
Forest Fire

CL215 Waterbomber

Manitoba Conservation Fire Program is responsible for the detection and suppression of wild fires. The program manages all human and equipment resources needed for fighting wild fires in the province. Staff monitor weather patterns, lightning strikes, soil moisture and forest conditions to determine the probability and location of wild fires.

Manitoba's Fire Program works in close cooperation with other forest fire fighting agencies and jurisdictions. Equipment and other resources are shared through the Canadian Inter Agency Forest Fire Centre.

During forest fire season (April to October) in Manitoba, this Web site offers a great deal of timely information of use to people and businesses, including the Fire Update (outlining the general fire status in the province), the Fire Situation Report (a numerical table outlining the number of fires, their status and the personnel and equipment being used to battle the fires), weather forecast, fire hazard map and more. Each of these reports is updated daily or as required. Check back regularly for new information.


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