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First Nations & Inuit Health

Preparation Activities


Appendix E - Sample Client Assessment Tool and Care Plan

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Sample 1

Home Care Assessment

Code:   A. General Information

Date (dd/mm/yy):
Place of Assessment: Client's Home | Other (specify)
Information provided by:

Code:   B. Client Profile

Date of Birth:
Age: Male  |  Female
Languages Spoken:
Other Address:
Provincial/Territorial Health No.:
Telephone Number: Party Line:  Yes # ___ |  No
Band/Inuit Id. No.:
Old Age Security No.:
Do you have a neighbor where messages can be left?
Yes # ___  | No

Telephone Number:
Marital Status: Single | Married | Common law/Partner | Widowed |
Divorced/Separated  |  Recent Status Change

Referred by:  Self   |  Family  |  Physician
Significant Allergies:

Code:   C. Persons to Notify in Case of Emergency

Closest Family Member:
Telephone Number: Work
Relation to Client:
Band Office Telephone Number:
Health Centre/Nursing Station Telephone Number:

Emergency Response Number:
Telephone Number: Work
Relation to Client:
Health Center/Nursing Station Telephone Number:

Code:   D. Client Physicians

Telephone Number:

Code:   E. Living Arrangements

Lives alone or

Code:   F. Client Statement

Will you tell me what kind of help you need and why you need this help?

Code:   G. Physical Environment

Assessment Data

  1. What type of residence does person live in (house, elders'lodge, etc.)
    Does the house have stairs?
    yes | no
    Comments of assessor and/or client:
  2. How does the client do the following?

    Heat house:      Wood   |  Oil  | Electricity  | Propane  | Other
    Cook:    Wood  | Electricity  | Other
    Get Water: Hauls own water  | Has running water | Family hauls water  | Water delivered
    Toilet Facilities: Flush toilet   | Outhouse  | Chemical toilet  | Indoor Pail
    Laundry: By hand  | Laundromat  | Has own appliance | Other
    Comments of assessor and/or client:

Code:   E. Living Arrangements (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   F. Client Statement (Update)

Code:   G. Physical Environment (Update)

Date: Date: Date:


Code:   H. Physical Health

Do you have any health problems that limit your normal activity?

  1. Diabetes
         What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.
  2. Arthritis or Rheumatism
        What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.
  3. Emphysema or Bronchitis
        What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.
  4. Heart or Circulatory Problems  | Pacemaker
        What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.

  5. Cancer
        What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.

  6. Muscular/Neurological disorders (eg. Effects of Stroke, Epilepsy)
         What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.

  7. Operations
        What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.

  8. Accidents/injuries
        What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.

  9. Other:
       What problems does this create of the client?
         WT. | B.P. | Temp. |  Pulse | Resp.

Code:   I. Have you been hospitalized recently?

Yes | No

Recovery Complete or:

  • Hospital stays in last 12 months:
  • Reason:
  • Length of stay:
  • Discharge Date:

Code:   H. Physical Health (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   I. Hospital Stays (Update)

  • Hospital stays in last 12 months:
  • Reason:
  • Length of stay:
  • Discharge Date:

Code:   J. Current or Recent Medication

Which drug store do you usually use:

Prescription Drug:

  • Type of injections received:
  • Non-prescription items:

Date Drug Started:

Are any of medications given to you by someone else: yes | no
If yes, who assists you taking which drugs listed above? Treatments: Radiation, Physio, Other:

Code:   K. Do you have allergies?

yes | no
List: (What makes you sick and what type of reaction do you have? ):

Code:   J. Current or Recent Medication (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   K. Do you have allergies? (Update)

Code:   L. Assessment Data


Assessment Data

  1. Nutrition
    What do you eat?
    Are there any foods that disagree with you?
    If yes what food?
    Are you on a special diet? yes | no
    Are you following the diet? yes | no
    Who prescribed the diet?
    Comments of assessor and/or client

  2. Elimination
    Continent: Bowel  |  Bladder
    Occasional Problems: Bowel  |  Bladder
    Frequent Problems: Bowel  |  Bladder
    Incontinent: Bowel  |  Bladder
    Comments of assessor and/or client

  3. Respiration
    Do you have trouble breathing?
    Do you have a persistent cough? (Describe)
    Is oxygen equipment used?
    Do you smoke? yes | no
    Comments of assessor and/or client

  4. Skin and Circulation
    Do you have any skin condition problems?
    Do you have any problems with your hands and/or feet? (check re: foot care)
    Comments of assessor and/or client

  5. Eyesight: Good | Fair | Poor | Partly or totally blind
    Can you see numbers on the telephone?
    Glasses yes | no
    When and Where were glasses obtained?
    Date last seen by eye specialist?
    Comments of assessor and/or client

  6. Hearing Good | Fair | Poor | Partly or totally deaf
    Hearing aid: Right | Left | No
    Type of batteries used and where are they normally obtained?
    Date and Place Hearing Aid obtained?
    Date and Place last hearing test completed?
    Comments of assessor and/or client

  7. Oral/Dental: Own teeth Dentures | Upper | Lower | Partial
    Do you have any problems with chewing, swallowing or sore gums?
    yes | no

    Date last received dentures:
    Comments of assessor and/or client


Code:  L. Assessment Data (Update)

  • Nutrition: Date: Date: Date:
  • Elimination: Date: Date: Date:
  • Respiratory System: Date: Date: Date:
  • Skin and Circulation: Date: Date: Date:
  • Eyesight: Date: Date: Date:
  • Hearing: Date: Date: Date:
  • Oral/Dental: Date: Date: Date:

Code:   L. Assessment Data (continued)

  1. Mobility/Physical Abilities:
    Do you have difficulty walking? yes | no
    If yes, is the difficulty: Outdoors | Indoors
    How do you get to places you cannot walk?
    Drives self | Taxi | Friend drives | Family drives | Other
    Is there anything else that keeps you from going out and getting about?
    Summary of Aids used: Walker | Cane | Crutches | Wheelchair |
    Prosthesis | Bathroom assists | Other

    Equipment and Aides required:
    Comments of assessor and/or client

  2. Social and Emotional Health
    What type of contact do you have with family, friends, community activities.
    What are some activities you enjoy (interests/hobbies).
    What interests/skills would you like to share? (teach Beading)
    Comments of assessor and/or client

  3. Do you see any of the following:

    Community Health Representative | Community Health Nurse |
    Mental Health Worker | Social Worker | Other

Code:  L. Assessment Data (Update)

  • Mobility/Physical Abilities: Date: Date: Date:
  • Summary of Aides used: Date: Date: Date:
  • Social and Emotional Health: Date: Date: Date:
  • Other support workers: Date: Date: Date:


Code:   M. Activities of Daily Living

Assessment Data

  1. Light housework? (dishes, etc.)
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  2. Heavy housework? (floor, etc.)
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  3. Laundry?
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  4. Preparation of hot meals?
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  5. Shopping?
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  6. Personal financial affairs?
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  7. Bathing?
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  8. Care of hair?
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  9. Dressing and undressing?
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  10. Eating/feeding?
    does without help | limited | unable
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  11. Sleeping?
    no problems | some problems | significant problems
    Currently using medication for sleep?
    yes | no
    Comments of assessor and/or client
  12. If you have a telephone can you use it? yes | no
    Comments of assessor and/or client

Code:  N. Family and Friends Who Help Client

Type and Frequency of Help

Code:   M. Activities of Daily Living (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   N. Family and Friends Who Help Client (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   O. Permission to Share Information:

Do I have your permission to share the information you have given me with other health care professionals and/or family members and for assessment review? yes | no

Code:   P. Service Agreement:

Recommended services agreed upon by client assessor.

Code:   Q. Case Notes:

Assessor's Intuitive Observations and other relevant informations.

Code:   O. Permission to Share Information: (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   P. Service Agreement: (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   Q. Case Notes: (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   R. Assessor's Summary:

(Write comments regarding the person's ability in each of the following areas.)

  1. Environmental Health (living conditions, household tasks, etc)
  2. Physical Health (ability to communicate, personal care, etc.)
  3. Mental Health - (Describe client's level alertness, memory, judgement, attitude, morale, cooperativeness)
  4. Social/Spiritual Health (support system, spiritual values/beliefs, etc.)
  5. Referrals recommended:


Code:   R. Assessor's Summary: (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   S. Assessor's Observations and Comments:

  1. Explain any changes that have occurred in the client's circumstances recently. How is this affecting the need for services?
  2. Are there any special factors that need to be considered if service is provided (confusion, attitude of client, memory loss, etc.)

Code:   T. Recommended Service Based on Contract:

  • Nursing Diagnosis/Statement of Problem
  • Type and frequency of service required
  • Objectives of Service (include timeframe)

Code:   S. Assessor's Observations and Comments: (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Code:   T. Recommended Service Based on Contract: (Update)

Date: Date: Date:

Last Updated: 2005-05-30 Top