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Naval Conference Held at CFC

by Commander R.L. Perks

Dr FootThe Canadian Forces College (CFC) hosted the 21st Conference of the Naval War Colleges of the Americas (CNWCA) at CFC that brought together the heads of the naval war colleges (or joint war colleges, as is the case in Canada) from 10 nations to discuss issues of common interest.  The following nations were represented: Argentina; Brazil; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Mexico; United States; Uruguay; and the Inter-American Defence College, Washington, DC (observer status).  The biennial conference took place in October 2006 at the CFC Campus; with the principle sessions conducted 24-26 October.

The 21st CNWCA was titled “Designing Professional Military Education to support international Maritime Security Cooperation.”  The three-day conference examined ways in which the education of officers in both the naval and joint context should evolve to best address current security requirements - where good judgment and action is necessarily supported by a strong understanding of strategic and multi-national issues. The CNWCA consisted of formal conference procedural business and presentations by partner countries to promote cooperation.  In addition to presentations by each of the delegations, Dr. Geoffrey Till from the UK Joint Command and Staff College opened the conference with a keynote address.  Dr. Jim Boutilier (MARPAC Policy Advisor), Ambassador Paul Taylor (Research Fellow, USNWC) and Dr. Peter Foot of CFC also addressed the conference. All of the papers presented were superb, contributed to the development of the theme and facilitated excellent discussion.

CNWCASince 1962, the heads of naval war colleges in North, Central and South America as well as the Caribbean have been meeting to discuss issues of common interest and areas where closer bonds can be established through shared activities and an exchange of perspectives.  At the 20th CNWCA held at the US Naval War College in Newport Rhode Island, the chairperson approached the Commandant CFC regarding to the possibility of Canada hosting of the 21st conference scheduled for October 2006.  During this conversation it was formally noted by the chair that although Canada had consistently attended the conference over the past 45 years, it had never hosted the event and that a Canadian venue, from the perspective of the conference chair, was highly desirable.  Hosting of the 21st CNWCA was particularly significant given that Canada celebrates its 16th anniversary as a member of the Organization of the American States this year and earlier this fall, The Honourable Gordon O’Connor, Canada’s Minister of National Defence, announced that the Government of Canada will host the next Conference of Defence Ministers of the Americas, scheduled to take place in the fall of 2008.  Minister O’Connor noted that, “It will further enhance Canada’s standing on the world stage and help solidify our reputation as a leader and dependable partner in defending freedom and democracy in the world.”

Date Modified: 2006-12-12 Top of Page Important Notices