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Recent updates to the site:

Welcome to the Canadian-Bolivian Project on Military Diversity and Professionalization Homepage

We have created this site as a way to inform the general public - Canadian, Bolivian and international - of our on-going applied research in support of the Bolivian Army's recently initiated reforms.

The Initiative began when General Cesar López, Commander of the Bolivian Army, requested the assistance of the Democracy and Security Observatory - University of the Cordillera and the Canadian Forces Leadership Institute - Canadian Defence Academy in designing, implementing, and validating his vision of an Army that reflects the country's diversity while enhancing its institutional effectiveness.

With funding support from Foreign Affairs Canada and cooperation from the international academic community, we have launched a pilot project. Our goal is to promote research, publication, and dialogue on the issues of multiculturalism, leadership, and professionalization in the realms of military education, training, and conscription. Many of the fruits of our labours can be found on this site.

These pages are a work in progress. Eventually we hope to translate and publish all of the materials in Spanish, French and English. This process will take time, however, and we ask for your patience if you encounter documents in only one language.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this site or if you desire additional information please feel free to contact either of the co-organizers in English or Spanish.

Again, welcome.



Brian R. Selmeski  
Co-organizer in Canada
Canadian Forces Leadership Institute (CFLI)
Canadian Defence Academy
Co-organizer in Bolivia
Democracy and Security Observatory (DSO)
University of the Cordillera
CDA Crest
DSO Symbol

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