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2001-03-24 - Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 135 No. 12


Notice with Respect to Substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 2001

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 46(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, that for the purpose of conducting research, creating an inventory of data, formulating objectives and codes of practice, issuing guidelines or assessing or reporting on the state of the environment, any person who owns or operates a facility described in Schedule 2 to this notice during the 2001 calendar year, and who possesses or who may reasonably be expected to have access to information described in Schedule 3, shall provide the Minister of the Environment with this information no later than June 1, 2002. Where appropriate, terms contained in this notice have been defined in Schedule 4.

Responses or enquiries concerning this notice shall be addressed to one of the following addresses:

British Columbia and Yukon

National Pollutant Release Inventory

Environment Canada

224 West Esplanade

North Vancouver, British Columbia

V7M 3H7

Telephone: (604) 666-3890

Facsimile: (604) 666-6800

Electronic mail: Michael.DeAbreu@ec.gc.ca

Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut

National Pollutant Release Inventory

Environment Canada

Twin Atria Number 2, Room 200

4999 98 Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta

T6B 2X3

Telephone: (780) 951-8726 / 951-8730

Facsimile: (780) 495-2615

Electronic mail: NPRI_PNR@ec.gc.ca


National Pollutant Release Inventory

Environmental Protection Branch — Ontario Region

Environment Canada

4905 Dufferin Street, 2nd Floor

Downsview, Ontario

M3H 5T4

Telephone: (416) 739-5886 / 739-5891 / 739-5955

Facsimile: (416) 739-4326

Electronic mail: NPRI_ONTARIO@ec.gc.ca


National Pollutant Release Inventory

Environment Canada

105 McGill Street, 4th Floor

Montréal, Quebec

H2Y 2E7

Telephone: (514) 283-7303

Facsimile: (514) 496-6982

Electronic mail: INRP_QC@ec.gc.ca

Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

National Pollutant Release Inventory

Environment Canada

Queen Square, 16th Floor

45 Alderney Drive

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

B2Y 2N6

Telephone: (902) 426-4482

Facsimile: (902) 426-8373

Electronic mail: NPRI_ATL@ec.gc.ca


National Pollutant Release Inventory

Environment Canada

Place Vincent Massey, 9th Floor

351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard

Hull, Quebec

K1A 0H3

Telephone: (819) 953-1656

Facsimile: (819) 994-3266

Electronic mail: NPRI@ec.gc.ca

This notice comes into force on March 24, 2001, and remains in force until March 24, 2004. Pursuant to subsection 46(8) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, persons to whom this notice applies shall keep copies of the required information, together with any calculations, measurements and other data on which the information is based at the facility to which it relates or at that facility's parent company, located in Canada, for a period of three years from the date this notice comes into force.

The Minister of the Environment intends to publish, in part, the information submitted in response to this notice. Pursuant to sections 51 and 313 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, any person who provides information in response to this notice may submit, with their information, a written request that it be treated as confidential based on the reasons set out in section 52 of the Act. The Minister may also disclose, in accordance with sections 315, 316 and 317 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, information submitted in response to this notice.


Assistant Deputy Minister

Environmental Protection Service

On behalf of the Minister of the Environment


National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances

For the purpose of this notice, the substances for which information shall be provided are:










Criteria For Reporting


Persons who must report

For the purposes set out in this notice, any person who owns or operates a facility as described in this Schedule during 2001 must report for the 2001 calendar year by June 1, 2002. Where the ownership or the person who operates a facility as described in this Schedule changes during the 2001 calendar year, the person who owns or operates the facility as of December 31, 2001, must report for the entire 2001 calendar year by June 1, 2002. When operations at a facility are terminated during the 2001 calendar year, the last owner or operator of that facility is required to report for the portion of the 2001 calendar year during which the facility was in operation, by June 1, 2002.

1. A Schedule 1 substance shall not be included in calculating its prescribed mass reporting threshold, if the substance is contained in:

(a) articles that are processed or otherwise used;

(b) materials used as structural components of the facility but not the process equipment;

(c) materials used in routine janitorial or facility grounds maintenance;

(d) materials used for personal use by employees or other persons;

(e) materials used for the purpose of maintaining motor vehicles operated by the facility; or

(f) intake water or intake air, such as in water used for process cooling or air used either as compressed air or for combustion.

2. A Schedule 1 substance shall not be included in calculating its prescribed mass reporting threshold, if the substance is used for an activity listed below:

(a) education or training of students, such as universities, colleges and schools;

(b) research or testing;

(c) maintenance and repair of transportation vehicles, such as automobiles, trucks, locomotives, ships or aircraft;

(d) distribution, storage, or retail sale of fuels;

(e) wholesale or retail sale of articles or products, if the substance is not released to the environment during normal use at the facility;

(f) retail sale of the substance;

(g) growing, harvesting, or management of renewable natural resources, such as fisheries, forestry or agriculture, except processing or otherwise using renewable natural resources;

(h) mining, except processing or otherwise using mined materials;

(i) drilling or operating wells to obtain oil and gas products, except processing or

otherwise using oil and gas products; or

(j) the practice of dentistry.

3. For the purposes of this Schedule, the weight of a substance listed in Schedule 1 that is qualified by the footnote "and its salts" shall be calculated using the molecular weight of the acid or base and not the total weight of the salt.



Facilities for which a report is required for substances listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1:

4. (1) A facility where, during 2001:

(a) the facility was used for an activity listed in Part 5, or where employees worked a total of 20,000 hours or more;

(b) any substance listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1 was manufactured, processed or otherwise used in a quantity of 10 tonnes or more; and

(c) the concentration of the substance was equal to or greater than one percent by weight, unless the substance is a by-product.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), by-products shall be included in the calculation of the 10-tonne reporting threshold.



Facilities for which a report is required for substances listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1:

5. A facility where, during 2001:

(a) the facility was used for an activity listed in Part 5, or where employees worked a total of 20,000 hours or more; and

(b) any substance listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 was manufactured, processed or otherwise used in a quantity of 5 kilograms or more.



Facilities for which a report is required for substances listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1:

6. A facility where, during 2001:

(a) the facility was used for an activity listed in Part 5, or where employees worked a total of 20,000 hours or more;

(b) any substance listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 was incidentally manufactured; and

(c) the sum total of the substances listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 released on site or to surface waters or transferred off site as a result of incidental manufacture is 50 kilograms or more.

7. A facility where, during 2001:

(a) the facility was used for wood preservation and creosote was used, at any time, for that purpose; and

(b) any substance listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 was released on-site or to surface waters or transferred off-site as a result of wood preservation using creosote.



Facilities for which a report is required for substances listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1:

8. A facility where, during 2001:

(a) the facility was used for an activity listed in Part 5, or where employees worked a total of 20,000 hours or more; and

(b) the facility was engaged in one or more of the following activities:

(i) non-hazardous solid waste incineration of 100 tonnes or more of waste per year, including small combustion units, conical burners and beehive burners;

(ii) biomedical or hospital waste incineration of 100 tonnes or more of waste per year;

(iii) hazardous waste incineration;

(iv) sewage sludge incineration;

(v) base metals smelting;

(vi) smelting of secondary aluminum;

(vii) smelting of secondary lead;

(viii) manufacturing of iron using a sintering process;

(ix) operation of electric arc furnaces in steel foundries;

(x) operation of electric arc furnaces in steel manufacturing;

(xi) production of magnesium;

(xii) manufacturing of portland cement;

(xiii) production of chlorinated organic solvents or chlorinated monomers;

(xiv) combustion of fossil fuel in a boiler unit, for the purpose of producing steam for the production of electricity, with a generating capacity of 25 megawatts or greater of electricity;

(xv) combustion of hog fuel originating from logs that were transported or stored in salt water in the pulp and paper sector; or

(xvi) combustion of fuel in kraft liquor boilers used in the pulp and paper sector.

9. A facility where, during 2001, the facility was used for wood preservation and pentachlorophenol was used, at any time, for that purpose.



10. The following activities are identified for the purposes of Parts 1 to 4:

(a) non-hazardous solid waste incineration of 100 tonnes or more of waste per year, including small combustion units, conical burners and beehive burners;

(b) biomedical or hospital waste incineration of 100 tonnes or more of waste per year;

(c) hazardous waste incineration;

(d) sewage sludge incineration; and

(e) wood preservation.


Types of Information Subject to Notice

For the purposes set out in this notice, any person to whom this notice applies shall provide the following information:

1. Identification of the reporting facility subdivided by:

(a) the reporting company's legal and trade name, facility name (if applicable) and address;

(b) the NPRI identification number;

(c) the number of full-time employee equivalents;

(d) the Dun and Bradstreet number (if known);

(e) the two- and four-digit Canadian Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and the four-digit U.S. SIC code;

(f) the two- and four-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and the six-digit NAICS Canada code;

(g) the name, position, address and telephone number of the public contact (if applicable);

(h) the name, position, address and telephone number of the technical contact;

(i) the name, position, address and telephone number of the individual co-ordinating the submission of the report (if applicable);

(j) the name, position and address of the official signing the Statement of Certification; and

(k) the legal name(s) of the parent companies if applicable, their addresses, and their percentage of ownership of the reporting company (if known), and their Dun and Bradstreet number (if known).

2. A statement indicating whether an independent contractor completed the report, and if so, the name, telephone number and address of the independent contractor.

3. A Statement of Certification signed by an authorized signing officer of the company indicating that the person has reviewed the documents, has exercised due diligence to ensure that the information is true and complete and that the amounts and values are accurate based on reasonable estimates using available data.

4. Identification of reported information for which a request is being made to treat the information as confidential pursuant to sections 51 and 313 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, and the reasons for the request in accordance with section 52 of the Act.

5. For each substance or class of substances, listed in Schedule 1 for which reporting criteria have been met, report the following:

(a) its identity, including, if applicable, its Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number;

(b) the nature of the manufacturing activity, if applicable, subdivided by: on-site use or processing, sale or distribution, as a by-product, or as an impurity;

(c) the nature of the processing activity, if applicable, subdivided by: as a reactant, as a formulation component, as an article component, for repackaging only, or as a by-product;

(d) the nature of the other use activity, if applicable, subdivided by: as a physical or chemical processing aid, as a manufacturing aid, for ancillary or other use, or as a by-product;

(e) subject to paragraph 6(b), the quantity released on site to air, subdivided by: stack releases or point releases, storage or handling releases, fugitive releases, spills or other non-point releases;

(f) subject to paragraph 6(b), the quantity released on site to underground injection;

(g) subject to paragraph 6(b), the quantity released to surface waters, subdivided by: direct discharges, spills, or leaks, and the name of the receiving water bodies and quantity released to each receiving water body;

(h) subject to paragraph 6(b), the quantity released on site to land, subdivided by: landfill, land treatment, spills, leaks, or other;

(i) subject to paragraph 6(b), the quantity transferred off site for disposal, subdivided by: physical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment, incineration or thermal treatment, containment in a landfill, or in other storage, municipal sewage treatment plant, underground injection, or land treatment, and the name and address of each receiving facility and the quantity transferred to each facility;

(j) subject to paragraph 6(b), the quantity transferred off site for recycling, subdivided by: energy recovery, recovery of solvents, recovery of organic substances (not solvents), recovery of metals and metal compounds, recovery of inorganic materials (not metals), recovery of acids or bases, recovery of catalysts, recovery of pollution abatement residues, refining or reuse of used oil, or other, and the name and address of each receiving facility and the quantity transferred to each facility;

(k) the method of estimation used to determine the quantities reported pursuant to paragraphs (e) through (j) subdivided by: monitoring or direct measurement, mass balance, emission factors, engineering estimates, or no releases on site, releases to surface waters or transfers off site;

(l) the quarterly breakdown of total releases (on site and to surface waters) during 2001 by percentage;

(m) the reasons for changes in quantities of releases on site and releases to surface waters from the previous year subdivided by: changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution-prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in off-site transfers for disposal, changes in off-site transfers for recycling, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(n) the reasons for the transfer off site for disposal or for recycling, subdivided by: production residues, off-specification products, expiration date has passed, contaminated materials, unusable parts or discards, pollution abatement residues, machining or finishing residues, site remediation residues, or other;

(o) the reasons for changes in quantities transferred off site for disposal from the previous year subdivided by: changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in off-site transfers for recycling, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(p) the reasons for changes in quantities transferred off site for recycling from the previous year subdivided by: changes in production levels, changes in estimation methods, pollution-prevention activities, changes in on-site treatment, changes in off-site transfers for disposal, other (specify), no significant change or no change, or first year reporting the substance;

(q) the anticipated total releases on site and to surface waters, off-site transfers for disposal and off-site transfers for recycling for 2002, 2003, and 2004; and

(r) the pollution prevention methods used subdivided by: materials or feedstock substitution, product design or reformulation, equipment or process modifications, spill and leak prevention, on-site reuse, recycling or recovery, improved inventory management or purchasing techniques, training or good operating practices, other (specify), or no pollution prevention activities.

6. For the purposes of paragraphs 5(e) through (j) if the method of estimation for the quantity released on site, released to surface waters or transferred off site for a substance listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1 is monitoring or direct measurement:

(a) indicate in the report whether the concentration of the substance released on site, released to surface waters or transferred off site was less than, equal to or greater than the estimated level of quantification set out in sections 20 and 21 for that substance in the corresponding medium; and

(b) reporting the quantity released on site, released to surface waters or transferred off site is optional if the concentration of the substance released on site, released to surface waters or transferred off site is less than the estimated level of quantification set out in sections 20 and 21 for that substance in the corresponding medium.

7. Whether the facility was used for wood preservation and creosote or pentachlorophenol was used, at any time, for that purpose.

8. The activities listed in paragraph 8(b) in Part 4 of Schedule 2, in which the facility was engaged, if any.

9. The activities listed in Part 5 of Schedule 2, for which the facility was used, if any.

For the purposes set out in this notice, any person to whom this notice applies shall provide the information required by this notice in the following manner:

10. The weight of a substance listed in Schedule 1 that is qualified by the footnote "and its salts" shall be calculated using the molecular weight of the acid or base and not the total weight of the salt.

11. Despite sections 5 and 6, if a Schedule 1 substance is not included in calculating its prescribed mass reporting threshold pursuant to sections 1 or 2 of Schedule 2, no information is required to be reported in respect of that substance that is contained in articles, materials or intake water or air described in section 1 of Schedule 2 or that is used for an activity described in section 2 of Schedule 2.

12. Report information in respect of substances listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1 in tonnes.

13. Report information in respect of substances listed in Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 1 in kilograms.

14. Report information in respect of Item 265 in Part 4 of Schedule 1 in grams.

15. Report information in respect of Item 266 in Part 4 of Schedule 1 in grams of toxicity equivalents (TEQ).

16. If information on individual substances listed in Part 3 of Schedule 1 is not available, report information for the group as a whole.

17. If the quantity of a substance listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1 released on site, released to surface waters or transferred off site is not available, report that the information is not available.

18. If a facility is engaged in one or more of the activities listed in paragraph 8(b) in Part 4 of Schedule 2, only report information required by this notice in respect of a substance listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1 that results from incidental manufacture from the activity that triggered the reporting requirement.

19. If a facility is used for wood preservation and pentachlorophenol is used, at any time, for that purpose, only report information required by this notice in respect of a substance listed in Part 4 of Schedule 1 that results from the activity of wood preservation using pentachlorophenol.

20. For the purpose of section 6, the estimated level of quantification values for Item 265 in Schedule 1 are:

(a) 6 nanograms of hexachlorobenzene per cubic meter of gaseous material;

(b) 70 nanograms of hexachlorobenzene per litre of liquid material; and

(c) 2 nanograms of hexachlorobenzene per gram of solid material.

21. For the purpose of section 6, the estimated level of quantification values for Item 266 in Schedule 1 are:

(a) 32 picograms of toxicity equivalents of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans per cubic meter of gaseous material;

(b) 20 picograms of toxicity equivalents of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans per litre of liquid material; and

(c) 9 picograms of toxicity equivalents of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans per gram of solid material.

22. Use the best data available to provide the information required by this notice.



1. The following definitions apply to this notice and its schedules:

"alloy" includes metal products containing two or more elements as a solid solution, intermetallic compounds, and mixtures of metallic phases. « alliage »

"article" means a manufactured item that does not release a substance, listed in Schedule 1, under normal conditions of processing or other use. « article »

"base metal" means copper, lead, nickel and zinc. « métal commun »

"by-product" means a substance, listed in Schedule 1, which is incidentally manufactured, processed or otherwise used at the facility at a concentration of less than one percent by weight, and released on site to the environment or transferred off site for disposal. « sous-produit »

"CAS Registry Number" and "CAS Number" mean the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number. « numéro d'enregistrement CAS » ou « numéro du CAS »

"disposal" means the final disposal of the material (e.g., landfill), or treatment (e.g., stabilization) prior to final disposal. « élimination »

"employee" includes:

(a) a person employed at the facility;

(b) an owner who performs work on site at the facility; and

(c) a person who performs work on site at the facility on a routine basis that is related to the normal operations of the facility, for the period of time the person is performing that work, such as contractors. « employé »

"facility" means all buildings, equipment, structures and stationary items that are located on a single site or on contiguous or adjacent sites and that are owned or operated by the same person and that function as a single integrated site. « installation »

"fossil fuel" means fuel that is in a solid or liquid state at standard temperature and pressure, such as coal, petroleum or any solid or liquid fuel derived from such. « combustibles fossiles »

"full-time employee equivalent" means the unit obtained by dividing by 2 000 hours, the sum of:

(a) the total hours worked by persons employed at the facility, and the total hours of paid vacation and of sick leave taken by persons employed at the facility;

(b) the hours worked on site at the facility by the owner of the facility, if not employed by the facility; and

(c) the hours worked on site at the facility by a person who performs work on a routine basis related to the normal operations of the facility, such as contractors. « équivalent d'employé à temps plein »

"level of quantification" means, in respect of a substance, the lowest concentration that can be accurately measured using sensitive but routine sampling and analytical methods. « niveau de dosage » ou « limite de dosage »

"manufacture" means to produce, prepare, or compound a substance listed in Schedule 1 and includes the coincidental production of a substance, listed in Schedule 1, as a by-product as a result of the manufacturing, processing or other use of other substances. « fabrication »

"other use" includes any use of a substance, listed in Schedule 1, relevant to the purpose of the facility which is not included under the definitions of "manufacture" or "process". « autre utilisation »

"parent company" means the highest level company or group of companies that own or directly control the reporting facility. « société mère »

"pollution prevention" means the use of processes, practices, materials, products, substances or energy that avoid or minimize the creation of pollutants and waste, and reduce the overall risk to the environment or human health. « prévention de la pollution »

"process" means the preparation of a substance, listed in Schedule 1, after its manufacture, for commercial distribution and includes preparation of a substance in the same physical state or chemical form as that received by the facility, or preparation which produces a change in physical state or chemical form. « traitement »

"recycling" includes any activity that prevents a material or a component of the material from becoming a material destined for disposal. « recyclage »

"secondary aluminum" means aluminum-bearing scrap or aluminum-bearing materials. « aluminium de récupération »

"secondary lead" means lead-bearing scrap or lead-bearing materials, other than lead-bearing concentrates derived from a mining operation. « plomb de récupération »

"toxicity equivalent" commonly referred to as TEQ, means a mass or concentration which is a sum of the masses or concentrations of individual congeners of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans multiplied by weighting factors set out in the Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory — 2001. « équivalents toxiques »

"wood preservation" means the preservation of wood using heat or pressure treatment, or both. « préservation de bois »


(This note is not part of the notice.)

Persons to whom this notice applies should register at one of the aforementioned addresses to receive a copy of the Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory — 2001, other applicable guidance material and the 2001 reporting software.

The Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory — 2001, other applicable guidance material and the 2001 reporting software will be mailed to facilities for which reports are received for the 2000 reporting year. Correspondence will be addressed to the company coordinator identified in the 2000 NPRI report; if none was indicated, the materials will be sent to the technical contact. Notwithstanding the above, obtaining the guidance materials and the reporting software for 2001 is the responsibility of the person required to report to the National Pollutant Release Inventory. Those who have not received their copies by April 14, 2002, should contact Environment Canada at one of the aforementioned addresses.


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