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Questionnaire on Deposit Insurance

CDIC & the World
The purpose of the survey is three-fold. First, it is designed to gather information from entities that, under law or agreements, provide deposit insurace, depositor protection or deposit guarantee arrangements throughout the world. Second, the information will be shared internationally, which will help policymakers and practitioners draw on approaches being used elsewhere to help them in establishing or reforming a deposit insurance system. Third, it will form a body of qualitative and quantitative data that will facilitate practitioner-focused research aimed at identifying good and effective deposits insurance practices. Upon full completion of the survey, the information collected will be made available publicly on this website.

Access to the questionaire is restricted by an assigned username and password. Although we have tried to contact all relevant entities providing deposit insurance protection through our mailing list, we may have overlooked some organizations. If you were not contacted and would like to be included in the questionaire, please contact David Walker ( in order to receive your access permission. As well, if you are in contact with someone from another organization that you feel should be responding to this questionaire, please let us know.

NOTE: You need Netscape 4.7 or Internet Explorer 5.5 to access this survey.

To begin the questionnaire "Click Here".

Last modified : 8 July 2005

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