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Canadian Coalition for Immunization Awareness and Promotion (CCIAP)

Routine Immunization Schedule for Infants and Children

Vaccination and your child

Childhood vaccines


DaPTP-Hib (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, and Haemophilus influenzae type B) (pdf format)

Diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (dTap) vaccine

Hepatitis B vaccine

Influenza vaccine

Meningococcal vaccine

MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine

Pneumococcal vaccine

Additional resources: 
The Canadian Paediatric Society has also published a book, Your Child's Best Shot: A parent's guide to vaccination, and a series of brochures, Getting Your Shots, on childhood immunization. 

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