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Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries: Code of Practice, Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

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Note: Information on references and sources cited in this table can be found in the main body of the document.

Recommendation Number and Subject Summary of Recommendation Developed & Implemented Under Development Not Yet Developed Comments Notes on what to include under "Comments"
If you respond "Under Development," please indicate what aspects have been completed and what aspects are still to be implemented or completed. If you respond "Not Yet Developed," please indicate when you expect to develop this element; if your company has no plans to develop a particular element, please explain why not.
R 101 Environmental Policy Statement
Each company should develop and implement an environmental policy statement.
        Include date approved by senior management.

Is policy publicly available? If so, how can it be accessed?
R 102 Environmental Management Systems
Each facility should develop, implement, and maintain an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 or an equivalent standard or system.
        Has the facility implemented or is it planning to implement an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 or an equivalent standard or system?

Is the facility planning on receiving ISO 14001 registrations?

If yes, indicate anticipated year of registration.
R 103 Environmental Management Plans
Each facility should develop and implement a site-specific environmental management plan, consistent with the Environmental Management Plan Guidance Document for the Base Metals Smelting Sector. The plan should include, as a minimum, the following (see list of the elements in Table S.1, Section S.5, R 103, or Section 4.1.3 of the Code).
        Indicate what percentage of the 13 elements listed in the Code are in place.
R 104 Environmental Assessment
Environmental assessment principles should be followed by companies for new and significantly modified or expanded facilities, consistent with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Reference Guide, Table 1.
        Has the process been applied to the planning phase of new or modified facilities? If so, for which projects?
R 105 Pollution Prevention Planning
Each facility should develop and implement a pollution prevention plan, consistent with Environment Canada's Pollution Prevention Planning Handbook or in compliance with any Pollution Prevention Plan Notification issued under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
        Has the facility developed a pollution prevention (P2) plan?

What is the timeframe for implementation?

Is the P2 plan consistent with the specified guideline?
R 106 Emergency Planning
Each facility should develop and make publicly available an environmental emergency plan, consistent with Environment Canada's Implementation Guidelines for Part 8 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 - Environmental Emergency Plans.
        Were community and interest groups and local and provincial/territorial emergency authorities included in the development and preparation of the plan? Has the plan been shared with these persons?

Does it address the elements elaborated in the guideline?

Is it publicly available? If so, how can it be accessed?
R 107 Decommissioning Planning
Planning for decommissioning should begin in the design stage of the project life cycle for new facilities and as early as possible in the operating stage for existing facilities. Site closures and associated decommissioning activities should be undertaken by the facility, consistent with the National Guidelines for Decommissioning Industrial Sites.
        Has decommissioning planning begun for this facility?

When will the plan be completed?

Is it in accordance with Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment guidelines?

What provisions have been made for funding the decommissioning phase?
R 108 Environmental Training
Each facility should establish and maintain procedures to identify its environmental training needs and ensure that all personnel who work in areas that may create a significant adverse impact upon the environment have received training.
        Has the facility conducted environmental training needs analysis and the identified training?

Do the procedures address the need to train new employees?

How frequently is the program reviewed?

Is there a program in place to ensure that contractors demonstrate that their employees have the required environmental training?
R 109 Environmental Facility Inspection
Each facility should develop and implement an environmental inspection plan.
        Does the plan include inspection procedures for each operation, a schedule, and procedures for reporting and follow-up?
R 110 Environmental Auditing
Each facility should conduct periodic environmental audits by internal, corporate, or third-party auditors.
        How frequently are audits conducted?

Is company staff or external personnel used?

Date of last audit.
R 111 Environmental Performance Indicators
Each facility should develop a set of environmental performance indicators that can provide an overall measure of the facility's environmental performance.
        Please provide a copy of your set of environmental performance indicators.
R 112 Product Stewardship
Each company should develop and implement a product stewardship program aimed at minimizing the environmental impacts associated with the products used and produced by the facility and under the control of the company.
        Does the product stewardship program include consideration of:

  • types of materials used;
  • sources of supply of materials;
  • sources of energy used;
  • type and amount of packaging; and
  • management of manufacturing by-products and wastes?
R 113 Public Reporting
Documented procedures for the monitoring and reporting of environmental performance to the public should be developed and implemented by the facility, consistent with the Guidance Document for Reporting Releases from the Base Metals Smelting Sector and taking into account the Global Reporting Initiative's Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for the mining and metals sector.
        Are facility-specific environmental performance data made publicly available? If so, how can the data be accessed?

Does your facility use the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines developed by the Global Reporting Initiative in preparing its reports?

How are data made available (e.g., reports, Internet, reporting programs)?

Year public reporting began.
R 114 Community Advisory Panel
Each facility should establish a Community Advisory Panel with representatives from the surrounding community, in order to provide a forum for the review and discussion of facility operations and associated environmental and other concerns.
        Name of advisory panel, date established, frequency of meetings, date of last meeting.

Are minutes publicly available? If so, how can they be accessed?

Top of page


Recommendation Number and Subject Summary of Recommendation Developed & Implemented Under Development Not Yet Developed Comments Notes on what to include under "Comments"
If you respond "Under Development," please indicate what aspects have been completed and what aspects are still to be implemented or completed. If you respond "Not Yet Developed," please indicate when you expect to develop this element; if your company has no plans to develop a particular element, please explain why not.
R 201 Prevention and Control of Fugitive Air Emissions
Each facility should identify potential sources of fugitive emissions and should prevent or control those emissions through the use of appropriate mitigative measures. These sources may include unpaved roads, storage piles, material conveyance systems, waste disposal piles, and leaks from processes and buildings.
        Identify key sources of fugitive emissions at your facility.

Describe how fugitive emissions are prevented and/or controlled.
R 202 Collection and Control of Process Air Emissions
Each facility should ensure that air pollution control equipment is adequately sized, designed, constructed, and maintained to contain and control pollutant releases to ambient air from all plant processes.
        Are all process releases collected and treated? Describe which process emission streams are not collected and treated.

Are Standard Operating Procedures in place for the key equipment and/or activities?
R 203 Total Particulate Matter Emissions Guidelines
Each facility should be designed and operated to achieve the following recommended release concentrations for total particulate matter after the emission control device of less than 50 mg/Nm3.
        Indicate the number of stacks where the guideline is achieved.

Indicate the number of stacks where the guideline is not achieved.

Provide additional information, such as total loading or flow rate for stacks.
R 204 Sulphur Fixation Guidelines
1. Each facility should consider use of low sulphur feed and recycled materials to reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide.

2. Each existing facility should be designed and operated to achieve a minimum sulphur fixation rate of 90% by a committed timetable.

3. Each new copper, lead and zinc smelter should be designed and operated to achieve a minimum sulphur fixation rate of 99%.

4. Each new nickel smelter should be designed and operated to achieve a minimum sulphur fixation rate of 96%.
        Indicate the current sulphur fixation percentage. Please provide details of the calculation, including the ratio of sulphur in the feed to the product.

Indicate any projects planned to increase the sulphur fixation percentage, including projected start-up date.
R 205 Mercury Emissions Guidelines
1. Each existing facility should be designed and operated to limit air release loadings to less than 2 grams of mercury per tonne of finished product.

2. Each new or expanded facility should be designed and operated to limit air release loadings in accordance with the following:

  1. less than 0.2 grams of mercury per tonne production of finished zinc, nickel, and lead; and
  2. less than 1 gram of mercury per tonne production of finished copper.
        Indicate the release of mercury per tonne production of finished zinc, nickel, lead, or copper.

What year are the above data for?
R 206 Dioxins and Furans Emissions Guidelines
1. Each existing facility should be designed and operated to limit release concentrations of dioxins and furans to less than 100 pg ITEQ/Rm3

2. Each new facility should be designed and operated to limit release concentrations of dioxins and furans to less than 32 pg ITEQ/Rm3
        Indicate release of dioxins/ furans per tonne production of finished zinc, nickel, lead, or copper.

What year are the above data for?
R 207 Metals Emissions Limit Targets
Each facility should develop facility emission reduction targets for and timetables to achieve reductions in releases of arsenic, cadmium, lead, nickel, mercury, and other metals of concern, taking into account facility emission reduction targets for sulphur dioxide and particulate matter, pollution prevention and control options, and performances for various feeds, smelting processes, and emission control systems.
        Does your facility have emission reduction targets and a schedule for reducing releases of arsenic, cadmium, lead, nickel, and mercury?

Has your facility achieved, or is it on course to achieve, the reduction targets?
R 208 Air Releases Reporting
Each facility should measure or estimate and report releases, consistent with the Guidance Document for Reporting Releases from the Base Metals Smelting Sector and in accordance with the notice requiring submission of data for the National Pollutant Release Inventory.
        How frequently are stacks tested? What parameters are tested for?

Does your facility have any continuous emission monitors? Describe their location and parameters monitored.

What methodology is used to calculate emissions (e.g., stack test, mass balance)?

Indicate if these reports are sent to Head Office, the National Pollutant Release Inventory, provincial/ territorial regulatory agency, the public, other?

With what frequency is information reported to each of the above - annually, quarterly, other?
R 209 Ambient Air Quality Objectives
In addition to the source performance recommendations of R 203 and R 204, each facility should design and operate air emission prevention and control systems, taking into account local conditions and the following ambient air quality objectives, standards, criteria and guidelines (substances and objectives as shown in detail in Table S.2, Section S.5, and Section 4.2.9 of the Code of Practice).
        Are ambient air quality objectives being met at air monitoring stations affected by the facility?

Indicate the number and type of exceedances.

Indicate the percentage of time air quality meets objectives at each station.
R 210 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
Each facility should develop and implement an ambient air quality monitoring program in consultation with the regulatory bodies having authority over the facility. This program should include the sampling and analysis of metals, particulate matter (total, PM10, and PM2.5), sulphur dioxide, and other pollutants of concern, taking into account:

  1. the location of release sources under the control of the facility operator; and
  2. local meteorological conditions and probable maximum pollutant deposition areas.
        Which of the following parameters does the program include: metals, particulate (total, PM10, PM2.5), sulphur dioxide?

Does the program take into account the location of emissions sources and local meteorological conditions and probable maximum deposition area?

Top of page


Recommendation Number and Subject Summary of Recommendation Developed & Implemented Under Development Not Yet Developed Comments Notes on what to include under "Comments"
If you respond "Under Development," please indicate what aspects have been completed and what aspects are still to be implemented or completed. If you respond "Not Yet Developed," please indicate when you expect to develop this element; if your company has no plans to develop a particular element, please explain why not.
R 301 Water Use/Reuse
Water use should be minimized, to the maximum extent practicable, possibly through the recycling or reuse of water and the cascading of cooling water and wastewater between production processes using lower-quality water.
        Are flow measurements carried out in accordance with documented, performance-based standards approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities?

Is any reduction achieved, and if so, how?
R 302 Wastewater Collection
All wastewater streams that may exceed the effluent criteria of R 304 should be directed to a treatment facility prior to discharge to the environment.
        Are all wastewater streams that may exceed the effluent criteria directed to a treatment facility prior to discharge?
R 303 Wastewater Containment Sizing
Wastewater collection and containment systems should be designed to contain the maximum volume of liquid that could reasonably be expected to be in storage for the following conditions:

  1. the maximum volume of wastewater that would be accumulated during the time required to shut down wastewater generation processes, plus 50%;
  2. 110% of the volume that could enter the containment system in the event of a leak, spill, or other like incident; or
  3. the accumulated precipitation from a 24-hour, 50-year storm (return period) for outdoor containments.
        Are design parameters for the maximum volume of liquid storage as described in the recommendation being met?

If not, please explain why not and provide details on storage capacity.
R 304 Water Effluent Guidelines
Wastewater treatment facilities should be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained to achieve the following effluent quality prior to release:

On a continuous basis:
pH 6.0-9.5

Maximum monthly mean concentration:
Total suspended solids 15.0 mg/L
Arsenic 0.5 mg/L
Copper 0.3 mg/L
Cyanide* 1.0 mg/L
Lead 0.2 mg/L
Nickel 0.5 mg/L
Zinc 0.5 mg/L

* If cyanide is used in the process.

Non-acutely lethal effluent:
No more than 50% mortality of Daphnia magna and rainbow trout test species in 100% effluent when tested in accordance with Environment Canada Reference Methods 1/RM/13 and 1/RM/14.
        Do all final effluent streams meet these criteria?

If not, indicate which criteria are not being met and the frequency of non- conformance.
R 305 Water Effluent Reporting
Effluents should be monitored, tested, estimated and reported, consistent with Environment Canada's Guidance Document for the Sampling and Analysis of Metal Mining Effluents and Guidance Document for Flow Measurement of Metal Mining Effluents and in accordance with the notice requiring submission of data for the National Pollutant Release Inventory.
        Are sampling and analysis methods and quality control procedures consistent with the guidance documents?

Are selection, design, and installation of flow measurement systems consistent with the guidance documents?

Indicate if these reports are sent to Head Office, the National Pollutant Release Inventory, provincial/ territorial regulatory agency, the public, other?

With what frequency is information reported to each of the above - annually, quarterly, other?
R 306 Ambient Water Quality Guidelines
In addition to the source performance recommendations of R 304 and R 305, each facility should design and operate effluent discharge systems, taking into account local conditions and the ambient water quality objectives as shown in Table S.3, Section S.5, and Section 4.3.6 of the Code of Practice.
        Are ambient water quality guidelines being met?

If not, indicate the number and type of exceedances.
R 307 Aquatic Environmental Effects Monitoring
Each facility that discharges to a receiving water should develop and implement an aquatic environmental effects monitoring program, consistent with Environment Canada's Metal Mining Guidance Document for Aquatic Environmental Effects Monitoring.
        Is an aquatic environmental effects monitoring program being conducted?

If not, when do you plan to initiate one?

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For the purposes of this section, waste refers to both non-hazardous and hazardous wastes.

Recommendation Number and Subject Summary of Recommendation Developed & Implemented Under Development Not Yet Developed Comments Notes on what to include under "Comments"
If you respond "Under Development," please indicate what aspects have been completed and what aspects are still to be implemented or completed. If you respond "Not Yet Developed," please indicate when you expect to develop this element; if your company has no plans to develop a particular element, please explain why not.
R 401 Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling
Each facility should develop, implement, and maintain a waste reduction, reuse, and recycling program. The program should be one that:

  1. identifies opportunities for in-plant reduction, reuse, and recycling of wastes;
  2. develops and implements plans for the evaluation and implementation of reduction, reuse, and recycling opportunities;
  3. identifies and evaluates market opportunities for wastes with a view to maximizing waste material reduction, reuse, and recycling (this includes the sale of by-products that would otherwise be considered wastes); and
  4. develops and implements a research and development program for reducing, reusing, and recycling residual wastes.
        Does the program:

  • identify opportunities for in-plant reduction, reuse, and recycling of wastes;
  • evaluate and implement these opportunities;
  • identify and evaluate market opportunities for wastes to maximize waste material reduction, reuse, and recycling; and
  • include a research and development program for reducing, reusing, and recycling residual wastes?
R 402 Location and Construction of Waste Disposal Sites
Expansions to existing waste disposal sites and the design and construction of new sites should be undertaken so as to ensure that:

  1. the site plan is updated to clearly show the location and dimensions of the new or expanded waste disposal site;
  2. the perimeter of the disposal area is far enough away from all watercourses to prevent contamination by runoff, seepage, or fugitive emissions;
  3. the surface drainage from off-site areas is diverted around the disposal area;
  4. the expanded area is hidden from view by fences, berms, or buffer zones; and
  5. future beneficial uses of the waste disposal site after its closure have been considered.
        Indicate whether any new or expansions to the waste disposal sites have been undertaken since 2001.

Indicate whether location and construction meet the criteria in the recommendation.
R 403 Development of Solid Waste Disposal Sites
Solid waste disposal sites should be developed in accordance with the following practices:

  1. the disposal area should be developed in modules or cells;
  2. all wastes should be placed such that they have physical and chemical stability suitable for land reuse, if the disposal area is reclaimed;
  3. contouring, capping, and reclamation of cells should be undertaken throughout the operating life of the site; and
  4. all disposal sites should be reclaimed for beneficial uses before final closure or restricted from public access if they cannot be reclaimed.
        Does the waste disposal site meet all the practices in the recommendation?

If the waste disposal site does not meet one or more of the practices, please explain the reason for deviation and how the facility will be addressing this Code recommendation.
R 404 Management of Waste Disposal Sites
All waste disposal sites should be managed in accordance with documented, site-specific waste management plans approved by the appropriate regulatory bodies having authority over the facility so that:

  1. solid, liquid, and hazardous wastes are transferred only to facilities specifically designed, approved, and operated for that purpose;
  2. access to the site is controlled and disposal activities are supervised by trained personnel; and
  3. records are maintained of the types, approximate quantities, and point of origin of the wastes.
        Does the waste disposal site meet all criteria of the recommendation?

If not, please indicate which criteria are not met and the reasons.

Have management plans been approved by the appropriate regulatory authority?
R 405 Monitoring of Waste Disposal Sites
A groundwater monitoring program should be developed for all waste disposal sites in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. a permanent system of appropriately located piezometers and wells should be provided;
  2. a program of pre-operational monitoring of groundwater regimes should be initiated;
  3. groundwater samples should be collected at least quarterly; and
  4. each groundwater sample should be analyzed for pH, total dissolved solids, and other appropriate site-specific parameters.
        Is there a groundwater monitoring program in place?

Does the groundwater monitoring program follow all criteria of the recommendation?

Provide information on the frequency of monitoring for each parameter.

Have monitoring results indicated any potential problems?
R 406 Waste Reporting
Wastes disposed of and transferred should be reported, in accordance with the notice requiring submission of data for the National Pollutant Release Inventory.
        Does your facility report on wastes disposed of and transferred?

Indicate if these reports are sent to Head Office, the National Pollutant Release Inventory, provincial/ territorial regulatory agency, the public, other?

With what frequency is information reported to each of the above - annually, quarterly, other?

As a referenced guidance document has not been developed, please indicate if wastes disposed of and transferred are reported consistent with the Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory 2001.
R 407 Waste Management
Waste should be managed consistent with the Guidance Document for Management of Wastes from the Base Metals Smelting Sector.
        Are efforts made to recycle residues?

Are reuse options identified?

Is disposal considered only when there are no options for recycling or reuse?

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Last Update: 2006-04-28
Content Reviewed: 2006-04-28

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URL of this page: http://www2.ec.gc.ca/ceparegistry/documents/code/smelters/appb.cfm