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Annual Report 2001-2002

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Table of Contents

Letter to the Minister
Ombudsman’s Message

The Mandate
Systemic Issues
Follow-Up Reports
Individual Cases
The Price of Failure in Our Mission
Welcome and Goodbye

The Ombudsman Team
Ombudsman Advisory Committee: A Retrospective on the Office
Ombudsman’s Awards
Keeping In Touch
The Year in Review: Operations

Military Police Cooperation Revisited: When is a Protocol not a Protocol
JAG Cooperation Revisited: Access to the JAG Legal Collection
Special Ombudsman Response Team (SORT)
First SORT Investigation: Systemic Treatment of CF Members with PTSD
Own Motion Investigation: Treatment of Members Suffering from PTSD at OTSSC Halifax
Ministerial-Directed Investigation: Board of Inquiry Complaint
Pre-Mandate Cases
Update: Report on Allegations Against the Canadian Forces
Systemic Delays in the Grievance System
Redress of Grievance Delays at the First Level: Initial Authority
Gender Integration Investigation
Allegations of Harassment and Discrimination in a Cadet Squadron
Complaint of Unfair Release Category
Complaint of Unfair Release of a Reservist

This Year’s Top Successes
Good to Hear from You: Feedback
How to Contact Us
Appendix I: Caseload Statistics

Types of Cases
Case Outcome
Complainant Category
Cases by Element
Cases by Region

Appendix II: Summary of Expenditures


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