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Research Grants - 2007
— Nova Scotia Museum Board of Governors

To apply:

Applications must be received no later than 5 pm, February 1, 2007. To be considered, the application must include all information and materials specified in the Terms of Reference and the Project Submission Format. Each proposal will only be considered under one category, as specified when submitted. Only individual researchers are eligible to apply for Nova Scotia Museum Grants. For additional information and application requirements, contact:

Research Grant Program
Nova Scotia Museum
1747 Summer St
Halifax, NS
B3H 3A6

Tel: (902) 424-7370

Successful proposals will be announced by May 7, 2007. The Board of Governors of the Nova Scotia Museum reserves the rights not to make an award if, in the opinion of the Awards Committee, no suitable proposal is received.


Marine History
Original research relating to the marine history of Nova Scotia, including, shipbuilding, ship-owning, naval and merchant shipping, fishing, seafarers and seafaring, community activities relating to the sea, and the design, construction and use of vessels.

Cultural History
A research project that examines a theme, idea, or, value system associated with one or more of the Nova Scotia Museum’s cultural history sites, or, one or more of Nova Scotia’s communities (geographic, linguistic, ethnic or occupational).You may span time periods and geographical locations and/or compare cultural or social groups . This project should result in an improved understanding of, and ability to, interpret Nova Scotia’s cultural history.

Rare Species
A research project designed to expand our knowledge of the distribution, taxonomy or natural history of rare plant or animal species in the province.

Terms of Reference        Project Submission Format

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