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Vol. 138, No. 12 — March 20, 2004




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06268 is approved.

1. Permittee: ExxonMobil Canada Properties, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of dredged material.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from June 1, 2004, to Octo- ber 31, 2004.

4. Loading Site(s): Hot tap location, South Venture/Venture to Thebaud pipelines: 43°59.84' N, 59°37.99' W (NAD83), as described in the drawing "South Venture Hot Tap Location" submitted in support of the permit application.

5. Disposal Site(s): Hot tap location, South Venture/Venture to Thebaud pipelines: 43°59.84' N, 59°37.99' W (NAD83), as described in the drawing "South Venture Hot Tap Location" submitted in support of the permit application.

6. Route to Disposal Site(s): Via air lifting.

7. Equipment: Diver-operated air-lift systems.

8. Method of Disposal: Air lifting.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 2 000 m3.

11. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Sand.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. The Permittee shall notify in writing the following individuals at least 48 hours prior to each occasion that dredging equipment is mobilized to a loading site. The notification shall include the equipment to be used, the name of the contractor, the contact for the contractor, and the expected period of dredging.

(a) Mr. Adrian MacDonald, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, Atlantic Region, Queen Square, 16th Floor, 45 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6, (902) 426-3897 (facsimile), adrian.macdonald@ (electronic mail);

(b) Mr. Clark Wiseman, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, Atlantic Region, Queen Square, 16th Floor, 45 Alderney Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2N6, (902) 426-7924 (facsimile), (electronic mail);

(c) Ms. Rachel Gautreau, Canadian Wildlife Service, Department of the Environment, 17 Waterfowl Lane, Sackville, New Brunswick E4L 1G6, (506) 364-5062 (facsimile), rachel. (electronic mail); and

(d) Mr. Reg Sweeney, Habitat Management Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2, (902) 426-1489 (facsimile) sweeneyr@ (electronic mail).

12.2. The fee prescribed by the Ocean Dumping Permit Fee Regulations (Site Monitoring) shall be paid by the Permittee in accordance with those Regulations. Proof of payment of the remaining balance of $470 shall be submitted to Mr. Adrian MacDonald, identified in paragraph 12.1, prior to August 16, 2004.

12.3. Procedures to accurately measure or estimate quantities of dredged material disposed of at each disposal site shall be submitted to Mr. Adrian MacDonald, identified in paragraph 12.1. The procedures shall be approved by Environment Canada prior to the commencement of the first air-lifting operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.4. A written report shall be submitted to Mr. Adrian MacDonald, identified in paragraph 12.1, within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information: the quantity of material disposed of and the dates on which the loading and disposal activities occurred for each site.

12.5. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship, aircraft, platform or structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.6. A copy of this permit and of documents and drawings referenced in this permit shall be available on-site at all times when dredging operations are under way.

Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region




Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06271 is approved.

1. Permittee: Crimson Tide Fisheries Ltd., Dover, Newfoundland and Labrador

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from April 21, 2004, to April 20, 2005.

4. Loading Site(s): 48°52.00' N, 53°58.50' W, Dover, Newfoundland and Labrador

5. Disposal Site(s): 48°51.00' N, 53°57.00' W, at an approximate depth of 90 m.

6. Route to Disposal Site: Most direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal site.

7. Equipment: Vessels, barges or other floating equipment complying with all applicable rules regarding safety and navigation and capable of containing all waste cargo during loading and transit to the approved disposal site.

8. Method of Disposal: The material to be disposed of shall be discharged from the equipment or vessel while steaming within 300 m of the approved disposal site. Disposal will take place in a manner which will promote the greatest degree of dispersion. All vessels will operate at maximum safe speed while discharging offal.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 200 tonnes.

11. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee report, in writing, to Mr. Rick Wadman, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, 6 Bruce Street, Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3, (709) 772-5097 (facsimile), (electronic mail), at least 48 hours prior to the start of the first disposal operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to Mr. Rick Wadman, identified in paragraph 12.1, within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information: the quantity and type of material disposed of pursuant to the permit and the dates on which the loading and disposal activities occurred.

12.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship, or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.4. The loading and transit of material to be disposed of at the disposal site must be conducted in such a manner that no material enters the marine environment. Material spilled at any place other than the permitted disposal site must be retrieved. All wastes must be contained on shore while the barge is away from the loading site.

12.5. The material to be disposed of must be covered by netting or other material to prevent access by gulls, except during direct loading or disposal of the material.

12.6. This permit must be displayed in an area of the plant accessible to the public.

12.7. Vessels operating under the authority of this permit must carry and display a radar-reflecting device at all times mounted on the highest practical location.

12.8. The loading or disposal at sea conducted under this permit shall not be carried out without written authorization from the Permittee.

12.9. Material loaded for the purpose of disposal at sea may not be held aboard any vessel for more than 96 hours without the written consent of an enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06272 is approved.

1. Permittee: Fishery Products International Ltd., Triton, Newfoundland and Labrador

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from May 22, 2004, to May 21, 2005.

4. Loading Site(s): 49°32.18' N, 55°35.54' W, Triton, Newfoundland and Labrador.

5. Disposal Site(s): 49°33.30' N, 55°34.00' W, at an approximate depth of 183 m.

6. Route to Disposal Site: Most direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal site.

7. Equipment: Vessels, barges or other floating equipment complying with all applicable rules regarding safety and navigation and capable of containing all material to be disposed of during loading and transit to the approved disposal site.

8. Method of Disposal: The material to be disposed of shall be discharged from the equipment or vessel while steaming within 300 m of the approved disposal site. Disposal will take place in a manner which will promote the greatest degree of dispersion. All vessels will operate at maximum safe speed while discharging offal.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 3 500 tonnes.

11. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee report, in writing, to Mr. Rick Wadman, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, 6 Bruce Street, Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3, (709) 772-5097 (facsimile), (electronic mail), at least 48 hours prior to the start of the first disposal operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to Mr. Rick Wadman, identified in paragraph 12.1, within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information: the quantity and type of material disposed of pursuant to the permit and the dates on which the loading and disposal activities occurred.

12.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.4. The loading and transit of material to be disposed of at the disposal site must be conducted in such a manner that no material enters the marine environment. Material spilled at any place other than the permitted disposal site must be retrieved. All wastes must be contained on shore while the barge is away from the loading site.

12.5. The material to be disposed of shall be covered by netting or other material to prevent access by gulls, except during direct loading or disposal of the material.

12.6. This permit must be displayed in an area of the plant accessible to the public.

12.7. Vessels operating under the authority of this permit must carry and display a radar-reflecting device at all times mounted on the highest practical location.

12.8. The loading or disposal at sea conducted under this permit shall not be carried out without written authorization from the Permittee.

12.9. Material loaded for the purpose of disposal at sea may not be held aboard any vessel for more than 96 hours without the written consent of an enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region




Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Permit No. 4543-2-06273 is approved.

1. Permittee: Notre Dame Seafoods Inc., Twillingate, Newfoundland and Labrador.

2. Type of Permit: To load and dispose of fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

3. Term of Permit: Permit is valid from April 30, 2004, to April 29, 2005.

4. Loading Site(s): 49°39.00' N, 55°35.54' W, Twillingate, Newfoundland and Labrador.

5. Disposal Site(s): 49°41.83' N, 55°45.50' W, at an approximate depth of 80 m.

6. Route to Disposal Site: Most direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal site.

7. Equipment: Vessels, barges or other floating equipment complying with all applicable rules regarding safety and navigation and capable of containing all waste cargo during loading and transit to the approved disposal site.

8. Method of Disposal: The material to be disposed of shall be discharged from the equipment or vessel while steaming within 300 m of the approved disposal site. Disposal will take place in a manner which will promote the greatest degree of dispersion. All vessels will operate at maximum safe speed while discharging offal.

9. Rate of Disposal: As required by normal operations.

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 2 500 tonnes.

11. Waste and Other Matter to Be Disposed of: Fish waste and other organic matter resulting from industrial fish-processing operations.

12. Requirements and Restrictions:

12.1. It is required that the Permittee report, in writing, to Mr. Rick Wadman, Environmental Protection Branch, Department of the Environment, 6 Bruce Street, Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador A1N 4T3, (709) 772-5097 (facsimile), (electronic mail), at least 48 hours prior to the start of the first disposal operation to be conducted under this permit.

12.2. A written report shall be submitted to Mr. Rick Wadman, identified in paragraph 12.1, within 30 days of either the completion of the work or the expiry of the permit, whichever comes first. This report shall contain the following information: the quantity and type of material disposed of pursuant to the permit and the dates on which the loading and disposal activities occurred.

12.3. It is required that the Permittee admit any enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to any place, ship, or anthropogenic structure directly related to the loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit, at any reasonable time throughout the duration of this permit.

12.4. The loading and transit of material to be disposed of at the disposal site must be conducted in such a manner that no material enters the marine environment. Material spilled at any place other than the permitted disposal site must be retrieved. All wastes must be contained on shore while the barge is away from the loading site.

12.5. The material shall be covered by netting or other material to prevent access by gulls, except during direct loading or disposal of the material.

12.6. This permit must be displayed in an area of the plant accessible to the public.

12.7. Vessels operating under the authority of this permit must carry and display a radar-reflecting device at all times mounted on the highest practical location.

12.8. The loading or disposal at sea conducted under this permit shall not be carried out without written authorization from the Permittee.

12.9. Material loaded for the purpose of disposal at sea may not be held aboard any vessel for more than 96 hours without the written consent of an enforcement officer designated pursuant to subsection 217(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region




Notice No. SMSE-009-04

This notice announces the publication of Standard Radio System Plan 500, Provisional, Technical Requirements for Land Mobile and Fixed Radio Services Operating in the Bands 138-144 MHz and 148-174 MHz (SRSP-500).

This SRSP states the technical requirements for land mobile and fixed radio services operating in the bands 138-144 MHz and 148-174 MHz, including band plans to reflect requirements for efficient spectrum utilization in areas of intensive mobile use as defined in the Redeployment Plan (RDP 100-500 MHz).

This issue has been co-ordinated with the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC).

In order for the Department to assess some of the provisions of the SRSP, this issue will remain provisional for a period of one year.

Obtaining copies

Copies of this notice and documents referred to are available electronically on the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Web site at

Official printed copies of this notice can be obtained from the Canada Gazette Web site at or by calling the sales counter of Canadian Government Publishing at (819) 941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943.

March 12, 2004

Director General
Spectrum Engineering Branch



Balance Sheet as at March 3, 2004

Deposits in foreign currencies    
U.S. dollars $ 268,809,006  
Other currencies 9,331,858  
    $ 278,140,864
To members of the Canadian
Payments Association

To Governments    
(at amortized values)    
Treasury bills of Canada 11,243,004,956  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing within three years

Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over three years but not over five years

Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over five years but not over ten years

Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over ten years

Other bills    
Other investments 2,633,197  
Bank premises   128,629,291
Other assets    
Securities purchased under resale agreements    
All other assets 417,860,159  
    $ 41,504,614,339
Bank notes in circulation   $ 39,459,650,424
Government of Canada $ 1,073,179,350  
Banks 34,445,992  
Other members of the Canadian Payments Association
Other 365,242,228  
Liabilities in foreign currencies    
Government of Canada 134,777,179  
Other liabilities    
Security sold under repurchase agreements    
All other liabilities 385,356,804  
Share capital 5,000,000  
Statutory reserve 25,000,000  
    $ 41,504,614,339
Total par value included in Government bonds loaned from the Bank's investments. $
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.   I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, March 4, 2004   Ottawa, March 4, 2004
Acting Chief Accountant   Governor


Balance Sheet as at March 10, 2004

Deposits in foreign currencies    
U.S. dollars $ 299,386,359  
Other currencies 9,195,081  
    $ 308,581,440
To members of the Canadian
Payments Association

To Governments    
(at amortized values)    
Treasury bills of Canada 11,267,397,152  
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing within three years

Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over three years but not over five years

Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over five years but not over ten years

Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over ten years

Other bills    
Other investments 2,633,197  
Bank premises   128,660,484
Other assets    
Securities purchased under resale agreements    
All other assets 449,619,249  
    $ 41,589,256,537
Bank notes in circulation   $ 39,314,040,212
Government of Canada $ 1,244,181,590  
Banks 25,352,174  
Other members of the Canadian Payments Association
Other 367,080,195  
Liabilities in foreign currencies    
Government of Canada 166,989,628  
Other liabilities    
Security sold under repurchase agreements    
All other liabilities 412,127,300  
Share capital 5,000,000  
Statutory reserve 25,000,000  
    $ 41,589,256,537
Total par value included in Government bonds loaned from the Bank's investments. $
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.   I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, March 11, 2004   Ottawa, March 11, 2004
Acting Chief Accountant   Senior Deputy Governor


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