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Vol. 138, No. 3 — January 17, 2004




Gatineau Valley Forest Products Producers' Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order

The Gatineau Valley Forest Products Producers' Board, pursuant to sections 3 and 4 of the Quebec Wood Order, 1983 made by Order in Council P.C. 1983-2885 of September 22, 1983, hereby makes the annexed Order providing for the fixing, imposing and collecting of levies from producers of wood in the Gatineau Valley area in the Province of Quebec for wood marketed in the interprovincial and export trade.

Maniwaki, Quebec, February 28, 2003



1. This Order may be cited as the Gatineau Valley Forest Products Producers' Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order.


2. The definitions in this section apply in this Order.

"buyer" means a person who acquires or receives wood that is subject to the Plan from a producer. (acheteur)

"Commodity Board" means the Gatineau Wood Products Producers' Board (Office)

"Plan" means the Joint plan of Gatineau Valley region wood producers, R.R.Q., c. M-35, r. 69, as amended from time to time. (Plan)

"producer" means a producer who is subject to the Plan and engaged in the production or marketing of wood. (producteur)

"wood" means wood that is produced in the Gatineau Valley Region and that is subject to the Plan. (bois)


3. Every producer shall pay to the Commodity Board, for all wood marketed by the producer in interprovincial and export trade, the applicable levies fixed or imposed in the following Regulations as amended from time to time :

Le Règlement sur les contributions des producteurs de bois de la vallée de la Gatineau (R.R.Q., 1992, c.M-35.1, r. 0.15.2), decision 5561.


4. a) The producer shall pay all levies payable pursuant to section 3 to the Commodity Board at its headquarters in Maniwaki, Quebec, within the time limits of 30 days after marketing of the wood.

b) In the case where the Commodity Board marketed wood in the interprovincial and export trade for a producer, the Commodity Board can deduct from the purchase price payable to a producer for wood all levies payable by the Commodity Board pursuant to section 3.

c) Where a producer does not pay the levy set out in section 3 directly to the Commodity Board, any person who markets that producer's wood in interprovincial or export trade shall :

— deduct from any money payable to the producer by that person any levy payable by the producer to the Commodity Board pursuant to section 3; and

— pay over and account to the Commodity Board for the levy within 30 days after the marketing of the wood in respect of which the levy is payable.


5. This Order comes into force on February 28, 2003.


(This note is not part of the Order.)

This Order provides for the fixing and imposing of levies on and the collecting of levies from producers of wood in the Gatineau Valley area, in the Province of Quebec, for wood marketed in interprovincial and export trade.


Director general




Order Amending the Ontario Hog Charges (Interprovincial and Export) Order

The Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Board, pursuant to sections 3 and 4(a) of the Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Order, (see footnote a) hereby makes the annexed Order Amending the Ontario Hog Charges (Interprovincial and Export) Order.

Guelph, Ontario, December 3, 2003

Chairman of the Board



1. Section 5 of the Ontario Hog Charges (Interprovincial and Export) Order (see footnote b) is replaced by the following:

5. Every producer shall pay to the Commodity Board a charge at the rate of $1.75 for each hog marketed in interprovincial or export trade by or on behalf of the producer.


2. This Order comes into force on December 3, 2003.


(This note is not part of the Order.)

This Order decreases from $1.85 to $1.75 the charge on producers of hogs in Ontario for hogs that are produced in Ontario and marketed in interprovincial or export trade.




Notice with Respect to Substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 2003 — Amendment

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 46(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, that the Notice with Respect to Substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 2003, published January 4, 2003, in the Canada Gazette, Part I, is amended as set out in Schedule 1. This notice comes into force on the date of its publication and remains in force until January 3, 2006.

Enquiries concerning this notice may be addressed to:

National Pollutant Release Inventory
Environment Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 9th Floor
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 953-1656
Facsimile: (819) 994-3266
Electronic mail:

Assistant Deputy Minister
Environmental Protection Service
On behalf of the Minister of the Environment



1. Item 277 Ethylene dichloride in Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the English version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

1,2-Dichloroethane (CAS registry number 107-06-2)

2. Item 282 Methyl alcohol in Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the English version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

Methanol (CAS registry number 67-56-1)

3. Item 294, the CAS registry number 45-20-8 in Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the English version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (CAS registry number 95-63-6)

4. Item 289 beta-Phellandrène in Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the French version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

bêta-Phellandrène (numéro d'enregistrement CAS 555-10-2)

5. Item 291 beta-Pinène in Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the French version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

bêta-Pinène (numéro d'enregistrement CAS 127-91-3)

6. Item 296, the CAS registry number 45-20-8 in Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the French version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

1,2,4-Triméthylbenzène (numéro d'enregistrement CAS 95-63-6)

7. Item 302 Cycloheptène in Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the French version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

Cyclohexène (numéro d'enregistrement CAS *)

8. Paragraph 5(e) in Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Notice is repealed.

9. Paragraph 6(a) in Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the French version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

a) soit une activité mentionnée dans l'article 1 a eu lieu, soit les employés ont collectivement travaillé 20 000 heures ou plus;

10. Paragraph 6(c) in Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

(c) the sum total of the substances listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 released on site or disposed of as a result of incidental manufacture is 50 kilograms or more.

11. Paragraph 7(b) in Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

(b) any substance listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 was released on site or disposed of as a result of wood preservation using creosote.

12. Section 1 in the General part of Schedule 3 to the Notice is expanded to include the following:

1. (2) The information reported shall be based on one of the following commonly-used methods of estimation: continuous emission monitoring, predictive emission monitoring, source testing, mass balance, published emission factors, site-specific emission factors, and engineering estimates.

13. Section 3 in Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the Notice is expanded and replaced to include the following:

(k) the reporting company's business number; and

(l) the legal name(s) of the Canadian parent companies (if applicable), their addresses, and their percentage of ownership of the reporting company (where available), their Dun and Bradstreet number (where available), and their business number.

14. Paragraph 10(a) in Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

(a) required by a notice published under Part 4 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999;

15. Section 11 in Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Notice, with the exception of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e), is replaced with the following:

(f) the quantity released on site to surface waters, subdivided by direct discharges, spills, or leaks, and the name of the receiving surface water bodies and quantity released to each receiving surface water body;

(g) the quantity released on site to land, subdivided by spills, leaks, or other;

(h) the quantity disposed of on site, subdivided by landfill, land treatment, or underground injection;

(i) the quantity disposed of off site, subdivided by landfill, land treatment, underground injection, or storage, and the name and address of each receiving facility and the quantity sent to each facility;

(j) the quantity transferred off site for treatment prior to final disposal, subdivided by physical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment, incineration or thermal treatment, municipal sewage treatment plant, and the name and address of each receiving facility and the quantity sent to each facility;

(k) the quantity transferred off site for recycling, subdivided by energy recovery, recovery of solvents, recovery of organic substances (not solvents), recovery of metals and metal compounds, recovery of inorganic materials (not metals), recovery of acids or bases, recovery of catalysts, recovery of pollution abatement residues, refining or re-use of used oil, or other, and the name and address of each receiving facility and the quantity transferred to each facility;

(l) the method of estimation used to determine the quantities reported pursuant to paragraphs (e) through (k), subdivided by continuous emission monitoring, predictive emission monitoring, source testing, mass balance, published emission factors, site-specific emission factors, engineering estimates, or no releases on site, disposals, or transfers off site for recycling;

(m) the quarterly breakdown of total on site releases (air, water and land) during 2003 by percentage;

(n) the reasons for changes in quantities of releases on site from the previous year, subdivided by changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution-prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in disposals, changes in off-site transfers for recycling, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(o) the reasons for disposals and off-site transfers for recycling, subdivided by production residues, off-specification products, expiration date has passed, contaminated materials, unusable parts or discards, pollution abatement residues, machining or finishing residues, site remediation residues, or other;

(p) the reasons for changes in quantities disposed of from the previous year, subdivided by changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution-prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in off-site transfers for recycling, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(q) the reasons for changes in quantities transferred off site for recycling from the previous year subdivided by changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution-prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in disposals, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(r) the anticipated total on-site releases, disposals, and off-site transfers for recycling for 2004, 2005, and 2006; and

16. Paragraph 11(r) in Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Notice is replaced and denoted as paragraph 11(s).

17. Subparagraph 11(r)(vii) in Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the French version of the Notice is replaced by the following:

(vii) formation ou bonnes pratiques d'exploitation, par des améliorations du programme d'entretien, de la tenue des livres ou des procédures, des modifications à l'horaire de production pour minimiser les changements d'équipement et de matières premières, la formation sur la prévention de la pollution, ou autres (préciser);

18. Paragraph 12(e) in Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Notice is repealed.

19. Section 18 in Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

18. For the purposes of paragraphs 11(e) through (k), if the method of estimation for the quantity released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling for a substance listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 is monitoring or source testing,

(a) indicate in the report whether the concentration of the substance released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling was less than, equal to or greater than the estimated level of quantification set out in section 19 for that substance in the corresponding medium; and

(b) reporting the quantity released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling is optional if the concentration of the substance released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling is less than the estimated level of quantification set out in section 19 for that substance in the corresponding medium.

20. Section 22 in Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

22. If information necessary to estimate the quantity of a substance listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling is not available, report that the information is not available.

21. Paragraph 23(d) in Part 3 of Schedule 3 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

(d) the method of estimation used to determine the quantities reported pursuant to paragraph (b) and subparagraph (c)(i), subdivided by continuous emission monitoring, predictive emission monitoring, source testing, mass balance, published emission factors, site-specific emission factors, engineering estimates, or no releases to air.

22. Section 29 in Part 4 of Schedule 3 to the Notice is repealed.

23. The definition "by-product" in Schedule 4 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

"by-product" means a substance, listed in Schedule 1, which is incidentally manufactured, processed or otherwise used at the facility at any concentration, and released on site to the environment (air, water, and land) or disposed of. " sous-produit "

24. The definition "disposal" in Schedule 4 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

"disposal" means the final disposal of a substance to landfill, land application or underground injection, either on the facility site or at an off-site location. Disposal also includes treatment at an off-site location prior to final disposal. " élimination "

25. The definition "volatile organic compounds" in Schedule 4 to the Notice is replaced by the following:

"volatile organic compounds" means volatile organic compounds as defined in the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. " composés organiques volatils "

26. Schedule 4 to the Notice is amended by adding the following definitions:

"emission factors" relates the quantity of substances emitted from a source to some common activity associated with those emissions, and can be categorized into

    (a) "published emission factors" means those that have been published by government agencies and industry associations for application to emission sources in their particular jurisdiction or industry sector; or
    (b) "site-specific emission factors" means those that have been developed by the industrial facilities using their own specific emission-testing data and source-activity information. " facteurs d'émission "

"release" means the emission or discharge of a substance from the facility site to air, surface waters, or under certain circumstances, to land (e.g. spills, leaks). " rejet "

"treatment" means subjecting the substance to physical, chemical, biological or thermal processes at an off-site location prior to final disposal. " traitement "


(This note is not part of the notice.)

The definitions of release and disposal have been changed as a result of this amendment so that substances sent to landfill, land application or underground injection are treated consistently whether they occur on site or off site. This change does not affect the amount of information collected, but simply reclassifies the activities that have been reported to the National Pollutant Release Inventory. The new format for reporting information is as follows:

— Releases include releases to air and water and those releases that disperse material on land, such as spills and leaks; and

— Substances sent to landfill or land farm or underground injection on site are grouped together with transfers off site, with or without treatment, destined for a similar fate as disposals.

The reporting requirement for characterizing the reactivity of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are not reported individually as either high, medium, low, or unknown is repealed.

This amendment removes the previous specifications that total phosphorus (TP) is to be reported as phosphate. The calculation of the mass reporting threshold and reporting for TP would be consistently expressed as phosphorus.




Notice with Respect to Substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 2004

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 46(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, that for the purpose of conducting research, creating an inventory of data, formulating objectives and codes of practice, issuing guidelines or assessing or reporting on the state of the environment, any person who owns or operates a facility described in Schedule 2 to this notice during the 2004 calendar year, and who possesses or who may reasonably be expected to have access to information described in Schedule 3, shall provide the Minister of the Environment with this information no later than June 1, 2005. Where appropriate, terms contained in this notice have been defined in Schedule 4.

Responses or enquiries concerning this notice shall be addressed to one of the following addresses:

British Columbia and Yukon

National Pollutant Release Inventory
Environment Canada
401 Burrard Street, Suite 201
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6C 3S5
Telephone: (604) 666-3221 / 666-3890 / 666-9864
Facsimile: (604) 666-6800
Electronic mail:

Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut

National Pollutant Release Inventory
Environment Canada
Twin Atria No. 2, Room 200
4999 98th Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6B 2X3
Telephone: (780) 951-8989
Facsimile: (780) 951-8808
Electronic mail:


National Pollutant Release Inventory
Environmental Protection Branch — Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street, 2nd Floor
Downsview, Ontario
M3H 5T4
Telephone: (416) 739-5955 / 739-5886 / 739-4602 / 739-4608
Facsimile: (416) 739-4326
Electronic mail:


National Pollutant Release Inventory
Environment Canada
105 McGill Street, 4th Floor
Montréal, Quebec
H2Y 2E7
Telephone: (514) 283-7303 / 496-1832
Facsimile: (514) 496-6982
Electronic mail:

Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

National Pollutant Release Inventory
Environment Canada
Queen Square, 16th Floor
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B2Y 2N6
Telephone: (902) 426-4482 / 426-4805 / 426-5037
Facsimile: (902) 426-8373
Electronic mail:


National Pollutant Release Inventory
Environment Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 9th Floor
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H3
Telephone: (819) 953-1656
Facsimile: (819) 994-3266
Electronic mail:

This notice comes into force on January 17, 2004, and remains in force until January 17, 2006. Pursuant to subsection 46(8) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, persons to whom this notice applies shall keep copies of the required information, together with any calculations, measurements and other data on which the information is based at the facility to which it relates or at that facility's parent company, located in Canada, for a period of three years from the date this notice comes into force.

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish, in part, the information submitted in response to this notice. Pursuant to sections 51 and 313 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, any person who provides information in response to this notice may submit, with their information, a written request that it be treated as confidential based on the reasons set out in section 52 of the Act. The Minister may also disclose, in accordance with sections 315, 316 and 317 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, information submitted in response to this notice.

Assistant Deputy Minister
Environmental Protection Service
On behalf of the Minister of the Environment


National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances





Number (see footnote c)
1. Acetaldehyde 75-07-0
2. Acetonitrile 75-05-8
3. Acetophenone 98-86-2
4. Acrolein 107-02-8
5. Acrylamide 79-06-1
6. Acrylic acid (see footnote 1) 79-10-7
7. Acrylonitrile 107-13-1
8. Alkanes, C6-18, chloro 68920-70-7
9. Alkanes, C10-13, chloro 85535-84-8
10. Allyl alcohol 107-18-6
11. Allyl chloride 107-05-1
12. Aluminum (see footnote 2) 7429-90-5
13. Aluminum oxide (see footnote 3) 1344-28-1
14. Ammonia (total) (see footnote 4) (see footnote d)
15. Aniline (see footnote 5) 62-53-3
16. Anthracene 120-12-7
17. Antimony (see footnote 6) (see footnote e)
18. Asbestos (see footnote 7) 1332-21-4
19. Benzene 71-43-2
20. Benzoyl chloride 98-88-4
21. Benzoyl peroxide 94-36-0
22. Benzyl chloride 100-44-7
23. Biphenyl 92-52-4
24. Bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate 103-23-1
25. Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7
26. Boron trifluoride 7637-07-2
27. Bromine 7726-95-6
28. 1-Bromo-2-chloroethane 107-04-0
29. Bromomethane 74-83-9
30. 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0
31. 2-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2
32. Butyl acrylate 141-32-2
33. i-Butyl alcohol 78-83-1
34. n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3
35. sec-Butyl alcohol 78-92-2
36. tert-Butyl alcohol 75-65-0
37. Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7
38. 1,2-Butylene oxide 106-88-7
39. Butyraldehyde 123-72-8
40. C.I. Acid Green 3 4680-78-8
41. C.I. Basic Green 4 569-64-2
42. C.I. Basic Red 1 989-38-8
43. C.I. Direct Blue 218 28407-37-6
44. C.I. Disperse Yellow 3 2832-40-8
45. C.I. Food Red 15 81-88-9
46. C.I. Solvent Orange 7 3118-97-6
47. C.I. Solvent Yellow 14 842-07-9
48. Calcium cyanamide 156-62-7
49. Calcium fluoride 7789-75-5
50. Carbon disulphide 75-15-0
51. Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5
52. Carbonyl sulphide 463-58-1
53. Catechol 120-80-9
54. CFC-11 75-69-4
55. CFC-12 75-71-8
56. CFC-13 75-72-9
57. CFC-114 76-14-2
58. CFC-115 76-15-3
59. Chlorendic acid 115-28-6
60. Chlorine 7782-50-5
61. Chlorine dioxide 10049-04-4
62. Chloroacetic acid (see footnote 8) 79-11-8
63. Chlorobenzene 108-90-7
64. Chloroethane 75-00-3
65. Chloroform 67-66-3
66. Chloromethane 74-87-3
67. 3-Chloro-2-methyl-1-propene 563-47-3
68. 3-Chloropropionitrile 542-76-7
69. Chromium (see footnote 9) (see footnote f)
70. Cobalt (see footnote 10) (see footnote g)
71. Copper (see footnote 11) (see footnote h)
72. Cresol, (see footnote 12)
(see footnote 13)
73. Crotonaldehyde 4170-30-3
74. Cumene 98-82-8
75. Cumene hydroperoxide 80-15-9
76. Cyanides (see footnote 14) (see footnote i)
77. Cyclohexane 110-82-7
78. Cyclohexanol 108-93-0
79. Decabromodiphenyl oxide 1163-19-5
80. 2,4-Diaminotoluene (see footnote 15) 95-80-7
81. 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol 128-37-0
82. Dibutyl phthalate 84-74-2
83. o-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1
84. p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7
85. 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine dihydrochloride 612-83-9
86. 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2
87. Dichloromethane 75-09-2
88. 2,4-Dichlorophenol (see footnote 16) 120-83-2
89. 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5
90. Dicyclopentadiene 77-73-6
91. Diethanolamine (see footnote 17) 111-42-2
92. Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2
93. Diethyl sulphate 64-67-5
94. Dimethylamine 124-40-3
95. N,N-Dimethylaniline (see footnote 18) 121-69-7
96. N,N-Dimethylformamide 68-12-2
97. Dimethyl phenol 1300-71-6
98. Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3
99. Dimethyl sulphate 77-78-1
100. 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol (see footnote 19) 534-52-1
101. 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2
102. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2
103. Dinitrotoluene (see footnote 20) 25321-14-6
104. Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0
105. 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1
106. Diphenylamine 122-39-4
107. Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8
108. 2-Ethoxyethanol 110-80-5
109. 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 111-15-9
110. Ethyl acrylate 140-88-5
111. Ethylbenzene 100-41-4
112. Ethyl chloroformate 541-41-3
113. Ethylene 74-85-1
114. Ethylene glycol 107-21-1
115. Ethylene oxide 75-21-8
116. Ethylene thiourea 96-45-7
117. Fluorine 7782-41-4
118. Formaldehyde 50-00-0
119. Formic acid 64-18-6
120. Halon 1211 353-59-3
121. Halon 1301 75-63-8
122. HCFC-22 75-45-6
123. HCFC-122 (see footnote 21) 41834-16-6
124. HCFC-123 (see footnote 22) 34077-87-7
125. HCFC-124 (see footnote 23) 63938-10-3
126. HCFC-141b 1717-00-6
127. HCFC-142b 75-68-3
128. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4
129. Hexachloroethane 67-72-1
130. Hexachlorophene 70-30-4
131. n-Hexane 110-54-3
132. Hydrazine (see footnote 24) 302-01-2
133. Hydrochloric acid 7647-01-0
134. Hydrogen cyanide 74-90-8
135. Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3
136. Hydrogen sulphide 7783-06-4
137. Hydroquinone (see footnote 25) 123-31-9
138. Iron pentacarbonyl 13463-40-6
139. Isobutyraldehyde 78-84-2
140. Isophorone diisocyanate 4098-71-9
141. Isoprene 78-79-5
142. Isopropyl alcohol 67-63-0
143. p,p'-Isopropylidenediphenol 80-05-7
144. Isosafrole 120-58-1
145. Lithium carbonate 554-13-2
146. Maleic anhydride 108-31-6
147. Manganese (see footnote 26) (see footnote j)
148. 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole 149-30-4
149. Methanol 67-56-1
150. 2-Methoxyethanol 109-86-4
151. 2-Methoxyethyl acetate 110-49-6
152. Methyl acrylate 96-33-3
153. Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4
154. p,p'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) 101-14-4
155. 1,1-Methylenebis(4-isocyanatocyclohexane) 5124-30-1
156. Methylenebis(phenylisocyanate) 101-68-8
157. p,p'-Methylenedianiline 101-77-9
158. Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3
159. Methyl iodide 74-88-4
160. Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1
161. Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6
162. N-Methylolacrylamide 924-42-5
163. 2-Methylpyridine 109-06-8
164. N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 872-50-4
165. Michler's ketone (see footnote 27) 90-94-8
166. Molybdenum trioxide 1313-27-5
167. Naphthalene 91-20-3
168. Nickel (see footnote 28) (see footnote k)
169. Nitrate ion (see footnote 29) (see footnote l)
170. Nitric acid 7697-37-2
171. Nitrilotriacetic acid (see footnote 30) 139-13-9
172. p-Nitroaniline 100-01-6
173. Nitrobenzene 98-95-3
174. Nitroglycerin 55-63-0
175. p-Nitrophenol (see footnote 31) 100-02-7
176. 2-Nitropropane 79-46-9
177. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6
178. Nonylphenol and its ethoxylates (see footnote 32) (see footnote m)
179. Octylphenol and its ethoxylates (see footnote 33) (see footnote n)
180. Paraldehyde 123-63-7
181. Pentachloroethane 76-01-7
182. Peracetic acid (see footnote 34) 79-21-0
183. Phenol (see footnote 35) 108-95-2
184. p-Phenylenediamine (see footnote 36) 106-50-3
185. o-Phenylphenol (see footnote 37) 90-43-7
186. Phosgene 75-44-5
187. Phosphorus (see footnote 38) 7723-14-0
188. Phosphorus (total) (see footnote 39) (see footnote o)
189. Phthalic anhydride 85-44-9
190. Polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate 9016-87-9
191. Potassium bromate 7758-01-2
192. Propargyl alcohol 107-19-7
193. Propionaldehyde 123-38-6
194. Propylene 115-07-1
195. Propylene oxide 75-56-9
196. Pyridine (see footnote 40) 110-86-1
197. Quinoline (see footnote 41) 91-22-5
198. p-Quinone 106-51-4
199. Safrole 94-59-7
200. Selenium (see footnote 42) (see footnote p)
201. Silver (see footnote 43) (see footnote q)
202. Sodium fluoride 7681-49-4
203. Sodium nitrite 7632-00-0
204. Styrene 100-42-5
205. Styrene oxide 96-09-3
206. Sulphur hexafluoride 2551-62-4
207. Sulphuric acid 7664-93-9
208. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6
209. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5
210. Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4
211. Tetracycline hydrochloride 64-75-5
212. Thiourea 62-56-6
213. Thorium dioxide 1314-20-1
214. Titanium tetrachloride 7550-45-0
215. Toluene 108-88-3
216. Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate 584-84-9
217. Toluene-2,6-diisocyanate 91-08-7
218. Toluenediisocyanate (see footnote 44) 26471-62-5
219. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1
220. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5
221. Trichloroethylene 79-01-6
222. Triethylamine 121-44-8
223. 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6
224. 2,2,4-Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate 16938-22-0
225. 2,4,4-Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate 15646-96-5
226. Vanadium (see footnote 45) 7440-62-2
227. Vinyl acetate 108-05-4
228. Vinyl chloride 75-01-4
229. Vinylidene chloride 75-35-4
230. Xylene (see footnote 46) 1330-20-7
231. Zinc (see footnote 47) (see footnote r)



232. Mercury (see footnote 48) (see footnote s)



233. Cadmium (see footnote 49) (see footnote t)



234. Arsenic (see footnote 50) (see footnote u)
235. Hexavalent chromium compounds (see footnote v)
236. Lead (see footnote 51)
(see footnote 52)
(see footnote w)
237. Tetraethyl lead 78-00-2



238. Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3
239. Benzo(a)phenanthrene 218-01-9
240. Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8
241. Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2
242. Benzo(e)pyrene 192-97-2
243. Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2
244. Benzo(j)fluoranthene 205-82-3
245. Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9
246. Dibenz(a,j)acridine 224-42-0
247. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3
248. Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene 189-55-9
249. 7H-Dibenzo(c,g)carbazole 194-59-2
250. Fluoranthene 206-44-0
251. Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5
252. Perylene 198-55-0
253. Phenanthrene 85-01-8
254. Pyrene 129-00-0



255. Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1
256. Dioxins and furans (see footnote 53) (see footnote x)



257. Carbon monoxide 630-08-0
258. Oxides of nitrogen (expressed as NO2) 11104-93-1
259. PM2.5 (see footnote y)
260. PM10 (see footnote z)
261. Sulphur dioxide 7446-09-5
262. Total particulate matter (see footnote 1a)
263. Volatile organic compounds (see footnote 54) (see footnote 1b)




264. Acetylene 74-86-2
265. Adipic acid 124-04-9
266. Aniline (see footnote 55) 62-53-3
267. Benzene 71-43-2
268. 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0
269. 2-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2
270. n-Butyl acetate 123-86-4
271. Chlorobenzene 108-90-7
272. p-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7
273. 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2
274. Dimethylether 115-10-6
275. Ethyl alcohol 64-17-5
276. Ethyl acetate 141-78-6
277. Ethylene 74-85-1
278. Formaldehyde 50-00-0
279. n-Hexane 110-54-3
280. Isopropyl alcohol 67-63-0
281. D-Limonene 5989-27-5
282. Methanol 67-56-1
283. Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3
284. 2-Methyl-3-hexanone 7379-12-6
285. Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1
286. Myrcene 123-35-3
287. Beta-Phellandrene 555-10-2
288. Phenyl isocyanate 103-71-9
289. Alpha-Pinene 80-56-8
290. Beta-Pinene 127-91-3
291. Propane 74-98-6
292. Propylene 115-07-1
293. Styrene 100-42-5
294. 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6
295. Trimethylfluorosilane 420-56-4
296. Toluene 108-88-3
297. Vinyl acetate 108-05-4



298. Anthraquinone (see footnote 56) (see footnote 1c)
299. Butane (see footnote 57) (see footnote 1d)
300. Butene (see footnote 58) 25167-67-3
301. Cycloheptane (see footnote 59) (see footnote 1e)
302. Cyclohexene (see footnote 60) (see footnote 1f)
303. Cyclooctane (see footnote 61) (see footnote 1g)
304. Decane (see footnote 62) (see footnote 1h)
305. Dihydronapthalene (see footnote 63) (see footnote 1i)
306. Dodecane (see footnote 64) (see footnote 1j)
307. Heptane (see footnote 65) (see footnote 1k)
308. Hexane (see footnote 66) (see footnote 1l)
309. Hexene (see footnote 67) 25264-93-1
310. Methylindan (see footnote 68) 27133-93-3
311. Nonane (see footnote 69) (see footnote 1m)
312. Octane (see footnote 70) (see footnote 1n)
313. Pentane (see footnote 71) (see footnote 1o)
314. Pentene (see footnote 72) (see footnote 1p)
315. Terpene (see footnote 73) 68956-56-9
316. Trimethylbenzene (see footnote 74) 25551-13-7
317. Xylene (see footnote 75) 1330-20-7



318. Creosote 8001-58-9
319. Heavy aromatic solvent naphtha 64742-94-5
320. Light aromatic solvent naphtha 64742-95-6
321. Mineral spirits 64475-85-0
322. Naphtha 8030-30-6
323. Stoddard solvent 8052-41-3


Criteria for Reporting


Persons who must report

If a person who owns or operates a facility with respect to which information was submitted in response to the Notice with Respect to Substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 2003 determines that the facility does not meet the criteria for reporting set out in Parts 1 through 5 in this Schedule, the person shall notify the Minister of the Environment that the facility does not meet these criteria. If the ownership or the person who operates a facility as described in this Schedule changes during the 2004 calendar year, the person who owns or operates the facility as of December 31, 2004, must report for the entire 2004 calendar year by June 1, 2005. If operations at a facility are terminated during the 2004 calendar year, the last owner or operator of that facility is required to report for the portion of the 2004 calendar year during which the facility was in operation, by June 1, 2005.

1. The following activities, to which the 20 000-hour employee threshold does not apply, are identified for the purposes of Parts 1 to 5:

(a) non-hazardous solid waste incineration of 26 tonnes or more of waste per year, including small combustion units, conical burners and beehive burners;

(b) biomedical or hospital waste incineration of 26 tonnes or more of waste per year;

(c) hazardous waste incineration;

(d) sewage sludge incineration;

(e) wood preservation;

(f) terminal operations;

(g) discharge of treated or untreated wastewater from a wastewater collection system with an annual average discharge of 10 000 cubic metres or more per day, into surface waters.

2. A substance listed in Schedule 1 shall not be included in calculating its prescribed mass reporting threshold if the substance is

(a) manufactured, processed or otherwise used for the exploration of oil or gas, or drilling of oil or gas wells; or

(b) contained in

    (i) articles that are processed or otherwise used;
    (ii) materials used as structural components of the facility but not the process equipment;
    (iii) materials used in routine janitorial or facility grounds maintenance;
    (iv) materials used for personal use by employees or other persons;
    (v) materials used for the purpose of maintaining motor vehicles operated by the facility;
    (vi) intake water or intake air, such as water used for process cooling or air used either as compressed air or for combustion; or
    (vii) road dust.

3. (1) A substance listed in Schedule 1 shall not be included in calculating its prescribed mass reporting threshold if the substance is manufactured, processed or otherwise used in an activity listed below:

(a) education or training of students, such as at universities, colleges and schools;

(b) research or testing;

(c) maintenance and repair of transportation vehicles, such as automobiles, trucks, locomotives, ships or aircraft, except painting and stripping of vehicles or their components, or the rebuilding or remanufacturing of vehicle components;

(d) distribution, storage, or retail sale of fuels, except as part of the terminal operations;

(e) wholesale or retail sale of articles or products, if the substance is not released to the environment during normal use at the facility;

(f) retail sale of the substance;

(g) growing, harvesting, or management of renewable natural resources, such as fisheries, forestry or agriculture, except processing or otherwise using renewable natural resources;

(h) mining, except processing or otherwise using mined materials; or

(i) the practice of dentistry.

(2) Despite subsection (1), if a substance is listed in Part 4 or 5 of Schedule 1, it shall be included in calculating its prescribed mass reporting threshold if the substance was released to air as a result of the combustion of fuel in stationary combustion equipment.



Facilities for which a report is required for a substance listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1:

4. (1) A contiguous facility or offshore installation where, during 2004,

(a) either was used for an activity listed in section 1, or where employees worked a total of 20 000 hours or more;

(b) any substance listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1 was manufactured, processed or otherwise used in a quantity equal to or greater than the quantity set out in column 2 of Table 1 corresponding to the group in which the substance is listed; and

(c) the concentration by weight of the substance was equal to or greater than the concentration by weight of the substance set out in column 3 of Table 1 corresponding to the group in which the substance is listed, unless the substance is a by-product or there is no corresponding value set out in column 3 of Table 1 for the substance.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), by-products shall be included in the calculation of the mass reporting threshold set out in column 2 of Table 1, regardless of concentration.

5. For the purposes of this Part, the mass reporting threshold for a substance listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1 shall be calculated as follows:

(a) for a substance that is qualified with the footnote "and its salts," use the molecular weight of the acid or the base and not the total weight of the salt;

(b) for a substance that is qualified with the footnote "and its compounds," use the pure element and the equivalent weight of the element contained in any substance, alloy or mixture except for lead and its compounds contained in stainless steel, brass or bronze alloys;

(c) for ammonia (total), use the ammonium ion (NH4+) in solution expressed as ammonia and include with ammonia; and

(d) for vanadium, include the pure element and the equivalent weight of the element contained in any substance or mixture except when contained in an alloy.

Table 1: Mass Reporting Threshold and Concentration for Substances Listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1

Item Column 1

Substances in Part 1 of Schedule 1
Column 2

Mass Reporting Threshold
Column 3

Concentration by Weight
1. Group 1 Substances 10 tonnes 1%
2. Group 2 Substances 5 kilograms N/A
3. Group 3 Substances 5 kilograms 0.1%
4. Group 4 Substances 50 kilograms 0.1%



Facilities for which a report is required for a substance listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1:

6. A contiguous facility or offshore installation where, during 2004,

(a) either was used for an activity listed in section 1, or where employees worked a total of 20 000 hours or more;

(b) any substance listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 was incidentally manufactured; and

(c) the sum total of the substances listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 released on site or disposed of as a result of incidental manufacture is 50 kilograms or more.

7. A contiguous facility where, during 2004,

(a) the contiguous facility was used for wood preservation and creosote was used, at any time, for that purpose; and

(b) any substance listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 was released on site or disposed of as a result of wood preservation using creosote.



Facilities for which a report is required for a substance listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1:

8. A contiguous facility or offshore installation where, during 2004,

(a) either was used for an activity listed in section 1, or where employees worked a total of 20 000 hours or more; and

(b) the contiguous facility was engaged in one or more of the following activities:

    (i) non-hazardous solid waste incineration of 26 tonnes or more of waste per year, including small combustion units, conical burners and beehive burners;
    (ii) biomedical or hospital waste incineration of 26 tonnes or more of waste per year;
    (iii) hazardous waste incineration;
    (iv) sewage sludge incineration;
    (v) base metals smelting;
    (vi) smelting of secondary aluminum;
    (vii) smelting of secondary lead;
    (viii) manufacturing of iron using a sintering process;
    (ix) operation of electric arc furnaces in steel foundries;
    (x) operation of electric arc furnaces in steel manufacturing;
    (xi) production of magnesium;
    (xii) manufacturing of portland cement;
    (xiii) production of chlorinated organic solvents or chlorinated monomers;
    (xiv) combustion of fossil fuel in a boiler unit with a nameplate capacity of 25 megawatts or greater of electricity, for the purpose of producing steam for the production of electricity;
    (xv) combustion of hog fuel originating from logs that were transported or stored in salt water in the pulp and paper sector;
    (xvi) combustion of fuel in kraft liquor boilers used in the pulp and paper sector; or
    (xvii) wood preservation using pentachlorophenol.



Facilities for which a report is required for a substance listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1:

9. A contiguous facility or offshore installation where, during 2004,

(a) either was used for an activity listed in section 1, or where employees worked a total of 20 000 hours or more; and

(b) the substance set out in column 1 of Table 2 was released to air in a quantity equal to or greater than the quantity set out in column 2 of Table 2 for that substance.

10. (1) A facility that, during 2004,

(a) was a contiguous facility or offshore installation where employees worked a total of less than 20 000 hours, or was a pipeline installation; and

(b) released to air a substance listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1 from the combustion of fuel in stationary combustion equipment at the facility, in a quantity equal to or greater than the quantity set out in column 2 of Table 2 for that substance.

(2) Despite subsection (1), a report for a substance listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1 is not required if

(a) the substance is only released to air from stationary, external-combustion equipment;

(b) the cumulative nameplate capacity of that equipment is less than 10 million British Thermal Units per hour; and

(c) the only type of fuel combusted in that equipment is commercial grade natural gas, liquified petroleum gas, Number 1 or 2 fuel oil, or any combination thereof.

11. When calculating the mass reporting threshold for oxides of nitrogen (expressed as NO2), express the oxides of nitrogen as nitrogen dioxide on a mass basis.

Table 2: Mass Reporting Threshold for Substances Listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1

Column 1

Substances in Part 4 of Schedule 1
Column 2

Mass Reporting Threshold
1. Carbon monoxide 20 tonnes
2. Oxides of nitrogen (expressed as NO2) 20 tonnes
3. PM2.5 0.3 tonnes
4. PM10 0.5 tonnes
5. Sulphur dioxide 20 tonnes
6. Total particulate matter 20 tonnes
7. Volatile organic compounds 10 tonnes



Facilities for which a report is required for a substance or class of substances listed in Part 5 of Schedule 1:

12. A facility where a report is required under section 9 or 10 for volatile organic compounds, and where during 2004, a substance or class of substances listed in Part 5 was released to air in a quantity equal to or greater than one tonne.


Types of Information Subject to Notice and Manner of Reporting


1. (1) The information reported shall be based on the best available data and information that the person possesses or to which the person may reasonably be expected to have access.

(2) The information reported shall be based on one of the following commonly used methods of estimation: continuous emission monitoring, predictive emission monitoring, source testing, mass balance, published emission factors, site-specific emission factors, and engineering estimates.

2. (1) If a substance listed in Schedule 1 is not included in calculating its prescribed mass reporting threshold pursuant to section 2 of Schedule 2, no information is required to be reported in respect of that substance that is contained in articles, materials or intake water or air described in section 2 of Schedule 2 or that is manufactured, processed or otherwise used for the exploration for oil or gas, or drilling of oil or gas wells.

(2) If a substance listed in Schedule 1 is not included in calculating its prescribed mass reporting threshold pursuant to section 3 of Schedule 2, no information is required to be reported in respect of that substance that resulted from the manufacture, process, or other use of an activity described in subsection 3(1) of Schedule 2.



3. Identification of the reporting facility subdivided by:

(a) the reporting company's legal and trade name, facility name (if applicable) and address;

(b) the NPRI identification number;

(c) the number of full-time employee equivalents;

(d) the Dun and Bradstreet number (where available);

(e) the two- and four-digit Canadian Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and the four-digit U.S. SIC code;

(f) the two- and four-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and the six-digit NAICS Canada code;

(g) the name, position, address and telephone number of the public contact (if applicable);

(h) the name, position, address and telephone number of the technical contact;

(i) the name, position, address and telephone number of the individual co-ordinating the submission of the report (if applicable);

(j) the name, position and address of the official signing the Statement of Certification;

(k) the reporting company's business number; and

(l) the legal name(s) of the Canadian parent companies if applicable, their addresses, and their percentage of ownership of the reporting company (where available), their Dun and Bradstreet number (where available), and their business number.

4. A statement indicating whether an independent contractor completed the report, and if so, the name, company name, telephone number and address of the independent contractor.

5. A Statement of Certification signed by an authorized signing officer of the company indicating that the person has reviewed the documents, has exercised due diligence to ensure that the information submitted is true, accurate and complete, and is based on the best available data and information.

6. Identification of reported information for which a request is being made to treat the information as confidential pursuant to sections 51 and 313 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, and the reasons for the request in accordance with section 52 of the Act.

7. Identification of the activities listed in section 1 of Schedule 2 for which the facility was used, if any.

8. Identification of the activities listed in paragraph 8(b) in Part 3 of Schedule 2 in which the facility was engaged, if any.

9. Identification of whether the facility was used for wood preservation and whether creosote was used, at any time, for that purpose.

10. Identification of whether, during the 2004 calendar year, the facility had prepared or was implementing any pollution prevention plans, and if so, whether any were pollution prevention plans:

(a) required by a notice published under Part 4 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. If yes, indicate the reference code for the notice published in the Canada Gazette, Part I;

(b) prepared or implemented for another government or under another Act of Parliament; or

(c) prepared or implemented by the facility on a voluntary basis.



11. For each substance or class of substances listed in Parts 1 through 3 of Schedule 1 for which the reporting criteria have been satisfied, report the following:

(a) its identity, including, if applicable, its Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number;

(b) the nature of the manufacturing activity, if applicable, subdivided by on-site use or processing, sale or distribution, as a by-product, or as an impurity;

(c) the nature of the processing activity, if applicable, subdivided as a reactant, as a formulation component, as an article component, for repackaging only, or as a by-product;

(d) the nature of the other use activity, if applicable, subdivided as a physical or chemical processing aid, as a manufacturing aid, for ancillary or other use, or as a by-product;

(e) the quantity released on site to air, subdivided by stack releases or point releases, storage or handling releases, fugitive releases, spills or other non-point releases;

(f) the quantity released on site to surface waters, subdivided by direct discharges, spills, or leaks, and the name of the receiving surface water bodies and quantity released to each receiving surface water body;

(g) the quantity released on site to land, subdivided by spills, leaks, or other;

(h) the quantity disposed of on site, subdivided by landfill, land treatment, or underground injection;

(i) the quantity disposed of off site, subdivided by landfill, land treatment, underground injection, or storage; and the name and address of each receiving facility and the quantity sent to each facility;

(j) the quantity transferred off site for treatment prior to final disposal, subdivided by physical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment, incineration or thermal treatment, municipal sewage treatment plant, and the name and address of each receiving facility and the quantity sent to each facility;

(k) the quantity transferred off site for recycling, subdivided by energy recovery, recovery of solvents, recovery of organic substances (not solvents), recovery of metals and metal compounds, recovery of inorganic materials (not metals), recovery of acids or bases, recovery of catalysts, recovery of pollution abatement residues, refining or re-use of used oil, or other; and the name and address of each receiving facility and the quantity transferred to each facility;

(l) the method of estimation used to determine the quantities reported pursuant to paragraphs (e) through (k), subdivided by continuous emission monitoring, predictive emission monitoring, source testing, mass balance, published emission factors, site-specific emission factors, engineering estimates, or no releases on site, disposals, or transfers off site for recycling;

(m) the quarterly breakdown of total on-site releases (air, water and land) during 2004 by percentage;

(n) the reasons for changes in quantities of releases on site from the previous year, subdivided by changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in disposals, changes in off-site transfers for recycling, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(o) the reasons for disposals and off-site transfers for recycling, subdivided by production residues, off-specification products, expiration date has passed, contaminated materials, unusable parts or discards, pollution abatement residues, machining or finishing residues, site remediation residues, or other;

(p) the reasons for changes in quantities disposed of from the previous year, subdivided by changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in off-site transfers for recycling, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(q) the reasons for changes in quantities transferred off site for recycling from the previous year, subdivided by changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in disposals, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(r) the anticipated total on-site releases, disposals, and off-site transfers for recycling for 2005, 2006, and 2007; and

(s) the pollution prevention methods used and, for each method reported, the specific type of method used, subdivided as follows:

    (i) materials or feedstock substitution, subdivided by increased purity of materials, substituted materials, or other (specify);
    (ii) product design or reformulation, subdivided by changed product specifications, modified design or composition, modified packaging, or other (specify);
    (iii) equipment or process modifications, subdivided by modified equipment, layout, or piping, used different process catalyst, instituted better controls on operating bulk containers, changed from small volume containers to bulk containers, modified stripping/cleaning equipment, changed to mechanical stripping/cleaning devices, changed to aqueous cleaners, modified or installed rinse systems, improved rinse equipment design, improved rinse equipment operation, modified spray systems or equipment, improved application techniques, changed from spray to other system, other (specify);
    (iv) spill and leak prevention, subdivided by improved storage or stacking procedures, improved procedures for loading, unloading, and transfer operations, installed overflow alarms or automatic shut-off valves, installed vapor recovery systems, implemented inspection or monitoring program of potential spill or leak sources, modified containment procedures, improved draining procedures, other (specify);
    (v) on-site reuse or recycling, subdivided by instituted recirculation within a process, or other (specify);
    (vi) improved inventory management or purchasing techniques, further subdivided by instituted procedures to ensure that materials do not stay in inventory beyond shelf-life, initiated testing of outdated material, eliminated shelf-life requirements for stable materials, instituted better labeling procedures, instituted clearinghouse to exchange materials, instituted improved purchasing procedures, other (specify);
    (vii) training or good operating practices, subdivided by improved maintenance scheduling, record keeping or procedures, changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers, training related to pollution prevention, other (specify);
    (viii) other (specify); or
    (ix) no pollution prevention activities.

For the purposes set out in this notice, any person to whom this notice applies shall provide the information required by this Part respecting substances in Part 1 of Schedule 1 in the following manner:

12. Report the information for a substance listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1 as follows:

(a) for a substance that is qualified with the footnote "and its salts," report the molecular weight of the acid or the base and not the total weight of the salt;

(b) for a substance that is qualified with the footnote "and its compounds," report the pure element and the equivalent weight of the element contained in any substance, alloy or mixture, except for lead and its compounds contained in stainless steel, brass or bronze alloys;

(c) for ammonia (total), express the ammonium ion (NH4+) in solution as ammonia and report together with ammonia; and

(d) for vanadium, report the pure element and the equivalent weight of the element contained in any substance or mixture, except when contained in an alloy.

13. Report information in respect of substances listed in Group 1 in Part 1 of Schedule 1 in tonnes.

14. Report information in respect of substances listed in Groups 2, 3 and 4 in Part 1 of Schedule 1 in kilograms.

For the purposes set out in this notice, any person to whom this notice applies shall provide the information required by this Part respecting substances in Part 2 of Schedule 1 in the following manner:

15. If information on individual substances listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 is not available, report information for the group as a whole.

16. Report information in respect of substances listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 in kilograms.

For the purposes set out in this notice, any person to whom this notice applies shall provide the information required by this Part respecting substances in Part 3 of Schedule 1 in the following manner:

17. Only report information for a substance listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 that resulted from the incidental manufacture of the substance from the activities identified in subparagraphs 8(b)(i) through (xvi) in Part 3 of Schedule 2, or that is present as a contaminant in pentachlorophenol for the activity listed in subparagraph 8(b)(xvii) in Part 3 of Schedule 2.

18. For the purposes of paragraphs 11(e) through (k), if the method of estimation for the quantity released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling for a substance listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 is monitoring or source testing:

(a) indicate in the report whether the concentration of the substance released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling was less than, equal to or greater than the estimated level of quantification set out in section 19 for that substance in the corresponding medium; and

(b) reporting the quantity released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling is optional if the concentration of the substance released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling is less than the estimated level of quantification set out in section 19 for that substance in the corresponding medium.

19. (1) For the purpose of section 18, the estimated level of quantification values for hexachlorobenzene listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 are

(a) 6 nanograms of hexachlorobenzene per cubic meter of gaseous material;

(b) 70 nanograms of hexachlorobenzene per litre of liquid material; and

(c) 2 nanograms of hexachlorobenzene per gram of solid material.

(2) For the purpose of section 18, the estimated level of quantification values for dioxins and furans listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 are

(a) 32 picograms of toxicity equivalents of dioxins and furans per cubic meter of gaseous material;

(b) 20 picograms of toxicity equivalents of dioxins and furans per litre of liquid material; and

(c) 9 picograms of toxicity equivalents of dioxins and furans per gram of solid material.

20. Report information in respect of hexachlorobenzene listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 in grams.

21. Report information in respect of dioxins and furans in Part 3 of Schedule 1 in grams of toxicity equivalents (TEQ).

22. If information necessary to estimate the quantity of a substance listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 released on site, disposed of, or transferred off site for recycling is not available, report that the information is not available



23. For each substance or class of substances listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1 for which the reporting criteria set out in Part 4 of Schedule 2 have been satisfied, report the following:

(a) its identity, including, if applicable, its Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number;

(b) the quantity released on site to air, subdivided by stack releases or point releases, storage or handling releases, fugitive releases, spills or other non-point releases;

(c) for each stack with a height equal to or greater than 50 meters above grade where the substance is released to air from the stack in a quantity equal to or greater than the quantity set out in column 2 of Table 1 corresponding to that substance,

    (i) the quantity of the substance that was released from the stack; and
    (ii) the stack height above grade, the equivalent diameter of the stack, the average exit velocity, and the average exit temperature for each stack;

(d) the method of estimation used to determine the quantities reported pursuant to paragraph (b) and subparagraph (c)(i), subdivided by continuous emission monitoring, predictive emission monitoring, source testing, mass balance, published emission factors, site-specific emission factors, engineering estimates, or no releases to air;

(e) the monthly breakdown of total releases to air during 2004 by percentage;

(f) the reasons for changes in quantities of releases to air from the previous year subdivided by changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution-prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(g) the anticipated total releases to air for 2005, 2006, and 2007; and

(h) the pollution prevention information described in paragraph 11(s) in Part 2.

24. If the reporting criteria in Part 4 of Schedule 2 are satisfied for a substance listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1, report the representative daily and weekly operating schedule of the facility for each month.

Table 1: Minimum Quantity Released From Stack During 2004 Calendar Year

Item Number
Column 1

Substance Name
Column 2

Minimum Quantity Released From Stack
1. Carbon monoxide 5 tonnes
2. Oxides of nitrogen (expressed as NO2) 5 tonnes
3. PM2.5 0.15 tonnes
4. PM10 0.25 tonnes
5. Sulphur dioxide 5 tonnes
6. Total particulate matter 5 tonnes
7. Volatile organic compounds 5 tonnes

For the purposes set out in this notice, any person to whom this notice applies shall provide the information respecting substances in Part 4 of Schedule 1 required by this Part in the following manner:

25. If a facility satisfies the reporting criteria set out in section 10 in Part 4 of Schedule 2, only report information for releases of the Part 4 substance from the stationary combustion equipment at the facility.

26. Report information respecting oxides of nitrogen (expressed as NO2) by expressing the oxides of nitrogen as nitrogen dioxide on a mass basis.

27. Report information in respect of substances listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1 in tonnes.



28. For each substance or class of substances listed in Part 5 of Schedule 1 for which the reporting criteria set out in Part 5 of Schedule 2 have been satisfied, report the following:

(a) its identity, including, if applicable, its Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number;

(b) the quantity released from each stack with a height equal to or greater than 50 meters where the quantity of volatile organic compounds was released to air from the stack was equal to or greater than 5 tonnes; and

(c) the quantity of all other releases to air excluding those quantities reported under paragraph (b).

For the purposes set out in this notice, any person to whom this notice applies shall provide the information respecting substances in Part 5 of Schedule 1 required by this Part in the following manner:

29. If a facility satisfies the reporting criteria set out in section 10 in Part 4 of Schedule 2 for volatile organic compounds, only report information for releases of the Part 5 substance from the stationary combustion equipment at the facility.

30. Report information in respect of a substance listed in Part 5 in tonnes.



1. The following definitions apply to this notice and its schedules:

"alloy" includes metal products containing two or more elements as a solid solution, intermetallic compounds, and mixtures of metallic phases. " alliage "

"article" means a manufactured item that does not release a substance, listed in Schedule 1, under normal conditions of processing or other use. " article "

"base metal" means copper, lead, nickel and zinc. " métal commun "

"by-product" means a substance, listed in Schedule 1, which is incidentally manufactured, processed or otherwise used at the facility at any concentration, and released on site to the environment (air, water, and land) or disposed of. " sous-produit "

"CAS Registry Number" and "CAS No." mean the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number. " numéro d'enregistrement CAS " or " numéro du CAS "

"contiguous facility" means all buildings, equipment, structures and stationary items that are located on a single site or on contiguous or adjacent sites and that are owned or operated by the same person and that function as a single integrated site, and includes wastewater collection systems that discharge treated or untreated wastewater into surface waters. " installation contiguë "

"disposal" means the final disposal of a substance to landfill, land application or underground injection, either on the facility site or at an off-site location. Disposal also includes treatment at an off-site location prior to final disposal. " élimination "

"emission factors" relates the quantity of substances emitted from a source to some common activity associated with those emissions, and can be categorized into

    (a) "published emission factors" means those that have been published by government agencies and industry associations for application to emission sources in their particular jurisdiction or industry sector; or
    (b) "site-specific emission factors" means those that have been developed by the industrial facilities using their own specific emission-testing data and source-activity information. " facteurs d'émission "

"employee" includes

    (a) a person employed at the facility;
    (b) an owner who performs work on site at the facility; and
    (c) a person who performs work on site at the facility on a routine basis that is related to the normal operations of the facility, for the period of time the person is performing that work, such as contractors. " employé "

"external-combustion equipment" means any equipment with a combustion process that occurs at atmospheric pressure and with excess air. " appareil à combustion externe "

"facility" means a contiguous facility, a pipeline installation, or an offshore installation. " installation "

"fossil fuel" means fuel that is in a solid or liquid state at standard temperature and pressure, such as coal, petroleum or any solid or liquid fuel derived from such. " combustible fossile "

"full-time employee equivalent" means the unit obtained by dividing by 2 000 hours, the sum of

    (a) the total hours worked by persons employed at the facility, and the total hours of paid vacation and of sick leave taken by persons employed at the facility;
    (b) the hours worked on site at the facility by the owner of the facility, if not employed by the facility; and
    (c) the hours worked on site at the facility by a person who performs work on a routine basis related to the normal operations of the facility, such as contractors. " équivalent d'employé à temps plein "

"level of quantification" means, in respect of a substance, the lowest concentration that can be accurately measured using sensitive but routine sampling and analytical methods. " niveau de dosage "

"manufacture" means to produce, prepare, or compound a substance listed in Schedule 1 and includes the coincidental production of a substance, listed in Schedule 1, as a by-product as a result of the manufacturing, processing or other use of other substances. " fabrication "

"offshore installation" means an offshore drilling unit, production platform or ship, or subsea installation attached or anchored to the continental shelf of Canada in connection with the exploitation of oil or gas. " installation extracôtière "

"other use" includes any use or disposal of a substance, listed in Schedule 1, relevant to the purpose of the facility which is not included under the definitions of "manufacture" or "process." " autre utilisation "

"parent company" means the highest level company or group of companies that own or directly control the reporting facility. " société mère "

"pipeline installation" means a collection of equipment situated at a single site, used in the operation of a natural gas transmission or distribution pipeline. " installation de pipeline "

"PM2.5" means any particulate matter with a diameter less than or equal to 2.5 microns. " PM2,5 "

"PM10" means any particulate matter with a diameter less than or equal to 10 microns. " PM10 "

"pollution prevention" means the use of processes, practices, materials, products, substances or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste, and reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health. " prévention de la pollution "

"process" means the preparation of a substance, listed in Schedule 1, after its manufacture, for commercial distribution and includes preparation of a substance in the same physical state or chemical form as that received by the facility, or preparation which produces a change in physical state or chemical form. " préparation "

"recycling" includes any activity that prevents a material or a component of the material from becoming a material destined for disposal. " recyclage "

"release" means the emission or discharge of a substance from the facility site to air, surface waters, or under certain circumstances, to land (e.g. spills, leaks). " rejet "

"secondary aluminum" means aluminum-bearing scrap or aluminum-bearing materials. " aluminium de récupération "

"secondary lead" means lead-bearing scrap or lead-bearing materials, other than lead-bearing concentrates derived from a mining operation. " plomb de récupération "

"terminal operations" means

    (a) the use of storage tanks and associated equipment at a site used to store or transfer crude oil, artificial crude or intermediates of fuel products into or out of a pipeline; or
    (b) operating activities of a primary distribution installation normally equipped with floating roof tanks that receives gasoline by pipeline, railcar, marine vessel or directly from a refinery. " opérations de terminal "

"total particulate matter" means any particulate matter with a diameter less than 100 microns. " particules totales "

"toxicity equivalent" commonly referred to as TEQ, means a mass or concentration which is a sum of the masses or concentrations of individual congeners of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans multiplied by weighting factors set out in the Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory — 2004. " équivalent toxique "

"treatment" means subjecting the substance to physical, chemical, biological or thermal processes at an off-site location prior to final disposal. " traitement "

"volatile organic compounds" means volatile organic compounds as defined in the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. " composés organiques volatils "

"wood preservation" means the use of a preservative for the preservation of wood by means of heat or pressure treatment, or both, and includes the manufacture, blending, or reformulation of wood preservatives for that purpose. " préservation du bois "


(This note is not part of the notice.)

Persons to whom this notice applies should register at one of the aforementioned addresses to receive a copy of the Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory — 2004, other applicable guidance material and the 2004 reporting software.

The Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory — 2004, other applicable guidance material and the 2004 reporting software will be mailed to facilities for which reports are received for the 2003 reporting year. Correspondence will be addressed to the company coordinator identified in the 2003 NPRI report; if none was indicated, the materials will be sent to the technical contact. Notwithstanding the above, obtaining the guidance materials and the reporting software for 2004 is the responsibility of the person required to report to the 2004 National Pollutant Release Inventory. Those who have not received their copies by the end of April 2005 should contact Environment Canada at one of the aforementioned addresses.





Name and Position Order in Council
Adams, John 2003-2112
Canadian Coast Guard  
Anderson, George R.M. 2003-2127
Northern Pipeline Agency  
Bloodworth, Margaret 2003-2110
Deputy Solicitor General to be styled Deputy Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness  
Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons 2003-2158
Bélanger, The Hon. Mauril, P.C.  
Saada, The Hon. Jacques, P.C.  
Boudrias, Monique 2003-2109
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada  
Executive Vice-President  
Canada Elections Act  
Returning Officers  
Blais, René — Charlesbourg—Jacques-Cartier 2003-2134
Blais, René — Charlesbourg 2003-2135
Bornmann, Joyce — Vancouver Centre 2003-2150
Bornmann, Joyce — Vancouver Centre 2003-2151
Côté, Annette — Beauport 2003-2133
Fraiberg, Gerry — Prince Edward—Hastings 2003-2153
Heran, Jasbir K. — Newton—North Delta/ 2003-2148
Lange, Christine H. — New Westminster—Coquitlam 2003-2149
McGeachy, Patricia — Edmonton Southwest 2003-2145
McGeachy, Patricia — Edmonton—Leduc 2003-2146
Menzie, Gary Dennis — Parkdale—High Park 2003-2140
Menzie, Gary Dennis — Parkdale—High Park 2003-2141
Palladina, Rudy — Etobicoke North 2003-2139
Paulin, Jeff — Beaches—East York 2003-2138
Rubenstein, David — Mount Royal 2003-2152
Santonato, Lou — York West 2003-2142
Santonato, Lou — York West 2003-2143
Schreiber, Horst — Crowfoot 2003-2144
Séguin, Richard — Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik 2003-2136
Séguin, Richard — Nunavik—Eeyou 2003-2137
Weiss, Denis — Fleetwood—Port Kells 2003-2147
Youngstrom, Douglas N. — Okanagan—Coquihalla 2003-2154
Chartrand, Michelle 2003-2114
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada  
Colville, David C. 2003-2156
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission  
Full-time Member and Vice-Chairperson  
Doyle, Catherine (Cassie) 2003-2116
Department of the Environment  
Associate Deputy Minister  
Flumian, Maryantonett 2003-2131
Associate Deputy Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development  
Fried, Jonathan 2003-2125
Privy Council Office  
Prime Minister and Head, Canada-United States Secretariat  
Senior Foreign Policy Advisor  
Gosselin, Hélène 2003-2123
Department of National Defence  
Acting Deputy Minister  
Green, The Hon. J. Derek 2003-2017
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador  
January 10 and 11, 2004  
Horgan, J. Michael 2003-2117
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development  
Deputy Minister  
Jauvin, Nicole 2003-2118
Deputy Minister of Human Resources Development to be styled Deputy Minister of Social Development  
Jolicoeur, Alain 2003-2120
Canada Border Services Agency  
Macfarlane, The Hon. Alan B. 2003-2010
Government of British Columbia  
January 17 to 31, 2004  
Morin, Marie-Lucie 2003-2126
Department of Foreign Affairs  
Associate Deputy Minister  
Walmsley, Donald S. 2003-2157
Oshawa Harbour Commission  
Wouters, Wayne 2003-2129
Deputy Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development  
Canada Employment Insurance Commission  
Commissioner and Vice-Chaiperson  
Wright, Robert A. 2003-2122
Associate Secretary to the Cabinet  
National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister  

January 8, 2004






Name and Position Order in Council
Parliamentary Secretaries to the 2003-2032
Bagnell, Larry  
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development with special emphasis on Northern Economic Development  
Bakopanos, Eleni  
Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development with special emphasis on Social Economy  
Barnes, Susan  
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada with special emphasis on Judicial Transparency and Aboriginal Justice  
Bonwick, Paul  
Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development with special emphasis on Student Loans  
Brison, Scott  
Prime Minister to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with special emphasis on Canada-U.S.  
Byrne, Gerry  
Minister of Health to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health with special emphasis on Drug Review Agency  
Chamberlain, Brenda Kay  
President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada with special emphasis on Public Service Reform and Métis and Non-Status Indians  
Charbonneau, Yvon  
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness with special emphasis on Emergency Preparedness  
Eyking, Mark  
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food with special emphasis on Agri-Food  
Farrah, Georges  
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food with special emphasis on Rural Development  
Fontana, Joe  
Prime Minister to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with special emphasis on Science and Small Business  
Fry, Hedy  
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration with special emphasis on Foreign Credentials  
Gallaway, Roger  
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons with special emphasis on Democratic Reform  
Godfrey, John  
Prime Minister to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with special emphasis on Cities  
Harvard, John  
Minister of International Trade to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Trade with special emphasis on Resource Promotion  
Harvey, André  
Minister of Natural Resources to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources with special emphasis on Development of Value-Added Industries  
Jordan, Joseph Louis  
President of the Treasury Board to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board with special emphasis on Regulatory Reform  
Karygiannis, Jim  
Minister of Transport to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport with special emphasis on Transport and Environment  
Lastewka, Walt  
Minister of Public Works and Government Services to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services with special emphasis on Procurement Review  
Malhi, Gurbax S.  
Minister of Industry to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Industry with special emphasis on Entrepreneurs and New Canadians  
Marcil, Serge  
Minister of the Environment to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment with special emphasis on Parks  
McKay, John  
Minister of Finance to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance with special emphasis on Public Private Partnerships  
McTeague, Dan  
Minister of Foreign Affairs to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs with special emphasis on Canadians Abroad  
Murphy, Shawn  
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans with special emphasis on the Oceans Action Plan  
Pickard, Jerry  
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness with special emphasis on Border Transit  
Price, David  
Minister of National Defence to be styled Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence with special emphasis on the Role of the Reserves  

January 8, 2004





Designation as Fingerprint Examiner

Pursuant to subsection 667(5) of the Criminal Code, I hereby designate the following persons of the Ontario Provincial Police Service as Fingerprint Examiners:

Paul Rosato

Deanna Walton

William Benjamin

Richard Weafer

Ottawa, December 22, 2003

Deputy Solicitor General of Canada



Balance Sheet as at December 24, 2003

Deposits in foreign currencies
U.S. dollars $ 520,590,171
Other currencies 8,639,079
To members of the Canadian Payments Association
To Governments  
(at amortized values)  
Treasury bills of Canada 12,804,009,162
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing within three years
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over three years but not over five years
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over five years but not over ten years
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over ten years
Other bills  
Other investments 2,633,197
Bank premises 130,716,266
Other assets  
Securities purchased under resale agreements 1,901,230,681
All other assets 318,527,637
Bank notes in circulation $ 42,552,456,081
Government of Canada $ 887,595,757
Banks 46,081,211
Other members of the Canadian Payments Association
Other 307,653,570
Liabilities in foreign currencies
Government of Canada 389,680,704
Other liabilities  
Security sold under repurchase agreements  
All other liabilities 133,705,377
Share capital 5,000,000
Statutory reserve 25,000,000
Total par value included in Government bonds loaned from the Bank's investments. $  
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.   I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, December 29, 2003   Ottawa, December 29, 2003
Acting Chief Accountant
Senior Deputy Governor


Balance Sheet as at December 31, 2003

Deposits in foreign currencies
U.S. dollars $ 532,877,536
Other currencies 8,436,849
To members of the Canadian Payments Association  
To Governments  
(at amortized values)  
Treasury bills of Canada 12,511,222,488
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing within three years
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over three years but not over five years
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over five years but not over ten years
Other securities issued or guaranteed by Canada maturing in over ten years
Other bills  
Other investments 2,633,197
Bank premises 130,807,863
Other assets  
Securities purchased under resale agreements 1,902,129,630
All other assets 365,001,103
Bank notes in circulation $ 42,190,611,130
Government of Canada $ 532,984,511
Banks 359,483,974
Other members of the Canadian Payments Association
Other 337,154,987
Liabilities in foreign currencies
Government of Canada 402,996,149
Other liabilities  
Security sold under repurchase agreements  
All other liabilities 123,826,227
Share capital 5,000,000
Statutory reserve 25,000,000
Total par value included in Government bonds loaned from the Bank's investments. $  
I declare that the foregoing return is correct according to the books of the Bank.   I declare that the foregoing return is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and shows truly and clearly the financial position of the Bank, as required by section 29 of the Bank of Canada Act.
Ottawa, January 5, 2004   Ottawa, January 5, 2004
Acting Chief Accountant

Footnote a


Footnote b


Footnote c

The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number is the property of the American Chemical Society and any use or redistribution, except as required in supporting regulatory requirements and/or for reports to the Government when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior, written permission of the American Chemical Society.

Footnote 1

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 2

"fume or dust"

Footnote 3

"fibrous forms"

Footnote 4

"Ammonia (total)" means the total of both of ammonia (NH3 — CAS No. 7664-41-7) and the ammonium ion (NH4+) in solution.

Footnote d

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 5

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 6

"and its compounds"

Footnote e

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 7

"friable form"

Footnote 8

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 9

"and its compounds" except hexavalent chromium compounds.

Footnote f

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 10

"and its compounds"

Footnote g

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 11

"and its compounds"

Footnote h

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 12

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 13

"all isomers" including the individual isomers of cresol: m-cresol (CAS No. 108-39-4), o-cresol (CAS No. 95-48-7) and p-cresol (CAS No. 106-44-5).

Footnote 14


Footnote i

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 15

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 16

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 17

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 18

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 19

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 20

"mixed isomers"

Footnote 21

"all isomers" including, but not limited to, HCFC-122 (CAS No. 354-21-2).

Footnote 22

"all isomers" including, but not limited to, HCFC-123 (CAS No. 306-83-2) and HCFC-123a (CAS No. 90454-18-5).

Footnote 23

"all isomers" including, but not limited to, HCFC-124 (CAS No. 2837-89-0) and HCFC-124a (CAS No. 354-25-6).

Footnote 24

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 25

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 26

"and its compounds"

Footnote j

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 27

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 28

"and its compounds"

Footnote k

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 29

"in solution at a pH of 6.0 or greater"

Footnote l

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 30

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 31

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 32

Includes nonylphenol, its ethoxylates and derivatives with CAS No.'s: 104-40-5; 25154-52-3; 84852-15-3; 1323-65-5; 26523-78-4; 28987-17-9; 68081-86-7; 68515-89-9; 68515-93-5; 104-35-8; 20427-84-3; 26027-38-3; 27177-05-5; 27177-08-8; 28679-13-2; 27986-36-3; 37251-69-7; 7311-27-5; 9016-45-9; 27176-93-8; 37340-60-6; 51811-79-1; 51938-25-1; 68412-53-3; 9051-57-4; 37205-87-1; 68412-54-4; 127087-87-01.

Footnote m

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 33

Includes octylphenol and its ethoxylates with CAS No.'s: 140-66-9; 1806-26-4; 27193-28-8; 68987-90-6; 9002-93-1; 9036-19-5.

Footnote n

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 34

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 35

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 36

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 37

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 38

"yellow and white"

Footnote 39

Does not include phosphorus (yellow or white) with CAS No. 7723-14-0.

Footnote o

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 40

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 41

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 42

"and its compounds"

Footnote p

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 43

"and its compounds"

Footnote q

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 44

"mixed isomers"

Footnote 45

"(except when in an alloy) and its compounds"

Footnote 46

"all isomers" including the individual isomers of xylene: m-xylene (CAS No. 108-38-3), o-xylene (CAS No. 95-47-6) and p-xylene (CAS No. 106-42-3).

Footnote 47

"and its compounds"

Footnote r

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 48

"and its compounds"

Footnote s

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 49

"and its compounds"

Footnote t

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 50

"and its compounds"

Footnote u

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote v

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 51

"and its compounds" except tetraethyl lead (CAS No. 78-00-2).

Footnote 52

Does not include lead (and its compounds) contained in stainless steel, brass or bronze alloys.

Footnote w

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 53

This class of substances, known as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, is restricted to the following congeners: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (CAS No. 1746-01-6); 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (CAS No. 40321-76-4); 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (CAS No. 39227-28-6); 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (CAS No. 19408-74-3); 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (CAS No. 57653-85-7); 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (CAS No. 35822-46-9); Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (CAS No. 3268-87-9); 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 51207-31-9); 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 57117-31-4); 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 57117-41-6); 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 70648-26-9); 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 72918-21-9); 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 57117-44-9); 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 60851-34-5); 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 67562-39-4); 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 55673-89-7); and Octachlorodibenzofuran (CAS No. 39001-02-0).

Footnote x

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote y

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote z

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 1a

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 54

Defined in Schedule 4 to this notice. This class of substances is not limited to the substances listed in Schedule 1 but includes all substances that satisfy the definition of volatile organic compounds in Schedule 4 to this notice.

Footnote 1b

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 55

"and its salts" — The CAS No. corresponds to the weak acid or base. However, this substance includes the salts of these weak acids and bases.

Footnote 56

"all isomers"

Footnote 1c

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 57

"all isomers"

Footnote 1d

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 58

"all isomers"

Footnote 59

"all isomers"

Footnote 1e

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 60

"all isomers"

Footnote 1f

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 61

"all isomers"

Footnote 1g

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 62

"all isomers"

Footnote 1h

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 63

"all isomers"

Footnote 1i

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 64

"all isomers"

Footnote 1j

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 65

"all isomers"

Footnote 1k

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 66

"all isomers" excluding n-hexane (CAS No. 110-54-3).

Footnote 1l

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 67

"all isomers"

Footnote 68

"all isomers"

Footnote 69

"all isomers"

Footnote 1m

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 70

"all isomers"

Footnote 1n

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 71

"all isomers"

Footnote 1o

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 72

"all isomers"

Footnote 1p

No single CAS No. applies to this substance.

Footnote 73

"all isomers"

Footnote 74

"all isomers" excluding 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (CAS No. 45-20-8).

Footnote 75

"all isomers"


The format of the electronic version of this issue of the Canada Gazette was modified in order to be compatible with hypertext language (HTML). Its content is very similar except for the footnotes, the symbols and the tables.

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Updated: 2005-04-08