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A Christmas poem to a hero

A Christmas poem to a hero
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Holley Cairns (centre), a grade nine student at Leo Hays High School in Fredericton, wrote this letter to a Canadian soldier in Afghanistan, as part of an out-reach program to the troops. Mrs. Pottle (left) and Mrs. Laity are her English teachers.

FREDERICTON, NB – The week long unit on remembrance, for the grade nine English students of Mrs. Pottle and Mrs. Laity at Leo Hays High School in Fredericton, included many activities to give students a relevant and authentic experience that had meaning to them for Remembrance Day.

One task was to write of a letter to a soldier in Afghanistan. Fourteen year-old Holly Cairns decided to take her letter a step further and created a poem about Christmas. Here is her letter. 

November 7, 2006

Dear Canadian Soldier,

 As I sit in a warm classroom, listening to the laughter of my fellow grade nine students, I realize how lucky I am to be here, safe and sound, happy and at peace.

Holly Cairns is my name, I am fourteen years old and I am a grade nine student from Leo Hayes High School. I live in a little house, in a small community just outside of Fredericton, New Brunswick.

As I am writing from my English classroom, I wonder what you are doing right now as you are reading this letter, are you happy or sad, content or disappointed. I hope that you are at peace, because I know that you have worked very hard at trying to make our country a better place, and from the bottom of my heart I greatly appreciate it.

Sometimes when I am at home, I wonder what it would be like to be a soldier fighting for peace, but then, I wonder why is war so important? I understand that it is a way of fighting for peace but is it the only way?

My great-grand father fought in the Second World War as a Canadian soldier, and he unfortunately suffered from the memories of the war afterwards.

When I think of the horrible things that all of the soldiers go through during war, I feel that if they did not fight for our freedom, we would not be living in the same free and happy country as we are today.

Since you are probably wondering how everything is going here in Fredericton, I will give you an update on our city. We have recently just received the first snowfall here in Fredericton, and I am eager for winter to come, but as I look outside the window of my English class on the second floor, I notice that it is now sunny and the snow is slowly melting. It saddens me to see the snow leave but I know that it will return when the time is right.

This Saturday is Remembrance Day! I am very happy that it is coming soon because I look at Remembrance Day as a time to be proud of my country and to appreciate what the soldiers of the First and Second World Wars have done for us, and for what you and the troops in Afghanistan are doing for us.

Because you are not home for Christmas, I understand that you that you my be very sad and lonely knowing that there are other people back in your hometown who will not be able to celebrate this holiday with you. Therefore I have written you a poem to give you some Christmas spirit.

Oh, Christmas is a time for joy,
Not holly, ribbons, bows and toys.
Christmas is a time to love,
Not to part
That's what Christmas is all about.

I hope you like the poem just as much as I do, and I wish you a very merry Christmas that is filled with hope, love, family and friends.

In closing, I hope that you have enjoyed my letter to you. I know that I do not know much about you, but in my opinion you are a hero, because of all of your peace, courage, faith, and mostly the love that you have for your country.

God bless you,

Holly Cairns


Article and photo by Sgt Kyle Richards

 Updated: 2006-12-14 Top of Page Important Notices