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Angelina and her lips make Barbara's 10 Most Fascinating list and more compelling clips

The Pomtini is nothing like a martini, except for the name. It's a refreshing, festive beginning to an evening.

Cocktails add holiday sparkle

During the party season, cocktail parties are one way to see a large number of friends for a short time...
Canadian SnapShots

Seeing red

Whether it's the Canadian flag or Santa, we want to see your best photos that feature the colour red...

Canadian Voices
CanWest News Cruiser

The CanWest News Cruiser

Yep. It's true. CanWest News Service has acquired a Mobile Reporting Device (MRD), a.k.a. the CanWest...


50+ Stocking Fillers

Great ideas to stuff in everybody's stockings!

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