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First Nations & Inuit Health

Preparation Activities


Appendix F - Data Collection Tools - Sample 1

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Instructions for First Nations and Inuit Basic Home and Community Care Monthly Statistics

Recording monthly work done is not only a requirement for funding, but is a valuable tool for supervising staff, and program planning. Monthly reports record the care received by each client by type of service and the amount of time provided
by each care giver.

Each staff should fill out their own form for the month from their time sheets or client files and submit within the first week of the next month.

There are three sheets provided:

  1. the Home Support Statistics to be filled out by each Home Health Aide/Personal Care Worker, and
  2. the Nursing and Case Management Statistics sheet to be filled out by the nurse or the nurse assessor, and
  3. the Total Program Statistics.

The Home Care Director or Coordinator may wish to compile the data from all staff on the Total Program Statistics sheet which will show all the services provided to each client from all the Home Care Staff.

Overview of the Report Form(s)

The forms have four main sections.

Section 1 - Client Information
This consists of columns A, B, C and D which are descriptors of the client who is receiving the service.

Section 2 - Home Visits
This consists of columns E, F, G and includes all visits to a client's home.

Section 3 - Home Support Time, Case Management Time and Nursing Time
This includes columns H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q which describe the services provided to each client in time and type of care provided (e.g. home support time, case management time and nursing time).

Section 4 - Total Client Time and Non-Client Time
This includes column R which on each sheet is the total time provided to a client, and column S which describes the staff time that does not directly relate to a particular client.

How to Record Time

  • Do not record any time less than 15 minutes.
  • When recording time, use decimals to indicate partial hours.
    For 15 minutes .25
    For 30 minutes .5
    For 45 minutes .75
    For 1 hour of time 1


Section 1 - Client Information

A - Client Identifier
Each client should be assigned a confidential number which cannot identify them to an outside person or agency. This number should be kept by the Home and Community Care Program in a locked cabinet. No one outside the program should be able to identify the person receiving the services on the month end sheets. The number should only be assigned once. If a client is discharged or deceased, the number should not be reused.

B - Age Code
The age codes are listed below. The appropriate code can be circled to make filling out the form easier.

Age Codes
A - under 15
B - 15 - 44
C - 45 - 64
D - 65 and over

C - Sex
Circle the M if the client is male and F is the client is female.

D - Primary Diagnosis Code
Select from the Home Care diagnosis codes (page 124) the category which best describes why the client is receiving services. For example a person may be a frail elderly, but did not require services until she fell and broke her hip. In this case the primary reason for the service is the fracture.

Section 2 - Home Visits

This section is to be filled out in number of visits and not by time.

E - Home Visits
The home visits category includes all visits to a client's home including those in which home care service was provided.

F - Attempted Visits
Those times that the staff went to the client's home but no services was provided because the client was not home or other reasons such as refused service. Visits to the home of a client take time even when service is not provided.

G - Total Home Visits
The totals of columns E and F to give the total times the staff person went to the client's home in the month.


Section 3 - Home Support Time, Case Management Time and Nursing Time

Home Support Time

Home Support Time provides a record of home support services time for each client under the four main categories for home support services: Home Management, Personal Care and Respite Services, Meal Services, and Other Client Time related services.

H - Home Management
This includes the time spent doing home services for the client. It includes all cleaning, laundry, and seasonal cleaning.

I - Personal Care
Describes the time to provide personal care assistance with such activities as activation, rehabilitative exercises, bathing, foot care and hair care to a client.

J - Respite Services
This category includes time spent giving respite to a care giver.

K - Meal Services
This category captures the time spent assisting a client with meals through any of the following:

  • preparing a meal for a client;
  • bringing food to a client; or
  • providing the client with a meal with others through a type of congregate dining or elders meal.

L - Other Client Time
This category includes time spent with arranging services for the clients, charting, reporting client needs to supervisor or other Home Care Staff, etc.

M - Total Home Support Time
The addition of the columns, H, I, J, K, and L gives the total hours of home support services provided to an individual client for the month.

Case Management Time

N - Assessment/Care Coordination
This time category is primarily for the Nurse Assessor, or the Case Manager. It includes the time spent visiting the client and supporters to assess the service needs, making the referrals and setting up the care to meet a client's health needs for home care services. The time category may include:

  • visits to clients and support persons;
  • charting;
  • consulting with the physician(s);
  • consulting with family members;
  • case conferencing; and
  • time required to set up all aspects of the service.


O - Case Management Code

The case management code will indicate the types of care a person has received from the case manager or nurse assessor. Circle the one or two codes which best describe the services provided in the month.

DC - Discharge Planning is the assistance with planning and assessing needs for equipment and support and care before discharge from a medical care facility. It may include case conferencing, hospital visits, equipment orders, etc.

IA - Initial Assessment is the first full assessment done for a client to determine the needs for care. It may be the first request for admission or a readmission of a previously discharged client.

RV - Reviews is the full or partial review of a clients health condition to ensure that the home care services are currently meeting the needs of the client, and to provide quality control of client care.

CC - Client Conferencing is the meeting with family, or health and/or other agencies such as social development to determine how care providers can best work together for the best care and support of a client.

HL - Hospital Liaison includes hospital visits and assistance to clients and staff in a medical facility to promote client care and communication.

OTR - Other care coordination services not listed above.

Home Nursing Time

P - Nursing Time
This time category captures all the activities related to providing nursing care to a particular client. The time includes direct patient care, travel to the client's home, all charting, referrals, and calls to physicians and other members of the health care team that relate to care for the client.

The Home care nursing service includes:

  • performing nursing assessments;
  • performing nursing treatments and procedures;
  • providing on-going personal care when the Assessment specifies that the condition of the client is such that a nurse should perform the service;
  • teaching and supervising self-care to clients who are receiving personal care or nursing services;
  • teaching personal care to family members and other supporters;
  • teaching and supervising home support staff providing personal care;
    • initiating referrals to other agencies; and
  • "Indirect Nursing Time" - other time spent which is related to a specific client:
  • charting
  • consulting with the physician(s)
  • consulting with family members
  • case conferencing
  • arranging for supplies, etc.
  • on-Reserve or community travel between clients


Q - Nursing Codes
These codes were developed in 1995 when Medical Services Branch first took on the mandate for home care nursing.

AP - Acute Post Hospital Care
Involves clients who are post-surgical or have had acute illnesses which has been diagnosed, treated and the client is stabilized. The Home Nursing Program would monitor the client's condition and ensure that the treatment is continued as per physician's instructions (e.g. Treatment of draining wounds, post cardiac surgery).

ST - Short Term Active Care
Acute care would provide home nursing care services to clients who are experiencing an acute illness, but have the potential for returning to a pre-illness level of functioning and self care. The main objective of a home care nursing program would be to control symptoms and prevent deterioration of the client (e.g. respirator, cardiac disease).

CA - Continuing Active Care
Time limited provides home care nursing to those clients with an illness/disability who will not return to their previous level of functioning, but will have the potential for increasing their level of functioning or self care, and will eventually function without home care nursing services. The home care nursing objective is to prevent deterioration and reach a maximum level of physical and social functioning without
continued home care nursing services (e.g. burns, bowel/bladder problems).

SC - Sustaining Care
Would provide home nursing treatment services to clients with advanced disease(s) who cannot be maintained at home without ongoing home nursing care. The objective for this group is maintenance of a chronically ill client at home to their maximum level of functioning with ongoing home care nursing services (e.g. home dialysis, catheter maintenance).

PC - Palliative Care
Would provide home care nursing services for those clients with terminal illness. The objective of the nursing service is to enhance the client's comfort, dignity and quality of life and to eliminate and or control symptoms (e.g. HIV/AIDS, cancer).


Section 4 - Total Client Time and Non-Client Time

R - Total Client Time
The time that the client received from each care giver is totaled in this column to record the total home care services provided to the client during the reporting period.

Non-Client Time

S - Non-Client Time
This section describes how work time is used that is not directed towards a particular client, but is a valuable part of the program. It may also be used to track sick leave, education leave and annual leave.

Travel (Non Reserve)
Travel time to and from the community from the base office, travel to the local hospital or from one community to another is tracked in this category. The time it takes to travel between two clients in the community is tracked in the client time.

Annual Leave
This is the time that a staff takes off according to the employment policy.

Sick Leave
The time taken off by the staff because of illness. The amount of paid time allowed will be outlined in the employment policy.

In Service and Education Leave
Paid time for the staff to attend educational sessions, classes or workshops which will enhance the skills and knowledge relevant to the position.

Time that the staff has spent attending meetings relevant to the position, such as interagency meetings.

Group Teaching Time
Time spent teaching, facilitating or participating in a group education session or clinic. Examples might be diabetes cooking classes, adult health clinics, Health Fairs, etc.

Preparation Time
The time spent preparing for a group teaching time.

Other Time
Time that is used in time other than those listed on the stats sheets. Please specify what the time was used for.

Time spent relating to the supervision of another staff member or student. This includes:

  • providing direction and guidance;
  • assigning caseload;
  • preparation time;
  • actual time spent in the client's home doing hands-on supervision; and
  • charting time.

Case Load
The box at the bottom of the page on the total program stats will indicate the number of clients admitted, discharged, readmitted during the month. The last category for inquiries will track the number of request for service that required screening, assistance, etc. but were not admitted to the program.

Education Sessions/Clinics
Record in this area the types of education sessions held during the month and the number who attended each session.


Home Care Diagnosis Codes

1-a Conditions of the endocrine
1-b-1 Diabetes - diagnosed in past year
1-b-2 Diabetes - diagnosed over 1 year
1-b-3 Diabetic - newly put on insulin
1-b-4 Diabetes - gestational/pregnant diabetic
1-b-5 Diabetes - early signs of or existing renal disease
1-c Hepatic, Biliary, and pancreatic
2-a Cardiovascular disease/heart, circulatory
2-b Cerebrovascular Disease and or CVA
3-a Genitourinary Condition
3-b Renal Condition
4-a Gastrointestinal
4-b Difficulty feeding (tube feeds, dysphagia, etc.)
5-a Central Nervous System condition (MS, Parkinsonism, MD, CP)
5-b Dementia, and related conditions (Alzheimer, etc.)
5-c Mental/ emotional condition
6-a Musculoskeletal condition - arthritis type condition
6-b Musculoskeletal condition (fracture, amputation, etc.)
6-c Musculoskeletal condition - other
7 Respiratory condition
8 Skin and subcutaneous condition
9 Communicable disease
10 Cancer
11 Frail elderly
12 Required Nursing Treatment not related to a diagnostic code
13 Accident victim
14 Severe blindness
15 Severe deafness
16 Auto-immune condition (lupus etc.)
17 Lack of diagnostic information
18 Other
19 Lifestyle related, e.g. addictions


Month End Report
First Nations and Inuit Home Care
Home Support Statistics

Staff name:
Date:    Page:    of:

Client Information
A. Client Identifier
B. Age Code: A | B | C | D
C. Sex: M | F
D. Primary Diagnosis Code

Home Visits
E. Home Visits
F. Attempt Visits
G. Total Home Visits

Home Support Time
H. Home management
I. Personal Care
J. Respite Service
K. Meal Services
L. Other Client Time
M. Total Home Support Time

Non-Client Time
S. Travel, Annual Leave, Sick Leave, In Service and Education, Meetings, Group Teaching Time, Preparation Time, Other Time, Supervision

Case Load   | Program | Education Sessions/Clinics | Attendance

Age Codes:
A - under 15
B - 15 - 44
C - 45 - 64
D - 65 & over


Month End Report
First Nations and Inuit Home Care
Nursing Case Management Statistics

Staff name:
Date:    Page:    of:

Client Information
A. Client Identifier
B. Age Code:  A  |  B |  C |  D
C. Sex:  M  |  F
D. Primary Diagnosis Code

Home Visits
E. Home Visits
F. Attempt Visits
G. Total Home Visits

Case Management
N. Asses/Care Coord Time
O. Case Management Code:  DC  |  IA  |  RV  |  OC  |  HL  |  OTR

Nursing Time
P. Nursing Time
Q. Nursing Code:  AP  |  ST  |  CA  |  SC  |  PC

Total Client Time
R. Total Client time

Non-Client Time
S. Travel (Non Reserve), Annual Leave, Sick Leave, In Service and Education, Meetings, Group Teaching Time Preparation Time, Other Time Supervision

Case Load   | Program | Education Sessions/Clinics | Attendance

Age Codes:
A - under 15
B - 15 - 44
C - 45 - 64
D - 65 & over

Case Management Codes:
DC - Discharge Planning
IA - Initial Assessment
RV - Reviews
CC - Client Conferencing
HL - Hospital Liaison
OTR - Other

Nursing codes:
AP - Acute post hospital care
ST - Short Term Active Care
SC - Sustaining Care
PC - Palliative Care


Month End Report
First Nations and Inuit Home Care
Total Program Statistics

Staff name:
Date:    Page:    of:

Client Information
A. Client Identifier
B. Age Code:  A  |  B |  C |  D
C. Sex:  M  |  F
D. Primary Diagnosis Code

Home Visits
E. Home Visits
F. Attempt Visits
G. Total Home Visits

Home Support Time
H. Home management
I. Personal Care
J. Respite Service
K. Meal Services
L. Other Client Time
M. Total Home Support Time

Case Management
N. Asses/Care Coord Time
O. Case Management Code:  DC  |  IA  |  RV  |  OC  |  HL  |  OTR

Nursing Time
P. Nursing Time
Q. Nursing Code:  AP  |  ST  |  CA  |  SC  |  PC

Total Client Time
R. Total Client time

Non-Client Time
S. Travel (Non Reserve), Annual Leave, Sick Leave, In Service and Education, Meetings, Group Teaching Time Preparation Time, Other Time Supervision

Case Load   | Program | Education Sessions/Clinics | Attendance

Age Codes:
A - under 15
B - 15 - 44
C - 45 - 64
D - 65 & over

Case Management Codes:
DC - Discharge Planning
IA - Initial Assessment
RV - Reviews
CC - Client Conferencing
HL - Hospital Liaison
OTR - Other

Nursing codes:
AP - Acute post hospital care
ST - Short Term Active Care
SC - Sustaining Care
PC - Palliative Care

Last Updated: 2005-05-30 Top