Communication Reserve


How to Join

The Canadian Forces offer unskilled and skilled jobs open to both men and women. Our selection procedures attempt to ensure that those who are enrolled are suited for both the military and the occupation to which they are assigned.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for the Canadian Forces, you must meet the following minimal conditions:

How to Apply

The Communication Reserve offers an exciting and challenging part time career providing an opportunity to meet interesting people, learn new skills and travel. Once fully trained, you will be eligible to apply for full time employment in support of the regular and reserve forces, possibly in operational environments, often overseas and in peacekeeping missions.

If you are interested in an interesting part time job, visit or contact your local Communication Reserve unit (see unit information for contact information) or contact the nearest Canadian Forces Recruiting Center asking for information on the Communication Reserve.

To apply to the Communication Reserve, you must fill in an Application Form, a copy is available below or you may pick up a copy at one of our Units or a Canadian Forces Recruiting Center. You must complete the Application Form, sign it, and submit it with of your proof of birth, Social Insurance Card, and education transcripts. Originals must be provided; copies will be made when you submit the application and the originals returned to you. You may also require marriage, separation or divorce papers if applicable to you. You may apply and undergo applicant processing in the official language of your choice.

The following steps are involved: