Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM)

Joint Nuclear, biological and Chemical Defence Company

The JNBCD Company provides an enhanced and deployable nuclear, biological and chemical defence response team (NBCRT) for support to the the Canadian Forces and the government of Canada.

The JNBCD Company is able to conduct a wide range of operations including the support of federal departments and international operations for management of NBC emergencies. It maintains an initial response component on a very high readiness posture as part of the National Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Response Team and can be deployed by road or by air.

The JNBCD Company is a truly “joint” unit with members coming from the army, navy and air force. It can conduct detection, sampling and identification of the full range of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards, and provide expert advice to incident commanders and senior officials. As a national resource, its employment is coordinated through the Government Operations Centre and authorized by the Minister of National Defence.