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Home Honours & Awards Liberation of Kuwait Medal

Kuwait Medal of the Liberation of Kuwait

The State of Kuwait has offered to award the Kuwait Medal of the Liberation of Kuwait to all the Canadians who took part in or provided direct support to the liberation of that state beginning in 1990. Recipients of the Canadian Gulf & Kuwait Medal (both with and without Bar), as well those Canadians who received the UN Iraq - Kuwait Observer Mission (UNIKOM) Medal are eligible for the Kuwaiti medal.

Similar to the Saudi Arabian Liberation of Kuwait Medal, this is a foreign award, which may be accepted as a memento but is not authorized for wear by the Government of Canada. Therefore, it shall not be worn with other national honours or on the CF uniform (see our Honours and Awards FAQs #6, 7, 10 and 13.

The Embassy of the State of Kuwait has put in place a self-identification program whereby qualified recipients can apply for their medal. In an effort to assist with the process for serving members of the CF, qualified recipients are asked to provide DHH 4 with some basic information, which will be passed on to the Embassy. The medal will be sent directly from the Embassy to the address provided by the member.

Currently SERVING MILITARY members can apply for the medal through the DHH Defence Information Network (DIN) site (under Honours and Awards).

RETIRED CF members who wish to obtain the medal are to communicate directly with:

Embassy of the State of Kuwait
333 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON, K1N 1J9
(613) 780-9999
FAX (613) 780-9905
Email :