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The following statements relate to your feelings about the service provided at the...
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Campus Calgary Digital Library announced
The Digital Library will be built next to the existing MacKimmie Library complex. It will include space for the public to use the Digital Library and 500 new computer stations...
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The University of Calgary will take over library services from the Calgary Health Region on October 1 of this year
A similar start date for the Tom Baker Cancer Centre is anticipated...
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Creation of the Health Information Network, Calgary Region
Effective October 1, 2005 the University of Calgary, through the Health Sciences Library...
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Quiet Study Areas
If you are seeking Quiet Study Space...
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Find it Quicker - Guide to Locations:
Over the summer and in to the fall, many parts of the collection within the...
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Laser Printing Prices:
Effective September 1, 2004 the price for Laser Printing and Self-serve Photocopying...
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Information Commons User Tips:
The Information Commons provides one-stop service for library research...
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Acceptable Use Guidelines:
Public access library workstations are provided to support academic research...
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Library Code of Conduct (as approved by SAA):
The University of Calgary Libraries provide space, materials and assistance...
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Database Access Problems?:
Information Technologies System Status Report (220-6999)...
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