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Data & Statistics
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Get Vaccinated!
The best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year...
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E.coli Outbreak
Learn more about the current E.coli outbreaks...

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Pandemic Flu
Pandemic Flu resources...

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Healthy Holidays
Tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the holidays ...more

CDC Email Updates
Subscribe to receive email updates with the latest information ...more

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
When the power goes out, think twice before using generators or grills for heating or cooking ...more

New Science Office Site at CDC
From health to safety, the CDC public health and safety mission rests on the foundation of science ...more

Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention
Learn more about impaired driving-related injuries and how they can be prevented ...more

Extreme Cold
Don't let winter leave you cold ...more

Information Regarding Polonium-210
Recent events in the United Kingdom have brought attention to the radioactive material Polonium-210 (Po-210) as a possible public health concern ...more

Avian Influenza
Latest CDC science on bird flu ...more

CDC's New Health Protection Goals
CDC focuses on a set of health protection goals to become a more performance-based agency ...more

CDC Partnerships
A new portal with information and resources for CDC's partners ...more

bullet past features
Hurricane Katrina
CDC Learns from Katrina, Plans for Pandemic
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness - Learn More
Check this new section for more important news about CDC.
Programs & Campaigns
Snort. Sniffle. Sneeze.
No antibiotics, please!
Science Ambassador Program
A collaborative education community among public health scientists and science teachers.
Conferences & Events
CDC's Global Health Odyssey Diabetes Exhibit
(now - Jan 5), Atlanta GA
All Conferences & Events
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Safer, Healthier People

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A.
Tel: (404) 639-3311 / Public Inquiries: (404) 639-3534 / (800) 311-3435
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and Human Services