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Vice Chief of the Defence Staff

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Director General Strategy
(DG Strat)

  D Strat G | D Strat Coord

Role. DG Strat produces and implements departmental guidance to harmonize and regulate the force development process throughout the CF and DND.

Outputs. DG Strat will be responsible for the production of the Defence Strategic Guidance (DSG) document, which is an internal DND document that gives broad guidance to shape departmental force development. DG Strat also produces the Defence Capabilities Plan (DCP), which is a CFD generated externally directed GoC document that articulates DND’s capability investment plan in response to GoC policy, direction and resourcing. The DCP and DSG are refreshed every five years or in response to significant changes in policy or the fiscal environment.

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Director Strategic Guidance (D Strat G)

Role. The role of D Strat G is to develop DND strategic guidance and manage ongoing CF transformation planning initiatives.

Functions. Functions to be performed include:

  • Develop defence guidance documents for all CF and DND force developers; and
  • Manage ongoing CF transformation planning.

Outputs. Defence Strategic Guidance (DSG) and Defence Capabilities Plan (DCP) content.

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Director Strategic Coordination (D Strat Coord)

Role. The role of D Strat Coord is to manage the force development process and provide strategic guidance feedback to the force development community.

Functions. Functions to be performed include:

  • Manage the force development document taxonomy,
  • Regulate the force development process; and
  • Disseminate force development strategic guidance to the CF force development community.

Outputs. D Strat Coord will also relate CF/DND strategic capability planning to outside agencies such as industry, allies, academia (including the ADM (Pol) Security and Defense Forum), and OGDs.


    Last Updated: 2006 9 5 Important notices