CFLI · Leadership on Film

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All films entered on this web site are selected for their leadership content as portrayed within the representative storyline. Examples of leadership within the various films embody a broad range of leadership styles extending from the best to the worst that humanity can offer. It is for this reason that the films are selected, so that the various forms manifest in leadership can be academically examined and analysed with the intent of developing best leadership practices for members of the Canadian Forces.

Given that the theme of virtually all films listed is war or an orientation to war, the viewer is warned that individual film content may include scenes of extreme violence, with harsh language, some nudity and discriminatory overtones, relative to the historical period and personalities depicted.

No film on this website reflects the specific beliefs or opinions of any member, military or civilian, serving within the Government of Canada, the Department of National Defence, the Associate Deputy Minister Human Resources Military, the Canadian Defence Academy or the Canadian Forces Leadership Institute, with regard to ideology, culture, race, religion, creed, philosophy or values and ethics of the subjects they relate. Also note, that the preceding do not attest to, or account for, the accuracy or inaccuracy of any film listed on this site. The films either inaccurately or accurately illustrate historical or historically based events in the larger context of the specific period or personalities they are meant to represent.

From time to time, films of like and similar content and context will be either added or removed from the site, relative to their research value as determined by the director CFLI or superior authority. There is no intent by any selection on this website to glorify war or to or to malign or to diminish any individual or groups of individuals or peoples or institutions that may be depicted. The interest in these films by CFLI is for the value that can be attained in understanding leadership portrayed within context as represented within each film depicts. They are shared in that same context.

Films are generally organized by either Campaigns or Wars, and where relevant, are further organized into naval, land, air or other relevant groupings for ease of locating a particular subject. This is by no means representative of an all-inclusive listing of films pertaining to the subject of leadership. It is a foundation from which a more extensive and expansive listing can be created.

Originator and Coordinating POC

Lieutenant Colonel T.C.N. Greenlaw originally created this site for CFLI based on films reviewed from his personal film library. Any questions regarding the content of this site should be registered with the CFLI Leadership on Film, Site Coordinator, Mr. Craig L. Mantle, Business: (613) 541-6000, Ext. 8777; CSN: 271-8777; E-mail:


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