National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Goals of the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Forces (CF)

What is the goal of DND and the CF?

The fundamental goal of DND and the CF is to protect Canada, and Canadian interests and values, while contributing to international peace and security.

What does the CF do to achieve this goal?

The CF defends Canada by:

  • protecting Canadian territory, airspace and maritime areas of jurisdiction;
  • helping civil authorities protect and sustain national interests;
  • helping civil authorities in national emergencies; and
  • helping civil authorities maintain an adequate, reasonably uniform level of emergency preparedness across the country.

The CF contributes to the defence of North America by:

  • protecting the Canadian approaches to the continent in partnership with the armed forces of the United States;
  • promoting Arctic security; and
  • pursuing opportunities for Canada-U.S. defence co-operation in other areas.

The CF contributes to international security by:

  • participating in multilateral operations through international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and through coalitions of like-minded countries;
  • supporting humanitarian-relief efforts and helping to restore conflict-devastated areas; and
  • participating in confidence-building measures such as arms-control programs.

DND/CF employment opportunities

I would like to join the CF. What are the basic requirements?

To enrol in the CF, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen for both the Regular Force and the Reserve Force;
  • be at least 17 years old for the Regular Force - candidates for the Reserve Force may be as young as 16;
  • have passed Grade 10 or, if you live in Quebec, Secondary III;
  • have been clear of judicial obligations for at least six months;
  • pass aptitude and physical fitness tests; and
  • satisfy the medical requirements.

1. For details, visit the Recruiting site or call the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre at 1-800-856-8488.

2) For detailed information on military occupations, read through the Careers section of the Recruiting site or contact the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre at 1-800-856-8488.

3) For details, read through the Education section of the Recruiting site or contact the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre at 1-800-856-8488.

What job skills can I learn in the CF?

The CF has more than 80 occupations, and many involve job skills that are highly valued in both military and civilian life. For detailed information on military occupations, read through the Careers section of the Recruiting site or contact the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre at 1-800-856-8488.

How do I get a post-secondary education subsidized by the CF?

If you want the CF to put you through school, you must be qualified and prepared to serve in the CF both while you study and after graduation.

The CF has a variety of education programs for officers and non-commissioned members. In some, officer candidates and serving officers attend the Royal Military College of Canada or a civilian university to earn a degree; in others, non-commissioned members in highly specialized technical occupations complete college diploma courses. For details, read through the Education section of the Recruiting site or contact the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre at 1-800-856-8488.

I would like to work for DND as a civilian. Where do I apply?

Civilian employees of DND are Public Servants recruited through the Public Service Commission of Canada in accordance with the requirements of the Public Service Employment Act. DND civilian job opportunities are posted on the Public Service Commission website.

DND/CF organization

What is the relationship between DND and the CF?

In the National Defence Act, Section 3 creates DND as a "department of the Government of Canada . over which the Minister of National Defence appointed by commission under the Great Seal shall preside." Section 4 of the Act sets out the duties of the Minister as follows: "to manage and direct the Canadian Forces and all matters relating to national defence," having specific responsibility for:

  • "the construction and maintenance of all defence establishments and works for the defence of Canada; and
  • "research relating to the defence of Canada and to the development of and improvements in materiel."

DND exists to carry out the work assigned to the Minister of National Defence, so the department's relationship with the CF is that of a support system.

What does the Navy do?

As commander of the Navy, the Chief of Maritime Staff maintains combat-capable, multipurpose maritime forces designed for the following duties:

  • monitoring and controlling activity in Canadian territorial waters (formally called Canada's "maritime area of jurisdiction");
  • maintaining operational effectiveness with the armed forces of the United States in defending North America;
  • supporting Canadian interests abroad, a task that may include providing forces for UN, NATO, and other multilateral contingency operations, peacekeeping, and humanitarian assistance;
  • helping other government departments carry out their mandates in areas such as fisheries protection, drug interdiction, and environmental protection;
  • contributing to and sustaining humanitarian assistance and disaster relief; and
  • contributing to Canada's national search-and-rescue capability.

For details, see The Navy In Action.

What does the Army do?

As commander of the Army, the Chief of the Land Staff maintains combat-capable, multipurpose land forces for the following duties:

  • defending Canadian territory and helping to maintain Canada's sovereignty by providing land surveillance and combat-ready forces;
  • contributing to the collective defence of North America;
  • providing armed and unarmed assistance to civil authorities when needed to maintain public order and security or to assist in emergency relief; and
  • supporting Canadian interests abroad, a task that may include providing forces for UN, NATO, and other multilateral contingency operations, peacekeeping, and humanitarian assistance.

For details, see The Army's Purpose.

What does the Air Force do?

The Chief of Air Staff maintains a combat-capable, multipurpose Air Force for the following duties:

  • protecting Canadian sovereignty and airspace;
  • assisting other government departments in times of emergency or disaster;
  • contributing to the collective defence of North America in co-operation with the armed forces of the United States under NORAD;
  • supporting Canadian interests abroad, a task that may include providing forces for UN, NATO, and other multilateral contingency operations, peacekeeping, and humanitarian assistance;
  • assisting other government departments in enforcing Canadian law; and
  • providing a national air search-and-rescue capability.

For details, see The Air Force: Mission & Roles.

CF leadership and personnel

How do I tell the difference between commissioned officers and non-commissioned members of the CF?

Look at the sleeves of the uniform tunic (the jacket of the dress uniform) and the shoulders of other uniform clothing (shirt, sweater, windbreaker or overcoat).

Officers up to the rank of Colonel or Captain (Navy) have narrow gold rings around the cuffs of the uniform tunic and gold bars on the shoulders of other uniform clothing. General officers and flag officers wear a single wide gold ring on the cuffs of the uniform tunic and maple leaves on the shoulders of all uniform clothing.

Non-commissioned members up to the rank of Sergeant or Petty Officer 2nd Class wear chevrons on the sleeves of the uniform tunic and on the shoulders of other uniform clothing. Warrant Officers and senior Petty Officers wear crowns on their cuffs of the uniform tunic and on the shoulders of other uniform clothing.

For details, see Canadian Forces Rank and Appointment Insignia.

How many CF members and DND employees are there?

The CF has about 60,000 members in the Regular Force and about 20,000 in the Primary Reserve Force. DND employs about 20,000 Public Servants.

What does the Minister of National Defence do?

The Minister of National Defence is responsible for the overall control and management of the CF, and for all matters relating to national defence and emergency preparedness. Specifically, the Minister is responsible for developing and articulating Canada's defence policy.

What does the Deputy Minister of National Defence do?

The Deputy Minister of National Defence is the Minister's most senior civilian advisor on all departmental affairs of concern to the central agencies of the federal government (such as the Privy Council Office, Treasury Board and the Public Service Commission). This responsibility includes:

  • carrying out the Minister's duties when the Minister is absent;
  • ensuring that all policy direction received from central agencies is followed throughout DND and the CF;
  • administering DND's finances; and
  • directing DND's civilian employees.

What does the Chief of the Defence Staff do?

The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) is the senior member of the CF, and the senior military advisor to the Minister of National Defence. The CDS is responsible for the conduct of military operations and for the readiness of the CF to carry out the tasks Parliament assigns to DND. The CDS issues all orders and instructions to the CF, and is responsible for all CF personnel matters.

Contacting CF members

How should I write to CF members serving overseas?

Open messages to CF members serving overseas can be posted electronically on the Canadian Forces Message Board. To send a "real mail" message to a general address (such as "Any Soldier", "Any Sailor" or "Any Air Force Member"), use a postcard and one of the addresses on the Message Board.

To send personal mail to a specific CF member, follow the instructions in the Sending Mail section of the Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency site.

How can I find a retired CF member?

The best way to find a veteran is through a veterans' organization. Canada's largest veterans' organization is the Royal Canadian Legion, which publishes Legion Magazine, where you will find several public service columns including "Last Post", an obituary column that is now backed by a searchable database on the Legion website, and "Lost Trails", which appears only in the print version of the magazine. For instructions on placing a "Lost Trails" notice, pick up a copy of Legion Magazine, or contact the editor by fax at (613) 233-7159 or by mail at the following address:

Legion Magazine
407-359 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R6

For more information about veterans, visit the Royal Canadian Legion site and the Veterans Affairs Canada site.

CF activities in Canada and abroad

Does Canada have a special force to deal with terrorist threats? How do I contact them?

In 1993, the CF assumed responsibility for the conduct of counter-terrorism operations, always acting under the authority of the Solicitor General of Canada. The CF unit assigned to this task is called Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2). All other information about JTF2 is classified.

Where can I get information on past and current CF operations?

For information about current CF operations, check out the backgrounders, briefings and news releases posted on the Current Operations page. Click on Past Operations for information about recently completed operations.

What do CF members do in Canada?

The regular duties of CF members serving in Canada range from administration, health care, construction and maintenance to search-and-rescue operations, patrolling our airspace and territorial waters, and maintaining readiness for combat duties. CF members in Canada also perform tasks assigned at the request of civil authorities; for example, supporting drug-interdiction operations by law-enforcement agencies, and conducting rescue and recovery operations in the aftermath of major natural disasters.

Why does Canada participate in overseas operations?

While Canada does not face any direct military threats, instability in other parts of the world can threaten:

  • human rights and other democratic values;
  • the well-being of our allies; and
  • Canada's security, prosperity and interests.

CF tradition and heritage

What are the origins of the CF?

The CF of today draws on the traditions and heritage of colonial militias dating back to the earliest French and British settlements in North America. The oldest CF units are in the army Reserve, and the army uses two criteria to determine the age of a unit: the date of its formation as a regiment, and the length of its unbroken service from that date.

The Regular Force (originally called the Permanent Active Militia) began on October 20, 1871 with the formation of two independent garrison batteries of artillery designated A Battery and B Battery. These units were formed in response to the British government's decision to withdraw most of its forces from Canada after Confederation, which left the Dominion government in need of professional soldiers to maintain the armament of Canada's two great fortresses: Fort Henry in Kingston, Ontario and the Citadel in Québec City. Regular infantry and cavalry regiments soon followed, formed in the 1880s as schools of instruction for the "Non-Permanent Active Militia", or Reserve.

Canada's navy originated with the Naval Service Act of 1910. The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) acquired its first warships, the cruisers HMCS Niobe and HMCS Rainbow, in the same year. The Canadian air force was formed in 1920 as the Canadian Air Force (a Reserve organization), and received Permanent Force status and Royal designation (RCAF) on April 1, 1924.

On February 1, 1968, the Canadian Forces Reorganization Act took effect, amalgamating the Canadian Army, the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force to form the Canadian Forces as we know it today.

Does the War Museum belong to DND?

No. The Canadian War Museum is part of the Canadian Museum of Civilization. The Canadian War Museum is located at 330 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0M8. The general information number is 1-800-555-5621. The museum's website is at

Where can I get historical information about military operations or units?

The Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH), which is part of National Defence Headquarters, is a good source of that kind of information. The Inquiries Section at DHH has one Historical Research Officer and a staff of volunteers who are kept very busy answering questions from the public. To have your research done by the Inquiries staff, send your request in writing either by fax to (613) 990-8579 or by Canada Post to the following address:

Directorate of History and Heritage
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2

Response time varies by the type and subject of the inquiry, and by the researchers' workload.

To conduct your own research, visit DHH on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the following location:

Colonel C.P. Stacey Building
2429 Holly Lane
Ottawa, Ontario

How do I find out what a certain unit did during the First World War or the Second World War?

The best way to find out what a specific unit did at war is to read the official histories of Canada's participation in war, and a history of the unit if one exists. Canada has a rich literature of regimental and corps histories dating back more than a century, and more recent historians have also focused on individual warships, Air Force squadrons, and bases and their supporting communities. For a comprehensive guide to this literature, see The Canadian Military Experience, 1867-1995: A Bibliography / Bibliographie de la vie militaire au Canada, 1867-1995 by Owen A. Cooke (Ottawa, 1997, ISBN 0-660-60164-8).

The most detailed source of information about a specific unit deployed in a theatre of operations is its war diary (for all Army units and formations, and post-1968 Air Force squadrons), log (for HMC ships) or Operational Record Book (for RCAF squadrons). The original file copies of these documents are held by the Directorate of History and Heritage (DHH) until they are no longer required for research; at that time, they are transferred to the National Archives of Canada, where they are available to the public.

War diaries from the First World War and Second World War may be viewed at the reading room of the National Archives at 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON3. The National Archives is currently microfilming its war diary collection, and the microforms may in future be made available by interlibrary loan.

DHH holds microfilm copies of RCAF Operational Record Books, which are available to researchers on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the following location:

Colonel C.P. Stacey Building
2429 Holly Lane
Ottawa, Ontario

I'm having a hard time finding badges for Army units that no longer exist. Can you help?

No. DND/CF clothing stores stock only insignia in current use.

Collecting military memorabilia is such a popular hobby that people all over the country sell badges, buttons and articles of uniform from every period of Canadian history. You are most likely to find these items sold by dealers in antiques and collectibles, many of whom operate on the Internet. Your first move, however, should be to check the Yellow Pages under "Military Goods".

Service information

I used to be a CF member. How do I get my file?

Your military records are available on the Library and Archives Canada website.
General inquiries about personnel records
First World War personnel records:
Personnel records after 1918:

I'm looking for information about a retired relative's CF service. Where should I go?

Your relative's CF service is documented in his or her personnel records, which are are available on the Library and Archives Canada website.

Where on your website can I find information about military pensions?

The Directorate of Accounts Processing, Pay and Pensions (DAPPP) operates the Canadian Forces Pension Home Page, a sub-site of D-Net that contains information useful to serving and retired CF members alike.

For detailed information specific to yourself, contact DAPPP directly by e-mail at; by telephone at 1-800-267-0325; or in writing, by fax at (613) 996-9984, or by Canada Post at the following address:

National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2

When making a pension inquiry, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • pension number;
  • service number;
  • release date; and
  • if relevant, other names you have been known by (e.g., maiden name).

I am recently retired from the CF. Where can I get help in obtaining civilian employment?

The Personal Enhancement Program helps retiring and recently retired CF members make the transition to civilian life. PEP services include employment counselling.

I would like to reserve a plot in the National Military Cemetery. How do I apply?

All current and former CF members (Regular and Reserve Force) who have been honourably discharged are eligible for burial in the National Military Cemetery (NMC). Canadian veterans of the First World War, the Second World War and the Korean War, including merchant mariners, are also eligible. For detailed information, and to download the application form, visit the National Military Cemetery website.

Doing business with DND and the CF

Where can I get prints of DND/CF photographs?

DND/CF photographs are stored at the Canadian Forces Joint Imagery Centre (CFJIC). For information on prints from conventional negatives or from digital images, contact CFJIC at (613) 993-2230 or toll-free at 1-866-254-2226.

Recent digital imagery produced by the Public Affairs Branch is available from the Combat Camera website. Please read the Copyright regulations before downloading these images!

Can I buy used military goods or equipment directly from DND?

No. DND and the CF are not authorized to sell anything to the public.

All military goods and equipment that are declared surplus are turned over to the Crown Assets Distribution Centre for disposal. For information on sales events, check their website.

I have a product that I think might interest DND. Whom should I contact?

If you have goods or services to offer to the Government of Canada (which includes DND), visit the Contracts Canada website for information on government purchasing, and how to contact a materiel manager. For specific information, telephone Contracts Canada at (819) 956-3440 or toll-free at 1‑800‑811‑1148.

Internet information

What makes a website official?

An "official" website is a DND/CF product, created, maintained, authorized and supported by a DND organization (e.g., a branch or directorate) or a CF unit or formation (e.g., a regiment, a battalion, a ship, a squadron, a wing, a base, a brigade). An official site must comply with all government-wide and departmental policies relevant to publishing in general and the Internet in particular, and the person at the head of the sponsoring organization (Commanding Officer, Director-General, Director) is responsible for the website and all its content. The ownership (Crown or commercial) of the server that hosts the site is irrelevant to its status.

Sites created and maintained by DND employees, CF members or other individuals associated with DND and the CF, but not authorized and supported by a DND/CF organization, are not official websites and must not be presented as such.

If you are a DND/CF user with access to DIS or DWAN, visit the Internet Publishing FAQ page for information on creating and maintaining an official website.

I'm thinking of putting up a website of DND/CF interest, but it will not be an official site. Is there anything in particular that I should take into consideration?

With a website, you will be in an excellent position to support the CF and promote understanding of CF operations and activities.

The consideration of greatest importance to you, as a user of DND/CF information, should be information security. Many eyes watch the World Wide Web. Before you post any text or image on your site, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it contain classified or designated information?
  • Would it threaten the security of Canadian Forces operations?
  • Could it put CF members, DND employees, or their families at risk?
  • Would it infringe on any individual's privacy rights?
  • Does it identify you or anyone else as someone who has access to sensitive information?

If you answered "yes" to any of these five questions, do not post the item on your site!

Intellectual property rights are also important. Millions of images and text products are under Crown or other copyright so, for your own sake, read copyright notices carefully, and obey them. To obtain permission to use DND/CF copyright material, contact the Directorate of Intellectual Property [find contact information].

If you are a DND/CF user with access to DIS or DWAN, visit the Internet Publishing FAQ page for information on creating and maintaining a website.

Am I allowed to post information acquired in the course of my DND or CF career?

This is where an unwary person could get into trouble. During your DND or CF career, you will come into contact with a great deal of information that is definitely not for publication. The Access to Information Act forbids publication of certain facts (e.g., equipment specifications, radio frequencies) and information from certain types of documents (e.g., Treasury Board submissions, minutes of some meetings). The Privacy Act requires you to obtain permission from the person concerned to release personal information.

Intellectual property rights are also important. Millions of images and text products are under Crown copyright, and may not be reproduced by a non-government publisher without official permission, which you can obtain through the Directorate of Intellectual Property [find contact information]. Remember, as the owner and maintainer of a website, you are a publisher.

Assess each document and piece of information on its own merits, preferably in consultation with a Public Affairs Officer. If you are still serving, also consult your supervisor.

Where can I find more information on publishing and maintaining DND/CF information on the Internet?

If you are a CF member or DND employee, consult the following documents:

If you are a DND/CF user with access to DIS or DWAN, visit the Internet Publishing FAQ page for information on creating and maintaining an official website.