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Energy is the engine of Alberta's economy. Energy related royalty revenues account for about one-third (about $14.7192 billion in 2005-2006) of the total revenue collected by the Province. These revenues help to keep Alberta's overall taxes low, and are critical to the delivery of public programs, such as health and education. In 2005, energy resource exports accounted for $57 billion of Alberta's exports (about 66% of Alberta's total exports of goods and services). As well, energy accounts for almost one quarter of the province's GDP. Nearly one in every six workers in Alberta is employed directly or indirectly in the Province's energy sector.

Albertans own 81 per cent of the province's oil, natural gas and other mineral resources and the Government of Alberta excels in managing the development and use of these resources in a responsible and appropriate manner to the benefit of all Albertans. Environmental management, financial management, research and technology and other areas of expertise combine to leverage energy resources to their full value in attracting and developing new business and expertise.

Top Stories

Natural gas savings in December for Alberta homes and businesses  December 5, 2006
Households will save an average of $55 through rebate program   Read More >>

Minister Melchin to attend World Heavy Oil Conference in Beijing, China November 7, 2006
Edmonton…Alberta Energy Minister Greg Melchin travels to Beijing, China to participate in the 2006 World Heavy Oil Conference (WHOC), November 12-15. Read More >>

Alberta homes and businesses to receive natural gas rebates in November October 31, 2006
Edmonton...Alberta consumers will save about $27 on their November heating bills, thanks to Alberta's Natural Gas Rebate Program. Read More >>

MLA Mel Knight to attend Cross-Border Energy Forum October 5, 2006
Edmonton… Grande Prairie-Smoky MLA, Mel Knight, will participate as Alberta’s representative on the Energy Council in the Cross-Border Energy Forum being held in Washington, D.C., October 12 and 13. Read More >>

Natural Gas Rebates not triggered for October September 29, 2006
Edmonton...A natural gas rebate will not be issued in October for Alberta consumers as the price of natural gas has not reached the $5.50 per gigajoule (GJ) threshold. Read More >>

New policy enhances Alberta's petrochemical industry September 29, 2006
Edmonton...A new policy introduced by the Alberta government will bring more ethane feedstock to the petrochemical industry and expand opportunities for value-added upgrading. The Incremental Ethane Extraction Policy is also designed to support investments in infrastructure and encourage the diversification of the energy industry. Read More >>

Energy Minister confirms end of Alberta Royalty Tax Credit Program
Government to collect additional revenue as a result of change
September 21, 2006

Edmonton...The Alberta government will eliminate the Alberta Royalty Tax Credit Program (ARTC) as of January 1, 2007. The elimination of the ARTC based on 2005-06 figures would increase revenues from energy resources to the province by a further $111 million. Read More >>

MLA Mel Knight represents Alberta at Energy Council Annual Meeting
September 15, 2006
Edmonton...Mel Knight, MLA for Grande Prairie-Smoky will represent Alberta at the 2006 Energy Council Annual Meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, September 21 to 24. Read More >>

Minister takes Alberta’s electricity experience to conference in Washington State
September 12, 2006
... Alberta’s Energy Minister will attend the Northwest Independent Power Producers Coalition (NIPPC) conference in Union, Washington on September 13 and 14, to update investors and potential investors on Alberta’s electricity restructuring successes, and the future of the electricity market in the province. Read More >>

Multi-stakeholder committee to begin oil sands consultations throughout Alberta
August 31, 2006

…The Government of Alberta is moving ahead with its plan to hear from Albertans on oil sands development. Beginning September 13, a series of seven open information meetings will be held throughout the province to give Albertans an opportunity to add their voice into how the province’s oil sands should be developed. An interim report with recommendations focusing on vision and principles will then be submitted to the Ministers of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Resource Development shortly thereafter.
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Oil Sands Consultations Website >>


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Energy Facts
Alberta Energy
Since 1999, Alberta oil and gas companies have implemented over 300 projects that have reduced greenhouse gas emissions.