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September 1999



This document has two purposes: the first is to explain the basic structure of authority and accountability within two very large and complex organizations - the Canadian Forces, including the Reserves, and the Department of National Defence. This information will be useful to every member of the defence team, military or civilian, and to anyone else who wants to understand how things work inside the defence establishment.

Every member of the Canadian Forces and employee of the Department of National Defence has the right, and indeed the duty, to understand how things work in these organizations, how each person relates to their organizational superior, and how the Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence fit together in the integrated National Defence Headquarters. When people are clear on who is responsible and accountable for what, they are better equipped to do their jobs in the service of Canada.

The second purpose of the document is a more subtle one, and perhaps more important. It is to explain why a proper understanding of accountability inside the Department and the Forces is essential to the health and effectiveness of the two organizations. Accepting responsibility is part of the job for every member of the defence team. Being willing to learn from mistakes is what enables not just each member, but the entire defence organization, to get better at doing the job. Today, our approach must be "know what works, change what doesn't". In short, it is our duty to learn and by learning to improve our ability to serve the country.


J.M.G. Baril Jim Judd
General Deputy Minister
Chief of the Defence Staff  

September 1999


Note to the Second Edition

The first edition of this document, Authority, Responsibility and Accountability issued in March 1997, provided information and guidance on the authorities, responsibilities and accountabilities of the Minister of National Defence, the Deputy Minister of National Defence, and the Chief of the Defence Staff. It described the laws and constitutional principles that underpin those responsibilities and accountabilities and showed what they mean in practice. It explained how they are reflected in the structure of National Defence Headquarters and at Canadian Forces units, and in the relationship between the Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence.

This edition retains those elements. It also responds to the concern expressed by the Minister's Monitoring Committee on Change in its 1998 Report that there is a need for a more complete elaboration of what is meant by "accountability" in the Department and the Forces, and of the principles governing full and prompt reporting of results. This edition explains therefore how and why Departmental employees and members of the Forces are expected to answer for what they have done, and for what has been done by the people over whom they have authority. It will serve as the basis for further guidance and information for Forces members and Departmental employees on all these matters.

Table of Contents