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First Nations & Inuit Health

Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care (FNI HCC) Program - Evaluation Guide

FNI HCC Examples

Based on the FNI HCC logic model, the following examples demonstrate parts of the model in a modified format, providing a number of examples of questions that might be considered if evaluating some of the associated activities, outputs and outcomes.

This is not meant to be a long list of outputs, outcomes or related questions. Rather, it is intended to help serve as an example of how the logic model can be used in a systematic way to identify key issues to explore in evaluation.

While many people might read your evaluation report, the most important issue is to make sure it is relevant for you and your community's needs.

Example 1

Provide Homecare Services to Eligible FNI populations

HCC Services for Eligible FNI populations

Immediate Outcome
Increased FNI access to HCC Services - Essential and Supportive Elements

Intermediate Outcome
Responsive, Flexible Use and Provision of HCC Services

Ultimate Outcomes

  • HCC Clients Maintaining Optimum Health
  • HCC Clients Remaining in Their Homes and Communities

Evaluation Questions to Consider

  • Which home care services have been delivered as a result of the program, that were not available before? Which have increased? Which have become of higher quality? Has anything been affected negatively in terms of type, amount or level of service? What are the reasons behind these changes?
  • What statistics have been reported in the service delivery and reporting template? What are the reasons for any change (or no change) in the numbers?
  • Has the program been implemented as intended? How does what was planned compare to what has actually been done?
  • Is the HCC program meeting general home health care objectives?
  • Does the FNI HCC Program meet the needs of the community?
  • Are clients satisfied with the amount and quality of care?


Example 2

Create/Develop Partnerships in Support of the HCC Program

Partnerships, Service Delivery Agreements, HCC Best Practice Models

Immediate Outcome
Increased Community Capacity and Human Resources to Deliver and Administer the HCC Program

Intermediate Outcome
FNI Delivered and Administered Homecare Services

Ultimate Outcomes

  • HCC Clients Maintaining Optimum Health
  • HCC Clients Remaining in Their Homes and Communities

Evaluation Questions to Consider

  • Does the community have the human resources to deliver these services?
  • If no, what are the gaps? Can these be overcome with training?  What are the current skill sets?
  • What about administrative resources?
  • Have the Home Care services been integrated effectively with Primary and Acute care services?
  • How many nurses, support service providers, and administrative staff are there according to the Service Delivery and Reporting Template and other studies? What are the reasons behind these numbers?
  • What partnerships have been developed with government, health care authorities, and/or health care providers?


Example 3

Educate, Communicate, Share and Listen to/with Community Leaders, HCC

Populations and Service Providers

Communications and Educational Products for FNI Populations, Community Leaders, F/P/T Governments, Certified Training Program for Care Providers, etc.

Immediate Outcome
Increased Service Delivery Awareness and Accountability - Informed Users of HCC Services and Informed Community Leaders

Intermediate Outcome
Sustainable, Culturally Sensitive HCC Services

Ultimate Outcomes

  • HCC Clients Maintaining Optimum Health
  • HCC Clients Remaining in Their Homes and Communities

Evaluation Questions to Consider

  • Are HCC users aware of services? Why or why not?
  • Are community leaders aware of services? Where do they feel there are gaps?
  • What issues are there surrounding training for care providers? Is the training sufficient?
  • What do service providers have to say overall about the program?
  • What areas are working well and what areas could use improvement?
  • What do users/clients of the service think?
  • What about community leaders?
  • Have communications documents been developed and delivered to relevant audiences in the community?
  • Are the services in line with the culture within the community? If not, what areas are not compatible?


Example 4

Administrate/Manage the FNI Home and Community Care Program

Needs Assessments, Service Delivery and Training Plans, Knowledge Management and Information Systems (financial, ongoing monitoring and evaluation)

Immediate Outcome
Infrastructure to FNI Communities to Deliver the HCC Services - Capital and Program

Intermediate Outcome
Sustainable, Culturally Sensitive HCC Services

Ultimate Outcomes

  • HCC Clients Maintaining Optimum Health
  • HCC Clients Remaining in Their Homes and Communities

Evaluation Questions to Consider

  • What facilities do we have for the administration and delivery of the FNI HCC program in the community?
  • Are they sufficient and sustainable?
  • If not, what are the gaps?
Last Updated: 2005-05-30 Top