004-1352
Government of New Brunswick  
November 18 to 20, 2004  
de Montigny, Yves 2004-1372
Federal Court  
Federal Court of Appeal  
Member ex officio  
Employment Insurance Act  
Chairpersons of the Boards of Referees  
Barbir, Dragica Draga — Mississauga 2004-1366
Lunny, James Hugh — Kenora 2004-1365
Palantzas, Thomas — Toronto 2004-1368
Piscitelli, Ugo Antonio — York 2004-1369
Young, Wanda Elisabeth — Thunder Bay 2004-1367
Caricevic-Rakovich, Gordana — Montréal 2004-1364
Gauthier, Joanne — Laval 2004-1363
Boucher, Lucienne Marie Annette — Winnipeg 2004-1370
Yukon Territory  
Van Bibber, Patrick Ira — Whitehorse 2004-1371
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas  
Canadian Commissioners 2004-1361
Dean, Barry  
Elsworth, Samuel Gilbert  
Manson, Paul D. 2004-1354
Canadian Museum of Civilization  
Trustee of the Board of Trustees  
Medjuck, Sheva 2004-1353
Law Commission of Canada  
North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization  
Council — North American Commission — West Greenland Commission  
Canadian Representatives  
Beaupré, Guy 2004-1359
Tremblay, Serge 2004-1360
Superior Court of Justice  
Court of Appeal for Ontario  
Judges ex officio  
McMahon, John B. 2004-1375
Young, Alison Harvison 2004-1376
Rabinovitch, Robert 2004-1377
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation  
Warsaba, Patricia J. F. 2004-1357
National Film Board  

November 25, 2004





Castlegar Chamber of Commerce

Notice is hereby given that Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, by Order in Council dated October 26, 2004, has been pleased to change the name of the Castlegar Chamber of Commerce to the Castlegar & District Chamber of Commerce upon petition made therefor under section 39 of the Boards of Trade Act.

November 15, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate
For the Minister of Industry




Chambre de commerce de la région sherbrookoise

Notice is hereby given that Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, by Order in Council dated October 26, 2004, has been pleased to change the name of the Chambre de commerce de la région sherbrookoise to the Chambre de commerce de Sherbrooke upon petition made therefor under section 39 of the Boards of Trade Act.

November 15, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate

For the Minister of Industry




Chambre de commerce du Haut-Saint-Maurice

Notice is hereby given that Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, by Order in Council dated October 26, 2004, has been pleased to change the name of the Chambre de commerce du Haut-Saint-Maurice to the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie du Haut-Saint-Maurice upon petition made therefor under section 39 of the Boards of Trade Act.

November 15, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate
For the Minister of Industry




Chambre de commerce du Sud-Ouest de l'Île de Montréal

Notice is hereby given that Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, by Order in Council dated October 26, 2004, has been pleased to change the name of the Chambre de commerce du Sud-Ouest de l'Île de Montréal to the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie du Sud-Ouest de Montréal, upon petition made therefor under section 39 of the Boards of Trade Act.

November 15, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate
For the Minister of Industry




King City Business Association – Chamber of Commerce

Notice is hereby given that Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, by Order in Council dated October 26, 2004, has been pleased to change the name of the King City Business Association – Chamber of Commerce to the King Township Chamber of Commerce and to change its boundaries to the Township of King upon petition made therefor under sections 4 and 39 of the Boards of Trade Act.

November 15, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate
For the Minister of Industry




Application for surrender of charter

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Corporations Act, an application for surrender of charter was received from

File Number Name of Company Received
288228-1 Association For Choices in Learning (AFCL)
Association Pour les Choix dans l'Apprentissage (APCA)
115731-1 HERE's LIFE COMMUNICATIONS INC. 11/01/2004

November 26, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate
For the Minister of Industry





Notice is hereby given that letters patent dated March 17, 2004, were issued under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act to FONDATION LE GRAND CIRCUIT / LE GRAND CIRCUIT FOUNDATION, corporate number 422709-3.

As a result of a clerical error, the letters patent were issued containing an error in respect of the objects of the corporation. In order to avoid undue hardship to the corporation, the Minister has now corrected this error.

November 18, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate

For the Minister of Industry




Letters patent

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Corporations Act, letters patent have been issued to

File Number Name of Company Head Office Effective Date
426709-5 ADMINISTRATION PORTUAIRE DE BONAVENTURE Bonaventure (Qué.) 25/10/2004
426431-2 AQUILLA FOUNDATION The Greater Vancouver Regional District, B.C. 04/10/2004
426157-7 ARTSWELL Ottawa, Ont. 27/09/2004
426058-9 Association des membres de la Légion d'Honneur (Ontario)/
Association of the members of la Légion d'Honneur (Ontario)
Toronto (Ont.) 22/09/2004
424320-0 Association of Canada Lands Surveyors Foundation Inc./
Fondation Association des Arpenteurs des Terres du Canada Inc.
Ottawa, Ont. 04/06/2004
426429-1 ATLAS FOUNDATION The Greater Vancouver Regional District, B.C. 04/10/2004
426351-1 BELFOUNTAIN VILLAGE CHURCH Village of Belfountain, Town of Caledon, Regional Municipality of Peel, Ont. 08/10/2004
426393-6 BGD CANADA AID Montréal, Que. 06/10/2004
Metropolitan Region of Montréal, Que. 13/10/2004
426622-6 CAMPHAC Longueuil, Que. 28/10/2004
425698-1 Campus Stores Canada -
Librairies Universitaires du Canada
Toronto, Ont. 15/09/2004
425412-1 CANADIAN CUE SPORT ASSOCIATION Calgary, Alta. 16/08/2004
Metropolitan Region of Montréal, Que. 08/11/2004
Ottawa, Ont. 15/09/2004
426323-5 CEEA Transport Toronto, Ont. 01/10/2004
426549-1 CHRISTIAN VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT INC. Saskatoon, Sask. 21/10/2004
425647-6 CIC CHEMICAL EDUCATION FUND Ottawa, Ont. 10/09/2004
426352-9 CONSENSUS Institute for Constructed Environments and Sustainable Urban Systems Inc. Vancouver, B.C. 08/10/2004
426548-3 ERADICAIDS INTERNATIONAL Toronto, Ont. 21/10/2004
426430-4 ESSENTIAL GRACE FOUNDATION The Greater Vancouver Regional District, B.C. 04/10/2004
426142-9 Eximmo inc. Montréal (Qué.) 01/10/2004
Ottawa, Ont. 24/09/2004
Dorval (Qué.) 13/09/2004
426457-6 Fondation pour un Rêve Athlétique
Foundation for an Athletic Dream
St-Eugène (Ont.) 15/10/2004
426440-1 Gaia Gathering Ottawa, Ont. 15/10/2004
425591-7 Global Business and Economic Rountable on Addiction and Mental Health Toronto, Ont. 03/09/2004
426153-4 Hamilton Entertainment Art and Sports Foundation Hamilton, Ont. 28/09/2004
426016-3 HAWKESBURY MOSQUE Hawkesbury, Ont. 20/09/2004
426522-0 Hispanic-Canadian Media and Communications Alliance Toronto, Ont. 19/10/2004
426415-1 INTERNATIONAL CHILD NEUROLOGY CONGRESS 2006 (ICNC) Metropolitan Region of Montréal, Que. 13/10/2004
426400-2 La Fédération Canadienne de savate-
Canadian Savate Federation
Montréal (Qué.) 05/10/2004
Territory of Greater Montréal, Que. 18/10/2004
425356-6 Le Centre Culturel Burundais du Canada (CCBCA) -
Burundian Culture Center of Canada (BCCCA)
Ottawa (Ont.) 24/08/2004
426116-0 MBAs Without Borders Toronto, Ont. 24/09/2004
424853-8 Medical Doctors United Foundation/
Fondation des Médecins Unis
Montréal, Que. 08/07/2004
426520-3 MEFIRST: MY PLANET, MY FUTURE FOUNDATION Montréal, Que. 14/10/2004
426409-6 Milverton Christian Youth Centre Inc. Township of Perth East, Ont. 15/10/2004
426421-5 Moneycon Winnipeg, Man. 12/10/2004
426600-5 MOTIONBALL FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS Toronto, Ont. 25/10/2004
426389-8 National Fundamental Justice Coalition Town of Waterford, County of Norfolk, Ont. 06/10/2004
426550-5 Northumberland Facility Support Corp. Ferguson's Cove, N.S. 21/10/2004
426428-2 ONTARIO AIR AMBULANCE SERVICES CO. Toronto, Ont. 08/10/2004
424134-7 PAMW City of Brampton, Region of Peel, Ont. 28/05/2004
426625-1 PAVILLON DE LA RENAISSANCE N.A.A. Région des Laurentides-Lanaudières (Qué.) 21/10/2004
426061-9 PROTEUS WORLD MUSIC Toronto, Ont. 21/09/2004
426388-0 Redeemed Christian Church of God Montreal Incorporated Montréal, Que. 04/10/2004
Région métropolitaine de Montréal (Qué.) 09/09/2004
425660-3 RENEWED STRENGTH INC. Ajax, Ont. 13/09/2004
426513-1 REVELATION FOUNDATION The Greater Vancouver Regional District, B.C. 12/10/2004
426331-6 SMITH ISLAND PRESERVATION TRUST, INC. Sudbury, Ont. 01/10/2004
424849-0 Somali Canadian Business and Professional Association Metropolitan Toronto, Ont. 08/07/2004
Territory of Greater Montréal, Que. 18/10/2004
425506-2 THE BACULA FOUNDATION Toronto, Ont. 27/08/2004
426161-5 THE BRAS FAMILY FOUNDATION Toronto, Ont. 23/09/2004
422829-4 The Canadian African Awareness Group (CAAG) Corporation -
La corporation Le Groupe de Conscience Afro Canadienne (GCAC)
Edmonton, Alta. 24/03/2004
426525-4 The Canadian Heartland Training Railway -
Le Chemin de fer de formation Canadien Heartland
Camrose, Alta. 20/10/2004
426374-0 THE CHILD IS INNOCENT (LATIN BALLE PEE) FOUNDATION Edmonton, Alta. 07/10/2004
426308-1 The Gifted Spirit Foundation for International Volunteer Development Grimsby, Ont. 04/10/2004
Territory of Greater Montréal, Que. 18/10/2004
426001-5 The Order of St. Luke the Physician (Canada)
L'Ordre St-Luc le médecin (Canada)
Saskatoon, Sask. 17/09/2004
Toronto, Ont. 11/11/2004
425347-7 THE SPOONFUL OF HAPPINESS FOUNDATION Vancouver, B.C. 23/08/2004
426443-6 TIPI MOZA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Kingston, Ont. 15/10/2004
425440-6 True North Hostelling Association Vancouver, B.C. 18/08/2004
426547-5 Vantage International Solidarity Circle Foundation Edmonton, Alta. 22/10/2004
Ottawa, Ont. 01/10/2004
Montréal, Que. 05/10/2004

November 26, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate
For the Minister of Industry




Supplementary letters patent

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Corporations Act, supplementary letters patent have been issued to

File Number Company Name Date of S.L.P.
416976-0 Canadian Centre for Skills Development 30/07/2004
414645-0 CAP/AIDS Network Inc. 14/10/2004
413913-5 DIGNITAS INTERNATIONAL 01/10/2004
412512-6 Good Samaritan Canada (A Lutheran Social Service Organization) 05/10/2004
378854-7 Legacy of Hope Foundation 29/10/2004
401215-1 THE CALLAN FOUNDATION 22/10/2004
227818-9 The Canadian Medical Foundation - La fondation médicale canadienne 06/10/2004
413628-4 The Ottawa Muslim Women's Organization 01/10/2004

November 26, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate

For the Minister of Industry




Supplementary letters patent — Name change

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of the Canada Corporations Act, supplementary letters patent have been issued to

File Number Old Company Name New Company Name Date of S.L.P.
Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association/
Association canadienne des télécommunications par câble
326721-1 First Peoples International Foundation Millenia Hope Foundation 24/09/2004
Ottawa Community Coalition for Literacy/
Regroupement d'Ottawa pour l'alphabétisation
287243-9 THE IAN CARTWRIGHT FOUNDATION The Auxilium Foundation 14/10/2004

November 26, 2004

Incorporation and Disclosure
Services Directorate
For the Minister of Industry




Notice No. DGTP-012-04 — Proposed Revisions to the Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations (2004 edition)

This Notice invites comments on proposals for the revision of the Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations (2004 edition) as outlined in the consultation paper under the above title.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) adopts a Table of Frequency Allocations as part of the International Radio Regulations. This International Table allocates radio frequency spectrum to various combinations of radio services and is revised on a periodic basis along with other parts of the international regulations.

The Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations is derived from the International Table of Frequency Allocations adopted by the ITU. The Canadian Table selects those radio services required to meet Canadian needs and also specifies, by Canadian footnote, any additional provisions for use of those services in Canada. Industry Canada revises the Canadian Table on a periodic basis normally following an ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC). The WRC-03 Conference, which met in June/July 2003, adopted a number of changes to the frequency allocations in the International Table. The Conference dealt with a large number of issues including high frequency, amateur, maritime, radiolocation, navigation, science services, broadcasting-satellite, mobile-satellite, fixed and fixed-satellite services. The resulting changes to the International Table demand the consideration of several issues on a domestic basis. The above referenced consultation paper presents these issues and makes proposals for revision to the Canadian Table.

Submitting comments

Interested parties are invited to submit comments to certain issues raised in the consultation paper. These comments are to be submitted by February 26, 2005. Shortly after the close of the comment period, all comments received will be posted on Industry Canada's Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Web site at

Respondents are requested to provide their comments in electronic format (WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF or ASCII TXT), along with a note specifying the software, version number and operating system used, to the following e-mail address:

Written submissions should be addressed to the Director General, Telecommunications Policy, Industry Canada, 300 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C8.

All submissions should cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, the publication date, the title, and the notice reference number (DGTP-012-04).

Obtaining copies

Copies of this notice and documents referred to are available electronically on the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Web site.

Official printed copies of notices can be obtained from the Canada Gazette Web site at or by calling the sales counter of Canadian Government Publishing at (613) 941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943.

November 26, 2004

Director General
Telecommunications Policy Branch



Hamilton Port Authority — Supplementary letters patent


WHEREAS Letters Patent were issued by the Minister of Transport for the Hamilton Port Authority (the "Authority") under the authority of the Canada Marine Act effective May 1, 2001;

AND WHEREAS Schedule C of the Letters Patent describes the real property, other than federal real property, held or occupied by the Authority;

AND WHEREAS the board of directors of the Authority has requested the Minister of Transport to issue Supplementary Letters Patent to add to Schedule C of the Letters Patent the real property described below;

NOW THEREFORE under the authority of section 9 of the Canada Marine Act, the Letters Patent are amended by adding to Schedule C of the Letters Patent the real property described as follows:

Fourteenthly: PIN 17575-0020® Part of Reserve Lot 4, Part of Gilkinson Street and Part of Richie Street (Both closed by By-law 1028 and registered as Instrument By-law 208), Regis-tered Plan 32, designated as Part 1 on Plan 62R-10465. City of Hamilton Being ALL of the PIN.

ISSUED under my hand to be effective this 17th day of November, 2004.

The Honourable Jean-C. Lapierre, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Transport


Footnote 1

A non-exhaustive list of commonly used NP and NPE CAS Registry Numbers used in Canadian industry is found in the Technical Resource Guide associated with this Notice (see section 19 of this Notice for information on how to get copies of the Technical Resource Guide). The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Information is the property of the American Chemical Society and any use or re-distribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirements and/or for reports to the government when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior, written permission of the American Chemical Society.

Footnote 2

The Priority Substances List Assessment Reports for TMEs, as well as NP and NPEs can be found at Paper copies of both Priority Substances List Assessment Reports can be acquired by contacting the Inquiry Centre, 351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3, 1-800-668-6767.

Footnote 3

The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number is the property of the American Chemical Society and any use or redistribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirements and/or for reports to the Government when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior, written permission of the American Chemical Society.

Footnote 4

The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number is the property of the American Chemical Society and any use or redistribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirements and/or for reports to the Government when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior, written permission of the American Chemical Society.

Footnote 5

The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number is the property of the American Chemical Society and any use or redistribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirements and/or for reports to the Government when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior, written permission of the American Chemical Society.

Footnote 6

A non-exhaustive list of commonly used NP and NPE CAS Registry Numbers in Canadian industry is found in the Instruction Insert associated with this Notice (see section 18 of this Notice for information on how to get copies of this Instruction Insert). The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Information is the property of the American Chemical Society and any use or redistribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirement or for reports to the Government when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior, written permission of the American Chemical Society.


The format of the electronic version of this issue of the Canada Gazette was modified in order to be compatible with hypertext language (HTML). Its content is very similar except for the footnotes, the symbols and the tables.

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Maintained by the Canada Gazette Directorate Important notices
Updated: 2005-04-08