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First Nations & Inuit Health

Emergency Medical Transportation Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care

Subject Index

Bibliography   Emergency Medical Transportation Guidelines
List of Chapters

A  B  C  D   E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


Abbreviations, list, A-1

ABCs, 1-5 to 1-6, 1-7 to 1-8

Abdominal injuries (blunt or penetrating), 4-7, 4-12

Above ground level (AGL). See Cabin altitude

Acetaminophen, in transport kit, 6-1

Acidosis, with cold stress, 5-6

Acute abdomen, 4-7

Aeromedical evacuation

and aircraft safety, 1-1
atmospheric pressure, gas laws, 2-1 to 2-2
cabin altitude restrictions, 4-12
choice of aircraft, criteria, 1-4
environmental in-flight stressors, 3-1
physiological effects of flight, 2-3 to 2-9
special considerations, 1-4
stable client condition, 1-7, 4-1

AGL (above ground level). See Cabin altitude

Aircraft types and makes, 2-2

Airway devices, 4-3, 6-1

See also Intubation

Airway management

with burns, 4-11
with facial trauma, 4-1
intubation, authorized personnel, 1-5
with jaws wired, 1-7, 4-1, 4-8
with neonatal diaphragmatic hernia, 5-10
in neonatal resuscitation, 5-8
with pneumothorax, 4-3
pre-transport stabilization, general, 1-5
with respiratory insufficiency, 4-3
in transit, general, 1-7


atmospheric pressure, various altitudes, 2-1
cabin altitude, 2-2, 4-12, 5-1
and hypoxia, 2-1, 2-3, 2-4 to 2-5
oxygen requirements, 3-5
time of useful consciousness, 2-5
and turbulence, 2-2

Ambu bag (positive pressure ventilation), 3-4

Ambu foot bag suction pump, 3-2, 6-3

Ambulance, 1-4

Ampicillin, 5-3, 5-6


abdominal injuries, 4-7
acute abdomen, appendicitis, 4-7
basic supplies for transport kit, 6-1
bowel obstructions, 4-6
eye trauma and disorders, 4-2
pre-transport assessment of need, 1-6
See also Narcotic analgesia

Anaphylactic shock, and cabin altitude, 4-12

Anemia, 4-5, 4-12

Anemic (hypemic) hypoxia, 2-4

Angina, stable and unstable, 2-7, 4-4 to 4-5, 4-12

Antibiotics, usage

abdominal injuries, 4-7
acute abdomen, appendicitis, 4-7
multiple injuries, 5-12
in neonatal resuscitation kit, 5-3
premature rupture of membranes, 5-2
sepsis in newborns, 5-6

Anticonvulsants, usage, 4-8, 4-9, 5-2

Antiemetics, usage

basic medications for transport kit, 6-1
bowel obstructions, 4-6
eye trauma and disorders, 4-2
head trauma, 4-8
maxillofacial injuries, 4-1
nausea and vomiting, 4-6
obstetrical cases, 5-1
respiratory insufficiency, 4-3
spinal cord injuries, 4-10
stroke (CVA), 4-9

Antihypertensives, 5-2

Antipyretics, 5-11

Anxiety psychosis, 4-11

Apgar score, determination, 5-7

Apnea, in neonatal resuscitation, 5-8

Appendicitis, 2-8, 4-7

Arrhythmias, 2-4, 2-7, 4-4

Assessment, pre-transport, 1-5, 1-7

Asthma, 2-7, 4-12

Atmosphere, 2-1 to 2-2, 2-5

See also Nitrogen; Oxygen

Atropine, for neonatal resuscitation kit, 5-3

Automobiles (private), criteria for use, 1-4


Bag-valve mask (BVM) resuscitator, use

use instructions, 6-2
basic equipment, 6-1
burns, 4-11
contraindicated for diaphragmatic hernia, 5-10
COPD, 4-4
epiglottitis, 4-2
increased intracranial pressure, 5-11
neonatal resuscitation, 5-8
pneumothorax, 4-3
positive pressure ventilation, 3-4
respiratory insufficiency, 4-3

Bandages, basic supplies, 6-1

Barobariatrauma, in obese clients, 2-9

Barodontalgia, 2-7

Barometric pressure, various altitudes, 2-1

Barosinusitis, 2-7

Barotitis media, 2-6, 5-10

Bowel obstructions, 2-8, 4-6, 4-12

Boyle's law (gas law), 2-2, 2-5

Bradycardia, with hypoxia, 2-4

Breathing (of ABCs), 1-5, 1-7, 5-8

Bronchiolitis, and overpressurization syndrome, 2-7


cabin altitude restrictions, 4-11, 4-12
care during transport, 4-11
chemical and electrical, 4-11, 4-12
effects and risks of air transport, 2-9
inhalation burns, 2-9, 4-12
positioning of client, 4-11
volume resuscitation, formula, 4-11

BVM. See Bag-valve mask (BVM)


Cabin altitude, 2-2, 4-12, 5-1

Calcium chloride, for neonatal resuscitation kit, 5-3

Carbon monoxide poisoning, and oxygen saturation readings, 1-7, 3-3, 4-11

Cardiac equipment, for transport, 6-3

Cardiogenic shock, 4-4

Cardiovascular problems

anemia, 4-5, 4-12
angina, 4-4 to 4-5
cabin altitude restrictions, 4-5, 4-12
cardiac monitors, 1-6, 6-3
care during transport, 4-4 to 4-5
congestive heart failure, 4-4 to 4-5
defibrillators, 6-3
effects of air transport, 2-7
hypotension, 4-5
myocardial infarction, 4-4 to 4-5
positioning of client, 4-5

Catheters, suction, 3-2

Catheters, urinary. See Foley catheters

Central nervous system. See Neurological problems

Cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), 4-9, 4-12

Chemical burns, 4-11, 4-12

See also Burns

Chest tube, 1-5, 4-3

Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 5-11


acute respiratory distress, 5-11
guidelines for transport, 5-10
increased intracranial pressure, 5-11
multiple injuries, 5-12
near-drowning, 5-12

See also Neonatal care

Chronic hypercapnia, in COPD clients, 2-5

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),

2-5, 4-4, 4-12


management in transit, general, 1-8
in neonatal resuscitation, 5-8
newborn, maintenance of, 5-6
pre-transport stabilization, general, 1-5, 1-6


client condition, and transport mode, 1-3
client condition, escort requirements, 1-2
pre-transport assessment, stabilization, 1-5 to 1-6
pre-transport preparation, guidelines, 1-6

Colostomy bags, in transit management, 3-3

Congestive heart failure, 4-4 to 4-5, 4-12

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease),

2-5, 4-4, 4-12

Critical condition, definition, 1-2

Croup, and cabin altitude, 4-12

Cyanosis, with hypoxia, 2-4

Cylinders (tanks) of oxygen, 3-5 to 3-6, 6-2


D10W, for IV therapy, 5-9, 5-10

Dalton's law, significance, 2-1

Decompression sickness, 2-2, 4-12

Decongestants, usage, 2-7, 4-2

Deferrable condition, definition, 1-2

Dental pain during flight, 2-7

Dextrose solution, for neonatal homeostasis, 5-6

Diabetes mellitus, risk factor for neonate, 5-7

Diaphragmatic hernia, 5-10

Dimenhydrinate. See Antiemetics, usage

Disability, pre-transport assessment, 1-6

Diuretics, usage, 4-4

Documentation, clinical (during transport), 1-8

Dressings, 1-8, 6-1

Drugs, supplies for transport kits, 5-3, 6-1

See also names of conditions and drugs

Dyspnea, 2-4, 2-9


Ear problems, 2-6

Eclampsia, 5-1, 5-2

Electrical burns, 4-11, 4-12

See also Burns

Emergency medical technicians (EMTs), 1-2

Emergent condition, definition, 1-2

Emphysema, 2-7

Endotracheal tubes, pre-transport preparation, 3-3

Epiglottitis, 4-2, 4-12


for neonatal resuscitation kit, 5-3
usage, 5-8, 6-1


basics for interfacility transport, 6-1
for emergency delivery, 5-3, 6-2
flashlights, 3-1
headsets for noise stress, 3-1
IV therapy equipment, 3-2
oxygen containers, 3-5 to 3-6, 6-2
pre-transport preparation, 1-6
reference and record-keeping, 6-2
for resuscitation, 1-7, 5-3
safety tested for flight, 3-2
saline locks, 1-8, 3-2
suctioning, 1-7, 3-2, 6-1, 6-3
survival gear, 1-6, 6-2
wirecutters, 1-7, 4-1, 4-8


for clients with myocardial infarction, 4-4
pre-transport assessment (medical escorts), 1-7
pre-transport preparation, guidelines, 1-6
type for various conditions, guidelines, 1-2

Esophageal atresia, 5-9

Eye trauma and disorders, 2-6, 4-2, 4-12


Facilities, receiving, 1-7

"Flicker vertigo," 4-8, 4-9

Foley catheters, use

child with multiple injuries, 5-12
clients with abdominal injuries, 4-7
clients with cardiovascular problems, 4-4
indications for use, 1-6
obstetrical clients, 5-1
precautions during flight, 3-3


cabin altitude restrictions, 4-8, 4-12
care during transport, 4-8
contraindications for intraosseous access, 5-13
risk of pneumoencephalopathy, 2-8, 4-1, 4-8, 4-12
splinting, 4-8, 4-13 to 4-14

Furosemide, usage, 4-4, 4-5


Gas gangrene, 4-12

Gases. See Atmosphere; Nitrogen; Oxygen

Gastrointestinal problems

abdominal injuries, 4-7, 4-12
acute abdomen, appendicitis, 4-7, 4-12
bowel obstructions, 4-6, 4-12
cabin altitude restrictions, 4-12
care during transport, 4-6 to 4-7
colostomy bags, care during flight, 3-3
effects of air transport, 2-8
nausea and vomiting, 4-6
neonatal esophageal atresia, 5-9
neonatal omphalocele, 5-9
paralytic ileus, 4-6, 4-12

Gentamicin, usage, 5-3, 5-6

Glasgow Coma Scale, use

head trauma, 4-8
pediatric, for increased intracranial pressure, 5-11
pre-transport assessment, 1-6
spinal cord injuries, 4-10
stroke, 4-9

Glucose, supply in transport kit, 6-1

GOX (gaseous compressed oxygen), 3-5


Head and neck problems

cabin altitude restrictions, 4-12
care during transport, 4-1 to 4-2
effects of air transport, 2-6 to 2-7
epiglottitis, 4-2, 4-12
eye trauma and disorders, 2-6, 4-2
increased intracranial pressure in children, 5-11
maxillofacial injuries, 4-1
upper respiratory infection/congestion, 4-2

Head trauma, 4-8, 4-12

Hemorrhages, ante- and postpartum, 5-3

Henry's law (gas law), 2-2

Hernia, diaphragmatic, 5-10

Histotoxic (toxic) hypoxia, 2-4

Homeostasis, in neonates, 5-6


humidification of oxygen, 6-2
in-flight stressor, 3-1
in Ohio transport incubator, 6-5

Hydralazine, for eclampsia and pre-eclampsia, 5-2

Hypemic (anemic) hypoxia, 2-4

Hypercapnia, chronic, in COPD clients, 2-5

Hypertension, 2-4, 5-1

Hyperventilation, 2-4, 2-8

Hypocalcemia, and neonatal homeostasis, 5-6

Hypoglycemia, 5-5, 5-6, 5-12

Hypokalemia, and neonatal homeostasis, 5-6

Hypomagnesium, and neonatal homeostasis, 5-6

Hyponatremia, and neonatal homeostasis, 5-6

Hypotension, 2-4, 4-4, 4-5

Hypothermia, 2-9, 5-12

Hypovolemia, and IV fluid replacement, 1-6

Hypoxemia, 4-3, 5-6

Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency)

with abdominal injuries, 4-7
with altitude, 2-1, 2-3
with anemia, 4-5
with cardiovascular patients, 4-4
clinical signs, 2-4
and eye problems/injuries, 2-6, 4-2
management, 2-5
in obstetrical cases, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3
oxygen paradox, 2-5
respiratory insufficiency, 4-3, 4-12
retinal hypoxia, 2-6, 4-2
risk factors for, 2-4
time of useful consciousness, 2-5
types, 2-4

Hypoxic hypoxia, 2-4


Immobilization of spine

equipment, 6-1
with head trauma, 4-8
with increased intracranial pressure, 5-11
with multiple injuries, 5-11
with near-drowning, 5-12
with spinal injuries, 1-5, 4-10

Increased intracranial pressure, 5-11

Incubators, 5-6, 6-4 to 6-6

Infants. See Children; Neonatal care

Infusion pumps, 3-2, 5-5, 6-3

Inhalation burns, 2-9, 4-12

Intraosseous access, 5-12 to 5-13

Intravenous (IV) therapy

for emergency delivery, 5-4
equipment, 6-1
fluid administration for newborns, 5-6
fluid resuscitation for burns, 4-11
freezing problems, 1-8, 3-2
infusion pumps, 3-2, 5-5, 6-3
neonatal circulation, maintenance, 5-6
neonatal diaphragmatic hernia, 5-10
neonatal esophageal atresia, 5-9
neonatal omphalocele, 5-9
number of lines recommended, 1-6
pre-transport insertion, 3-2
premature labor, 5-2
saline locks, 1-8, 3-2
securing during transport, 1-8, 3-2
variable flow rates during flight, 3-2


authorized personnel, 1-5
for diaphragmatic hernia in neonate, 5-10
for epiglottitis, 4-2
with spinal cord injuries, 4-10

Ischemia, 2-7, 4-4

IV therapy. See Intravenous (IV) therapy


Level of consciousness

with head trauma, 4-8
with hypoxia, 2-4, 2-5
with increased intracranial pressure, 5-11
with spinal cord injuries, 4-10
with stroke, 4-9
time of useful consciousness (with hypoxia), 2-5

Lighting limitations in aircraft, 3-1

Lorazepam. See Anticonvulsants, usage


Magnesium sulphate, usage, 5-2

Maxillofacial injuries, 4-1, 4-12

Medevac, definition, 1-1

See also Aeromedical evacuation

Medical records, 1-5, 1-8

Medications, supplies for transport kits, 5-3, 6-1

See also names of conditions and drugs

Meperidine, in interfacility transport kit, 6-1

Metered-dose inhaler, in transport kit, 6-1

MI (myocardial infarction), 2-7, 4-4 to 4-5, 4-12

Modes of transport. See Aeromedical evacuation; Transport

Morphine, 4-2, 4-5, 6-1

Motion sickness, 1-8, 2-8

Musculoskeletal problems

cabin altitude restrictions, 4-12
care during transport, 4-8
casts and splints during flight, 3-3
effects of air transport, 2-8
neurovascular compromise, 2-8
spinal injuries and airway management, 1-5

Myocardial infarction (MI), 2-7, 4-4 to 4-5, 4-12


Naloxone, usage, 5-3, 5-8, 6-1

Narcotic analgesia, usage

acute abdomen, appendicitis, 4-7
contraindications in obstetrical cases, 5-2
dispensing and documentation, 1-8
and respiratory depression, 4-10

Nasal cannula, for oxygen delivery, 3-3, 3-4

Nasogastric tube, usage

bowel obstructions, 4-6
child with multiple injuries, 5-12
drainage during flight, 3-2
gastrointestinal problems, 1-6
spinal cord injuries, 4-10

Nausea and vomiting, 2-4, 2-8, 4-6

Near-drowning, 5-12

Needle decompression, of pneumothorax, 4-3

Neonatal care

Apgar score, determination, 5-7
circulation, maintenance, 5-6
diaphragmatic hernia, 5-10
esophageal atresia, 5-9
homeostasis, maintenance, 5-6
incubator, Ohio transport, 6-4 to 6-6
incubator preparation, 5-6
infection or sepsis, 5-6
omphalocele, 5-9
respiratory distress, 5-5
resuscitation, 5-7 to 5-8
surgical emergency, transport, 5-9 to 5-10
thermal environment, 5-6
transport of ill newborn, 5-5 to 5-6
vital signs, monitoring, 5-5

Neurological problems

cabin altitude restrictions, 4-12
care during transport, 4-8 to 4-10
effects of air transport, 2-8
head trauma, 4-8, 4-12
pre-transport assessment, 1-6
seizure disorders, 4-9, 4-12
spinal cord injuries, 4-10, 4-12
stroke or CVA, 4-9, 4-12

Neurovascular compromise, 2-8, 2-9

Nitrogen, 2-1, 2-2, 2-9

Nitroglycerin, usage, 4-5, 6-1

Noise, in-flight stressor, 3-1

Non-rebreather mask with reservoir bag, 1-7, 3-4

Non-urgent condition, definition, 1-2


Obese clients, and barobariatrauma, 2-9


cabin altitude restrictions, 5-1
effects and risks of air transport, 5-1
emergency delivery, 5-3, 5-4
general guidelines for transport, 5-1
hemorrhages, ante- and postpartum, 5-3
imminent delivery, 5-3
indications for medevac, 5-1
neonatal resuscitation kit, 5-3
positioning of client, 5-1
pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, 5-1, 5-2
premature labor, 5-2
premature rupture of membranes, 5-2
See also Neonatal care

Ohio transport incubator, 6-4 to 6-6

Oligohydramnios, risk factor for neonate, 5-7

Omphalocele, neonatal, 5-9

Orogastric tube

for child with multiple injuries, 5-12
with gastrointestinal problems, 1-6
for neonatal diaphragmatic hernia, 5-10
for neonatal omphalocele, 5-9

Oropharyngeal airway, 4-3

Orthopedic air splints, contraindication, 3-3

Overpressurization syndrome, 2-7

Oxygen, atmospheric, 2-1, 2-3

Oxygen saturation

for COPD clients with possible hypoxia, 1-7, 2-5
with increasing altitude, 2-3
newborns with respiratory distress, 5-5
pulse oximetry monitoring, 1-7, 2-5, 3-3

Oxygen therapy

for COPD clients with possible hypoxia, 2-5
cylinders or tanks, 3-5, 6-1, 6-2
delivery systems, 3-3 to 3-4, 6-1
duration of oxygen supply, 3-6
flow rates, and oxygen delivered, 3-4
gaseous compressed oxygen (GOX), 3-5
humidification of oxygen, 6-2
neonatal resuscitation, 5-8
for newborns, 5-5
in Ohio transport incubator, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6
oxygen paradox, 2-5
oxygen regulators, 3-6
oxygen requirements at specific altitudes, 3-5
positive pressure ventilation, 3-4

Oxytocin, for emergency delivery, 5-4


Paralytic ileus, 4-6, 4-10, 4-12

Paramedics, escort requirements, 1-2

Patients. See Clients

Physicians, 1-2, 1-7


cabin altitude restrictions, 4-12
with skull fracture, 2-8, 4-1, 4-8


cabin altitude restrictions, 4-3, 4-12
care during transport, 4-3, 4-12
effects of air transport on condition, 2-7
needle decompression, 4-3
risk of hypoxemia, 4-3
risk with COPD, 4-4
risk with respiratory insufficiency, 4-3

Polyhydramnios, risk factor for neonate, 5-7

Positioning of clients

with abdominal injuries, 4-7
access considerations, 1-8, 3-1
with acute abdomen or appendicitis, 4-7

Positioning of clients (continued)

with burns, 4-11
with cardiovascular problems, 4-5
with head trauma, 4-8
with hypotension and hypovolemia, 4-5
with increased intracranial pressure, 5-11
with maxillofacial injuries, 4-1
for neonatal diaphragmatic hernia, 5-10
neonatal esophageal atresia, 5-9
neonatal omphalocele, 5-9
neonatal resuscitation, 5-8
obstetrical clients, 5-1
obstetrical clients, emergency delivery, 5-4
with seizure disorders, 4-9
with spinal cord injuries, 4-10
with stroke (CVA), 4-9

Positive pressure ventilation (PPV), 3-4, 5-5

See also Bag-valve mask (BVM)

Post-transport guidelines, for community nurse, 1-8

PPV. See Positive pressure ventilation (PPV)

Pre-eclampsia, 5-1, 5-2

Pre-transport planning and preparation, 1-5 to 1-7

Premature labor, 5-2

Premature rupture of membranes, 5-2

Pressurized aircraft, 2-2

Private automobiles, criteria for use, 1-4

Psychiatric problems, care during transport, 4-11

Pulmonary edema, and pre-eclamptic clients, 5-1

Pulse oximetry, 1-7, 3-3, 4-11


Registered nurses, escort requirements, 1-2

Respiratory distress (newborns, children), 5-5, 5-10, 5-11

Respiratory problems

cabin altitude restrictions, 4-12
care during transport, 4-2, 4-3 to 4-4
chest tube insertion, authorized personnel, 1-5
Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 5-11
COPD, 2-5, 4-4
COPD and hypoxia during transport, 2-5
effects of air transport, 2-7
hypoxia (see Hypoxia)
overpressurization syndrome, 2-7
pneumothorax, 2-7, 4-3
respiratory insufficiency, 4-3, 4-12
stabilization pre-transport, 1-5, 1-7
upper respiratory infection, 4-2, 4-12


equipment availability, 1-7
neonatal, 5-7 to 5-8
neonatal resuscitation kit, 5-3
positive pressure ventilation, 3-4

Retinal hypoxia, 2-6, 4-2


Salbutamol, in transport kit, 6-1

Saline locks, for IV lines, 1-8, 3-2

SAMPLE medical history, 1-5

Sedation, 1-6, 4-2, 4-4


from anxiety, 2-8
cabin altitude restrictions, 4-9, 4-12
care during transport, 4-9
from "flicker vertigo," 4-8, 4-9
from hyperventilation, 2-8
with hypoxia, 2-4, 2-8
positioning of client, 4-9
with pre-eclamptic clients, 5-2

Sepsis, in newborn, 5-6

Shock, cardiogenic, 4-4

Shock, with abdominal injuries, 4-7

Sickle cell anemia, and cabin altitude, 4-5, 4-12

Sinus problems, during flight, 2-7

Skin problems, burns, 2-9, 4-11, 4-12

Sodium bicarbonate, in resuscitation kit, 5-3

Spinal injuries

airway management, 1-5, 4-10
cabin altitude restrictions, 4-10, 4-12
care during transport, 4-10
immobilization requirements, 1-5, 4-10
immobilization with head trauma, 4-8
link with facial injuries, 4-1
narcotic analgesia risk, 4-10


air splints contraindicated, 3-3, 4-8
for fractures, 4-8, 4-13 to 4-14
traction splints, transport-compatible, 2-8

Stagnant hypoxia, 2-4

Strokes (cerebrovascular accidents), 4-9, 4-12

Suction pumps, as emergency backup, 3-2, 6-3


availability requirements, 1-7
equipment for, 6-1, 6-3
with near-drowning situation, 5-12
with neonatal esophageal atresia, 5-9
pumps and catheters, 3-2, 6-3

Supplies. See Equipment

Survival gear, legal requirements, 1-6, 6-2


Tachycardia, 2-4, 2-9, 4-4

Tachypnea, 2-4, 2-9, 5-5

Tanks (cylinders) of oxygen, 3-5 to 3-6

Taxis, criteria for use, 1-4

Teeth, pain during flight, 2-7

Temperature control. See Thermal regulation

Tetanus prophylaxis, for acute abdomen, 4-7

Thermal regulation

IV lines, preventing freezing, 1-8, 3-2
in neonatal resuscitation, 5-8
in newborn transport, 5-6
in Ohio transport incubator, 6-5
thermal stress for clients, 3-1
transfer of client to aircraft, 3-1

Thrombolytic therapy, for myocardial infarction, 4-4

Time of useful consciousness (TUC), 2-5

Tocolytic therapy, for premature labor, 5-2

Toxic (histotoxic) hypoxia, 2-4

Tracheostomy tubes, pre-flight preparation, 3-3


aircraft (see Aeromedical evacuation )
ambulance, 1-4
choice of, considerations, 1-3
client condition and escort requirements, 1-2
private automobiles or taxis, 1-4
responsibilities of referring practitioner, 1-5 to 1-8
survival gear requirements, 1-6, 6-2
types, 1-1

Troposphere (of atmosphere), 2-1

TUC (time of useful consciousness), 2-5


Ultrasonography, for obstetrical clients, 5-1

Unpressurized aircraft, 2-2

Urgent condition, definition, 1-2

Urinary catheters. See Foley catheters

URTI (upper respiratory tract infection), 4-2


Valsalva maneuver, 2-6, 2-7, 5-11

Vasoconstrictors, for barosinusitis, 2-7


average rates, 5-11
manual, 5-11
positive pressure ventilation (PPV), 3-4, 5-5
See also Bag-valve mask (BVM) resuscitator; Oxygen therapy

Venturi mask, for oxygen delivery, 3-3, 3-4

Vibration, in-flight stressor, 3-1

Vision problems, with hypoxia, 2-3, 2-4

Vital signs, monitoring

ill newborn, 5-5
in near-drowning situation, 5-12

Vomiting. See Nausea and vomiting


Weather, transport in inclement weather, 1-1

Wirecutters, with client with wired jaws, 1-7, 4-1, 4-8


Xylometazoline, for barosinusitis, 2-7

Bibliography   Emergency Medical Transportation Guidelines
List of Chapters
Last Updated: 2005-03-17 Top