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Strategy Management


Vice Chief of Defence Staff

Strategy Management

      Definition & Purpose | Core Processes | Planning Horizons | Briefings


It’s my pleasure to invite you to explore the Strategy Management web site, and discover the wealth of information that this resource provides.

Major-General J.D.A. Hincke
Chief of Programme

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Knowledge Management Strategic Change Strategic Visioning Capability-Based Plan Business Planning Performance Management Management Pricipales & Business Model In-Year Management Government of Canada Policies and Directives Resource Prioritization Reports to Government of Canada

DP&M Definition & Purpose

The Defence Planning & Management framework is the overarching structure that DND/CF uses to:

  • Plan its long, mid and short term strategic direction;
  • Manage the Sustaining and Change Agendas;
  • Monitor performance and risk management; and,
  • Report to government through the Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) and the Departmental Performance Report (DPR).

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DP&M Core Processes

The DP&M includes six interdependent components or processes; each with its own set of requirements and steps, and each involving aspects of Risk Management. The six processes are:

  • Strategic Visioning - provides a roadmap (i.e. Strategy 2020), consisting of the overall strategic vision and long term strategic objectives, to steer planning and decision-making to deal with defence challenges that may emerge in the future.  More
  • Capability-Based Planning - produces the "capability targets and gaps" of the DND/CF consistent with the department's white paper and strategic vision.  More
  • Resource Prioritization - involves analyzing corporate priorities and establishing resource priorities over multiple planning horizons, including the immediate planning cycle.  More
  • Business Planning - establishes annual plans and priorities and balances the investment in sustaining ongoing operations and activities with the investment required to modernize the Forces.  More
  • In-Year Management - involves monitoring the progress against the Defence Plan, managing the impact of significant issues and new requirements and adjusting resources in response to new pressure.  More
  • Performance Management - outlines the structure and focal areas (i.e. Strategy Map) for measuring performance in the DND/CF through which senior management monitors the achievement of results and reports on performance.  More

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DP&M Planning Horizons

There are three planning 'horizons' or views which assist in the planning process. Each looks at the different future term, and carries a different focus. The horizons are:

  • Horizon 1 - a short-term view of 1 to 4 years, focusing on maintaining and enhancing current capabilities;
  • Horizon 2 - a medium-term view of 5 to 10 years, focusing on replacing or enhancing current capabilities; and,
  • Horizon 3 - a long-term view of 10 to 30 years, dependant on the nature of capability and the degree of technological change involved. It focuses on acquiring new capabilities.

Within the DP&M framework, Strategic Visioning focuses on horizon 3, while Capability-Based Planning focuses on horizon 2, and Resource Prioritization and Business Planning each focus on horizon 1.

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DP&M Briefings


    Last Updated: 2006 11 14 Important notices