CFLI · Strategic Leadership Writing Project

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CFLI is currently producing four large series of educational publications. The majority of these volumes concern operations, the profession of arms and transformation, although the historical perspective is also being considered in order to derive relevant lessons for the present from past experiences, both successful and otherwise.


The intent of this series is to capture the operational experiences of leaders of all rank levels (both serving and retired) so as to compile a compendium of operational leadership lessons. Forthcoming publications include:

Canadian Senior Military Leadership on Operations

Unit Command on Operations

On the Front Lines of Leadership - Sub-Unit Command

Serving the Greater Good - Perspectives of Operational Duty

Grass Roots - Perspectives on Military Leadership from the Senior NCO Corps


The purpose of this series is to create a body of knowledge in regards to the transformation of the military, specifically in regards to its leadership, in the realm of both theory and actual experience. Forthcoming publications include:

The Profession of Arms: Perspectives on Canadian Military Leadership

Without Trepidation: Transforming Canada's Military


This series seeks to examine Canadian military leadership from a historical vantage point to provide perspective on past successes and failures, as well as to determine trends and lessons. Forthcoming publications include:

A Tradition of Excellence - Canadian Military Commanders Through History

To Hell and Back! Perspectives on Effective Military Leaders.

Speak No Evil! Leadership Failures In The Canadian Military Experience

The French-Canadian Military Leadership Experience


This collection of three volumes will examine the phenomena of mutiny and disobedience from a theoretical and historical perspective. The first volume will address the reasons that account for the occurrence of such acts, while the second and third volumes will provide numerous historical examples of military personnel resisting lawful authority. Forthcoming publications include:

Volume I: The Unwilling and The Reluctant: Perspectives on Military Disobedience in the Canadian Forces ~ Theoretical Foundations

Volume II: The Unwilling and The Reluctant: Perspectives on Military Disobedience in the Canadian Forces ~ Historical Case-Studies, 1812 to 1919

Volume III: The Unwilling and The Reluctant: Perspectives on Military Disobedience in the Canadian Forces ~ Historical Case Studies, 1939 to the Present

As part of the Strategic Leadership Writing Project, CFLI is also preparing a number of individual books. Forthcoming titles include:

BOOK : Struggle In The Pines: Leadership Lessons From Oka, 1990

This book will examine the "Oka experience" from an operational perspective of those who held leadership positions. It will also include commentary and assessment of the operation from outsiders (i.e. media, scholars, analysts, etc.)

BOOK : Leadership- The Ultimate Combat Multiplier

This book will capture a number of themes and topics directly related to leadership in war.

BOOK : First Nations, Leadership And The Military Experience

This book is intended to address a number of issues (i.e. recruiting, retention, integration and leadership, etc.) related to First Nations military participation from a historical, contemporary and future perspective.

BOOK : Women, Leadership And The Military Experience

This book is intended to address a number of issues (i.e. recruiting, retention, integration and specifically leadership, etc.) relating to women in the military. It will attempt to not only capture personal experiences, but also to analyze the Canadian experience in terms of successes, failures and the way ahead.

BOOK : On Military Leadership

This book will provide a forum for debate and discussion on divergent leadership practices and theories.

BOOK : Mirror, Mirror.: The Transformation Of The Canadian Officer Corps

This book will examine the 1990s and provide an analysis of the seeds that led to the transformation of the Canadian officer corps (beginning with Officership 2020 ).

BOOK : Leadership in Peacekeeping Operations / New Peace Operations

This book is intended to address the challenges of command and leadership in peace / stabilization operations of the past, present and future.

BOOK : Military Leadership In The New Millenium

This book will examine the leadership challenges of tomorrow and will also attempt to provide possible theoretical frameworks to prepare future leaders.



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