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Background Research


  1. Humanitarian Intervention
  2. Sovereignty and Intervention
  3. Conflict Prevention
  4. Ethical Aspects
  5. Legal Aspects
  6. Interest and Will
  7. National and Regional Perspectives
  8. Nonmilitary Interventions
  9. Operational Aspects of Military Interventions
  10. Military Interventions and Humanitarian Action
  11. Post-Conflict Challenges
  12. Country Cases


This extensive bibliography is designed to illustrate the range of material published on all aspects of humanitarian intervention and to provide a foundation for future research and policy development. The references are divided into 12 categories and roughly follow the structure of the main body of this supplementary volume. A short selection of key references - 10 to 12 - is listed, along with abstracts, at the beginning of each section.

The selection of titles for the bibliography is informed by several principles. An overarching objective was to include as wide a range of differing views as possible. In an attempt to be comprehensive, references were chosen not only through personal familiarity, but also on the basis of wide consultations with scholars and practitioners worldwide. The final section covers a selection of country cases. More than 20 specific interventions are covered in the historical overview, in the second part of the Research component of this volume. The cases from the post-1990 period were included, as were the three most important from the previous era - East Pakistan, Cambodia, and Uganda.

Given the overwhelmingly trans-Atlantic nature of the debate on humanitarian intervention, priority was given to seeking out non-Western views wherever possible. While examples appear throughout the bibliography, there is also a dedicated section on national and regional perspectives. A special effort was also made to cover not only the academic literature but also materials produced by governments, international organizations, and NGOs, including in some cases official documents. Many, though not all, of the citations in this volume also appear in the bibliography.

Difficult choices were required. Many of the selections could easily have been placed into more than one of the 12 subsections of the bibliography. It was difficult, for example, to separate neatly legal from ethical literatures. However, references were never duplicated. Where they would fit into different subsections, they were listed in the general category of humanitarian intervention or assigned to the category that seemed most directly relevant.

For edited collections and special issues of journals, the volume in question generally is cited, rather than each of the specific parts. However, where an article or a chapter in such a volume was deemed to be of particular significance, it figures separately in the appropriate section.

While this list of references will undoubtedly be useful, a fully key-worded and searchable electronic version is also available on CD-ROM and on this website.

The bibliography is broken down into the following 12 categories:

  1. Humanitarian Intervention
  2. Sovereignty and Intervention
  3. Conflict Prevention
  4. Ethical Aspects
  5. Legal Aspects
  6. Interest and Will
  7. National and Regional Perspectives
  8. Nonmilitary Interventions
  9. Operational Aspects of Military Interventions
  10. Military Intervention and Humanitarian Action
  11. Post-Conflict Challenges
  12. Country Cases


Advisory Council on International Affairs and Advisory Committee on Issues of Public International Law. Humanitarian Intervention. The Hague: Advisory Council on International Affairs, 2000.
Reassessment of the concept of humanitarian intervention and the issues raised by the experiences of the 1990s.

Annan, Kofi A. The Question of Intervention: Statements by the Secretary-General. New York: United Nations Department of Public Information, 1999.
Influential statements by the Secretary-General, including "Two Concepts of Sovereignty." Affirms the legitimacy of interventions in a world of sovereign states by placing the protection of human rights at the centre of the UN's work.

Bull, Hedley, ed. Intervention in World Politics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984.
Classic collection, elucidating 1980s thinking on interventions and related issues. Contains widely cited essays, such as Stanley Hoffmann's "The Problem of Intervention," Rosalyn Higgins' "Intervention and International Law," and Michael Akehurst's "Humanitarian Intervention."

Danish Institute of International Affairs. Humanitarian Intervention: Legal and Political Aspects. Copenhagen: Danish Institute of International Affairs, 1999.
Explores political and legal aspects of humanitarian interventions and reviews four legal-political strategies, ranging from the status quo to the codification of a doctrine of humanitarian intervention.

Forbes, Ian and Mark Hoffman, eds. Political Theory, International Relations, and the Ethics of Intervention. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Assembles a variety of competing approaches and combines history and theory concerning the question of whether and when intervention may be justified.

Jackson, Robert H. The Global Covenant: Human Conduct in a World of States. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Places the major armed interventions since the end of the Cold War into the pluralist framework of the international society approach.

Lyons, Gene M. and Michael Mastanduno, eds. Beyond Westphalia? State Sovereignty and International Intervention. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
Collection of essays dealing with the concepts of sovereignty and intervention, with an emphasis on transformations in their meaning and practice.

Nederveen Pieterse, Jan, ed. World Orders in the Making: Humanitarian Intervention and Beyond. Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with Institute of Social Studies, 1998.
Addresses the legal, military, sociological, and humanitarian aspects of intervention. Regards humanitarian intervention as part of the changing global architecture.

Ramsbotham, Oliver P. and Tom Woodhouse. Humanitarian Intervention in Contemporary Conflict: A Reconceptualization. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996.
Review of the literature on humanitarian intervention, its essential concepts, and their evolution. Brings together perspectives of international relief organizations and the military.

Wheeler, Nicholas J. Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Theoretically informed account of seven interventions, three in the 1970s and four in the 1990s. Claims that a customary norm of humanitarian intervention is emerging.


Abiew, Francis Kofi. "Assessing Humanitarian Intervention in the Post-Cold War Period: Sources of Consensus." International Relations Vol. 14 No. 2 (1998): 61-90.

Académie du Royaume du Maroc, ed. Le droit d'ingérence est-il une nouvelle légalisation du colonialisme? Rabat: ARM, 1992.

Aroneau, Eugène. "La guerre internationale d'intervention pour cause d'humanité." Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal (1948): 173-244.

Ayoob, Mohammed, ed. Conflict and Intervention in the Third World. London: Croom Helm, 1980.

Bailey, Sydney D. Humanitarian Intervention in the Internal Affairs of States. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996.

Ball, M. Margaret. "Issue for the Americas: Non-Intervention v. Human Rights and the Preservation of Democratic Institutions." International Organization Vol. 15 No. 1 (1961): 21-37.

Beach, Hugo. Just Intervention? London: The Council for Arms Control, 1993.

Bennet, Andrew and Joseph Lepgold. "Reinventing Collective Security after the Cold War and Gulf Conflict." Political Science Quarterly Vol. 108 No. 2 (1993): 213-237.

Beyerlin, Ulrich. "Humanitarian Intervention." In Encyclopedia of Public International Law, edited by Rudolf Bernhardt, 211-215. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1982.

Blechman, Barry M. "The Intervention Dilemma." Washington Quarterly Vol. 18 No. 3 (1995): 63-73.

Bonser, Michael. "Humanitarian Intervention in the Post-Cold War World: A Cautionary Tale." Canadian Foreign Policy Vol. 8 No. 3 (2001): 57-74.

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros. An Agenda for Peace, 1995: With the New Supplement and Related UN Documents. New York: United Nations, 1995.

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros. "An Agenda for Peace: One Year Later." Orbis Vol. 37 No. 3 (1993): 323-332.

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros. "Empowering the United Nations." Foreign Affairs Vol. 71 No. 5 (1992/1993): 89-102.

Boyé, Marc, Bernard Briand and René Coste et al. Vous avez dit ingérence: nouveaux propos sur le droit et le devoir d'ingérence. Boulogne: Editions du Griot, 1994.

Brilmayer, Lea. "What's the Matter with Selective Intervention?" Arizona Law Review Vol. 37 No. 4 (1995): 955-970.

Brown, Michael E., ed. The International Dimensions of Internal Conflict. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.

Bruderlein, Claude. "People's Security as a New Means of Global Stability." International Review of the Red Cross Vol. 83 No. 842 (2001): 353-366.

Brunkhorst, Hauke, ed. Einmischung erwünscht? Menschenrechte und bewaffnete Intervention. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1998.

Bugnion, François. "Le droit international humanitaire à l'épreuve des conflits de notre temps." International Review of the Red Cross Vol. 81 No. 835 (1999): 487-497.

Caballero Juárez, José Antonio. "La intervención humanitaria en el siglo XIX." In Liber ad honorem Sergio García Ramírez, edited by Universidad Nacional Autónomade México, 163-177. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma, 1998.

Caplan, Richard. "Humanitarian Intervention: Which Way Forward?" Ethics and International Affairs Vol. 14 (2000): 23-38.

Cassidy, Robert. "Sovereignty versus the Chimera of Armed Humanitarian Intervention." Fletcher Forum of World Affairs Vol. 21 No. 2 (1997): 47-63.

Chakrabarti, Rhadanaman. Intervention and the Problem of Its Control in the Twentieth Century. New York: Sterling Publishers, 1974.

Charvet, John. "The Idea of State Sovereignty and the Right of Humanitarian Intervention." International Political Science Review Vol. 18 No. 1 (1997): 39-48.

Chemillier-Gendreau, Monique. "Portée et limites de l'ingérence humanitaire en Afrique." Afrique Contemporaine Vol. 180 (1996): 229-241.

Chestnut, Tricia and Ken Kohut, eds. International Intervention: A Challenge to World Order? Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Centre for Defence Studies, 1997.

Collins, Cindy and Thomas G. Weiss. An Overview and Assessment of 1989-1996 Peace Operations Publications. Providence: Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies, 1997.

Condorelli, Luigi. "Intervention humanitaire et/ou assistance humanitaire? Quelques certitudes

et beaucoup d'intérrogations." In International Legal Issues Arising under the United Nations Decade of International Law, edited by Najeeb Al-Nauimi and Richard Meese, 999-1012. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1995.

Connaughton, Richard. Military Intervention in the 1990s: A New Logic of War. London: Routledge, 1992.

Cooper, Robert and Mats Berdal. "Outside Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts." Survival Vol. 35 No. 1 (1993): 118-142.

Cutler, Lloyd N. "The Right to Intervene." Foreign Affairs Vol. 64 No. 1 (1985): 96-122.

Dacyl, Janina W. "Sovereignty versus Human Rights: From Past Discourses to Contemporary Dilemmas." Journal of Refugee Studies Vol. 9 No. 2 (1996): 136-165.

Damrosch, Lori Fisler, ed. Enforcing Restraint: Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1993.

Debiel, Tobias. "Not und Intervention in einer Welt des Umbruchs: Zu Imperativen und Fallstricken humanitärer Einmischung." Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte Vol. B 33-34 (1996): 29-38.

Debiel, Tobias and Franz Nuscheler, eds. Der neue Interventionismus: Humanitäre Einmischung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz, 1996.

Delpal, Marie-Christine. Politique extérieure et diplomatie morale, le droit d'ingérence humanitaire en question. Paris: Fondation pour les études de défense nationale, 1993.

Deyra, Michel. " 'Initiative', 'assistance', 'ingérence': tentative de clarification de concepts parfois galvaudés." Revue Québécoise de Droit International Vol. 8 No. 1 (1993/1994): 88-94.

Diehl, Paul F. "United Nations Interventions and Recurring Conflict." International Organization Vol. 50 (1996): 683-700.

Dorman, Andrew M. and Thomas G. Otte, eds. Military Intervention: From Gunboat Diplomacy to Humanitarian Intervention. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995.

Driscoll, Dennis, ed., Humanitarian Intervention. Galway: Irish Centre for Human Rights, forthcoming Winter 2001/2002.

Duffield, Mark and John Prendergast. "Sovereignty and Intervention after the Cold War: Lessons from the Emergency Relief Desk." Middle East Report Vol. 24 No. 2/3 (1994): 9-15.

Dunér, Bertil. Military Intervention in Civil Wars: The 1970s. Aldershot: Gower, 1985.

Dunér, Bertil. "Proxy Intervention in Civil Wars." Journal of Peace Research Vol. 18 No. 4 (1981): 353-361.

Dupuy, Pierre-Marie. "Une évolution en quatre phases." Défense Nationale Vol. 56 No. 3 (2000): 27-31.

Eisemann, P.M. "Devoir d'ingérence et non-intervention: de la nécessité de remettre quelques pendules à l'heure." Relations Internationales et Stratégiques Vol. 1 No. 3 (1991).

Elfstrom, Gerard. "On Dilemmas of Intervention." Ethics Vol. 93 No. 4 (1983): 709-725.

Evans, Gareth. "Cooperative Security and Intrastate Conflict." Foreign Policy No. 96 (1994): 3-20.

Fennell, James. "Hope Suspended: Morality, Politics and War in Central Africa." Disasters Vol. 22 No. 2 (1998): 96-108.

Ferrari DaPassano, Paolo. "Quale diritto di ingerenza umanitaria?" La civiltà cattolica Vol. 150 No. 3583 (1999): 14-25.

Florescu, Octavian. "Sur l'intervention humanitaire." Romanian Journal of International Affairs Vol. 2 No. 1/2 (1996): 102-117.

Freedman, Lawrence, ed. Strategic Coercion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Freedman, Lawrence, ed. Military Intervention in European Conflicts. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.

Friedling, Bernard. "Les forces interafricaines d'intervention pour le maintien de la paix." Défense Nationale Vol. 54 (1998): 117-123.

Friedmann, Wolfgang. "Interventionism, Liberalism, and Power Politics: The Unfinished Revolution in International Thinking." Political Science Quarterly Vol. 83 No. 2 (1968): 169-189.

Frye, Alton. Humanitarian Intervention: Crafting a Workable Doctrine: Three Options Presented as Memoranda to the President. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2000.

Garrett, Stephen A. Doing Good and Doing Well: An Examination of Humanitarian Intervention. Westport: Praeger, 1999.

Ghozali, Nacer Eddine. "Heurs et malheurs du devoir d'ingérence humanitaire." Relations Internationales et Stratégiques Vol. 1 No. 3 (1991).

Gillespie, Thomas R. "Unwanted Responsibility: Humanitarian Military Intervention to Advance Human Rights." Peace and Change Vol. 18 No. 3 (1993): 219-246.

Glennon, Michael J. "The New Interventionism: The Search for a Just International Law." Foreign Affairs Vol. 78 No. 3 (1999): 2-7.

Goldman, Steven E. "A Right of Intervention Based upon Impaired Sovereignty." World Affairs Vol. 156 (1994): 126-129.

Goodby, James E. "Collective Security in Europe after the Cold War." Journal of International Affairs Vol. 46 No. 2 (1993): 299-321.

Goodman, Louis. "Democracy, Sovereignty, and Intervention." American University Journal of International Law Vol. 9 No. 1 (1993): 27.

Griffin, Michèle. "Where Angels Fear To Tread: Trends in International Intervention." Security Dialogue Vol. 31 No. 4 (2000): 421-435.

Gustenau, Gustav, ed. Humanitäre militärische Intervention zwischen Legalität und Legitimität: Tagungsband des Instituts für internationale Friedenssicherung, Wien. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2000.

Harff, Barbara. Genocide and Human Rights: International Legal and Political Issues. Denver: University of Denver Graduate School of International Studies, 1984.

Hayden, Robert M. "Humanitarian Hypocrisy." East European Constitutional Review Vol. 8 No. 3 (1999): 91-96.

Helton, Arthur C. "Forced Migration, Humanitarian Intervention, and Sovereignty." SAIS Review Vol. 20 No. 1 (2000): 61-86.

Hodges, Henry. The Doctrine of Intervention. Chicago: The Banner Press, 1915.

Hoffmann, Stanley, ed. The Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996.

Hoffmann, Stanley. "The Politics and Ethics of Military Intervention." Survival Vol. 37 No. 4 (1995/1996): 29-51.

Hopkinson, Nicholas. Humanitarian Intervention? London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1995.

Jonge Oudraat, Chantal de. "Humanitarian Intervention: The Lessons Learned." Current History Vol. 99 No. 641 (2000): 419-429.

Jonge Oudraat, Chantal de. Intervention in Internal Conflicts: Legal and Political Conundrums. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2000.

Kamminga, Menno T. Inter-State Accountability for Violations of Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992.

Kannyo, Edward. "Civil Strife and Humanitarian Intervention in Africa: A Preliminary Assessment." African Yearbook of International Law Vol. 4 (1996): 51-82.

Kervarec, Gaëlle. "L'intervention d'humanité dans le cadre des limites au principe de non-intervention." Revue Juridique Thémis Vol. 32 No. 1 (1998): 77-133.

Knudsen, Tonny Brems. "European Approaches to Humanitarian Intervention: From Just War to Assistance - and Back Again?" In European Approaches to Crisis Management, edited by Knud Erik Jørgensen, 171-199. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1997.

Knudsen, Tonny Brems. "Humanitarian Intervention Revisited: Post-Cold War Responses to Classical Problems." International Peacekeeping Vol. 3 No. 4 (1996): 146-165.

Kritsiotis, Dino. "Reappraising Policy Objections to Humanitarian Intervention." Michigan Journal of International Law Vol. 19 No. 4 (1998): 1005-1050.

Kuiper, Marcus A. "Keeping the Peace: Reflections on the Rules of the Game for International Intervention in the 1990s." Journal of Slavic Military Studies Vol. 6 No. 4 (1993): 562-575.

Kupchan, Charles A. and Clifford A. Kupchan. "Concerts, Collective Security and the Future of Europe." International Security Vol. 16 No. 1 (1991): 114-161.

Labouérie, Guy. "État et humanitaire." Études (1995): 475-484.

Lang, Anthony F. Agency and Ethics: The Politics of Military Intervention. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001.

Legault, Albert, Craig Murphy and W. Ofuatey-Kodjoe. The State of the United Nations. Providence: Academic Council on the United Nations System, 1992.

Levite, Ariel, Bruce W. Jentleson and Larry Berman. Foreign Military Intervention: The Dynamics of Protracted Conflict. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.

Lewy, Guenter. "The Case for Humanitarian Intervention." Orbis Vol. 37 No. 4 (1993): 621-632.

Luca, Donatella. "Intervention humanitaire: questions et réflexions." International Journal of Refugee Law Vol. 5 No. 3 (1993): 424-441.

Luttwak, Edward N. "Kofi's Rule: Humanitarian Intervention and Neocolonialism." The National Interest No. 58 (1999/2000): 57-62.

Madelin, Alain. Le droit du plus faible: essai. Paris: R. Laffont, 1999.

Malan, Mark. "The Principle of Non-Interference and the Future of Multinational Intervention in Africa." African Security Review Vol. 6 No. 3 (1997): 29-37.

Mariño Menendez, Fernando M., ed. Los estados y las organizaciones internacionales ante el nuevo contexto de la seguridad en Europa. Madrid: Universidad III de Madrid, 1995.

Martíne, R. "Conceptos actuales sobre soberania e intervención." Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales Vol. 3 No. 2/3 (1952): 505-538.

Maynes, Charles W. "Relearning Intervention." Foreign Policy No. 98 (1995): 96-113.

McDermott, Anthony, ed. Sovereign Intervention. Oslo: International Peace Research Institute, 1999.

McDermott, Anthony, ed. Humanitarian Force. Oslo: International Peace Research Institute, 1997.

McWhinney, Edward. The United Nations and a New World Order for a New Millennium: Self-Determination, State Succession and Humanitarian Intervention. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2000.

Merino Birto, E. "Intervención y soberania." Política Internacional Vol. 10 (1966): 23-39.

Merle, Jean-Christophe and Alessandro Pinzani. "Rechtfertigung und Modalitäten eines Rechts auf humanitäre Intervention." Vierteljahresschrift für Sicherheit und Frieden Vol. 18 No. 1 (2000): 71-75.

Midlarsky, Manus I., ed. The Internationalization of Communal Strife. London: Routledge, 1992.

Mills, Kurt. "Sovereignty Eclipsed? The Legitimacy of Humanitarian Access and Intervention." Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (July 1997): http://www.jha.ac/articles/a019.htm

Minear, Larry and Thomas G. Weiss. Mercy under Fire: War and the Global Humanitarian Community. Boulder: Westview, 1995.

Nederveen Pieterse, Jan. "Sociology of Humanitarian Intervention: Bosnia, Rwanda and Somalia Compared." International Political Science Review Vol. 18 No. 1 (1997): 71-93.

Noel, Jacques. Le principe de non-intervention: théorie et pratique dans les relations inter-américaines. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1981.

Paolini, Albert J., Anthony P. Jarvis and Christian Reus-Smit, eds. Between Sovereignty and Global Governance: The United Nations, the State and Civil Society. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.

Pape, Matthias. Humanitäre Intervention: Zur Bedeutung der Menschenrechte in den Vereinten Nationen. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1997.

Parekh, Bikhu. "Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention." International Political Science Review Vol. 18 No. 1 (1997): 49-69.

Pauer, Alexander. Die humanitäre Intervention: Militärische und wirtschaftliche Zwangsmaßnahmen zur Gewährleistung der Menschenrechte. Basel: Helbing and Lichtenhahn, 1985.

Peace Review. "Special Issue: Humanitarian Intervention?" Vol. 8 (1996): 459-576.

Pearson, Frederic S. "Foreign Military Interventions and Domestic Disputes." International Studies Quarterly Vol. 18 No. 3 (1974): 259-290.

Pease, Kelly Kate and David P. Forsythe. "Human Rights, Humanitarian Intervention, and World Politics." Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 15 No. 2 (1993): 290-314.

Pellet, Alain. "Droit d'ingérence ou devoir d'assistance humanitaire?" Problèmes Politiques et Sociaux No. 758/759 (1995): 1-133.

Perrot, Marie-Dominique, ed. Dérives humanitaires: états d'urgence et droit d'ingérence. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1994.

Pons, Frédéric, Alain-Gérard Slama and Jean-Marc Varant. Action humanitaire et politique internationale: politique et morale. Paris: Centre d'analyse sur la sécurité européenne, 1993.

Rajan, Mannaraswamighala Sreeranga. "The New Interventionism?" International Studies Vol. 37 No. 1 (2000): 31-40.

Ramsbotham, Oliver P. "Humanitarian Intervention: 1990-1995. A Need to Reconceptualize?" Review of International Studies Vol. 23 No. 4 (1997): 445-468.

Reed, Laura W. and Carl Kaysen, eds. Emerging Norms of Justified Intervention: A Collection of Essays from a Project of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Cambridge, MA: Committee on International Security Studies, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1993.

Revista de Occidente. "Special Issue: Humanitarian Intervention." No. 236/237 (2001): 5-168.

Ritterband, Charles E. Universeller Menschenrechtsschutz und völkerrechtliches Interventionsverbot. Bern: Haupt, 1982.

Roberts, Adam. "The Road to Hell: A Critique of Humanitarian Intervention." Current No. 363 (1994): 24-28.

Roberts, Adam. "Humanitarian War: Military Intervention and Human Rights." International Affairs Vol. 69 No. 3 (1993): 429-449.

Rosas, Allan. "Focus on the Case for Intervention: Towards Some International Law and Order." Journal of Peace Research Vol. 31 No. 2 (1994): 129-135.

Rosenau, James N., ed. International Aspects of Civil Strife. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1964.

Rudolf, Joseph R. "Intervention in Communal Conflicts." Orbis Vol. 39 No. 2 (1995): 259-273.

Rufin, Jean-Christophe. L'aventure humanitaire. Paris: Gallimard, 1994.

Rumpf, Helmut. Der internationale Schutz der Menschenrechte und das Interventionsverbot. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1981.

Ryan, Christopher M. "Sovereignty, Intervention, and the Law: A Tenuous Relationship of Competing Principles." Millennium Vol. 26 No. 1 (1997): 77-100.

Ryniker, Anne. "Position du CICR sur l'intervention humanitaire." International Review of the Red Cross Vol. 83 No. 842 (2001): 521-526.

Sarooshi, Danesh. Humanitarian Intervention and International Humanitarian Assistance: Law and Practice. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1993.

Scheffer, David J., Richard N. Gardner and Gerald B. Helman. Post-Gulf War Challenges to the UN Collective Security System: Three Views on the Issue of Humanitarian Intervention. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 1992.

Schnabel, Albrecht. "Humanitarian Intervention: A Conceptual Analysis." In Peacekeeping at a Crossroads, edited by S. Neil MacFarlane, 19-44. Clemensport: Canadian Peacekeeping Press, 1997.

Schwarz, Urs. Confrontation and Intervention in the Modern World. Dobbs-Ferry: Oceana, 1970.

Semb, Anne-Julie. The Normative Foundation of the Principle of Non-Intervention. Oslo: International Peace Research Institute, 1992.

Senarclens, Pierre de. "Le 'droit d'ingérence' est inutile et sa rhétorique peut-être néfaste." Défense Nationale Vol. 56 No. 3 (2000): 6-13.

Simons, Penelope. Humanitarian Intervention: A Review of the Literature. Waterloo: Project Ploughshares, 2000.

Snow, Donald M. Uncivil Wars: International Security and the New Internal Conflicts. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1996.

Solarz, Stephen J. and Michael E. O'Hanlon. "Humanitarian Intervention: When Is Force Justified?" Washington Quarterly Vol. 20 No. 4 (1997): 3-14.

Sornarajah, M. "Internal Colonialism and Humanitarian Intervention." Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law Vol. 11 (1981): 45-77.

Stack, John F. and Lui Hebron, eds. The Ethnic Entanglement: Conflict and Intervention in World Politics. Westport: Praeger, 1999.

Thakur, Ramesh. "Non-Intervention in International Relations: A Case Study." Political Science Vol. 42 No. 1 (1990): 27-61.

Thomas, Caroline. New States, Sovereignty and Intervention. Aldershot: Gower, 1985.

Thuan, Cao-Huy et al., eds. Mutations internationales et évolution des normes. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1994.

Tilford, Earl H., ed. Two Perspectives on Interventions and Humanitarian Operations. Carlisle Barracks: US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, 1997.

Tillema, H.K. and J.R. Van Wingen. "Law and Power in Military Intervention: Major States after World War II." International Studies Quarterly Vol. 26 No. 2 (1982): 220-250.

Tyagi, Yogesh K. "The Concept of Humanitarian Intervention Revisited." Michigan Journal of International Law Vol. 16 No. 3 (1995): 883-910.

Väyrynen, Raimo. Enforcement and Humanitarian Intervention: Two Faces of Collective Action by the United Nations. Notre Dame: Kroc Institute, 1995.

Verhoeven, Joe. "Human Rights, Intervention and Universality." In Proceedings of the International Law Association First Asian-Pacific Regional Conference, edited by Hungdah Chiu, 98-119. Taipei: Chinese Society of International Law, 1996.

Vincent, R.J. Human Rights and International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Vogel, Tobias. "The Politics of Humanitarian Intervention." Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (September 1996): http://www.jha.ac/articles/a011.htm

Von Lipsey, Roderick K., ed. Breaking the Cycle: A Framework for Conflict Intervention. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997.

Wallensteen, Peter, ed. International Intervention: New Norms in the Post-Cold War Era? Uppsala, Sweden: Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 1997.

Walter, Barbara F. and Jack L. Snyder, eds. Civil Wars, Insecurity, and Intervention. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999.

Weiss, Thomas G. "Triage: Humanitarian Interventions in a New Era." World Policy Journal Vol. 11 No. 1 (1994): 1-10.

Wheeler, Nicholas J. "Agency, Humanitarianism and Intervention." International Political Science Review Vol. 18 No. 1 (1997): 9-25.

Wheeler, Nicholas J. and Justin Morris. "Humanitarian Intervention and State Practice at the End of the Cold War." In International Society after the Cold War: Anarchy and Order Reconsidered, edited by Rick Fawn and Jeremy Larkins, 135-171. Macmillan: Basingstoke, 1996.

Whitman, Jim. "After Kosovo: The Risks and Deficiencies of Unsanctioned Humanitarian Intervention." Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (September 2000): http://www.jha.ac/articles/a062.htm

Whitman, Jim. "A Cautionary Note on Humanitarian Intervention." Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (September 1996): http://www.jha.ac/articles/a001.htm

Willame, Jean-Claude. "Le génocide et la communauté internationale." Politique Africaine Vol. 73 (1999): 164-171.

Williamson, Roger, ed. Some Corner of a Foreign Field: Intervention and World Order. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.

Winters, Paul A., ed. Interventionism: Current Controversies. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1995.

Yusuf, A.A., E. Kwakwa, A. El Kadiri et al. Nation-Building, Internal Conflicts and Humanitarian Intervention in Africa. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1995.


Biersteker, Thomas J. and Cynthia Weber, eds. State Sovereignty as Social Construct. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Collection of essays arguing that the components of state sovereignty - recognition, territory, population, and authority - are socially constructed and vary in different historical circumstances.

Chopra, Jarat and Thomas G. Weiss. "Sovereignty Is No Longer Sacrosanct: Codifying Humanitarian Intervention." Ethics and International Affairs Vol. 6 (1992): 95-117.
Early review of the legal and political dimensions of humanitarian intervention, arguing that the balance between sovereignty and human rights is shifting toward the latter.

Deng, Francis M., Sadikiel Kimaro, Terrence Lyons, Donald Rothchild and I. William Zartman, eds. Sovereignty as Responsibility: Conflict Management in Africa. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1996.
A set of essays arguing that sovereignty cannot be seen only as protection against outside interference. Suggests that sovereignty also implies that states are accountable to both domestic and external constituencies.

Hannum, Hurst. Autonomy, Sovereignty, and Self-Determination: The Accommodation of Conflicting Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990.
Argues that the legitimacy of states rests upon respect for human rights and the effective participation of all segments of populations in economic and political decision making.

Hinsley, F.H. Sovereignty. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Classic study exploring sovereignty defined as the idea that there is a final and absolute political authority in a political community and that no final and absolute authority exists above the state.

Jackson, Robert H. Quasi-States: Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Third World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Investigates the international normative framework that upholds sovereign statehood in the Third World, which in some cases is more judicial than empirical.

Krasner, Stephen D. Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999.
Historical inquiry into the theory and practice of state sovereignty, arguing that the principle of nonintervention is routinely ignored.

Vincent, R.J. Nonintervention and International Order. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974.
Reviews doctrines of nonintervention held by individual states and points to the importance of the principle of nonintervention as the basis for order in the society of states.

Walker, R.B.J. and Saul H. Mendlovitz, eds. Contending Sovereignties: Redefining Political Community. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1990.
Explores the implications of emerging political communities and the resulting structural transformations to the principle of sovereignty.


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Analyzes what peacekeeping had become by the time the Cold War ended, classifies the various types of peacekeeping operations, and discusses the trend from peacekeeping to peace enforcement.

Mackinlay, John, ed. A Guide to Peace Support Operations. Providence: Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies, 1996.
Essays by practitioners about the challenges of multifunctional peace operations, including military forces, civilian police, and political and humanitarian actors.

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Early account of the move to interventionism in the 1990s. Concludes that there has been no structural change in the nature of international relations to allow humanitarian interventions.

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Military analysis of recent US interventions. Stresses that interventions require substantial efforts and involve considerable risks.

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Study of multidimensional peace operations and their political, historical, and legal basis, with special reference to Cambodia. Sees the UN as an administrator, mediator, and guarantor of political settlements.

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UN report on improving military operations. Argues that the UN should continue to focus on peacekeeping as traditionally understood, avoiding operations that require the robust use of force.

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Provides case studies of the major UN peacekeeping operations and analyzes conceptual questions stemming from changes in UN peacekeeping.

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Account of multidimensional peacekeeping, arguing that success depends on a clear distinction between peacekeeping and peace enforcement.


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Five case studies focusing on relations between the military and humanitarian agencies. Emphasizes the limits of both military coercion and civilian charity.


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