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Friday, 15 December 2006
Canadian News
The Ottawa Citizen
    C-130J Gets Poor Reviews - More - More
The Canadian Press
    NATO troops attack Taliban command post
The Edmonton Sun
    Pte. Jeff Waghorne stands on guard at Kandahar Airfield
The Edmonton Sun
    The mother of all understatements
The Canadian Press
    Five soldiers accused of trafficking drugs
La Presse Canadienne
    Ottawa dépensera 500 millions $ pour le JSF
La Presse
    Le Canada dans un projet de bouclier antimissile
La Presse
    Ottawa accorde 350 M$ à Pratt & Whitney
    Myriam Bédard dit fuir le terrorisme - Plus
CBC News
    Arrest warrant issued for Myriam Bédard - More
Canadian Commentary
Christie Blatchford -- The Globe and Mail
    Soldier's public service hides private pain
Gordon Smith -- The Globe and Mail
    The Afghan mission needs a major overhaul
Murray Martin -- The Globe and Mail
    Afghanistan realities
Editorial -- The Province
    Playing games over Afghanistan
Editorial -- The Province
    Hospital call shows heart of the Canadian Armed Forces
Edward Luttwak -- The Globe and Mail
    Mr. Putin's Russia
Alec Castonguay -- Le Devoir
    O'Connor devra s'expliquer
Earl McRae -- The Ottawa Sun
    Perley veterans' final war - PRVHC
Editorial -- The Gazette
    Madness on display in Tehran
Alan Ferguson -- The Province
    Iran's crackpot clerics
International Commentary
Robert Joseph -- The George C. Marshall Institute
    The U.S. National Space Policy
Robert J. Samuelson -- The Washington Post
    Farewell to Pax Americana
Helena Cobban -- The Christian Science Monitor
    The importance of US engagement with Iran and Syria
David Limbaugh -- The Washington Times
    Naïveté of the 'realists'
Tom Engelhardt -- Los Angeles Times
    In Iraq, the fix is in
Jonah Goldberg -- Los Angeles Times
    Iraq needs a Pinochet
Leader -- The Times
    The United States and Saudi Arabia need to swap notes
The Scrapbook -- The Weekly Standard
    The Wisdom of Soldiers
Louis René Beres and Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely -- The Washington Times
    Israel's nuclear strategy
Bronwen Maddox -- The Times
    Slip of the tongue or a nuclear warning?
Editorial -- The Washington Post
    China and Darfur: The Genocide Olympics?
Editorial -- The Washington Post
    From Russia, With Polonium
Oleg Gordievsky -- The Washington Post
    Russia's Killing Ways
Richard W. Rahn -- The Washington Times
    Kosovo: Eternally dependent?
Mark Hemingway -- The Weekly Standard
    Warriors for Hire - Blackwater USA
International News
The Washington Times
    U.S. to defend space with military force - More
Lockheed Martin News
    F-35 finishes all final taxi testing - Beesley - Photo
Air Force Print News
    Course prepares generals and flag officers to project airpower - CADRE
The Washington Post
    Joint Chiefs recommending change in Iraq strategy
The Washington Times
    Bush won't 'be rushed' on Iraq
Agence France-Presse
    Les démocrates risquent de perdre le contrôle du Sénat - Plus
The Washington Post
    Senate's Democratic majority could be at risk
The New York Times
    Democrats Plan to Take Control of Iraq Spending
The Times
    US intelligence chief gets confused on al-Qaeda
The Washington Post
    Pentagon Report Cited Detention Concerns
Los Angeles Times
    Federal judge issues split decision on new Military Commissions Act
The Toronto Star
    Bush faces fight on privacy rights
The Washington Post
    Judge Rejects Detention Challenge of Bin Laden's Driver
The Washington Times
    Bidders unready for jobs in Iraq
The Washington Times
    Most still get news from papers, TV
The Associated Press
    Iraq veteran won't face death penalty
The Washington Times
    Annan orders probe of U.N. office
The Associated Press
    Ban Ki-moon to formally take U.N. helm
Al Jazeera
    BAE-Saudi investigation dropped - More - More
The Times
    Volunteer army learns to cope when disaster strikes
Defence News
    Who are CIMIC?
The Times
    Aircraft left its pilot on the ground - More - Photo
Reuters News Agency
    Vingt-cinq Français potentiellement exposés au polonium
The Associated Press
    Spain debates victims' reparations law
Agence France-Presse
    Otan : trois pays balkaniques conviés au PPP
The Times
    British soldiers cleared of tribal rapes
Agence France-Presse
    Un accord sur le Darfour - Plus
The New York Times
    Somalia's Islamists and Ethiopia Gird for a War
The Washington Post
    Regional War May Loom in Africa
The Associated Press
    Rwandan priest guilty in genocide
The Associated Press
    Les États-Unis envisageront "d'autres options" au Darfour
The Washington Post
    Lebanese Government Issues Own Warning
Agence France-Presse
    Un juge islamique est assassiné à Gaza
Los Angeles Times
    Hamas judge shot dead - More
The Associated Press
    Arrestation d'un suspect dans l'assassinat de trois enfants à Gaza
Reuters News Agency
    Israël : la Haute cour refuse d'interdire les assassinats ciblés
The Associated Press
    Israeli Supreme Court won't ban targeted killings
    Le secret de polichinelle de la bombe atomique en Israël
The Christian Science Monitor
    Israel maintains nuclear ambiguity
The Associated Press
    Violence drives Palestinians from homes
Agence France-Presse
    Plusieurs dizaines de personnes enlevées à Bagdad
The Associated Press
    Gunmen kidnap dozens in Baghdad
The Associated Press
    Bombs derail plans to calm Baghdad
The Washington Post
    Scattered Attacks Kill At Least 34 in Baghdad
The Times
    How violence is forging a brutal divide in Baghdad
The Times
    British troops to be 'out of Basra soon'
The Christian Science Monitor
    Iran nukes prompt concerns within Mideast
Agence France-Presse
    Afghanistan : un attentat suicide fait quatre morts - Plus
The Associated Press
    Four killed in Afghan suicide attack
The Times
    Harrier pilots divert laser-guided bomb at last moment
Defence News
    Marine killed in Afghanistan
The Times
    Posthumous VC for Para hero - More - More
Defence News
    Posthumous GC for Para hero
The Associated Press
    Terrorism charges tossed out in jet plot - More
The Times
    Bomb plot suspect may be sent back to Britain - Photo
The Associated Press
    Hmong Surrender to Lao Army
The Washington Post
    U.S. to Press North Korea For Progress in Disarming
Agence France-Presse
    Chili : un petit-fils de Pinochet exclu de l'armée
The Associated Press
    Army ousts Pinochet grandson
The Associated Press
    Gunmen kidnap 10 children in Haiti
The Canadian War Museum
    On This Day in Canadian Military History
    Today in Canadian History
UK Defence Today
    On this day ... 15 December
The New York Times
    Today's Highlights in History

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